ru n : T ill ,t» | ,u T i n : REDMOND S P O K F S M W tw o V olii ly thè ala) " K. r il«* » a*v awruer'a lui thè irne l**ru » i-*la*rhi*r ta« .« e limili ij.ille Iti* otti preiieU-aitilv* lo il,la'« lai «i.'at rolllhlU Ulti«*». If ha' ruttili*« . J* a«* a a*au foli« 'imi * ulliih*. Il la I!...( In* tua,« «%‘ u n finnUi* a f hla a*«* i ami *>» cali no tnaii m.ifier aia. a* In* li.ia al ,ii..| . ¡T tha* inortmi*»*. luiprviaatl hla plm v miai *ulu avi al a.MilUlu* ».;i*o a.f tìoa.t lai mali rUy, ha* »Iti provi.!e laaik«. plano, iuu «i* h*«»iu». Irai«*! timi colla*.* a-atn, a (l*>n f**r liia l'Ll.a.rvia, eveu If lu thè •»•■uni luii* hla ow n cnpaclljr ta» a*uJoy h.i> lavo una | linai l,r»*ii*«». r Kalwurd «k■ » ai ci ih lioaa i . i tVnlurr Co •( Ih*»o»ful Wsll Stroot So«« « U ltr Lo«« If jiio «ranl Io «* l*uy atoa-k« (hai Wall «trca*t «i»* ui.ii.*r» l>uy. tion'i l>uv Oliti a» oT.'n-il I »y «maiali h tiingvtad ■tornili working for a b«ml»»>u:r culti tiU.I >n l>>>n'l haiy «link« tlial arv lu tin n lm l lo h.v'c a l*lr mi vano*. The v.i '» oosfu! Wall aire*! «j«v ulator l*r*»*r Ilio« lo liu k « nnm«>y III ll.r-o *>irt o f thtnc* Ila' bua« « l o 1« ihal (tiare |'.is««v1 niUKtcr aitai Invn ll«ti*\1 on Ih* ex* bau*** M i n * lhot >au !■ i l tha* i«i:t|anna niu«t lavalo* a tv|»>rt Itivi «ai I Juatlfy ll»Mng XVItilo Olla r* j«*rt 1« no! a« completa* a* li ahnuòl l*a*. Il t«ir« ohi all Ilio trlkli'Sl pri*t«Aaalttna« (a » hi. Il Ih* |«*opl# ara** «aaiti 4M It 1« Ja:«t «a *a«r lo btiy litiavt stock* a« alia > puKIi lattoni. ami onr rau a lw iy « ai|vn ai»* a cv»rtvatpa*n Inai*» • Uh a btrokrr ar i bare tal« i)tl*«tlon« Wem«n ao.l ih» Violili. frav y alili fu r amia orari TVo lirokcl aliai Umutaha-d »¡“ illiì't of thla llkan notili e l«*tf a*r ihan lo sn«w,*r Vi Irra from a ctutonaer or fto.u a pn> c i !'." « ri: i*. l‘h ;• Il ile la ; '■ * l »ta*u Itera Ul, *'»»aa lalkin* tv*«iit!y a» ut •|v tld* caa«ti'nia*r If at'.y l'uà* 1« limiti ahout dcaltc* nomili «alio C i jiar l and li. w lUhlio. < trilli a loviker ha* eian attrar* i!.**l Ila* aomplalned m*ar!y tali of iheiu IhnniL-h hi« hnak or eri a r»*fcr«*n v |. Cl.laaaal a« *ra*.t( rtrrd pi Itila Ita- y •'ine l>r**’.a*r front hi» buukaT—Ja«; «r trini tal | tay llke a Io;'il ; they wUbed 1t miai of Ihetn that they hot a tirile lo Lata .ira Ione Ile il:d u>'t a*\, ept I. dy lini.e, M iud l'owvlt t*r \f[ « l*.ir. i* *T!ie ouiy *rer.t wom*n v lolla.I«t I r»>meiu oer V. ..« Ter *«.aa Tua. and h**r cpnil T ill Proc««« That Brg o« YVhan (h# ni«« a'oualated lu thè faci «Ile al Two Aro Mi««d. way« plaiyed llkc a Sin* w.ra It 1» not com* i to m i that »alt 4li womaaiy «n*l faxrlnatliic ’ Satini Sai aolrr» lot«, »in.-a* real *»tutlnn only taka«« eus ance «alai a|iir>pe« a*f Au*u»ta pl.v. a« when a ao'ltl. ii . jui .I or gas 1« lloluie« wheu a w>>uiati wraue for ji*«. v,«i in a Hqnld. thè orah'*«trn «he «tua l.. !«l.-r tlmn any Tli«* tru«> explanation of the fact that man Iwciot» «he wl«ht«l t.» «tmw that (oe nv :« when oataunon «alt 1» a«lil«»l abe wa» dot a irv>r. weuk thln* ou «e- to I’ . . . coiuit of ber w x.“ jiiluolp'e that when a «all 1» t!l«»oire*! In water heat 1« at»»>rhc*l ami lla lent C im b a lti'i T«fc‘«. per*tlira* 1« lowered. When «alt ami l*e There 1« a curL'in «:..ry tohl o f the •re mi\t*l tncether «•‘ im- o f the «alt table at which (««nilv.'ta wrote. \ dlrtaila t-a In the «mall amount of wa prev|. u« owner, liem vnl l.aliitte. min ter whi- h 1« alway» pre«e nl. the teui hater for forel*n aiTalm In l.**llk all» pecature 1« theretir lovrereal. anil a new ml.*«a*d hi« eontldenllal «ervnnt«e freertnc point 1« •-*tahil«ht«l be l»:W *i«l he hail stolon a lir c e «uni The remalmler o f the I»«*, twin* at a o f tm»tia*y In l.««»> franc li.vni.note» temi>eriiture richer than tb u near Vatcr» nfterwarvl. wheu the taWe bad freex n* point, «low ly ireif». anal more to tie repalreal. the Joiner employ««! for •ait 1« dissolved until the solution 1« Ibe work found the ml«*ti:* bundle aatunatrd The ta*mi«*mtnre ■ an In Ihl« o f tiatlku te« tietwa-eu the tli.lho«.’ »Uy w ay be lowerral lo '2Y ala-sri*«*« IV. which b«iard o f the table ami the drawer» lie Is the freer!re point o f a aleOntlc com low They had lain there unnottaed pound o f salt and water fa»r fourteen year*. I'n f irtnnutrly the The aalta dl»aolvi*d In «ea water« •tory does na»( ir> nn to «ay that the •en e a vtry ln>|iortanl purp*«ir. a.« II j»*>r »ervant and hi* mistaken ni«»ter m iu ire* a treater decree of cod to were alive at the ti ne o f the allvev.rery cau.«e the furautli.D of tee on them and that the one’« a ha racier wa« clear than on fre«h water ed anil the other'a cootlalen.-e rciatored A k. [7 5 *. M r V «tu* l» v —w n M V V ' ' . ^ V X >I t ** ! ' 1. - N ili 1 ! ch' * V

ra*nk off four or five other e n g a g e m e n t* W n a h in g io ti Hern id H • Status at Horn*. MYottr fnttier weema to In- nn Impor tnnf menilier o f Ihr I'auiimiiulty " ■•tlur«» ymt'vr only »a*rn him mita'dr of (tome Mn doaoan'l think lien such a mu< to. '' I let roll Free Prams. a . a aa « a • P A T N T 1 : 1 r i I IN ; 1 • » ' • • • « • « • • a * ........... * U|»m the pn»«rr»l»y thr my«t»*ry nn IUi|«>rtnin r nf thrlr htl'ltn-«» Thr nimlrrn alrtt* «tlirr III« tin ll«r f< tort» and «till* all Ihr prm r«»r« numlinl l»y Ihr Mg fa.ii.rir«. Population by Paco. Th# fMipu,ut Ion in ihr world hr rsc« la: lndo-tierm an!r tw hlin V o i m i . vanting anything in this line will do well to call and .see us. KENDALL & CHAPMAN, Redmond,