PLEASANT KIIHìK. WE F E E L S U RE O f our ability to handle your banking business to your satisfaction. Every­ thing o f a banking nature entrusted to our care will receive our best attention. If not a natron o f this bank, wouldn’t it l*e well to become one now? S A F E T Y D E P O S I T BOXES We have safetv deposit boxes, andZa tire proof vault that you may use to keep your valuable |»apers in. Come in and see us. STATE BANK OF REDMOND R E D M O N D , O R EG O N ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ W. S. Rodman, President Joseph H. Jackson. V. Pres. Roy A. Bush. Cash. i NOT A BURNS MARKET The impression has jrained some ground that the Reiimond Market is controlled by Bums & Co. This is not a fact. I am the SOLE O W N E R o f the market, and the Bums ► people have nothing to do with the business. ► ► ► ► ► t E E I make this statement in justice to myself and the Bums people. My prices show that I am conducting a meat market on lines that economical people can afford to pay. E Here are a few sample prices at our Redmond Market E that we offer for your inspection, and assure you that prices E o f other kinds o f meat are as low in proportion: ► E E Choice Pot Roasts and Boils - Rib Boils - - - - Best Pork, any cut and chops - Shoulder Steaks - - - Choice Mutton and Lamb - ► lltol21-2c 8 to M e 12 to 15c - UM _V 11 to 14c April S Sht-rwiMHl ► ISAAC J. PAGE Proprietor ► E E un* n o » sh ippin g Jak«' I V terson had .I valuahl«« Icu»«' recenti)’ liuti l>) running im » a »Ir«’ («'new Net* Mr l.a w »» n » h o I* now w orking ni IV »t hill«'» rum«' hom e Snuda« I» I \ Islt with hi* fum ili U m I Met »«'III the J a rre ll 1 M u ntir rau che*. a brow n lent her I »I«' roll, with a p ier* » ( m u sic I t u le«l T h e M a lle r e r M inier j pli'aee lea ve al Sp*»h«'sinan eitle«« nml mu en will I Inin«* o f lite S|nihr*inan l ‘ rumlarvi ( »m plvlw t h> A b u ie Ihitr. \tmu«l »h “ I* bulMl«»i the urto *toltr « tiu ctu rr »Mi Ihr »»H« i»f th# bulM ltig» bui Urti ih»toM *hr M r« H all la n«>w ««««iking al ll«'ml ttitfht o f MVhruary J*. ha* a ** u »« i I 1 \it»« ICvelyu Smith ililh d lha T h r H|Wkr«iiuin «»hr **f Ih# lrii«uit8 w e e k a end al the "U n i« " nutrii ¡ o f ih r hiilltllttg am ! W rU hl a Mr alni MTia Hath. M and Mr IB,I morto. to ho * lll «* h * u 4 »> Ih*’ m,*’lh hai» ì Mra M«««I Sh«'rwtm«l v I«.(r.*.1 al the o i Ih# h tilktlni. that t o r li «U l **» comi» ir irvi lt% ih r 1 »Ih *»f thla O n ly ” raneh laal Snuda« jttul ih r ruttai* ritotl» f«*»’ owilitoiH * Thla la *%**•! «irto* f«»r Thr 8|*»k«*a* I I'OWKI L B IT T K . lutin for Ih«» |w»i*n ha< hum I |K»rt*d a ln rr thr rtir Ih i»rrarnlinii I A pril 'lit Mr» llrow n u n dh er » ( Mra K V t u r r t llt r t thr «t#atrr«| a tu* »Alti t «*fl lln aaell. w ho haa been III al hri llf»toa. litui a i» h a i# b er# » a gri U I « allium for Ihr «*«»u»i»lr!W»ti »*f *h#| h em e, la now r«T<»rtr«l lielter t»%ill%ttu«e tu u H t r t«» inaiali thr tirai I John IVtnlavy rlalte«! v)e«i (* ■ plani, tohlrh tolti I na th r n»**al rum* | T rneatlale and fantll« laal \V«-«lne» j in rm tra t Orrgt*n totih»»ut ai»* day Mr Ivm lavy la l«*«klng o v e r rirr|»tlon thla «-«ninir) w ith a view t«i bu>lnii Thr bl| r>ltn*lrr prato*. »hl«rh I land. torUha u W r I * hh » |aHim!*. thr ttu*l*l T h e l‘ » w e ll llu iie lover* o f muale IO 11 ti«»t « i«r atu! o ih rr ma« htnrry f o r i | h a r e o ra a n lte d a m ualral clu b I» th r U«*« *i»ai»rr plant ta all o n lr »r 4 1 m eet eaeh Saturday ««veulna T h ere and tolti arrlv# h n r a ( mhi < ih r lat I ltai»l«l In I [ Is ron a n lera ld e latent in thla section , Irr ta rt o f thla a r r k and K imm I reautla are rvp*«t«Hl fum i atallatlon uf thr |. to u n mit a aouvonir «wfi» I \lhan« O re s on . I» nurse her srand lion o f a i t i m i th r la*t a r r h l (a lh e r w ho la very III al that piare tn April H er Cr«n»huw o f lt«'dmoui**arattuo I C II M tllrr and J J K llln arr « r r r T h r front «01 h a »r lai *r piai» h rrr a rv rra l dava laal « to r t arlling » h lr h «H l i h r plenty «»f tlaht and •barra In th r |ko*«'hut#* V a llry Vlu in a d d ìit* , tlrrpn*of aa p a t ib lc \lr kndrr««»n ha«l to I r .laatim l o f ttorn ty atnrk haa n m ilru fl«*»! a alatutpip# t»» huldrra l>rforr atartlng ««»rk Mr up in fn nt o f (h<* bultd«ng •»* th«» K ltingrr« «I (h ry a«>l«t in«>rr than r«a»f «*an l r rt»»*d« d « K h «a t« r in th«» r«*«|»ilr»‘il iiHinlur aa th«* l*«»torll »W ell raar «»f any danger from flrr from H uttr fa r n irr » n rr all lntrr«*atrit \!| ih r «.»rk i '*(!« h | In Iti *urn»untlliig building« U ] pcojtoct g o t i in v a aril nì th« * y ■’ •• ' Ihr pina dm«- in a b«,i!**riiirnt t»f ih r lr ron im u nlty O ar , hr*i « b u a nunn« r Ijr Our («-G 'phoiua «III ht* Ifiatallrd aa *«Mtn ion n A a dl»l fo rk and r«>orrrlr foun-t É0 M ill M hi«» b # v Ila I* rom - tl«*n haa btoton hutlt fo r th r htg n pl#t ml. in drr I’troa anil thr lin otvp r m \Valiare* Sm ith and fam ily, («eu. tire». ( ' crcrjrlh tn d thruuahout th«* jsirt « f I Trn«'»il«lw and fam ily and Ml«a lla*«-l ,h " •»'»Uditi* lo I » .«r.ip lw d bv Th* | Itavnw p lr n lm l on th » Muttra Sun Simkwaoian baa i« * n «Iona tu fardi ctn>. tatr th r m*taltatU*n o f th r plant un - — - -- n a«a*d ««»rklng. |M*rmanrni Laal* m d haa th r ^ 0r Sheriff m m rtorl for ih»> at.»n« »«--k H«ai> anntm ncr m >arlf aa a Mrlrk« u A S»*na h av r thr rvrpvA. ca n d id a te (or (h.. R epu b lica n n -m ina , „ r r ,,n tr »« t 1 . Italy !h e U -h m * »n I (Ion fo r S h a ri« s u b ir c i to tb * ap- pU atcrln * e n t r a r i W J \M ,r. « , p n .v a l o f thw K«pubM«an v r o lm at , h - plum bln* ■ u th.; p r i m a r i « A pril 1» l»1 2 M. I A »«piare d«*al fo r all «-Ic trlral ay aleni Raid a d » JN O M cT A O O A R T . I Smith i t Ailing hum H a ve opened their U r rouni n u t door to the b illia rd and pool room Mines and Liquors Importedani Domestic Cigars - run Redmond TH E ► ► Uro» cream to the ltc«lm«ntd civ.iim-r« ANDERSON Rllll.DiNli READY BY APRIL I5lh. JU N IPE R «F A D IN G CIRCLE M EETING Mr* <’ \ ( ’ Une enterra n t ‘ h-- Juniper U. adln* C ircle at the k m » ' o f Mr» lìti) H«ar» on \\v.|ne*.u, o f U » l week T h e program c«j**l»led o f a sluily o f th«' religion* o f Jat>an Mra lU u k a (old o f Hhlnt>>i»m (he I »n cle n f relig ion : Mr» 1‘ h oen it ••( lluddhlam . th e religion o f the |am|i |e. and Mr» l{>>l>er(» o f ro n fu cU n U m . the rt'llglon «if (he »rh o la r T h e «M». I Cl,.»Ion w hich follow ed th rar paper» lim ught o u f many Interr ii ng suor. I «lote* sh ow in g the Inllurnre o f (b ra e j re lig io n » o n Japanese life and rhar> »Cter. and rontraatlng them with th » ('h rla tlv n ily , the r«ll*l. n o f civ Ilia I tIon F allow in g the program r»fr«'«h m en t» w ere served by ih « h »»te »« and a plwaaant a r i s i hour en>>«ed 1 T h e n« »t me.-«ing will be held at the I Imme o f Mr* I I. on I W ednem lay. A pril I* SCRAP BOOK I S 3 . G e t t h e H a b it O rep e BEN GOTTER C o n t r a c t o r a n d Builder I'ta n s , S | w r ifir a tio n a n m l E s tim a t i-» furm ihffi f o r a ll rlaaac«» o f txiiK linir«- O f f i c e O n e B l o c k E a s t o f PostoiliM REDM OND Carrl.r Plgsona. And eat at the Redmond Grill W . E. YOUNG, Owner and Propr. This popular place has been enlarged and improved and is now in a position to cater to the wants o f all. Suppers fo r parties and banquets satisfactorily served. Short Orders We have made a rate on the above that you can afford to pay. Good Rooms for Transients. Week at Reasonable Rates. Hoard by If you wan! to SELL your property list it with The Interesting eih lbllion o f mill J H. M E N D E N H A L L H E L P » ! l* fy carrier pigeons haa been attract O U T RED M O ND L lO R A R V . I»K m oro than ordinary attention In One o f ih«- most public spirited Merlin. The birds are grouped In at* 1 acta that haa t»e« n perforin«*! In lt"«l ' ordinary class«-* and one special class. m om ! fo r the financial a ssista n t■ of | and the e ll c ls s .e s are baaed on thr ,th c Itcdnmnd public library w , i done | '»•* Saturday by J H Mendenhall, i distance of flight o f which the blrda j ih«* leading co n fe ctio n e r and a ta 'lon rr are capable. Thus the drat class com I o f the city On th*- a lm te .late he | prise* bird» abU to cov »r a distance I inaugurated the open lu g «.f his ice o f 300 m i l « In one fight, the second cream pa rlor for l b - 1911 a « s o n and a distance o f 240. the third, 1*0, the ga ve all the p roceed s from his »«da fourth 120, and the fifth a distance of fountain from I p m to lo p n< t«« Mr M« ti«lenhall «0 m i l« . The tilth class are bird» | th e library fund whose traveling capacity haa not yef m ade ai>««c|al preparations for th«- /'P ^-nlng and for handling the larg«. been ascertained The use fo which num ber o f cu sto m e rs that stalled hi» the blrda may be put (or obtaining In place H u s to re was beautifully apd formation In military service la aaton a ppropriately decorated fo r the or lablng, and the manner In which they raslon, ami he received many co m p li­ are em ployed for taking photographs m ent* f«ir hla public aplrltednca* and o f any given object la moat I n te r « ! asalstance for the library tng. A small apparatus weighing about tw o o u n c « 1» faalened round th, SALEM MAN LIK E S neck o f the pigeon, and aa It Is poaal T H IS C O U N T R Y ble to calculate to a moment the exact Merton Itonlavy «,f Mal-rn. who has time at which the pigeon will react, he«-n reading The Hp.dtesman for the point where the photograph Is tc m-arly a year, l>erame so Impressed be taken, the apparatus la so set that with this section of Oregon from what he read In the paf-er that hist at the precis« moment It automatically week h«- came to Redmond to see opens and cloaes, having In the mean what this part o f central Oregon time secured the photograph. It 1« wa* like, and fo **••• |f ,he fart* evident that such highly trained blrdi alxiut the l(e.|rn«iml dlatrlrt ha«l t»ei, are o f the greatM t service In time ol mlsrepreaent«-d In nny manner hy th.- After hla arrival he found war, and the price they realize la paiwr the country all he «-»ported, »ml therefore, a« high aa $125 each. more, and In conversation with Th« P U P ’S A N tJW fcH . Spokesman editor he slat.-d that th- paper had n«if told near all the good thing* that could I h > aald alauit |(, ,| rnornl and the famous Irrigated »<-« Mon of Which the e lf, la ,he center Mr ts.nlavy will invest h.-r.-, h.- said and return later In the year Me wllj ?■!"?». iif"’ "»•“ •»•nary work In the Willamette valley f „ r ||,|a flon of the state, B LA STIN G PR E V E N T S C H IC K E N S HATCHING That Man McCaffery” V H e doesn’t ask an exclusive right; he can sell it anyway. VIA EAST 0. S. L and Union Pacific **»r « « o t r i ir ò nv lldtatAtk at mn vibvu Kaltim ore Round trip ticket* to pa­ riti«« in Middle \Nestofî and Kantern State* 11 iff. to Kansas City , C h icago . . 72.60 Now York . PenVvr . . M .no I tmaha , Ih.ston 0 «in g limit fifteen «lays St. Ixtuls « Ht Pa«* • T footo . « • • WMfcingtas Minneapolis. . final return limit O ctober :il. 1»<* 8TO Pf)V E R P K IV I L E O ia . P R O P O R T IO N A T E L Y R E D U C E D T A R E S to M A N Y 0 THE* D A TE S O r BALE AI Itll, 28 , 2 d, 2 7 to XL Paul ami Minneapolis only. T * AM. PESTINATIIUIX: M A Y ?, . 1 , 4 , » , |nt ||, | 7 , |M> -i 4 i j » J , NK *« A. 7, H, U , |4, |ft, j ; , |M( |9. zti. 21, ',’ 4. » . *?- * rou.e » ,M al' " " ' *h» route m ,,nf |,0 e*tr,.,,„.|y „p r.n . . al . Tom m y—Bay, pop, what’a an opti­ year, ,,r until .he Wanting c r. , , . through with their work W hen it, mist 7 w Jidm ! Pop— A man who som etim es hears I Or« gon Trunk line wM I through this county blasting » „ * o f people doing things just aa he arrl,-d on all along th.- ||„o. would bare done them If be had been there. jt o w S T " ............... .. Zt. » ’>, AIJ0P8T I, 2. 3. (I. 7. 12. 18. IS. 22, 2-1, » . HKITEMHER 4. 6, S, 7, g, ||, u , ao. Mlaailng on the construction work of Mend irrigation T IIR O PfiH company I. building is preventing the ran ch ,.,, |„ , h.. Im m ^ ll.,, w cm iv Of the work from getting any chirk ••na hatched thla season As this l* now Ike hatching ,.- . . o „ . Vhe X " C » « > » a /it « /e e a — ^ t hmrwof routs*. Jl'l-Y 2, J, «, 7 , ||, |2, , 5 , |g 21). 22. 7 1 * : ™ . ' ' r:,n" 1- ""rth that the ( entral »„...o,,, it Visit Us OH Hons L O W F TR A IN 8K K V IC E TO T H E T\ sl- 31- E A ST S ilU f TI-Y U*®* • all on our ls>ral A gent amt let him assist y»u in <>ul||nW A D E I.IfiH T riJL SUMM ER PUTIN«» H. BAUKELL A G E N T O -W . R. A N . C O ., R E D M O N D , 0REc ° N