The Redmond Spokesman FAVOR STEAM LIGHT PLANT Pwbllahrd cv e ry T h ursd ay by Il II. * c U IVVI.MKK A T KKDMOND. OHBOOX OAcul Pip« o! the 8 1 'l i s c i l i r r i O N S trictly o! RidmonJ H VTK S In A d v a n ce O ne y e a r .. $t !»d I Thrv«' m on th * f.Oc Six m o n th «. 7* I S in gle co p ie s. &r A D V CUTISIM O KATCS know upon a p p lica tion v»' \ Dairy Supplies, L«a Since the publication In The Spokesm an a few w eeks ago o f the p roject to establish an electrica l plant Knteretl as secon d c la s s m atter July here to la- run by steam ft»>wer us 14. 1910. at th e INtatofficc at Iloti Ins wood for fuel the m a iler has niond, O reg on , u nder tb o A rt o l gained In |«i!dlc favor and many of M arch 3, U 7 * the business men are In favor o f the Idea REDMOND. O R . APRIL I I . I S I 2 Mince there seem * no soluilnn o f the developm ent o f the water power on the rtver near the city this sen tinrent o f a sleam ftdant for general Ing electricity la being talked o f m ore and m ore In putting In a steam plant the Idea la t‘ > use the a ..»d around here that la taken off the land when It Is cleared up. thereby ttiaklug a mar ket at all tim es fv»r the rwu.her ah*' haa any w*»>d to sell Hr this means It would he possible for the new set tier to be getting a revenue while g oil h u land, for he could Assessor l'uIs City Valuat ion clearin bring the w*»td to ibe light plant and Stone Chum«, Full line of JOHN DEERE G O O D S. Horse Potato Planters, Disk Harrows, Alfalfa Harrows, ent styles of Walking and Riding Cultivators. Come and look them over— no trouble to IS R E D M O N D T O H A V E BASEBALL THIS YEAH y H E R E ’S Y O U R C H A N C E Get in on This Buildings put up on the commission basis and guaranteed. See us for particulars. WARREN & WOODWARD, Eng’rs and Architects BUCKLEY EXPRESS CO. Stage Line Redmond to Prineville Daily Passengers and Express D R A Y IN G and H E A V Y H A U L IN G i i FOR CO. JUDGE i i i Cafe Royal Sixth and F streets JAS. DOUGHERTY. Prop’r carries in stock the LEADING BRANDS OF GOODS that are handled in all first-class cafes. Adminititer Affair* of the County in an Impartial Manner and Give All .Section!* a Square Deal. O ne o f th e Im portant offices to be d at the election In C rook cou nty I yea r Is that o f cou n ty Judge * ¡»ml Mon ca rries with It m ore iln istra tlve work than the aver- v oter ha* any Idea. T h e con n i y te haa a la rge am ou nt o f Influ e tin the affairs o f the cou nty and m atters pertaining to different -a and tow n s In th e cou nty, man w h o Is Im partial, w ho will r ' n o favorites, but give all «■-<- 'p i tt# s o f the cou n ty a square d»li Ion cou n ty T h e ca n d id a te » Ju aeciirea th l« h R edm on d has a ca n d id a te for conn R. H e Is O. A. M cP arlane. a Ing .ittnrney o f the c it y ; a ms ell versed In the la w ; a man of In lstra tlve a b ility , and If nom l na and elected , o n e w ho will see f hi II parts o f the cou n ty get a d ea l in th e co n d u ct o f their '*Q ‘ afT th rou gh the m edium o f the rot co u rt. Mr, M cP arlan e Is the rh dl« po rot 1 n om in a tin g Mr M cP arlan e fo r i roi ty Judge the voters o f C rook T he a b ove question baa lawn asked T h e Mtiokeaman by a num ber o f the fans o f ihe city, mid th«- (»ip fr puis the m atter up to the public and those Interested In the national gam e I.SSI year the city had a good team and th is year a cred ita b le show ing « m id be m ade by the p l a y e « her­ ir an organization was perfected And If sn organization is p e r fe c t « ! now Is the tim e to gel busy and he gin w orkin g on the project, r » ) tnrtnd Is a good baseball tow n, and With Other good Clubs In the rou nty a num ber o l Interesting gam e« could be played here |f this city had a team. SPOKESMAN TO PAY ALL FOR CORRESPONDENCE Representatives Wanted in All Heetions of County try Send in Items. B eginning the Arsi o f April Th> Hjrokesrnan will ro r r „ sp on den re f,)r acceptable new s fur nlshed T he p , y » „ i orn s as r the ' n ly • papers pay inrh- Correftnmrl ,h- •n s are wanted |„ every ......... 1„ « r o o k county News from , h„ , „ f ferent section s must be live Up lo- ant»* hH|ip«*nlnicN for bright glv.'." I h e ^ " ^ , ' m a k e r s 'l IIMIe lu b n Bn" ,h - week I t a - m oney each i 'i Ä r r r rient la be ‘ ■■IfW 'loB a a n d T re ^ 'S, gettin g In their , i r" m ixing t h e ,, land* Thla season aeaao T ' h ose w ho uaed Ihr* plaster last aeaaon «tate good results were ,,i, , . and an Increased y|H ,| 1 cro|rs secured. kln people u, f t a a P r o p r ie t o r r TH E H A R D W A R E M A N A T JACK SO N S OLD STAND at £ MRS. W . A . GOLDEN, h T h e w ay th e a ssessor o f M>B cou n ty ha» been handing It to the city o f R edm ond th e past tw o years has been som eth in g fierce, and If the p resen t m eth od » o f a ssessin g w ere kept In fo rre In s few years M m »n d w ould show up on the a sse s­ s o r 's b ook s a s b ein g s city o f no p roperty a t all T h e a ssessor and th e cou n ty cou rt, a ctin g aa a hoard o f eq u a lisa tion , h ave, in sla n g i«ar- lance, "th row n th e ht»>ks In to" Rod- mund th e |>aat tw o yea rs so that the re co rd s at P rin ev ille show that the city has not m ade any p rogress In the w ay o f Im p rovem ents o r real .es­ ta te valuation R edm ond citizen s a re s o re at this kind o f a deal, and they have Just reason for b ein g s o T h e p eop le h ere d o not want only w hat Is du e th em — a square deal - but th ey h ave been gettin g the rot- tenest kind o f a deal sin ce the city has been In corpora ted, a little over • y ea r and a h alf l a s t y ea r a fair valuation was p la ced on R edm ond property and Im­ p rov em en ts by th e peop le here, but the a s s e s s o r s office rut the valua­ tion In halt, and then the cou n ty co u rt took a whack at the a ssessor a figures and rut them dow n so that the c it y 's valuation was m ade to look like a crone roads hamh-t T h is yea r the »ante thing has lieen done, and the valuation show s that ' R edm ond ha* Increased on ly In valu atlon about 17.000. when the truth i o f th e m atter Is th e Increased valu­ ation o f th e city has been o v e r 1 100.000 | Th>- p erson » resp on sib le for this 'c o n d itio n o f affairs a re the a sse sso r , and th e cou n ty cou rt, acting aa a board o f eq ualization , and the peop le ' are goin g to use th eir efforta at the 'c o m in g prim ary election to place in n om in ation ca n d id a tes w ho w ill ■«••• | that th is city will get a square deal not atand a ch a n ce o f being , -A ALFRED MUNZ ft. ,lt Pockajcvs culUnl for and deliver*!, plant o f sufficient rapacity to meet all dem ands made on It for light and pow er. It Is poln lrd out that by establish Ing a plant of thU ch aracter that the money that now goes out o f th is ' section for gasoline for operating th e! present e le ctric plant would be kept at hom e and be put In clreqlatk>n I That all the laarple here would be { lien*-filed That the ranchers would have a steady m arked for their wirud. j the m erchants get m ore rash In their , I nsito s« and Redm ond would draw ; trade front a larger territory than ! at present T he benefits would be I m anifold and many nf the b u t in e » men are lieginnlng lit see that a ■team operated electric plant would be <>ne o f the best th in g« that «.arid rqu-rate to the building up of this sec t ion This la not a new blest The pro- Jert has town tried In oth er pla ces - In placea where ch eap w atrr pow er | could Ire had and ala» where roa l cou ld be laid dow n at the plant at II *u per ton o n e o f these p la ce « fta Sand ISrtnt. Idaho T he electric light plant at that piare furnishes Juice to A«e large tow n s and at a much m ore reasonable rate than what la now charged for The hand l'oin t plant ha« plenty o f water s ta ll able and could secu re ch eap roal, but they tail lined a plan to buy w.«>d frrrm the ow ners o f land In the rotin try surrounding the tow n paying rash for all wood offered, and In this m anner has built up a g*»»l light and p ow er system and l e n one t>f the largest factors In settling up ths cou ntry In the ylrlnity o f their town W hat has obtain ed at Hand r.Hnt and oth er places m o ld lie carried out In R edm ond ThU city u grow ing so faat that a much larger electrical system Is needa «I j I Good W ork Guaranteed. and then County Court as! ¡ f Equalization Htutrd Makes , .1 T he M|arkestnan u nderstands 'hat Further Redurtion. Works pin tle« are ready to put In a steam e le ctric light plant If the city will Injustice on Redmond. grant a franchise and m aintain a . Steel Frame Lever Harrows and several differ* la Am Prompt Attention to Orders. Prices Reasonable. OUR VALUATION IS CUT AGAIN Stone Jars and Barrel Chums. The Old Reliable matte This plant has I khmi enlarged a n d ¡rm*,,.,. I ft I etl I hv d tin* midilioti of lui»«> r rnachin- it )-, and we are now in u position to hgridi all »'lasse« **f work in our line in a .xatuíf J tory manner. Family washing done rough dry, or com . In Event of Non-1 »•lop- men t of Wilier Power ill River Soon u Strain Plani for Light and Power lien* is Deemed Advisable. M ake all mttney payable anti ail tire«« all cunim unu-athm a tu II II * C. U I’ alm er, Iteduiond. O regon Received this week complete line De Laval Separators, Redmond Steam Laundry General Repair Work VV e carry a line o f supplies such as Electrfoj Goods, Gasoline Lighting Goods, Etc. are prepared to make repairs on any tand ® small machinery, having a complete ou o f tools for this class o f work. ! THE C. R. M c LALLIN co. REDMOND.