T The Worlds Standard UNITED STATES Cream Separator A Cream Sep arato r mutt be of few parts, built of the best m aterial, by the best mechanics, with the greatest accuracy to insure thorough skimming, long service, easy cleaning, easy of operation, and simplicity. On these five points of perfection the U. S. Cream Sep arator won in competition with all other separators at the Alaska- Yukon-Pacific Exposition, Seattle, W ash., in 19 0 9 , the only G rand Prize awarded any cream separator. No man has ever taken out a U. S. Cream Sep arator and brought it back. This alone shows the superiority of the machine and proves our claim that the U. S. is the one perfect separator. First: Second: Third: Fourth: Fifth: None skim so clean. None are built so thoroughly. None are so easy to clean. None are so easy to install. None run with so little power. IMPORTANT The Juniper Butter Is manufactured under the most sanitary con. ditions. It is our aim to supply the trade with pure, sweet, fresh Butter all the time. Ask any grocer for the Juniper brand. The Juniper Buttermilk Is the product o f well ripened cream. The price is reasonable, considering1 the quality and quantity, only f>c a quart, or 15c a gallon. The Juniper Ice Cream Has made quite a hit. “ Its the ( ream.” It is always on side at all soda fountains. Sweet Cream At all times. Price 15c a pint or 25c a quart. We pay the highest prices for C r e a m and give everybody a “ Square Deal.“ For Sale on Easy Terms by REDMOND CREAMERY CO. REDMOND CREAMERY CO. REDMOND, OREGON REDMOND. OREGON Glad to show Sep arator to you. all. I desire placed after my name Summons on the nominating ballot, "A Dual ness Administration of the Assessor's In the Circuit Court of the State of Offlre ' Pd sdr. W. E. VAN ALLEN Oregon, within and for Crook County. Ouy S ean . Plaintiff, For County Assessor va. To the Republican V ote« of Crook County: P. C Campbell and Thomas Cannon. Defendants 1 hereby announce my candidacy I am pre|«red to pull tree* ! ; for the nomination of County As*«s To P. C Campbell and Thomas Can non. the above named defendants 1 sor. for Crook county, Oregon, at with my new Hercules Tree t In the name of the State of ore the primaries to be held on April 19. goo: You and each of you are hereby ! 1912. » Puller. Nothing too large J If nominated and elected. I »111 summoned and required to appear for me to handle. i during my term of office, devote my In the above entitled court and an­ ' entire time to the duties of the swer or plead to the complaint filed office | shall use my utmost en­ therein In this suit against you on Price# Reasonable. deavor to aecure equal assessments or before the 2«th day of April. 1912, without fear or favor. 1 will see which la the time prescribed In th-- ! that the tax rolls are prepared order of the Hon W. L Bradshaw. promptly and aa provided by law Judge of said Court, pursuant to The pocket books of the taxpayers which this summons la publlahcd. are directly affected by the admlnls and In which you are required to so appear, answer or plead, and If j tratlon of this office. I desire to have placed after my you fall to ao appear, answer or Phone 305 name on the official nominating bal plead, the plaintiff will apply to the ' lot these words: "Strict Attention to Court for the relief demanded In Redmond, Oregon 1 Business. Equal Assessments, Par the complaint, which relief Is aa fol­ lows: That the plaintiff hnve Judg I tlallty to None.” ment and decree- ngnbiat the defend I Pd. adv. 33t8 LEWIS WYLDE Can leave order» at .Spokesman ant P C. Campbell |n the sum <>f Office. Five Hundred Dollar*, with Interest N. J. SINNOTT Notice for Publication. thereon at the rate of ten per cent Progr«SMve Republican candidate for Department of the Interior. 1'. 8 t>er annum from the 3rd day of May. Congress, with the interests of Eastern I.and at The Dalles, Oregon. 1911. together with costs and dla Oregon Uppermost. Mr. Sinnott repre­ March Office bursements of this suit. Including an 6th, 1912. sented Wasco and Hood Rivar countia* Notice Is hereby given that Will attorney fee In the sum of One in the last two session, in the State ferd Hundred Dollars; that the certain Archer, of Redmond. Oregon, Senate. who, on March 30th, 190fi. made mortgage made, executed and dellv Paid Adv. Homestead No 15040, Serial No ered by said defendant to the plain­ 0386«. for SE148E14 See. 20 and tiff dated May 3. 1911. upon and Candidate for District Attorney NV4NE14 Section 29, Township 14 against the West half of the South To the Republican V ote« of Wasco South, Range 13 East, Willamette west quarter of Section Thirty six. |n Crook and Hood River Counties: Meridian, has filed notice of Intention Township Fifteen south of range I hereby announce my candidacy to make Final Five Year I'roof, to Fourteen east of the Willamette Me for the Republican nomination for establish claim to the land above de rldlan. he foreclosed and said pr»-m Delivered to customer* . District Attorney for the Seventh scribed, before I. P. Flewltt. U. 8 la«-* ordered sold for lb« purpose of Judicial District, comprised of Wasco, Commissioner at his office, at Red paying and discharging said ludg I in any part of the city. Crook and Hood River Counties, at mond, Oregon, on the 15th day of m«nt and costs; that the defendants the coming primaries to be held April, 1912. and all persons claiming by, through | April 19, 1912. If nominated and Claimant names as witnesses: or under them lx- foreclosed of alii elected, the duties of the District Ben (Bitter, of Redmond. Oregon; right, title or Interest which they j Attorney's office will always have 7. T. McClay, of Redmond. Oregon; may have tn and to said premise* I first consideration. I shall strive William B u c k l e y , of Redmond, Ore­ and that they he forever barred ami j W . M. OGG, Propr. fully to enforce all laws, and pro­ gon; D. C. Hall, of Terrebonne, Ore­ estopped from h aving or claiming to tect, to the utmost of my ability, the gon. have any right, title or Intereaf tn Interests of the whole people of my C W. MOORF:, Register and to said premises superior to the PHONE NO 3041 Redmond. Ore. district. I pledge myself to give my First publication March 1 «-April 11. right, title and Interest, of the plain personal attention to the needs of tiff therein and the lien of plaintiff's each of the counties comprising the News was received here Monday mortgage thereon and that the rights I Seventh Judicial District. In aald premises lie' night that Prinevllle people had re of the plaintiff CARLTON L. PEPPER. and decreed to he superior, ce|ved word that they would get a declared (Paid advertisement) spur railroad from the Oregon Trunk to any rights of either of the d- therein and for all such line, to run along the Crooked river, fendanta and further relief aa to the having the Oregon Tnink line near other Court may seem ]u*t and equitable i the Crooked river bridge. For County Assessor The date of the first publication of To the Republican Voters of Crook this summon* Is the 7th day of County: See n. K. Uevsrd for setting* March. 1912. This summons Is pub­ ot thoroughbred K. I |C.-.| and I hereby announce my candidacy lished pursuant to an order of th<- Barred Kork egg*, fl.V ) ,„ .r if, for the nomination to the office of H ob . W. L. Bradshaw, Judge of the county assessor at the primaries on above named Court, made on the ir o./*irplnfr!? n 1* 00 lier April 19, 1912. If I am nominated *"*» I >uk#• of Kent" strain. 14th day of February, 1912. and e l e c t e d I will, during my J A. WILLTOX. term of office, use my beat endeavor Plastering Contractor Attorney for Plaintiff Redmond. Oregon to give a thorough and Impartial First publication, March 7 April assessment, to assess by legal sub­ divisions, to Index by subdivisions I do lathing and plastering and by name, to keep all record# In Wm Itardf, of (¡1st. arrived here at the lowest iKmsible figure. an up to date manner, making It easy to And amount of tax on each A shopper who saved a dollar or visit I sU i to V hi hn,lKh' " r month* a old home H at ," Berlin t(«r. parcel of land, or amount of each two the other day through reading many. This was Ills first haek Individual tax. To personally attend ALL WORK GUARANTEED the ad. of a particular atoro will not to the old country In 24 y vlalt e a « . Bn,| to the duties of the offlre, to give! need to he urged to watch the ads he found many change# had taken prompt and courteous treatment to 1 of that store pretty closely. Place m that time ANNOUNCEMENTS I TREE PULLING! I f ANNOUNCEMENT l ! T h e C i t y M e a t Market es ALEX BROWN PURE JERSEY MILK FAIRVIEW DAIRY Thoroughbred Eggs L. DAILY ► ► ► > > ► > ANNOUNCE to the {Hx>ple of Redmond and vicinity that wp have opened u new Meat Market in the Muma building, comer of *»th and F street«, and will at nil times keep on hand a full line of ull kinds of meiti and jjihh I m usually carried in a first -cl*» market. We solicit u share of >,our patronage. * ► ► > ► ► ► ► B elcher & Otis Muma Builuituj C o rner fith a n d R S tree ts, Redmond. On • Wood Working Plant VG* dcsir* to inform the |*>ople t»f Kedmood section thnt we have lately established » fl,nl W o « k 1 Working plnnt at our shop and »re in to make Store Front*, Counters, ami anythin*in line of Cabinet Work. BEVARD & GANT, Redmond, Oreg<* Subscribe for The Spok j