SonETHlNCi WE FEEL SURE L ittle O nes O f our ability to handle your banking business to your satisfaction. Every­ thing o f a banking nature entrusted to our care will receive our best attention. If not a patron o f this bank, wouldn’t it be well to become one now? OPTICAL TOY QUITE AMUSING C a n B a s H y B a M a d * b y U s i n g P la c s o f C a r d b o a r d W i t h T w o O j t c 'a o n D lf t o r o n t S d st. Mow many children know what a thaum alrop« la* Vary fsw, by that name Hut moat of thorn hav# mu tbs per SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES We have Safety deposit boxes, ami'a fire proof vault that you may use to keep your valuable papers in. Come in and see us. STATE BANK OF REDMOND REDMOND, OREGON i ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ «« statene« o f an Image on (he retine of (be eye On opposite »Idre of * dlek ere depleted tw o objects or dlffrrent parte o f the earn« object, eo tb it »ben the dUk te rapidly twirled ■round n diameter the two »Idee ap pear to be *een at on ce and their Itu agra are com bined " Thaumatropea are not hard to make. Juat cut out thoee picture* W. S. Rodman, President Joseph H. Jackson, V. Pres. Ths Juggler. Roy A. Bush, Cash. ► ► MEAT PRICES > » Y O U C A N AFFORD TO P A Y ► ? Here are a few sample prices at our Redmond Market that we offer for your inspection, and assure you that prices o f other kinds o f meat are as low in proportion: i> Revers* Side of ths D'sk Choice Pot Roasts and Boils - 11 to Rib B o ils ...................................... 8 to 10c Best Pork, any cut and chops - 12 to Shoulder Steaks . . . . Choice Mutton and Lamb - 11 to 12 l-2c paite them on opposite able* of a cardboard and twirl It by means of tbe string aa »bown also In the Ulus- tratlon. and you will have a tbautna- trope. 15c 12 l-2c 14c OPINIONS AS TO FRIENDSHIP ► Healthy-Minded Girl Facet Fact« Squprely and Looks for Reason* for Shattered Idol. Always in Stock: Finest Grade o f Bacon and Hams, Bolognas and Weiners ► ► We pay the top price for Veal and Eggs. We will soon have installed the largest ice box in Central Oregon and wijl lie in position to keep our meats in perfect condition during the warm weather. ISAAC J. PAGE Proprietor Í TIT AS the advance in quality and design of A plumbing fixtures, and methods of in­ stalling same left you ~ with obsolete bathroom 0 n fi> fixtures in your hom e? t If so you need o u ri i j L V ; « -> lid in equipping your*. home with the guaran- - ¡ U . ) teed "«Standard" plumb- ’ ' ing fixtures, which are leaders in style and quality. ■»UttissNT • JUI«»-' tek Let us estimate for you. W . J. W H E E L E R , Redm ind. - Plumbing. Tinning Sheet Met al Work CUSTOM OF SHAKING HANDS Olaplsy of Frlerdly Feeling Origin- ated When Men Were In Habit of Carrying Sword*. ^ Oregon 2^ If you want to SELL your property list it with ( i t That Man McCaffery” He doesn’t ask an exclusive right; he can sell it anyway. "M ost o f ua etart out In girlhood with rather definite oplnolna aa to friendship." ear* Anne Hryan McCall In Woman’ s Home Companion. "A friend should be this or that We have the matter all settled In our minds And then, along cornea tom e expert enre entirely outside our expectation. The friend to whom we have vowed undying devotion fall* us In some es­ sential and dlsappoln’ a ua deeply The structure we thought secure for all time falls suddenly. Soros o f ua rosy perhaps alt among the ruins, bewail Ing and em bittered; but the healthy minded girl faces tho fact squarely and looks about for reasons "One reason our friendship* fall la that we think of them aa romplet# and established things Friendship Is a thing never com plete— It la always In tbe making. A vow of friendship, no m atter how earnest, la at beat, only a promise to pay, whereas many of ua mistake It for a payment In It­ self. Take any o f these big qualities and requirements o f every honor, un selfishness, fidelity—does It occur to you that any one of these can he es­ tablished on ce and for all? Indeed. It cannot, lo y a lty yesterday la not loy­ alty today, nor will an unselfish art of the day that la past serve to meet the obligation of usefulness of tho day that la here. It la not a luxury, thla, that can be bought and paid for and a receipt given. | WARD OF GOVERNMENT LONG ANO AROUOU* S I R V IC f OF MULE RCCOONIMD. OREGON CAFE |tro|»ne«l u> «1er the managem ent o f F T and J |i » , It Has Beso BaU That RspubHce Were Kver Ungrsleful. but ^bia loci, gent •*•««« I« Dlaprvve the BtstsmSnL Almost thirty year* ago. ■«' <>• * r chives of the war department dis­ close. lieutenant W A Kobhe of the Third artillery, » h o » a * stationed at Mount Vvrmm barra> ha. Alabama, re­ ported to the » a r department that there was at that pos» • white mule named Mexique, which bad been t * many years In the service of the t'nll- ed m ales, but which bad at been ordered Sold The officers of the poet. IJeutensnt Kobbe said, desired per­ mission to purchase the animal and keep and care for It it their own es- pense. Major F U Guenther o f the Recoud artillery, to whom the petition »*• referred, reported that the mule In question » a a originally left at Key West barracks In IMS by a portion of the army returning from Mexico at the close of the » a r »1th that conn try. He added *Thiring the lim e that I Served st Key West, from UTS lo 1**». «he mule did not miss a day s work from sny cause. He la very old and baa been worn out by bla long eervlce In Ihn quartermaster * department. If there Is sny » s y to provide for hlm. I should be glad to have It done, a* tbe ex­ pense to the government would bw Utile or nothing * The petition went through the regu­ lar channels until It reached the quar­ termaster gen. ral. » h o Indorsed It as follow s: "T o promote the sentiment of kind­ ness toward animals that are ao mil mately connected with military men. It I* recommended In this spectsl rase that thla mule be kept In the depart rnent and left to tbe rare of th->ae who** kindly feeling* are So deeply -•listed In bla behalf " General Rherman submitted tbe rase to the secretary of war. with the M lowing report "I have teen the mule, and whether true or not. the eoldte-re believe It » a s left st tilg Spring, «h ere Mount Ver­ non barracks now are. at the time (b n eral Jackson * army encamped there, about 1Sl» 1130. Tradl’ lon says that It waa on ce a sorrel, but now It Is white from age. Tbe quartermaster's department will be chargeable with Ingratitude If tbe mule I* sold, or tbe care of maintenance of It thrown on the charitable officers o f tbe post. I advl»., that It be kept In the depart­ ment. fed and maintained until death I think the mule » * » at Fort W r u n . Mobile I’ulnt, when I waa there In 1113." The secretary o f war thereupon made the following order "Let thla mule be kept and welt cared for aa long aa he Uvea." Scorpion’s Fainting Fit. Tbe scorpion that ts placed in lbs center o f a ring o f coals dues nqj cum mtt suicide by slinging himself to death, as baa been claimed. In lands where the scorpion abounds It la a regular pastime among countrymen to ring a scorpion with fire sod watch him commit, aa Is believe,), the happy despatch. Nevertheless, (he scorpion has the last laugh, aa It were The scorpion, (hough an inhabitant o f torrid regions, ts so delicately o r ganlsed that a very alight Increase above the normal temperature pro­ duces a condition In him analogous to a fainting fit. Driven desperate by the heat, he lashes bis tall wildly, gtvlng the Impression that be Is plung Ing hi* sting Into bis own body Then h » fall* motionless. At s presumably dead scorpion has no further Interest for the spectator*, he Is usually left where he has fallen, and. after the fire has dl'-d down, he recovers snd crawls swsy. Peacock Throne of Persia. The throne. Itself, which bow graces the audlenc» ball of tbe I’erslan Mha- han Shah, or "K ing of Kings," Is a magnificent work of art, aumptuoua In the extreme It Is a Jeweled platform .5 sometimes compared to a "field bed.” | about four feot high and five feet by eight feet In area, resting on six mas­ sive legs, with four addl'tonal sup­ ports. and mounted by a double step. A heavy railing, decorated »Ith metal knoba and flnlala, embosee the rug- bedecked seat, and rises at the rear to form an elevated back, against which the shah alia In Oriental fash­ ion. supported by a bolster cushion xnd surrounded by pillows. The rich incrustations of Jewel», the highly or nsto character o f the lacquer work, - snd the delicacy 0f the traceries and trabeaque designs Impart to ths :hrone an exqulaltenes* of finish and •wauty that Is quite II* own - From "onstantlnople to Persia, by A. V. W. IscksoB. Did you ever ask youraelf why you shake hands with persons whom you know? Here Is the reason: In the o ’d days, when every man who had any pretensions to being a gentleman carried a sword. It waa the custom for men when they met to •how that they had no Intention of treachery to offer each other their weapon hands— that Is, tbe hand that w.wild be used to draw the sword, and to withhold the hand waa usually the signal for a fight Ho filed did thla habit becom e that long after men ceased to wear sword* they still offered the weapon hand to a friend and declined to offer It to an enemy. To this day when you refuse to ahake hands with a person It algnl U n fla tte rin g. flea that you are at war. Among ••Phllbriek, 1 never have tbs slight­ savages, who never carried swords, the practice o f shaking hand* Is un­ est trouble In remembering your known. and K affords them amusement name. I think o f 'jackpot' and I'vw got you at once ” a see the white men do It. "W hat's the connection?" "W ell, jackpot suggests bathroom Origin of Words. bathroom remind* me o f hath brick, "H ow did there com e to be so many and from hath brick to Phllbriek ths words In the w orld ?" asked little Lo­ transition Is easy." la, who was turning the leaves o f a dictionary. "O b,” replied her eight year-old Llfa Not All Goes Yat T suppose you've been be ggin g * n brother, "they cam e through folks quarrsllng. One word brought on an­ your life, haven't you?" .aid the lady to the tramp at the back door other, you know.” Not ylt. was the wanderer’s reply. We «l«~tr* lo announce lo (be people of Ke-Iniund •ml vtclnlly that we have r*-t«euv,| the ! « » « „ , Cafe In connection with the U n g isi ll. t*| will cusuhtet same along high n last* t-"d guaranteed. See ua for particular*. WARREN & WOODWARD. EnS rs ud Arditdi BUCKLEY EXPRESS CO. The Old Reliable Stage Line Redmond to Dr inerii le Daily P a s s e n g e r s a n d E xp ress D R A Y IN G and H E A V Y HAULING Get the Habit A n d e a t a t (h e Redmond Grill W. E. Y O U N (», O w ner und Propr. T h is popular place has been enlargid and improved and in now in a position 1« ra|ir to the wants o f all. StippcrR far P*1^*** and banquets satisfactorily served. Short Orders We have made n rate on the above that ),,u afford to pay. G« hh 1 Rooms for Transients. Week at Reasonable Kales. B°*r<^