The Redmond spokesman. (Redmond, Crook County, Or.) 1910-current, March 28, 1912, Image 5

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    [he Redmond Spokesm an
lutinomi Lodgs, I O. O. F. No 224
M c il» every Thursday night in
|l,i< t ■ hull Visiting hmtheia <ir<
L ,. i,i 11 > In V i(
in attend
A i The ■pahttmtn tinea btmg
J II Mendenhall. N (I
burned out la being printed in Port-
K II K w iN w yor, Her
lend until the new plant le metalled,
it will be nteteeary for advertisers
Redmond Lodge No. 110, K. P
end othere to gel their copy Into The
Mutilo »Very Monday
Illicite In hpokeamen office by Sunday morn
■ mitas Hall
VlalllUK Knight« an mg of eeth week. Thle la due to the
fact that copy for the current week
k i.Hally In*Hod
W J lltirkley, C C.
hee to be tent out from here Sunday
Il K Ola>.li. K <>r H * H
night in order lo reach the Portland
office In lime for that week'e leeue.
Thie condition will obtain only until
The Spokeemen plant le Inatalled.
Lain arrimo from north
7 30 p m l
[min an I* no from south
7 21a m
Mr» li K John non mother of Mra
II IIA l'K tIL , Vanii
Ikr ll.l.k try of thle city, left Mon
day tor h.-i homo In Mountain Home.
Idaho aftrr an »xtrndrd vlalt her*
*Hh b n daughter
Hats, Ladies’ Hats
A N e w Department
Among the many new lines to be added to our stock
upon the completion of the addition to the store will be
l,alronU<| bomr Ittdnairy and buy
Nrleon Van llueklrk. of Clliit* Kalla,
I... ad al ihr i'a»h lln .rry uml baa loan errloualy III at hie home
Keep ibr m>moy al bom. wllli u|.|.imil. nia
h i I.. l|. I.iillil ni* IH linn. h .I
H II Hinder. of llrnd. wue hrr*
tael wc.-h I.ail. Inn for tiualnrea for
i that nun i. tin thr Inenranrp company hr represent*
•hr l l o i l l i iillmal ttri* Relief, a mu-
h>l*a*r lllliv lo e s le í Mínate tbr ai|iilr
,|. i. r « ili Imi «lo li mue
V. . 1 Inal ...lo .iii of Malrm
Thr Hpok»«
man had a I I I ' mi |»>||ry In Ihut com-
I Ilo- 1 1 al ar.ul. . !
iti -i • i. i rii
|.any mid received prompt rpturne
.; m : alli r lla rrr«t»l fin*
T h r Krduiom! Ctmrrrt Itami llven«d
Kltr dollar» rvward will l*r paid
pi no quealb>l.s aakrd lot (hr re <lp IhliiK* to mini, evieni laal Thura
in of the pUTiirr of Rat' that waa j d*y night li) glvlng *n «|>en alr r*> 0 ' ]
¡erri Hi front ut thr Hotel l(> .linoni!
a ball
\ r » a lisa la . ii rereIvrd bere that
__ V. !.. o » " . I »•■■' a »»tlen.-<l I-■■ *:ti.-
•* "
Kemper, »h o lefl »eversi
;tt you may know that hr rala at nionilia ano for West Virginia. I* no­
llrdmoliil tirili, where th* blCK*»t me tu lenirti to ItruHiiond They »ay j
a I a i r
i s e - t V* .1
¡•bere la no rlimali. llke thr Crntrtl
Try tliriu and you'! oay ».. lOreeun ritmate
U lf
Mrtollua Oregonlan
Ti* Hm*r man will !>r aatlaflrd if Wileht r ri ninni to Krdniond thr Arsi
i i* I your meala at Ihe H-'dmoml of th» * . rk. aftrr ahlpplne hrr hnaH- ,
U tf
h.dd eooda to lliat plarr
Mr and
Mi» VVlieti! wlU realdr al Redmond,
Ivm ll and Ink tallirla al half price in thè futura w b»r» Mi Wriffht la!
- if
engagi-d In thr aab»>n husllrraa
Reo pie
who advertlar In Thr- !
Jr* ad always f frali at thr f u h
Swrry and tlakery.
Twenty ou III'», Hpoki «man eri reeulls, for Ih«* pupri j
vre tor on* dim*, or thrr*< for !S 1 rrarhra a majority of thè peoplr In
I'atronU* bom* Industry and j Hnliriond and vU-Inlty.
ih* money In Itrdnmnd
H Pani Smltli. of l'riiievllle. «s a
#W I'rtaluma Inruhalore err K*n- In Hrdmond Issi » r r k l.a.kltig over!
thr drmoeratl* |M>lltlral attuatlnn In !
j l A IT.apmaii
301 f
thè Interrai of Mime of th» demo- j
> i not forget that now la th* ralle- randldatra
i f tim* Io p ilrrm ln a l» Ihr a«|tilr
The Irlephone attuatimi a* far a* |
don I wait, bul do u now You
jl find Ih* l>*al aradr of Hqulrrrl the ronnertlon of Ihe locai exi-hangc
, wlth Ihe Ione distane* line la con-
» n al Ihr M m s 4 I'b aim aii
U l i ! rernrd. ha» noi maleilally rhaneed
j The long dlatanre |«ople bave re- I
fuanl to rotinect wltb thè locai line, '
¡ìet Ih* hat'll and ral al Ih* Red and «.Il.arril.rr« who «a n i lo t a lk ‘
! UHU, »h .-r« thr largrM
over thè » Ire outaldc of thè city
I turai in Central Oregon la and Connection» th» Mulual line has |
bave to Irot off to thr Ione dittane*
centrai, whlrh 1« very In...meni, nt '
Every rent that cora out nf lied
Strane» how some tuialnraa men
Xid for brrad n«’*rr return*, there
Imy your bread and bakery »III enter Into a deal Io keep up
•-etisia prlcea. and tben Immedlalely
Ml« at th* Caah flrorerey and
eak th. Ir word
Stili It la beine
’ik r f and hr|p Pulid up Hrdmond «Ione every day
if you r*n cave money on Ihe
hr Redmond Creamery Co la thlne you munì buy loday. why noi
7y now la receive cream
(live look al thè «da In The S|M>krtman?
a trial.
3311 Thrr*
«re many
money aavlng
( chanci*» ihere.
lulrk servir*, aatlafartory meal*
|rt ihr rleiht prlr* la what you get
[ihr Hrdmosd Urlìi
The ktorea here are advertlaln«
a Un» line of mllltnery eooda ihle
All Ihe Iute»! stvlea. eie.,
tnii.u pi Disk m ill*,
and dad »III bare tu die d o »li In hle
í » ■ : . I n i * " T » il SI" • ! l . r * n ll.ll Jean* for Ihat new Koster hai.
T» .
I>l»k ll.iir o » *
C A l'arvln and alfe, who «rrlved
..»outillent IM ..»» pül a rili, d in Redmond come tinte ne« wlth Ihe
AI.KRKI» Ml N/. .
intentimi o f buylne Khrel
Bitta '
d «* r r Man, Jackson s Old Rinhd «Iure lefl laal » eek. after Ihe deal
wa* declared off bjr Ih* Khrel Uro*.
For Sale or Trade
well broke Mules from 4 lo #
Va old
Itay Horace, 4. and 5 yeara old
*i»ul Saddle Horae*, welebt 11*0
h will work
llorwe, 3 years old.
Mules, 2 yea n old.
Mule« 1 year old, all are well
>»n and perfectly Renile and caay
'III tell for caah or Irad * for rat-
fat hogs, sheep, grain, bay or
'll e»tair or potatore
leo have 3 Rood eaddlra to aril
.me amali IMga and Hhoata for
or (rade
Hedmond. Ore
The Himkestnnn understand« that
farmer aherlff Krank Klklna I* a can
dldate for nominatimi for aherlff at
the primarie« April 19th.
If every advertlacment of a atore
niakrs known sonte Items of real
"Op|M>rtunlty News" for ahop|iers.
then every advertloement o f that
atore galns new readera, new Inven-
llgators. new patrons and frleuds for
the atore.
Another N ew Line
We will have a fine line of Tailored Suits and Skirts,
Wash Dresses, Shirt Waists, Etc.
(luest Room Towels, regular 15c, only
Black Sateen Petticoats, regular $2. only $1.50
C. N
Khret returned Salurday
night from a flip to Portland, where
he had gone to buy a new atoek of
spring and summer goods.
Want advertise your real estate
and sell, rent or exchange It prof­
Peerless Syrup, regular 30c, can
Snow White Flour, regular $1.50 per sack $1.35
We Buy Butter and Egg»
News was received here last week
that la-onard Tinner of this city, waa
at the Hend hoapltnl suffering from
a aevece attack* of appendicitis. Hla
condition was so low when taken to
Ih* hospital that It was deemed un
aafe to perform an o|ieratlon at that
R e d m o n d , O fC g O Il
We Clone 6:30; Saturday 10:00
Want ads sell saleable things—
usually quickly. The fact that you
have something to sell meant that
you have something to advertise—
a direct, logical use for want adver-
A practical potato grower can get
Born. March 24tn. to Mr and Mrs.
a chance to put In potatoes on shares J. C. Woods, at Deschutea, a daugh­
on seven lots In the city.
Anyone ter.
Interested In this matter should call
at The Spokesman office at once.
Tw o carloads of Burbank potatoes
were shipped to San Francisco this
J. H Mendenhall has added a new week by the Redmond Lumber 4
feature to hla soda fountain which Produce Co. Thi» company put large
greatly Increases the efficiency of the signs on the cars showing the spuds
Dave Miller, who wag severely
flu machine.
were from Redmond.
burned in a gasoline Are at hla real-
4 m m aome time since, la getting
A number o f Redmond people went
along nicely and will aoon be able H. F. Meyer, manager of the Red­
to be out of the house. Mr*. Miller, mond Creamery, haa a bunch of fine to Terrebonne Saturday night to at­
who was burned on the wrists. Is chicken*. One rooater coat hlm fia . tend a dance given there.
cured of her burna.
If you have not yet registered you
W. S Hodman, president of the
hml lietter do to without delay, at
the time Is short, and you rankot State Hank of Redmond, recently
vote at the primaries or election un­ bought a thoroughbred St. Bernard
less you are registered
The regis­ dug for hla children.
tration hooka are at ths law office
The material for the new pa|>er
of O A. McKarlane.
at Slaters, The Sisters Herald, that
will lie established by Crenshaw A
Kd Krlckaon left several day« a«
O M. Slocum, cashier of the Red­
for Sioux City. lows, where he wll Alt ken. has been ordered from the mond Hank of Commerce, went to
Join the hall team with which h| American Type Flounders Co at Port- Prlnevllle Saturday to attend a meet­
will plav this summer. Ilia team l| Hind. and It la the Intention to ger ing of the directors of the Squaw
the Ural Issue out early In April.
In the Western League.
Creek Irrigation Co.
[he tenni* rntirt near the Behind
I’nstmaster Moore state* that de
ge hna been put In con dH Ion for
»(•ring and sumiller aeaaon. and posits at the poatal am In «» hank,
players arc now working out for while not large, are coming In stead­
' » they expert lo play with o|v ily.
itig team« this season
Some of Ihe I’nrtlnnd people who
»inibiate* |or nomination to the have been In It. .Imon.l since the first
*ienl odierà fo he voted on at I of Hie year, predict Ihat In years
primaries April 19th. »re begin I I I collie this city will be n second
The people In the Rose
t<> get nunierotia In Redini ti l Itn-Uand.
Cltv, both business men and others,
'he glad hand.
think thl* city has a great future
Meyei man
. o f Ike Rt .1 before It.
ld Creamery, wa» over In the
The Khret llnis have been rerelv
•r* country inst week looking nf-
tuialnraa fur hia creamery here. Ing con grain Inf Ion a from their num­
iii.|| |i|i-:i»i'il with the lllt.'I'Hl erous friends in Redmond and vlcln
1 .nu lo-r. In Hml -.o. Hon ¡o •' lly over Ihe fact that they did no!
»a In the creamery at thl* place. sell out to I'arvln H Co., ns has been
Easier Hila year cornea on April
i . amtill ile for tin odi. .’ of 7th. and Ihe women folk», and some
»•> Judge of Crook county.
A of the men, too. are planning for
their new ilreaae* and suit* of
(1 A McKAItl.ANK.
The stores carrying millin­
Redmond. Oregon
ery goods are doing a good huslncita
t l ’ald ndverllaeinenl I
In antlcliiHtlon of Kaater day.
For SharlfT
hereby announce mygelf as a
»blute for the Republican nomlnn-
I for sheriff, subject to the ap-
f* l of the Republican yolera »I
primaries April 1». 1912.
-'I'.are Ileal for all
We will show a complete line of Tailored and Trimmed
Hats in the latest creations.
Thoa. DeYoung recently bought lot*
Prof. Kerr and several other pro­
:io and 37 In K*lr Acres Addition to
fessor* of the CorvaJJIs Agricultural
Redmond from W. S Rodman.
College arrived here Sunday night to
n _.
___ k. .... « i look over the sites that have been
“ ¡’r 1, ! » '
V. .^ o ffe re d for nn experimental station
In block 47 In this city from Matt
Since Ihe establishment of the Monday by Doctor Rodem.ver that
creamery In Redmond many separa­ Leonard Tinner, who 1» at the Hend
tors are being sold to ranchers In hospital with nn attaek of nppendl-
and around this city. The ranehers cltla, waa getting better and there
nre going more and more Into the were chances of hla recovery.
dairy Imalness.
An operation for appendicitis was
The Spokesman la In receipt of a performed on Mr Van Buaklrk Sat­
folder of the Klks convention to be urday night by Dr. Hos-h, nnd Mon­
held In Portland In July. The puli 1 day Ihe patient »u s recovering some­
Ural Ion Is profusely llluat rated nnd what. aud stood a fighting chance of
contains a great deal of Information recovery.
about Portland and vicinity
folder was sent out by \V. K. ComanJ Carl Woods has traded h!a Blue
general passenger agent of the Ore­ Front livery nnd feed stable nnd
gon Trunk line.
other property In Redmond to J. H.
Vincent, of Kugene. for a 160 acre
The Portland 4 Seattle Railway ranch one mile south of Slaters Mr.
nnd the Oregon Trunk Railway has Woods expects to move onto the
recently published a new map of Ore­ land this season.
gon nnd Washington, and some of
O. A. McKarlane, o f this city, has
Ihe advance copies have been re­
ceived at this point. The publication announced hts Intention to seek the
Is right up to date, nnd gives a good nomlnatbvn of county judge on the
description of the country through republican
which these roads pass The Central only consented to run for the nomi­
Oregon country comes In for a good nation »H er repealed solicitation by
share of advertising in the publica­ hla many friends In thla city and
1 throughout the county.
W e have a large selection o f first class
Homesteads close to railroad. Good pros­
pects fo r irrigation. Also some good relin­
quishments. Our knowledge o f the Central
Oregon country’ is extensive. Our location
fee is nominal.
Redmond Bank of Commerce.
State Bank of Redmond.