The Redmond spokesman. (Redmond, Crook County, Or.) 1910-current, March 21, 1912, Image 5

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. «•F
> " U N t Y A H *» T HAI, r CO.
early .
ik guarani*- d W # pilot* >g> n|ili
A# Th« hpoh««in..n «Inc« b*'ng
i <
ii'lury liuintd cut 1 « being Iiunlul In Port
fill*'. •>!«'
Utiil until lh« n r « plant i« installtd.
il will bi n iL iig iry for advertisers
»ml Lodg«, I. O. O. F. No. ??•! «nd ulh«r« to g«t th«lr copy Into Th«
bpokaaman offic« by Sund«y morn
I« ««»orí Thuraday night
Ing of ««ch w««k. Thl« 1« du« to Ihc
« hull Vlaltlna huii lu í»
Ih .l cop, for ,h . curr.nt w ..k
k|l) III v 11 «*«l l<> • i ••u*l
h »« to b« u nt cut from h «r« Sunday
.1 II Mendenhall, N. U
night m ordtr to r««ch th« Portland
F II lio,Irm e)ef, H i t
me# In H imo
for that v*««k'« i««ua.
i in» condition win «Main only unni
pUmond L o d g « No. 110, K , P,
Th« Spokacman plant I« initalltd.
In ¡
VWlllug Knight« ur<
U uni tela «*ll inl*nbl«« thlriK»
in« U n i
W I Muchley. C
It K Olsutt, K nf It A H
! Uiiinlly quiriti?
T b * f i* l (bai ymj !
| bav* Mirin iblfiK tu i r l i m ru tii liuti
i m h i bmr* ■•uiit ibiiiK t«i m d v « r ili*
a <llr<M t, luifical un* fnr vi uni aUv^r
arilvea from nurth ..7 10 1 in. 1 tlilliM.
«ti Iti-« frulli aiMittl
1 21 a in
II IIA I'H o L Agent
A lfr« m I M u n ì, nf (bla city, h a i u r li
ii I ip
bum* Imluitijr nml buy
In i ai! ai it»* t'n«b Ort>r*ry uu«l
K**p lb* iimn«y ui buinr
Iji bulbi Up l(*tlliHf|»d
S ?t f
I* n ili»*
offlc** ai
(i r m i
Hi l*«tiil for fr*tKtit rut*»
«fi» a rarload «if »**«1 |>ntato*a
Mlnm auia lo tbta « Ily. |f lb* rut*«
nr* anywb*r* In rea m i Mr Muri*
a HI «hip in a tur of «**<] potuto«*«
ami ««’Il lo tb* turi« «h ot« h<*r« ut
arimi! roal.
Mt >ui| •** a M «I l«n. t! ( •ttkliuc
M l) kQOW I
h* r al » uf
I* M A»hmni*. of Ih* Arni nf
tim*ititi («rill. » I m ri lb*
in lb* »ta t« I«
fur ¡U) lhi<k*t( A Aubnt nr*t niitiiufar! tir*ra
Try tbriii ami you I my •«». • »f all klndi of lurntmr» wia nv«*r frolli
Hl»i*ra Mondai
Tb* u I miv * fin»» lina
III k luoil**r al th«dr o r »
»U 1» ! I
«.«fini .
miti tirar Hlat*ri
ri )«Mir furali al lb* li«-ilitr iul
Hats, Ladies’ H ats
A N e w Department
Among the many new lines to be added to our stock
upon the completion o f the addition to the store will be
W e will show a complete line o f Tailored and Trimmed
Hats in the latest creations.
33 If
A ««i Pngln«* r Murl«n « f the Or«
fill Ink ! a I if ' a a! half \ ■ t* *>m Trunk r««id *111 I*« h «r» thla
* « « k with an additional Kanit of
nun to hurry up tin- vurk on th«
t alvini • fr« ali al Ih* ('a it i
n « * »ton« d«|«rt
It 1 « ih « lnt«nllon
GraArv ami link« ry
T w rn ly ounrr
to h a »« th« atrurtur« completed th«
to ift* for our dim«*, or II u m i for
lottor part of thn month, mi the
fm b
r»(»< ni** h"tn«' Industry ami
"H I*«» ran l>« mov«d and r«ndy for
tttotiry In Krdm ond
buatn««s th« Drat of April
r* t tintila Inrubator* •«** K*n
Jotf ! " ‘a «l nd «orila« your real •••latr
! and »«II. r«ul or «»< halm« Il prof
Ih« hat’ll and «at al Iti« lt«d llahly
• trill. • b «r « th« largr-et 3 »
invai In Orni ral Oregon I«
lt«v (T«n«haw, of thl« rlty. 1« w*-l|
•cquaintrd In th« dlatrlrt ln and
B r r » ri ni that ñora mil of Itrd ■round ttllla« Illa*. Va, * h « r « th«
for I jm ad n* ver rvturna lh «rr Alh-n cana alud and kllhd th« clr
huy your hr«ad and bakerv i hlH luda«, proaecutor. ah«rllT. rl«rk j
at th« t'aah Urorrrey and of rourt. and a «riman wltn«aa 11« |
and hrlp hulld up lt«dunard "ai a tti«r« uro «une mlahly Komi |
p«op|« |n that a««tlnn. and alao eome
of th» louahrat ln ili« «orld
Itrdmond f ’ r«am «ry C'o la
no* lo rrrc'.vp m a m
tllv « '
If rtf«ry ad» «rila* riu nì of a ator«
3 }ll
nipku« known a- 111 « li«iua of r«al '
a «r»lr«, «allafarlory nirala j <>p|rf»i Utility N « * » " for «hopp«ra, |
I * 1- fü h l l ' i - « la »h a t Jmi K«t ihm . « « r »
a.|»««nl of that
M 8
II-dinoti.! Urlìi
3&tr I »to r« aalna n«w r«.td«ra. n«w In ««« 1
Una (ora n r * patron« uud frte-nda f o r ,
th« «tor«.
fo r Sale or Trade
^ ^ ■ «•1 1 lirok«
Mul*'« from
Another N ew Line
W e will have a fine line o f Tailored Suits and Skirts,
Wash Dresses, Shirt Waists, Etc.
Regular 50c and 76c Bats, only
Regular 15c and 25c Tailored Collar;;, only 15c
Diamond W Peaches, per can
4 lo l
Alfrrd Munt, «hu i«r«n lly I-Mitht
out th« Jarka-.n hardwar« alor« h«rr,
b yrara old
la from Ih« |><>Ulo «a-rtlon of Mill |
i i * i i i * ■ . »«Ia h t llrh1
ti««o(a. and la am ina th« p«opl« |
H l 'l ! «
lh «r» lnl«p-al«il In Ihla arrtlon o f
| B ''
2 y r »r » old
Oregon, and etpvcia Io a «« aom« of ’
^^■>1 il*
1 »«a r
all ar« » « I I th«m rom « h «r« und ao «k t«n »lv «ly
IfOfn an-l i« r fe « lly r r n ll« and » a«y Into aro»Ina potuto««
to fcndl«
l * l l »*'ll for rnah nr trade fnr r « l
If yon ran anv« numry on Ihr
^ ^ ■ f « ! h<>K*. «h ««p . grain, hay or
um muat buy today, why noti
««ta t« or potai*»-«
h at« 3 k - mm I «ad d i«« In t«ll Iraik al Ihr ada In Thr H|"ik«tman'*
•M r.i.|«
T h «r«
money waving '
H i '« amall l'lga and Hhoala for i han««« Ihrr«
Miri *>r trad*-
W r Buy Butter and Eggs
The Cenlrnl Oregon Ice A Cold
B tl
K«dm*>n>1. Ore
Stoma« Co hna hviiun the htilldlna
nf their plant on the railroad right
^ w a rtl a (.'an i.
of way on the «ant aide of (he trark
K tr a c to n » a n d llu ild r n t
to n
Tlu hulldlOK will I'« Mats
m o n d , O r o jfo n .
feel for Ihe preaent, one story.
A. Hbugart. an operator from Ik-nd, It Is stated. If the electric light plant
molto la Klrat rlaaa wotk and
relieved Operator lot llerteu Monday Is not aoon enlarged
^ ^ B *l
tr««tm enl,
The Tunt'A' I.omber Co o f
M p « Ihat are righi
In evldonr« Ihla rlly have lumber on Ihe aniund ns a regular «iterator at the Oregon
Mrs. R. A. Butler, of Yakima.
» « ar« alwaya Ima», and for their atorage warehouae they In Trunk depot here. In place of Opera­
. Is expected to arrive here
^ ^ * l i-i* * latlon of Ih « patrona»;« « » fend to tullid on the rallmad right
to take charge of the station there. this week to keep house for her
’I ua we have egulpperl nur of way near the old depot atte.
Then- were two St Patrick dances daughter, Mias Myrtle.
Me »U h Ughi |inw«r and marhlnrry
held In the city last Wednesday
^ ^ f l d In alvina mir patron" a (trat
.fato«» Johnaon, of Odnholt. Iowa, night—tine In Khret a hall and the j Mr and Mrs Sherkood have mo veil
armi« o f work and gulrker wa» an arrival here thla week
He other In Muma's hall. Iloth dances to the telephone office, where Mrs
M Tl' •• al a »mailer price
la looking Ihla »ectlon over wllh n were well attended
Sherwood Is chief operator.
^ V * ' ar« «i|iilp|M'd lo Imi 1*1 aaah view to locating hen*.
donra tu order; » « have »*»»1
M. W. Fry recently arrived from
Manager Meyer, of the Redmond
io do llaht turulna. aurh aa
S. OverlufT waa over from
Creamery, haa been making trip# to California und waa ao well pleased
*Wl> ami atalr newrla. labi« l«a » Mlatera Monday, attending to prov­
different tailnta tn the county In the with the country that he bought A.
^ H l'u lu »t«Ta
We alno make wiaid ing up on hl» homeatcad
Interest of hla creamery.
He finds J. Haney's ranch on Crooked river.
»pili or a*dld
W « hulld
the rancher« much Interested In the Mr Fry's family la expected to ar­
'• l 'I n a ln th** Un« of rahtnel work.
Il M larllerlea relieved Operstor
creamery proposition, and haa prom­ rive soon.
har nnd ainr« flxturea. huffeta. Main at the detwrl h*-re for a few
ise of n large amount o f crenm to
rM ioanl« and pieeoa of furniture
dava until the regular mini arrived.
In The
be brought tn thla station.
^ • < - *lo penerai ronlrarllna. nnd are
Spokesman get results, for the paper
^^■IMar with the ron«tnir'tlon of
til*- (¡nnrden. who arrived here laut
The C. R Mclaillln Co. la nowi reaches a majority of the people In
h#>lnaa In any o f th*- material». October, la mnklna preparation# to nicely Installed In their new location Redmond and vicinity.
^ B < «. ronrrel«. brick or »Ion«, nnd more hla family, now llvlna at on the corner o f Sixth and I) alreet*
harking for it carpenter »hop Spring Valley. Wla . to Ihla city. He
Postmaster Moore has adopted new
they do the work, look for our aaya that leverai Wlaconaln people
A man look The Spokesman out hours at the postofflee. The evening
nnd cn|| on na
W « »olirli n In hla former home nr*- plnnnlna to of Ihe tMiatofllce for a year nnd a mall Is now distributed at night, pro­
**i| nf your work.
com« to lledmond thla aprirne. Mr. half and when requested to pay for viding ihe train arrives before k
(¡»arden la very nmcli pleuaed wllh lame, said he merely "took the patter o'clock. Sunday (he delivery window
H M * KSTATK TKANSFKRS the Redmond diadici
to help out, and didn't think he Is open from k to 9 a. m . and from
ought t<> pay for It.” The poatal law- 4:30 to 5:30 p. m.
^ B m i*«h ftl |{y Iht* ( ro o k C o u n ty
Mra Orr la n new arrival here la that a person la res|t»tnalhle for
from Tenne»#««. She In waiting for the payment o f a patter the length
The Jones l-and Co. are going to
A lm trn rt C o m iu m y .
out about 500 ornamental and
B*<l'iui|ul Townalle Co. l*i K M
shade trees In Melrose Park this
hit III, hlk. 17. lot 3. 1*1 k 3'. a abort time, and In Ihe meantime office.
ah*- la deal ron» of securing acreage
spring, and make a number of other
I'd I In hlk 3, lledmond. $
W. J. Wheeler haa arranged an Improvements in that residential dis­
M White to Hubert McHherry. property cloae In
attractive display window at his trict.
lot« II to 12 Inc hlk 23. It«d
Mra J C. Culler, wlfo o f Ihe aec plumbing shop on South Sixth street.
* ' Id, 1 1 non.
Mrs llessie 8covllle, the temper­
dmond Townalle Co. lo U n i tlon foreman on Ihe Oregon Trunk
I,nat week the C. R. M cl^llln Co. ance lecturer who lectured here last
Si; In Church, lledmond, Iota 6 nnd line nt Ihla city, expect# to leave the
latter part of thla month to prove up Installed (wo 1000 candle power gaao- week, has been drawing large houses
H 'h
II. ItedUloild, 1173.
320 aerea ahe hna close to Silver llne lights In Kox A Co.’s saloon, and In different towns In the county where
H Cady to .1 A Norwood, hda
one In their own place o f business she appears. All speak well of the
B " , hlk 2 0 , Klllnger a Add . Red- Lske.
on Ihe corner of Sixth and D atreeta. lady's ability as a lecturer.
*Mld » 1000.
Ike Johnaon, living 7 miles aouth- The light# are the first of the kind
^^P*'Inmnil Townalle Co. to M K.
The plate glass windows In the
^ B d * a lot, 3 anil 4, hlk. 3, ll«d- weat o f the city, waa In Redmond tn he Installed In the city, and more
will be put In by business houses. Smith A Alllngham anad Wyatt build-
luat Thursday on business.
®i Id, CIAO,
H ll ;'<•
Royal Club Catsup, only
RcdlTlOnd, OfCgOH
W e Cloae 6:30; Saturday 10:00
Ings that were broken by the heat
W. J. Wheeler returned last week
from the lire across the street, on from Metollus. where he had been
the nlghl of FYb. 26th, have been re­ to complete the plumbing work in
the Sparks hotel, for which he had
the contract.
John Almeter. who lives three
miles northwest o f Terrebonne, was
Geo. T. Cochran, superintendent
In Redmond last week Wednesday of water division No. 2, and candi­
und Thursday. Mr. Almeter at one date for nomination on the Repub­
time had the laegest bunch of hogs lican ticket for Representative In
tn the county.
He Is now turning Congress, was in Richmond last week.
his attention to dairy rattle.
He will put in some time in this sec­
Dobson & Brewer, who own the
property on the corner o f Sixth and
1» streets, opposite the Redmond Hank
of Commerce, are building a 22x30
foot building adjoining the building
now on the corner. Two rooms will
be made, one ol which will be occu­
pied by Dobson & Fry as a real es­
tate office, and the other room will
be for rent.
tion adjudicating water rights.
At the last meeting of the city
council, G. A. McFarlane was ap­
pointed to fill the office of Council­
man F, M. White, who has moved
from the city. Mr. White has been
down In Igike county looking at stock
farms and may conclude to locate
K. N. K ellogg and A. \V. Wachter.
C. M. Huffman Is enlarging his
building on Sixth street, adjoining of Portland, were here last week,
the stone store that Chad Irvin Is looking the city over with a view
to putting in a moving picture show.
They were well pleased with the
Jess Tetherow and "Tam p" Os­ city and surrounding country, and
borne left the latter part of last week may decide to locate here.
for St. Lake City, where they will
join the league ball team (here. Jess
has signed with the team for the
1912 season
The league towns In
that circuit are Salt Lake. Butte,
Helena, Billings and Great Falls.
E. J. Ma'.one. of Portland, has the
contract for building the stone build
Ing that Aug. Anderson Is putting up
on the site of his frame building that
was destroyed by lire the night of
Feb. 26th. Mr. Malone says he ex­
pects to have the building well along
W. K. Van Allen, candidate for
toward completion about the 1st of
county assessor, was In from the
April, weather permitting.
ranch Saturday and stated to The
Spokesman that he Intended to make
For Sheriff
a ranvas of the county next week
I hereby announce myself as a
In the Interest of hla candidary.
candidate for the Republican nomina­
tion for sheriff, subject to the ap­
proval o f the Republican votera at
C. N. Khret last week went to
the primaries April 19, 1912.
NewherR. this state, to visit his
"A square deal for all.”
Paid adv.