The Redmond Spokesman CROOK COUNTY FARMER rnt>lt*h-d .•».-ly Thuredii' hr II II « 0 l- PALM u n VT HKDMONIV OHKUON The Otbtul Paper ANNOUNCEMENT We wish to announce to the people of Redmond and vicinity that we have bought out the Hardware business of Joseph H. Jackson, of this city, and will continue the business at the former loca­ tion. We will carry a full and complete line of all kinds of Heavy and Shelf Hard­ ware. Agricultural Implements. Wagons. Buggies, and everything that pertains to a First-Class, Up-to-Date Hardware Store. We ask a share of the patronage of the people of Redmond and vicinity, and assure them that we will at all times be in a position to fill their wants at reason­ able prices. ALFRED MUNZ. oi Cri» * r* « I » » » » srnseiui'TioN h v t k s • llllnx lo put M r wt»e «ut n r* *11» tv in li i biiroehuw or an-ther » S trictly in Advance Ono v»*r $ lM )| T h re- month* &'V copy f th'.« i >f* ' fell stumble«! • Six m onth«. .Tt| Single copie*. 6c n, » int„ th- h.iud* . f * t.'ilo* J»*«» ■ This plant lias Iw n enlarged and ¡mpr,*. o«l by the addition of laln.r aavuig inuthui- t-ry, and we art* now in a jhih U ioh to hatu|i(, all eia*** of work in our lino in a hatmfo. tory manner. in Omni vawtn and ha amt an ADVERT 181 NO know upon II VTKS ui.»«i>' ^ tl.«i ihM i f ill applicai hut # "t lihmMlltiC thmit ek lrk r« 1* h ••• MAh* alt minify |>.tytblf and »>1 Ik '"* th*t resti' tuske* » ui*n *i»i>1 ill'll* «II com m unications to II II £ up on • soap hot «nil r r o * In II l ' U l,»lm«T. Koilmonil. O e p m Sai Y** *lr. thr moi* I stud» shunt Kntered »• «M oad-rlM * m l t e r July «hr •* " r * • »“ * krn . Ih- * i.l-r I 1« |»H*. Al thè INtstofllrw *1 Kilt w»nt lo opon th* Imi h oo*- 0«»>r W> mon li. Oregon. under (So A rt o( • elioni* ih-tu If thin*» h s-p «n Marrh J, IS.S, «-ttin * *o litighi for l'n»»k « « in i» 1 KküMO.NO. O R . MARCH 21. I t l J ~ STATIO N TO AID IN ALF A L F A CULTORE Inoculuted Soil Supuiicd to *» Uno , I ta '» h r -n *«■ can **-'11 put Qiliilutt Ai All) ralr I *»» 1“ b a u 1 m to t ol Ih*1#« rhli'Krn* ' I dir or f»t»in ipuitawciHia comi»u»tino »*f ih«4 tkmin ThU rblrkrn. thè frIUn» fe» I juat «h a i other ihlcki'tia ait* t . 1* , (a more ciduplftì* Inatratl *»f ha» ine * Contractor and Builder Plans, Specifications and Estimates furnished for all classes o f buildings. Office one block easf of Jackson's Hardware Sfore Redmond Prompt Attention to Orders. Prices Reasonable. Good Work Guaranteed. and R «)k i oit one fiait Th* other font Is used for turnia« over the -g g* a « It la«« them tn the hot sand You *ee th - temperature of th - *and down th-r* g-t* «a y up to th- * Free bacteria for the raising of frying point, and all e«g* that at» leguminous crops. *uch a * alfalfa gathered th*r* «te ready b r the ¡ I** A*. I loan* a Uil rlotrr*. « Ill be table without any further (an per furnished to th - farm -r* o f Oregon formalice In front of the bousewlf* upon request by th - department of All you have to do doan th -r- 1* *<* bacteriology at th - Or-iton Agrlcul to th- h-n yard and pick -m up *eli| tural College T h - experiment *ta done, halt brnwn-d or arrantbliwf tlon expert* have h— n bu«y prepsr T h - h-n* always lay *n hour befóte Inc tht* material for th - Inoculation •un up Kv-ry t'-n iral American » h o of aoll for c o m - lint-, ami «III »end prefer* hi* -gg* scrambled ha* hi* ' full dlr-cth n* for lla u*o with -ach h -n yard built on the ship» so that culture T h »*« desiring th - niat« when a chicken ta>* an e«g at the ; •hi old «-n d th -lr requests at lea d top of It It Immediately commence» ; tw o » i i k a In advance o f th - time to roll to the bottom and la *rrnm th -y *tsh to ua- It. stating what I- bled while bouncing uv-r the hot No fuss.n about 1st- break Kutnlnous cropa th -y d -a lr - to ral*<*. rlod* and how much land th -y Int-nd to fs*ta down there, and dinners muie easier, too. But on* thing must m>' plant. Anyone « h o haa examined th - mota be nrgleetrd and that * gaih-ilng tb« 1 No egg must lay » n 1 of a thrifty plant o f thl« aort o f -g g* on time crop know* that there are found on the sand otor- than three hour* or The lieflw chick* ar* the roots «mail lumps, known as It * hatched. nodule* Scientific du dy ha* shown Hot raw te ned «■ th»y are hers In th -* - to b— raua-d by bacteria In Crook county but already fried with They i f-ctlnit the roots, and that unl-a* nothing mi*wtng hut the gr*«y t h -* - are present a Bond stand will grow up in a fried slate, and » h a t: not be obtaln-d. showing that the wonders ms Is that the —gg* sr— rww bacteria are necesaary to th - full b -fo r e they are fried but there are Krowth o f l b - plant If the »oil doe* Other wonder* In this world. *n I 1 not contain th - bacteria, a Rood won't sp-nd much tim- thinking * catch o f the crop may not tie ex about thl« one There are people In this county [ pected By -a nit th e»- culture* the proper bacteria may be introduced who might «ay that the*« hena ar» America. but Into th - «oil. W here a crop ha* alright In Central never been » n i » n «>n a particular wouldn t do us any gimd here U-n piece o f land, as where alfalfa la t|-m-n. don t l>s short sighted for being Introduced, nr when the stand the Crook County Partner'* noodle obtained has not been satisfactory ha* figured out bigger problem* than I say that by Introducing and It la known that the lack was thl* one not that of *u!Hct-nt llm -, such m l th e*- chicken* In our county one half lures ran Ip' u*ed with good effect Of the w om en* work Will bs done T h -y will not. however, correct lime and my wife »wear • lu th:« by the The deficiency, nor will the bacteria thrive horseshoe under our bread-box In arid aoll For thl* reason, llnte first thing I do after I get a family should be applied where needed be­ of these chickens will I mp to go to s tinner who advertises in The fore the culture la used ttpokeaman or on some fence bel W re n H-dmond and ll-nd. and get a big bread |«n * 1 « feet, with a fence around It. and have It filled wltn sand The pan and chicken* will be put on the kitchen stove every -v -n Ing after »upper, and the proper amount o f wood will be ih ov-d In to make the sand feel like Central Postal Law Holds That Pub­ America on the Pourth of July Then lisher Can Collect we will retire and dr-am of Aunt Ikna hoeing the cabbage In ITV2 All His Bills. will lie sll-nce until Ove o'clock next morning, when there will be such a Som e people think Ihey do not cackling In the kitchen that you can i have to pay for a paper after their pull your socks on fast enough This m -sn s In hen language that break ■ ubarrlptlon* expire, and they con fast la ready." and whsl pleasure It tlnun taking the paper from the postonica. The follow ing query to will be to step Into that kitchen’ the Oregonian from an Albany man The roffee that was placed In the la published, and the answer given sand will be toasted and top|>ed off with a poached egg. the feathered by the Oregonian: Albany, O re , Marrh 11— (T o the cooks will lu- transferred to the hen house until night, and life will hs K dltor.)— Kindly let me know If one one double barrelled dream dangling can lie comiielled to pay for a paper What a revelation' which la continued after the sub­ on pearl hinges My wife will Jump as In her srh<»il scription expire#'’ Yours, days and tell all her friends In New H. T. KIDOKR8 Haven, lliiekllrk. Krakow. Villa llldg He can be held reaponsllde If he and other burgs, and the C. H pa takes the paper out o f th - poatofllr- P-rs will he blowing about It na th-y The postal laws are very explicit never blew before. The committee on the subjert o f aubscrlptlona. and that haa charge o f all the old saylnga the best way for a subscriber to and proverbs will gel out Its p« nrll stop his paper and avoid payment and oeraleh out Man i work'a from for name is to mark It "refu sed" and «un to aun, woman s work Is never hand It back to the postmaster. The done." and make It, "M an e w orks IKistmaster then la obliged to notify from sun to sun, woman's fun has he publisher, and then the pub Just begun, chickens' work Is never Usher has no redress In collecting done.” If he continue* to send the paper GARDEN SEEDS FOR to the subscriber. DISTRIBUTION, FREE If you do not want a paper to con T h - Hpok-amun baa received two tlnue com ing to your nddn aa all you mall sacks of garden seeds from th- have to do la to mark It "refu ted " govem m ent, through Henntor and hand It to the postmaster. Just for distribution among the people of Those who d.slre any that and nothing more— but do not this section or these seeds are requested to rail neglect to pay up what you ow e on i ! . ’ í 1" "IÜS" ■n'’ ,h, ,r * * " » » will bs track subscription before «topping the Th';r" “ f" beans, letture, parsley, rsdlsh and tomato seeds It paper. Will be a good plan lo rouir early before the supply I. exhausted The laiat week there were several seeds are free s Packagi* rallevi for and delivered. MRS. W . A . GOLDEN, 1 P r o p r ie t o r Farmers of Oregon For Experiments. j BEN GOTTER Family washing done rough dry. or com­ plete. $1.35 A SACK ! I fftv t /t r m f if I V fjsJ li'J fa m ily / tv»' f l JJ $1.50 A SACK, DEMENT S BEST ’ HIGH PAÏÏXI Ithiestrm. t ru*r>niliii*>nt»lly Guarente« ’ 1 sack. $A 7T» a Barrel Try it i n » T mt f| At all I^a>ltnir • .morn og»: Redmond Feed & Fuel Company I>ihtnbut<»nt All ktntU of Hay. Gram, Fowl. Poultry Sui'plw«. Wooittt ........ H O B B ’S Cash G rocery & Bakery in th e ir n e w lo c a tio n s in c e th e fir e Corner 6th and D Street! O p p o s it e th e B an k M re are still headquarters for good things to eat MUST PAY IF TAKE PAPER FROM OFFICE Cafe Royal Sixth and F streets JAS. DOUGHERTY. Prop’ r | carries in stock the LEADING BRANDS OF GOODS that are handled in all first-class cafes. T r y us f o r a n y t h in g in th e Grocaj o r B a k e r y L in e . p le a se y o u w ith W e can g o o d s a n d price»- #gv»v r****»’ * I 1 I Plumbing Tinning and Electrical Work Anything in the nhove line we are prepared to do to tht* natisiaction of those wanting the work done. install Rumps and Kitchen Sinks at a very reasonable price. We I^et us consult with you when in our line. you want anything Bourne ■light flurries o f snow In this s e c ­ tion. The weather man made a big bluff o f pulling off a snow storrn, but failed to deliver much o f the beautiful. Oeo Kohl and his painters have been busy the last week repainting' Some Of the buildings that were dam. sg -d In the recent fire on Hlnh ■treet. Phone 417 I THE C. R. M c LALLIN CO Office on E St. Iietween 5tfi «inti 6U* REDMOND. ! » »»»******' 11 I ■ i- hi! I h'i|