r WE FEEL SURE O f our ability to handle your banking business to your satisfaction. Every­ thing o f a banking nature entrusted t > our can' will receive our best attention. If not a patron o f this kink, wouldn’t it be well to become one now? GASOLINE ENGINES REPLACE FARM HORSES EXTENSIVELY Bring L i q u i d D t * t o f N a c h l M C **«ts L e s s T h n n O n im n m i C o r n t o * A o t n in l) a n d T h e y a r e M or# V * r « a llls — l»* »«n »l“ i M o a t I m p o r t a n t F a c t o r In S u « « » » f t t l A g r U u ltu r * o f T o d a y . A C o a t* PL a m m a . t « a t COONT4 T a r a P A iN t A tUND V M M svwrvCMea. « A A*l I N P « J * * O C f » J. I>. duller, Propr. Smith R E D M O N D , ORE GO N Roy A. Bush. Cash. The Redmond IMiarmac? M IC STATE BANK OF REDMOND Joseph H. Jackson. V. Pres. I >«» nut hesitate («» bring your fitmily recipe* »»ml prrwrnplionN tot hr Krd- mom! Pharmacy. Thry M ill!*• ti||„j hy it gntdiiute in pharmacy. is the M otto o f ( )u r Store We have ^safety deposit boxes, and£a fire proof vault that you may use to keep your valuable {vipers in. Come in and see us. W. S. Rodman, President I ’rescript ions Ihtre D r u g s a n d Accuracy SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES «♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ « Us Yo u r Tf’ ' i 1 li C T * L «MO 6 c Allingh Have opened their bar-room next • n ir c N tA Tom CLO’ a e a lim e s door to the billiard and pool room ? 'i t J Ü / * * * • Ml AT l C W ines a n d L iq u o rs - Imported and D o m e stic Cigars C X tM M T$1 0 1 (1 w a x e s th * Lts a « amuns Redmond pc a o le Trout) • S a ver* on th* Farm and In th* A COMPLETE ► M ARKET « «5 3 ^ ^ E DESIRE to inform the peo- = pie o f Redmond and vicinity that we have mo veil to our new building on 6th Street, where we will conduct a modem, up-tc-date Meat Market, and carry a full line o f goods appertaining to such a market. W e solicit a share o f your patronage. ► ► ► !► > > > ► > > ► IS A A C J. P A G E ► ► Proprietor enameled, insuring durability. There are no cracks or crevices in which dirt mi g h t lodge, and so the fixture is easy to keep clean and bright Ask us for prices on this lavatory and o t h e r s t y l e s of "Standartr fixtures. We can furnish a fixture for every requirement. and of good flavor, and «very particle Is eaten with avidity. Give aow* and pig* warm mltlfeed and bran slop, a few *liced carrots to the horses, grated turnip* to th* A n i m a l a M u n i hm F»<1 a n d W a t t r e d ewe* and lamb* and pulped mangels to tho milk cow*. The morning * r*. K r .'u ln r lv M l J>.iiiv W -m t® lion* should always bo prepared th* S u p p lU d — N e t d S o in * evening before E x v r c lM . All the feeding and mo*t of the cleaning of tho stable* should be don* T o keep tha *tock In rood, thrlfiy beforo breakfast, and this can be condition they must ha fed and wa­ readily done provided everything I* tered at regular hour* and bo given ready to your hand. ■egular eiarclia. Their dally wanta nuat be supplied, and th e*« vary lomewbat, according to the weather. It la here that tha Intelligence, promptnei* and experience of tbo •armer come Into play. Where there a much stock to attend to and only ’.wo per*ona to do the work. It la Im­ E x c c l l t n t P l a n T o A v o id iW itlia r portant to know what to do flriL This a n d K c n u l t l i i f M u n « by C a r r y in g F u el Into will vary according to circumstances. KlUhtfi, In our own case, commencing at 5 »'clock In the morning, the cow* and korsea are flrat fed, says a wrltar In The bother and resulting muss ot the Baltimore American. While the carrying wood, coal or similar fust sow* are eating their mixed feed the Into the kitchen to fill the wood bos. itablea are cleaned, the udders may be avoided by constructing tha washed and wiped dry and then box with one half Its site built In milked. The milk la strained Into the kitchen and the other half to pro- toolera and a* »»on a« full carried to Jeet through the partition, as Indi­ the atone dairy and set In a tank of cated by dotted line* In drawing, upon running water. Then breakfaat. th# wood «bed side, says the ilome- The flrit thing after breakfaat. or etead. Where the fuel supply Is kept about aunrlie, la to send off the milk In an attached building next to the to the railroad station. In wlntar the nlght'a and morning's milk la aent once a day; In summer the milk la (hipped morning and evening. WOOD BOX IS LABOR SAVING W. J. WHEELER, - _ o f by the manufacturer* In th* P.r*l Instance. It U those adaptation* that hat* effected the greater part o f the change* to power equipment (ur (arm Implement* The gaaollne engine ha* been n blessing particularly to th* firm er'* wife, who haa tx-n relieved of muck o f the heavy work of housekeeping la the country by the application of the force In p» rf> rmtng tho drudgery of the kitchen, the laundry and the dairy. It Is a very Inronslderale farm hus­ band who today d«e* not lend the us* o f the gas.-line engine to operate pomp*, washing machlr.ee. churn*, cream separator*, sausage grinders ar.l even sewing machines an I knife sharpener*. And th* farm wtf* re­ lieved of such work I* better off than many of her city *l*trrs. In farming opera!. u* (be gaaollne engine ha* d ie much to promote th* adoption of rt re careful and *• lentlde method* of crop growing. By th* pllcatli-n of Its power and speed to the Operation of bulling, cleaning and seed grading machines it has relieved th* planter of practically all of th* laborV ons and ttmo consuming task of select. Ing carefully hi* seed grain, on* of tb* main essentials o f Increased crop yield*. In all farm Implement displays no, days th* gaaolln* engine I* the moat conspicuous and moat numerously rep­ resented. - NEW STOCK WALL PAPER All Designs and Patterns Trunks, S u it Cases, Valise», Rugs, C a r p e ts an d Furniture C. H. IR V IN , Redmond H E R E ’S Y O U R CHANCE Get in on This liuiUlings put up on the commission I muis and guarantiw’d. S «f us for |-articular». WARREN & WOODWARD. Eng'rs and AfdW LIVE STOCK IN COLD WEATHER IS lavatory would look well in your T H bathroom or bedroom, I t is triple Redmond, W hile the motor car U taking th# placa o f tha horse In tha d tlra tha gasoline engine la acrompllihtng much tha tama result In tha country. Ms- :hlna power comes very near being the moat Important (actor In aucceaaful, aclentlflc agriculture today, and while motor or »texra hauling haa been gen­ erally adopted only by large planter*, practically «very n o jern farmer u*e* th* gasoline engine (or driving machin­ ery and doing the bulk of tha heavy drudgery on the (arm. That machine power rapidly la tak­ ing the place o ( h on e or mule power la *hown by the (art that almost all tha Implement* «hown by manufactur­ e n and wholevalen at a convention of Implement dealen In Kansas City were equipped with attachments fur operating them by engine power. That la true particularly of the hear- * ler farm machinery, aome o f whlrh aow la so ponderous that It scarcely could bo moved by tha number of honee that conveniently could be hitched to It. The point* that recommend tha gasoline engine to tha fanner are Its wide utility »n-1 the fact that It* diet o f gaaollne 1* leía costly than tha draught animal a diet of corn. oaU and hay. Since the farmer baa coma to accept the engine aa a farm Imple­ ment and to understand Its operation, b « haa applied It* power In many In­ genious way* probably never dreamed Orffta Ham*. Plumbing. Tinning •Sheet .Metal Work - Oregon ¡L If you want to SELL your property list it with ( “That Man McCaffery” He doesn’t ask an exclusive right; he can sell it anyway. A fter the milk la lent off the far­ mer or hi* help give* the eowe a feed o f long mixed hay. The cow* are then corded and bruahed down, and as soon a* the hay la eaten the sow* are turned out for exercise and to drink. The horse* are then cur­ ried and watered and the stable* »leaned. The plga are given warm sill-feed slop, and the hens get a lit­ tle mixed grain which Is scattered through the cut straw of the feeding pen. A Labor-Saving Wood Boa. kitchen, a* la usual, this I. easily po* The hay and grain for the milk alble, and to fill the box you h . v . o ? , row« In cold weather are thrown Into to raise the cover on the «hod aide t large feedbox which la fastened to of box and pile the fuel Into asms In aw Iron whela which run on an Iron using the housewife remove. It from Tack. A fter the feed I* mixed It la the kitchen side of box . . , ho, „ sovered over with canvaa to cook. drawing This ha. alao the advantage 3y mixing with boiling water aeveral of Uklng up lee. .pen. u ,, Mtrb. n Jour* In advance the hay and fodder « « well as being handy and saving Ut, , M softened and haa a pleasant small tar and muaa. * v I BU CKLEY EXPRESS Cft| The Old Reliable Stage Line R e d m o n d to P rin e ville Daily Passengers and Express D R A Y I N G a n d H E A V Y HAULING G et the H a b it And eat at the Redmond Grill W. E. Y O U N G , O w ner and Propr. IhiM popular place has been enlarged *n