The Redmond Spokesman Published cvery Thursday by Il II A O U PAI.M FK A T KKDMONIV OHKOON ANNOUNCEMENT The Crook i \niiii « IVtrmer tliousht •! Redmond Ihat by thls tlm » he wihi M Hate stime of Munte new hogs or rati le 1» (hi- conni* lo niakc thliua hum l*e s o u s c r ip t io n rates li In il thè atraw siark. bui oh In* e» Strictly in A4« u m f t M M T h tw nmol hi ;.»c tlgailug ihe matter a little tuithn One year I fknilid Ihat If I gel Ihelti I » S u month*. .711 Sitisi» copi*-». h»*e t»> gel them un trial, ami thal AD VERTISIN G RATES made wt-nl work unlll thè m w i are In know upon application tight hiinitu V» hi e » thè u l t r l i * aie tu'» Il » in « M.ikc all money payable an.l .»*1 Ile frolli t'allfotnla dress all roattuunlralkma to II II A out a contrari ami cani blow off f«-r t' L. I'almer. Redmond. Oregon me al preaetit and thè aoft hutter Ctms frolli Phtrlda aie In ihr bilie* Entered aa aeroliticlass matter July 14. 1910 at the IVatorttce at H*u| milk factory and furnlshlng a fe » The fri monti, O rettoti, initier the A it of moni ha supply Ihat holda Marvh ts :9 low up In Canatla. who (Hit no- wi.e on thè righi leggftl hogs wrltra Ihat R ED M O N D. O R . M A R C H 14. 1912 hla io-uà are undrr muti and that thr hogs are n*iw llvlng »*n thè relllng The owtirr, harlng enly t ur fourth thè of l«-ga thè h*-g« ha*e rant go wht-re th. > a.e and la OH» {►e! le»! lo stai «tn thè grouiol flts.r ami watt for bcltei weathrr !■> bttn* fhe animala down I ani a little dlaappuintcd al thls state of affair* herausc I ■ bonghi Ihat b* loda* I trinili! ha*e pe-vple frolli all o *rr thè World Working 1“ Crts.k rtoint* lo atretrh thelr nera* wlth curloall) Vou tre Ini tei» t»f thoee klnd of fellows thal ran t watt litici thè plgeon 1« Itttiled, and that * wh> no body maltea long al tue when | march throngh Redmond »itti my t>t.'g rrosaed Tinti aga'n I t. ad go mtirh altotil modem Improtemrnta In The Spokramun that e te ri lime TH O S E HAN IN C SITES I haik at t.|d Ruse and ulti Iteti I feci llke a falht-r lo tlie old J-inltw-r tris- hehlnd thè {Militi thal * lerfi there «-ter stnre grandfalh«| baggage a III t« I# All Commerelal Club haa received a wire K'Aiir brlrtl •od thr “ Crook County.** from Croft-tutor Kerr of 1 he Agrlrul- Stai«« Will bv tindvritoHi This hag t lira I College, stating that he. In corn- UM« wlll b* nini|«»*rd largely of pany with four other proft-aaora from milk stool* as sll visitors will have the collette. will lie In Redmond aa the privilège to feel the cow« oper­ auon aa rt»e weather settle«, to lo­ ate with their own hands, and sc« cate an experimental station In the their own han»-a 1 have airead* Irrigated aeetltm of the county. heard It hinted in m* dream« thal The Commercial Club o f Portland. Borne time next aumm-r a d->*.-n The Orcicon Trunk and Deschutes steamer loads of milk maid* from railroads and Crook county spproprl Hwltxerland will put their little feet ated money sente time ago for the on Crook count' soli and « i t . thetr Uttle white spona In s way that will establishing of two experimental make Old Uberty feel blue In on«- atatlona In Central Oregon -one In corner and turn reti and (tale in the dry section and the other In the streak* Yours truly, the Crook Irrigated district— both to l>e under County Farmer, will in- hoisted up the direction of the Agricultural Col­ on a well derrick and labeled from lege of Corral Us The object of Pn> his coat tall to hi* great to«, so that feasor Kerr and party at this time nobody ran mistake him for his U to locate a station In the Irri­ cousin In Greenland My wife will gated section on her own nrrord assume the re­ Those having land In this section sponsibility of guarding off sny Inn» suitable for an Irrigate«! section ars rent smiles Ihat might lie directed requested to consult with President towards the aforesaid from t}..- Itrewer In r«-gard to the matter *•» Hwltxerland belle*; and In that well that the land ran lie listed and planned manner the World s Fair* looked over by the Agricultural Col of the past will be only history fui Urge representatives This Is a mat the A. Il C. d a »* At this great ter that require* Immediate atten demonstration of unlteraal Interest tlon. and land owner* are urge«l to every foreign tlsllor will r«-«'olv« a call upon Mr. Itrewer at an early sample copy of I his paper, whlrh an date If they desire to enter their wonderfully grows In spite o f the land for Hating. laindon Time* and latdlea' Hum« Journal, snd a lock of my hair which so wonderfully grows In spile PLEAD N O T G U IL T Y . of hay rum and hair ionic All men Alleged Dynamite Conepiretore Are that really do something wonderful become bald headed, the scientista Defiant and Confidant. say. When I see one thousand milk Indianapolis, Ind. — " N o t g u ilty " malda grab for my fresa.-*, and whts was the plea o f 49 men arraigned in per "Good by, dear aralp," ‘ere It Federal court here on indictments Croane* the sea, I shall have a head charging complicity in the alleged scientifically analysed and systems! conpirscy unlawfully U> transport dy­ leally classified as a wonder pro­ namite from state to state. Judge ducer, and Crook county will rala« Anderson overruled all demurrers o f up and pat my polish««! lop with the defense, but granted 30 days for gratitude ami thankfulno* Rom* of you folks might think the filing o f exception to hie ruling Consolidation o f the cases asked by that I am painting the future trai United States District Attorney M il­ golden, hut If you had eaten the blaculta that | awallowed last night ler was ordered, subject to petition yon would he gathering rubles on the for separate trials if the defense so rainbow still Sometimes I believe desires. The court instructed that the that an lmprnv«-ment In l.lsculls defendants appear when presentation would he Juat aa gratefully received o f the matter is made. The trial was aa an Improvement In oow*, but my set for October 1. wife engineer* the kitchen and I’m When Judge Anderson announced he slh-nt. would overrule the demurrers to the Itiseli It * «ir no hlseiilts, my row 34 indictments, he tum«-d to the de dreams must not be shattered The fendants, for whom seats had been Hpokesman haa given m« Ibis apar« ranged in tiers, and said : "Gentlem en, do you know the na to keep our nilnda on the «laya that follow tomorrow, and I’m a al|«k*-r ture o f the charges against you?” Don t any that I talk ao much about " W e do,” came in a heavy chorus. Then, one by one, the indicted men, cows that I’m making a big ralf out (>f y„ „ r present or ex-iabor officials from msny of tnyaelf Get the spots sections o f the country, and headed by Sunday suit and prepare •«, greet my Frank M. Ryan, president o f the In­ Florida Molile and f ’allf.irnla Hue ternational Association o f Bridge and The date will he announced later. Structural Iron Workers, arose as their names were called by the clerk and responded: Rattlara to Be Raiaad. " N o t g u ilty .” llenos, Masa. One hundred ratlle- Attacks from many angles were anakea from the Hchagticoke bilia in made on the indictments, which Connecticut are to I m » brought here by charge the defendants with aiding and a syndicate o f Connecticut farmera to abetting O rtie F,. McManigal and John JU rt Î 1í ' í f r* r*Oie*nske farm, land and James M. McNamara in the trans- for which haa been purchased Rat » portion o f dynamite on passenger oil is worth «9 a pint. m 4 ¡ trains, with being principals with Me. there is also a good return in the 1 M K in*. Msnigsl and the McNamaras with the illegal acts, snd with having con­ The farmers expert to have at |r,„t spired to violate the statutes prohibit­ $.00«' rattlers witfcfo tbs M | f,.w months. ing such transportation. Oftcial Piper ol the C*y r W e wish to announce to the people o f Redmond and vicinity that w e have bought out the Hardware business o f Joseph H. Jackson, o f this city, and will continue the business at the form er loca­ tion. We will carry a full and complete line o f all kinds o f Heavy and Shelf Hard- wart'. Agricultural Implements. Wagons, Buggies, and everything that pertains to a First-Class. Up-to-Date Hardware Store. We ask a share o f the patronage o f the people o f Redmond and vicinity, and assure them that we will at all times be in a position to till their wants at reason­ able prices. ALFRED MUNZ. HERE TO SELECT FARM LOCATION Professor Kerr and Others Soon to Locate Experi­ ment Station. Contractor and Builder Plans. Specifications and Estimates furnished for all classes o f buildings. Office one block east of Jackson's Hardware Sfore Redmond Cafe Royal Sixth and F streets JAS. DOUGHERTY. Prop’r carries in stock the LEADING BRANDS OF GOODS that are handled in all first-class cafes. Redmond Steam Laundry Thin plant hua Invìi pnlargnl and impn,v. ini by the addition o f lubor saving nuuhm. cry. and we are now in u pool t ion to liantp«. nil clawea o f work in our line in u tory manner. Family waahing dono rough dry. or c,m. pietà. Prompt Attention to Orders. Prices Reasonable. (iiHul Work (iuarantoed. Packages m i l l 'd tor and delivered. M RS. W . A . GOLDEN, Proprietor » u » « b — •t $1.35 A SAC K '/*'!«/ /•»«««( i Mrsieil / l’n ily fluet | . . tUr^i MAKE THEM KNOWN Expect to latente Irrigated St«' ( on in District Adjoin­ ing Redmond. BEN GÖTTER CROOK COUNTY FARMER $1.50 A SACK. "DEMENT S BEST" HIGH PATEO Iîlu«-»t«-m. Unconditionally Guarani «I. Try it in ila*] sack. $.’> 75 n Barrel. AT all I xml uh ; Gn ii- 1 » E le c t r i c a l Work Anything in the above line we :ire prepared to do to the satisfactiofl o f those wanting the work done. We innUill P u n ii» and Kitchen Sinks at a very reasonable price. Let u.s consult with you when you want anything in our line. A* H T 0« *<1 ko kr» Cr. ■Ma I ' ko Ml ' «S m kn¡ .Y» ■ l' •ty * I •'»>».« ».«>»•» N P h o n e kui MB 417 THE C. R. MeLALLlNöj O ffic e on Là S t . b e tw e e n «r» t h REDMOND. »»»«»* »* ' an