J.F.HOSCH'M.D. Physician ami Suryeon Office in & Wuenix Building Redmond, Ore. F. H. Rodemeyer Physician and S u w o n Kyet T m ìm I. ( Properly Kitted. Office in Klirrt Ifroe. Klock. Redmond, Ore. D r. J. B A R R Dentist J o h n s o n bu m ;. EDM OND - OREGON C. A. McFARLANE Law yer Practice in all courta : 1 S. Land < M&M R e d m o n d , O re . . C. WILLIAMS W a tc h m a k e r a n d J e w e le r l’*i**t<>fiicr Building Redmond, Oregon CITY DRAY AND RANSFERLINE j SPIRIT THAT COUNTS Competition in Value Giving is Honest Competition VOUNQ OIRL L K A R N IO LISBON AS TO TRUK H O SPITALITY. •panlty of Por* Need Nevar Bt ■ Do­ t t r i n i lo a Cordial Invitation to SII al Tabi# With the Family, It waa Mondar noon Old Martha. «rumbling. » a » hanging the laat of tha »»■ h on tha lino Him really «njoyml washing, and would hav« l.««n Inaultad bad li«r inlatraaa suggested a«ndlng It out. bul bnlng of a Jioaaliiilatlc tern- paralumi, ah« gruiublad upon prlnrb pia !n tha houaa, MUa Bllmbath and hat niara Murtal, who waa viali lug bar. W ouldn't you Ilk . In ba wafa atilt lug (ha lunrhami oli tha I » A hol.t.r.m a boy Ilk . me. bla II waa a "pickup" luneboon Mon. And leap end run Just fur fun? Mlaa Kllial.cih explained, a. aha oal two p lo ra of custard pia and a W ouldn’ t you Ilk . to akala ■mirar of anow pudding on the aida A f t . r achooL so lalal board Murtal no.)dad. Tha family to <>r play .now ball T ill m o lb .r'a call? which aha belonged knew all about pickup” limala Hut euddenly a look W ouldn’ t you Ilk . to ao of conatarnatlon aw apt acroaa b«i A-hunrlng through lb . .now face. I lk . Indian wild. ¥ « ( Jual a child? Aunt Klllabath ■ha criad, "Il Imre Un't n »U llor gelling out of a Ah. y«a. ! I..| you would carruga' '• II* Ilka me If you could. MU. Kllfal.rth looked over Muriel'! And one# you w . r . Jual oo - lo n g time ago' •houldar. " I la Mr*. Htacajr Head!" ■ he declared " p i l l the Ira on Iba la ble, child I II bring her right out." ALMANAC CARRIED IN HEAD ••ring ber ouf? Mutici repeated;I I II bar nulli » .a air.-ady op.-nlng lhe Mtmorlilng Llttlw Rhym. W ill Cnabla door, and Muriel. In an agony of rro Ona to Know Day of W t.k Flrat barraaammt. knew that aha had nol Day of Month Falla On. • t«n takm off h*r green checked Of course you have »ran the large apron Him gave a hasty glance over the table A 11111« warmed oyer frlran number of ralcndara that are given ■ead chicken, left from Hundays din­ away every year, and you may have ner. and m m . guinea prreerve from admired lha little pocket almanaca ■upper, bread and butter and dried •-hat bualne.a men give your father to Wall, b eef, radlahea and tea and tha two •tick In hla waistcoat pocket. piece, of ru.tard pie and on« portion here la one that you can »tick In your of .now pudding* If could hot be that head Klr»t of nil learn thla little rhyme: Aunt KlUal.eib would bring a vlaltor out! Hut .ha waa Interrupted by Tim e F ile« Fast. Aunt Kllrabetb a voter, cordial aud full Men Wisely Hay. of pleasure Men Tillnk. Alaa! "Coma right out. Mr# Head. Wa T im e » Fooled Away. were Juat alttlng down to luncheon. The capital letter» beglunlng each Thla la my niece. Muriel llaatlnga. word aland for n day of the week. T Muriel, will you gel Mra Head a la for Tuesday and T il for Tburaday. plate?" 8 1» for Katurduy and A for Sunday. Muriel let a plate for Mra. Head. M for Monday and K for Friday, w Him could not talk. It alt »aemrd ao | la for Wedneaday. The twelve words embarrassing At home they would are for tho order of the twelve have put olT luncheon forever rather month», three In each Una than a»k anyone out ao Hbo waited The capital letter, tell you what In a torture of anxiety for her aunt'* day of the weak tha brat day of tha •tcuaea. Then »lowly »ha began to month will fall on In 1912, ao that realKa not only that there ware no ex­ you can tell your friends what day cuse». but that both ladle« »renird to of the week their birthdays will fall ba enjoying thamarlvr« Aunt Kllik- on or what day will be Christinas or beth only laughed when »ha offered Fourth of July the gueit her choice of cuatkrd pie or Take the Fourth of July. It la tha gnow pudding. ■cvrnth month and the seventh word That evening Muriel suddenly said; begin» the third lino of your ver»e "Aunt Klltabeih. I never knew ona with an M If Monday la the l i t of could have company llko that. Wa July Tburaday will be the 4th. never do at borne “ Any day lata In the mouth may be M l»» Klliabcth'» eye* dwelt kindly found by counting «evrn*. Christ- upon tha young face, which already tnaa. for example; December 1 la a bad It» Urad line» of worry. "Do you Sunday, ao the other Sundays are ». IS. 21 and Christmaa must be on like to ’put folk» out.’ Muriel?” 'Why, no. of cour»e not,” the young Wedneaday. Thla rule will not apply to January girl answered "W ell, then," M l»» Kllxabeth an and February, because thla la leap year. Tha versa gives the 2d for awerad, smiling "Hut It would work only with real them. ladles." Muriel peralalrd. -W ell, tb .n ” Mlaa Klltabeth an WHAT IS NO FARE CHILD? » w r f c j again .— Youth's Companion. A Cincinnati Car Company Has Installad Ingenious Attachment to Tall Ex­ Too Much. act Haight of Children. In pcr»us»lvo tones tha good look­ ing woman who had secured an Inter­ Tha Cincinnati Car company hax view with tha taxicab mnnager triad to convince him that tho company attached In all their car» an Ingenious attachment which la known as the owed her |2('2. | "Something broke.” aha said, "nnd fare mark. Should a parent claim I was held up for 4S minutes while that her child 1» entitled to ride free, lha driver tinkered with tho ma- being under live year» old. and should tha conductor have his doubts on the 1 china.” II. r tnannar wa* ao Imprcaalve that matter, ha hustles the youngster to the the manngi r waa on tha point of writ­ fare mark, and If ho or ahe Is over ing out a check for tha money de- manded. but b< fora doing so ho ro-1 C. A. Adam*. Propr. marked: "It certainly w as a ca«a o f o v e r I [ charging. It wasn’t your fault tho cub ! broke down, and ha should not have J churgcd you for tho time It took to make repalra." "O," said »ha. "ho didn't. It l»n't overcharging I am complaining about, lie made me lata for a bargain sale that closed at I I o'clock, and when I finally gut there I had to pay $4 for a 1,111 thi‘ M id d le mut K a a lc rn |Kir blouse that hud sold up to 11 0 ’cldck It la the difference I am " f Ih «1 I'n lt e d Hint.-a and Canada for $19*. '• |x>lnla In lh a N o r th w e s t mi t h « fighting for.” Then the manager closed hla check book.— New York Time*. The value of a »hoe, an related to its price, ia the true teat of a »hoe bargain. Merely a low price on a »hoe you wouldn’t want at any price if you knew the unvarnished shoe truth about it, about it» slighted workmanship, its low grade of leather— should not impress you at all. This shoe store doesn’t sell the lowest priced shoes in town. It does not attempt mere “ price competition,” But it DOES sell shoes that in actual V A L U E G IV IN G , set the pace for all competitors, and usually sets it so that competitors prefer to talk “ prices” rather than values. Our line of SE LZ SH OES connot be l»eat for value giving. Your Dress Accessories Should Be as Classy as the Clothes You Wear Some one has said that the right kind of a tie adds 10 per cent to a man’s dress, and the wrong kind cheapens it 50 per cent. At a small price you may buy ties at our store that will add more than 10 per cent to your dressed-up-ness. Let us show these ties. They’re ties for people who itelieve it worth while to wear the classiest that may be obtained. No Deteriorated Foods at Any Price It’s worth a lot, in way of p ea ce of mind, to know that no deteriorated foods are ever apt to get into your house. And you are positively assured of this, that nothing of the sort will gtr. fnto your house T H R O U G H T H IS STORE. Price concessions on deteriorated food products are mere­ ly one kind of a swindle, and one that ought to have its pen­ alties. A g r ^ e r must K N O W his business, in addition to hav­ ing a conscience, if his patrons are to be protected in what they buy for their tables. Freeberg Brothers Where a Dollar Does Its Duty Next to Postoffice CLEARANCE SALE II Orders Given Prompt nd Satisfactory Attention he Redmond Transfer lonist Fares DAILY rch 1 to April 15 , 1912 gon-Washington Rail- d & Navigation Co. •*m Chicago $.1.1.00 ‘ St. liOuiM .12.00 ‘ Omaha 2.5.00 Kansas City 25.00 •• S I. Paul ‘ 25.00 l»>rt Innately low fares from all ix'lnta Direct service from ll" Hi I’uul, Omaha and K ant«* " V e r the C N. W . UNION M e. ORKOON HIIOItT I.INH > W It A N LINKS PROTECT- >Y AU TO M ATIC lll.o t'K Sill- tk «>•• Can Prepay Karos 1" Ihcsu rules apply Westbound I ••"'es mny he prepaid by depon- value of the ticket wllh your 111 -'''nt, and an order will he lai-, I in any address given. Alili " f our v is! resources and r'I'd op|Hirtiinltlea for home [ 1 r i i...i e. e I I I i l l . || .III \ e l l e to w In 'III 11 I' »'U l 1 1 V iiddipsalng WM MrM I'R R A Y. I' 1' » 'ri, Portland, Iti cgmi Osier’s Cura for Qout. Since hla proposition that man should ba chloroformed at sixty. Dr. William Osier has been regarded more or less as a grim monster by many people, says "One Who Knows lllm. In reality Doctor Osier Is a mild man­ nered man. with a fund of genuine humor, as witness tho following cura for gout which be once recommended to a friend: •’Flrat. pick a handkerchief from tho pocket of a spinster who never wlahed to wed; aecond. wash the handkerchief In an honest miller’s pond: third, dry It on the hedge of a person who has never been covetous: fourth, send It to the shop of a phy­ sician who never killed a patient; fifth, mark It with a lawyer’s Ink who never cheated a client; and, sixth, apply It. hot, to tha gout tormented port. A speedy euro must follow. Redmond, Oregon W e will sell part of our wagons and buggies at a reduced price in order to make room for new spring stock. of this sale if you want to get bargain prices on these goods. Builder's Hardware, Doors, Windows, etc. W e have a full lino of the above and will cheerfully*fumish estimates to contractors and builders. Kendall & Chapman, Redmond, Oregon Swan Erickson & Sons 1 M e a su re fo r Faro. that mark, than the faro hat to be paid. It haa bean computed that the average five year old la 41 Inrhea, and on these line» the company base their estimate. Non-Laughing Peoples. There are whole peoples who can­ not laugh. Tho North American In­ diana. for example, are usually devoid of humorous perception, and when some of tho Veildahs of Ceylon were asked why non« of their people ever laughed they solemnly replied that they never aee anything to laugh at. On tho other hand, some envagra ap­ pear to have a more rnhuat sense of humor than their clvlllxed brethreu. Good Way. "Yas; wa had a big homa wedding.“ Doctor IJvIngRton tell* of an African trlbo who. when dressed In rlothea "You say It passed off smoothly?” "Yes; wo hired a llroadway director for the flrat time, "rolled about on ■nd ha staged It Just as If It had been the ground In uncontrollable flic of laughter.” a musical comedy." You had better take advantage Lamb Feed Co Contractors and Builders Plans, Estimates and Detail Drawings Fur­ nished upon Applica­ tion. Redmond, Redmond, Oregon Oregon J M SH ERRY’S FEED STORE Jobbers of FLOUR and FEED Roller Mill and Feed Grinding Dealers in Chop Feed of all kinds. Baled Hay, Timothy, Alfalfa, Clover, Seeds and Seed Grain. T O L L CH O PPING DONE.