e Redmond Spokesman REDMOND and VICINITY jOOK COUNTV A BSTR A C T CO. Hlilewalk» um Inln« Ulti un u anni > lo d a te pel uf Aliplrml Itunts I " f ••»*’ a i r i - l i » ln Ilm r i t y in i nni Htiik guai i* ii I<'• I W e plinto«iaph lillniiiii m il li a r i a m i urdir ut ili» r,cn n U II F. Wllil», n-tary. • III * i Mini'll W i tc h lin- u u i k I» i-uní li. « III». O r* l'li teil 1(1111111111,1 Min bu Ve „,,V1IIU| nillra of walks, mond Lady», I. O. O. F. No. 22* i l i* *v«ry T Imiailay nielli In M etala Tire»er »nit Ia .lia-ni. who . l a I mi II VlaltliiK lim th eis tir- * '"nu lim e a«ii Imugbl Ih» H I I* ¡JUill) Inviteli In allelui Imllillnii. un Hie tu rner o f Hlxth ami I II Mundanhalt, N () H al renia, have hail n new fum i |ii|t I*' Il ItiKlemeyer, Rei in unii m ule M nnmlier uf nth»r ini lie v i m inila In ihn ImlIdliiK W II tir il monil Lodo* No. 110, K. R. ll"lil.a »III n n n p ) |,Ult uf thè lillllil- flnlalnid. tu ia i-vwjr Miiitilny nielli In In. unni Irla u »n ImiI.| n« |( Alci .allin l ‘u »III uc n i Iln ll V íanm e K ti Ite li i ■ ,,r. 11 ! I I*'- I < U|i|f Ib» leiuMlmlni Ini!) Inv Itoli. \V .1 lliirk ley, t ' C l( K * »la< »11. K uf |t II r l l e r r l r k . lurm erly In th e real * .-'tali' hnaln* aa lu-ie, |a nurv • U«M«I-|| U i Ille aauii business ul Ontario, Hila KAILROAO T I ME CARO alale. lili M irilla trulli m iliti 7 In p in dii itnlvca trulli minili .7 XI a in Il IIAI M I. Aenil • ari W nutl» luta llet'li uniti'ut; aulne • beni Impluvi-metili In fruiti uf hla utile Front l.lvt-ry and f r a li Hlaltlea liti Kant K Street. S P R I N G GOODS Have begun to arrive A nice assortment of Ginghams and Spring Dress Goods will be on display this week. The English Zephyr Ginghams, this season, con­ sist of some beautiful patterns. USINESS LOCALS J I* Il li ki lt reeciitly tmught front •Inn > " i a ie a a Ilia d i-I looking yen m a) klniw lhal he eala al Mii ani I) A Itetillla aulite legld»'nre It' 'llltntlil Urlìi, whe r e I hi big«* at luta In Rlalt ta and ulao aniuu land 'I in i he a la le la aiTved fur ,10 1 tiour ih« town fur bla saw tulli, whleb Try them and )u u i aay au. 1 Ite »111 aia »ti pm tu u|inratlnn. Mr Duriteli Ima bonghi a nuittber o li a¿ir . tutliiou f» i i uf itnilMT In ibn vlcinlty Inner innn wilt lie anUalted If uf Klaiera. and wlll bt-gln tuauufuc ' i your innata al Ihn H' il unni I t'trlitK a Kovd Kiudn uf lumtier In a j »hnrt Ulne Ile la a aaw utili u n d 1 s&ir , in in Iter man uf inany yearu* nx|ter I urli and Ink lahlnla al half nrlrn tein e, and thnroiighly iinderatatida < very brillìi li of (he lma!tii*»a. jti'ler»nn'» 27 tr Erti, al C Hmlih. « f II,«al lllver, nut nverliaik Ihn a|ier|ala ufferril l(« (tubikran ratiUDUt«* t o r d litrlrt «l ' >l u'l«y h) L y n .lt A IlnlM-rta T?l I hcr» Siitulit) rvi’tiìng, on hi» (n l*i iti**\ HI«-. |r I'.ta lu m a Inm lm l"»» a*»e Ken * A • I.AplUiUI 301 f liticklcv H r * « r* ninniti« a bua f< the hatill and cat al Ihn lied «1 tarili, w here the lar«cn| 3n meal In l ’en tra i Orettim la *1 3 ilf The f’nthullr rtnirrh that la tiring lleilnnind l*r earn er) Co la n«i» In rranlve cream U iv rj hull» In the northeastern i«ati o f the c|i) ta well III',UK Inward mmplwtlnn trial. 3311 llevard A Gant, Ih e con tractors, a re ck aervlre. manufactory the tight price la wbal you get ll'dm .nid (¡t|ll 3 itf T IC t TO AUTO D R IV E R S work along aa fast SO M E R A R E B A R G A IN S Rebollar $2.(Hi to $2.25 Waist Only $ 1 .3 9 Regular $1.50 to $1.65 Waist Only $ 1 .0 5 Regular $1.75 to $1.85 Waist 44 $ 1 .1 9 Regular $1.25 to $1.40 Waist 78c GROCERY DEPARTMENT »o and frutti Ih « llu(tp) )(<’wn has been cnnvasaeil In rest of the p roject and has lh much favor from the rill ere nud surrounding country. hihit Dances Albany Mlc dnnees are a thing of the Mn Albany T h e city council pissed nn ordinance m aking It (demeanor to fiv e a public dance f* o l,y. defining a public dance 1" which la advertised. If your store was ever big enough to Justify a full ...............Ivertlsem ent II has surely not becom e so small Ihnt a column ad Is adequate publi­ c ity for It. The warm sunshiny w eather Sun day look off all the snow that was on tho ground from tho Saturday atorni. It Is understood that F ry # Hob­ son real estate dealers, will soon neeupv a building to he put np two doors from the corner o i Sixth and |l stre ets to ocrupy the vneant apace hetween the old D. I & ” • 60c Regular 35c Size Vanilla Extract, only 23c LYNCH & ROBERTS THE STORE OF BETTER VALUES AND LOWER PRICES We Buy Butter and Eggs Many people Sunday viewed the ruins of last Monday n ig h ts fire Quite a number of the sig htseers secured som e kind o f a relic from the fire. Miss M yrtle Hutler le ft Sunday morning for Cortland In the Interest of I.ynch & Huberts' store She will buy spring and sum m er dry goods March this year cam * In like a «lucks fo r the store. lion and brought a snow storm along ax a side line T h e snow aid not Mrs. Jo h n Tuck went to the Rond ighf a Delm ore. the furniture Inst long, although the w eather has hospital Tuesday to undergo an op­ »''"m il hnnd d ealers, w ere In a bc. n som e frosty and crim py on lh * eration S h e has been In poor health building the next day a fte r Ihe edges. cs|ieclally during the nights. for a year. They are located In Ihe store I' corner of S ix th and E streets. W II W ilson and wife arrived here W ant ad vertise that ten an tless III. (¡ri'gory'a V ariety store. from Valdes. Alaska, last Friday property out of yonr Trou ble's Cal ► Spokesman la occupying tern night and will remain for some lim e endar. la-t ua help you. y quarters In the Imlldlng for- Mr W ilson has large property In r used by Than, lle rk n e r aa a lei eala In Redmond and vicinity, and W ant ad vertise your proposition If ►aa shop. T h e office will remain la now figuring on putting up an It's want ad vertlsable. T h e Spokes­ 1 until the Anderaon atone build opera house on hla properly on Sixth man Classified Column will help you • completed, and then he moved street hetween K and F streets. In this direction. L The S|mkeHMWin will not In *ny o f the heavy machinery T h ere a rc evidences of renewed W ilbur A. S teven s was h e r e from » present building, except a Job T e r r e b o n n e last Saturday proving up prosperity on all sides now In thla |nc outni in the m eantim e Ihe on hla land be fo re IT. S Com m it section, and Ihe cro ak er and knuCker M * being printed by the Amerl- a lo n cr Hewitt. wlll have to take a hack aeat. T 'b e Founders C o . at Portland. — *111 so continue |o be for al J. II. M endenhall had a new plate A store la not well advertised If four or five weeks any great number of people can go glass front pill In hla store building through a day In thla town without on S ixth s tre e t between H and K streets. Monday. T h e ap|>earanre of having that store brought to their Ihe store has been greatly Improved. minds or attention In som e way. Mi per to Be i At SiHtcrH. Regular 80c K. C. Baking Powder, Only ...................... W e Receive Fresh Vegetables Every Saturday Mlaa Mild reti W hitney la office aa building and the O. K bui her shop. alalanl at W heeler's plumbing and At present the Arm has offices over the llnnk of Com merce. she«l m elai works. Main Miller, traveling passenger agent of the N I’ H R . and also city tick et agent at Vancouver. Wash . was In llcdmond Iho fore pari of Inal week, looking a fte r husl neaa for his rond. Mr. M iller Is an old lim e printer, and extended hi* sympathy to T h e Hpokeaman editor over his recent Are loss. $ 1 .7 5 RedlTlOlld, OfegOIl COLUMBIA SOUTHERN PROJECT UP AGAIN State Puts This Irrigation Scheme in Portland Man's Hands T h e following dispatch from Salem dated M arch 1, wlll be of Interest to people living In thla sectio n : W ith the s ta te now in control of the defunct Columbia Southern pro­ je c t, th e re Is a possibility that this project may be the one the next l.egla!atu re will decide to try out under th e s ta te Irrigation project plan which Governor W est has advo­ cated. T h e hoard today agreed to let Alma D. K r a ti, of Portland, take charg e o f the project for the re­ m ainder of the year during the next Irrigating season. In consideration for K atx’ bearing the expenses to keep the w ater on the p ro ject, Ihe board will at any tim e before the next 1-eglslature m eets, allow Katx to en te r Into a perm anent con tract to carry out the work, providing he shows that he has am ple financial hacking, but If he falls to do so be­ fore the next session, then II Is highly probable that G oovernor W est will go forward and subm it to the The Odd Fellow s of the elty held leg islato rs his plan for developing a social session last Thursday night a sta te jirojeet. In their lodge room and entertained The last chapter In the history of the Rebekahs. the 111 starred Columbia Southern project was w ritten for the present .1. A. Norwood was down from | at least when tho IVesert l.and Hoard Culver Monday. Mr. Norwood la today derided to can cel the contract putting In a general store ut the In accord ance with Iho agreem ent of above place. D ecem ber 30. It being shown th at the O regon-W ashlngton & Idaho C H. Irvin returned Monday from Fin an ce Company has been unable Portland, where he had been taking to com plete arrangem ents for finan­ a eo u rie In embalming. cing the schem e On D ecem ber 1R. the finance com ­ Telegraphic dispatches from W ash Inglon last week stated th at Mr. pany executed an agreem ent giving Mi Mire had been confirmed as post­ to »he S ta le o f Oregon all of the righ ts of the Columbia Southern pro­ m aster at thla city. W e Close 6:30; Saturday 10:00 je c t, the deed so executed being placed In escrow to be delivered to the board upon receip t o f a le tte r from the board ordering such deliv­ ery. The finance company was given until today to m ake a report showing that It would be able to finance the p roject, but th is It appears It was unable to do. As a result the board will call upon the company holding the deed In escrow to m ake Im m ediate deliv­ ery to the Governor. T h e p ro ject Involves 31.700 acres located In Crook county on th e west side o f the D eschutes river, near I-aldlaw Increasing Rusines Due to Advertising One of the successfu l business men o f the city , and whose business is constantly Increasing. Is J. H Men­ denhall. He handles a fine line of con fectionery, news, books, m usical Instrum ents, cig ars and tobaccos, and he a ttrib u te s the su ccessfu l growth of his business. In a large m easure, to advertising. Mr. M endenhall is s con stan t and persistent ad vertiser In T h e Spokesm an, occupying one of the best and highest priced posi­ tions In the paper. He believ es in lettin g the public know he Is In business and what he has to offer them tor sale. W ater Notes At the m eeting of the elty council last Frldav night the w ater works question was prsetleally settled , and It la expected that work on the sys­ tem wlll begin In a sh o rt time. The P ortland co n tracto rs are ready to begin work as soon ns the ma te rla l Is shipped In. and then the work will he rushed to com pletion as fast as jiossihle. T h e reserv oir will be constructed at Forked Head B utte, 2-% m iles south of the elty. and w ater pumped from the main P ilot B utte canal. T h e cost of the system wlll be In the neighborhood of $27.- 000. the am ount for which th e city Is bonded for. T h e control c a lls for 6-ineh m ains on F ifth . S ix th and Seventh stre ets, and 4-inch m ains on Third, Fourth. Kighth and Ninth stre ets. A norm al pressure of 84 iiounds to the square inch will be m aintained, and th is can be increased to 135 pounds for a fire pressure. A sufficient number of fire hydrants will be Installed to amply protect the business and re si­ dence section s of the city . Fo r Sheriff I hereby announce m yself as a candidate for the Republican nom ina­ tion fo r sheriff, su b je ct to th e ap­ proval of the Republican v o ters at the prim aries April 19, 1912. "A square deal for all.” JN O . M cTAGGART. GARDEN S E E D S FOR D IST R IB U T IO N . F R E E T h e Spokesm an has received two mall sack s of garden seeds from the governm ent, through S en ato r Bourne, for d istribution among the people of th is section. Those who d esire any of th ese seeds are requested to call at th is office and th e ir w ants wlll be filled. T h ere a re beans, lettu ce, parsley, radish and tom ato seeds. It will be a good plan to com e early before the supply is exhausted. The seeds are free. PURE JERSEY MILK Delivered to customer« in any part o f the city. FA1RVIEW DAIRY W. M. OGG, Propr. PHONE NO. 3 0 « Redmond. O r*.