The Redmond spokesman. (Redmond, Crook County, Or.) 1910-current, March 07, 1912, Image 4

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    The Redmond Spokesman
Jos. H. Jackson
“ Quick Meal” and
“ Universal Ranges”
“ O.V.B.” Sewing Machines
“ The M otor” and
“ Adams" Washers
Carborundum Tool Grinders
Oliver Plows
Canton Plows
and all kinds o f First-class
Contractor and Builder
Plans, Specifications and Estimates furnished
for all classes of buildings.
Office one block easf of Jackson's Hardware Sfore
I'uttliaih.-.l «•»rry Thur»4a> l>y
Il il * «' b PAI M U
Sixth and F street«
carries in stock
that are handled in all
first-class cafes.
W ell. «ir her» sm dhcr w e h hu»
Oltuul P a p « «I the Crfy »I Rrdmoad ro 'arm im i »ml «v ery i«’««l«'r »f
Th» ft|«'k»«man I» l«»'ktng f*'t
predlctt««*» I ni ««una I" m ake th*»»
during ih » cum ia* >*w, «m l U )>«•
«oder Ihla lx»l>cr n"w >»«l wun I h*
Sm ell) In Advance
caught lu «n* lhun«l»i •«••rma *h«'i»
On«« y e a r.. $l.f*'MThr»«> iu»nih*
Six m onth*. ,7ft | Sinai»' o»»i‘l«'«*. b t you tab* ih«' »pW« b u lt.r b eiti*
iio iu U m woodthsd. "i IM
(rom II"' « l"th** Un*
U » * « » ' t®
liv re s
tua.l«’ „.»K.. predi* ti"n. her. lu Crook .....n
(h» ak» la a . WH* ••
. m other« api«»n an«l tb» a ir aa put»
M ake a ll mon«’) |>n >at.l«>
- l a a ( a llo r a « hlckan t.*«l
a ll communi«'a I K>n* lo II II. a alrlk<< lh»a«' cswdlllou» In other parta
C I« t‘alni<’r, lt«’'lm>>ml. Or>>g"n
«>( Ih» lami ami llia l a )"»l » Io I
I i'.iuo’ lo'i«* o* li«»- *"ii n»« ntl" I
K nlrrinl aa Mcoud c l* » « lu a ll'T Ju ly ¡ -t
-tt ,||
f,,|x. na»'k«-«l ni»
II. I»I0. a l Ih» IN>at»m«'» a l H.«l | #m, ,
lull, h, , proud "f II
N "»
inond. Oregon under Ih» Act ” 1 j
j „ „
(l>r«»( Il ni"ck m» a salti
March 3. 1*79
I lead The Spokesm an ns I do We
I coin« I«» have some regu lar old sid e
! sp littln a Isles for the nevi tw. |»e
I months Mt wife sr-.'S I should make
them so sharp that they w ill split
her kmdtlng. t«»> W atch me t r y ’
The mouth of May this «e a r «III
I start out warm In some places which
Its a sign that the letup." al are »III
so up where Ihe a ir Ian 1 l«»' cool
ll will he well not to sit In 'h e draft
after May tr«t. aa the June busa wilt
show up at that lim e and fly with
the wind This will m ake II danser
ou» after dark There Is no tellin e
what m inute the spurs ou s bn* »
ankle might rub arro sa your face
and dUtlsure »»U for d a ta
w ill be plenty of m oisture all through
May amt a ll the b ee's will sprout
a l both ends
This w ill m ake It
poaslhle for gantners to hang the
hy their talla so that the bp«»l
w ill shoot to their heads and add
to th eir m arket value
Jun e w ill he the month of rosea
and prtrklv heat The way the birds
FREELY OFFERED w ill pull feathers out of each other's
n«wks w ill tell (he I nuocerti by
slan d er that ih e moon will shine ss
untisi, risin e In the Knit and se llin g
Wholesale Houses and O th e r s In the West If anv changes ah 'ltd
Set In they w ill lie brought shout hv
Extend Substantial Assist­
the sun refusing to let th e moon
pass without a round trip ticket but
ance to Losers.
there are no Indications of this kind
so far aa transportation m anagers
are ghie to Judge The crab apple
Im m ediately a fte r the new» becam e trees are still eastin g th eir ahad' ws
known th at The Spokesm an idtlre on the north able whlrh shows that
had been e n tirely d«’#tro)»«t by tire cucum bers w ill grow right aide up
Ju ly , according to the else of
Monday n igh t. kVb. 2?, telegram » b«*-
gnu pouring In to the publlahera (rom clothes ptna. w ill he hotter than
different part a of the »tale, n t . tiding eith er red pepper or horse radish
lihubarb pie made In Ju ly will m aks
svm pathy and »fferln « a»»ls(an< »
T he Brat received waa from the light shoes squeeae (he corns at
various new spapers In (he county ten places and compel p«>ple to walk
T his might cause
I N early every one of them offere*! on their banda
the UM of th eir p lant» in any way the rain to run down their noses
I would advise
I desired In order to help The 8[«tkc» and drowp them
man «e t out the p ap er Tl"- H.-nd everybfdv to prevent th u !( possible,
Hulletln offered lo net the typ e on because b elter d ata are coming I'y.
"blow in"' In some
their linotype, and the offer waa ac clones w ill also
I repted. but an ad justm ent on the parts o( Ihe I" S , sbotti firecracker
m achine becam e m isplaced and the tim e, and those people who eat
reading m a ile r last w«-ek was »<>me sleep. and romb their h air In Ihe
what curtail»«!
S till the Hulletln c e lla r w ill be able to sing and
has our th an ks. Just the sam e, as w h ittle while the unfortunate «me«
the generous Intent w as shown, but are getting ir«*«*s and roofs sh"«ed
Into their vest pockets, with g » « !
I the m arh lne hucked.
The -(u l of th is c ity kindly turned chances of losing a rib or two
\uguat will h« the dog day month
over Its office equipm ent to The
T here w ill be so many
S¡K'ke»man for use. which offer was 'h is JtMt
accepted and the paper printed on «l"* davs that the ra ts
III be
th e ir pr«Hw last week
( asham ed to use the n ich ts
It will
The A m erican T ype Founder* Co he wise not to drink pond w ater
of Cortland wlre«l th at they would I «H er August gib
Those who drink
print T he Mp»k«**man. entlr«' ada and | It are apt to not only get frtigi in
all. «-ach wi-ek until we w ere Installed th ftr throats. but also tad p«>|.» In
In our new building Thla offer has th eir stom achs
And a tad pole In
he«'n accepted and the paper w ill be ' the stomach la a m iserable creature
printed w«-ckly for at least foui j he la worse off than a prisoner, and
wi-eka In fo rtla m l and shipp' d ha. k j dl«w In great agony
I say. watch
here for m ailing. The T ype Foundry I out In Auguat or th*- Humane Mo
through Its m anager. Mr lla ll. wired c le ly will get a ftrr you!
The Spokesm an publlah«Ts lo o rd e-i the 15th of the month the w ater
an en tire new outfit and they would no-Iona will begin to aw«-ll on the
lie taken c a re of to the best of the Inside, and In many cases the Inside
type foundry's ab ility.
The o rd e r! w ill begin to sw ell from w alerntrl
for new m aterial has been pieced °n"
There w ill be lots of melon
and a la rg e part of It Is here now
j glealln g going on this year, which
The paper houses In Portland with can tie ae«-n by the way red birds
which The Spokesm an had been deal a rc fighting each other
It ia «a iq
Ing w ired In th e ir sym pathy and Utal wh«B tha ..Id r.-d bird get* u,.
offer« of an y a aslstan ce they could : nest m aterial nut of Iasi year'# mc| .n
«M e
; patch there w ill he som ething doing
The K eystone T ype Foundry of In stealin g tin«
This statem ent la
San F rancisco offered to help us out j baaed on the (set that lots of m, n
In an y w ay they could
Im itate r«-d birds because a ll they
Seer« ta ry of S ta te Ben Olcott do la sit in ium t and w hlatlr
w ired: "I wlah to ex press my sym
Septem ber w ill route behind Any
path)’ to you In the Pisa sustained j ust aa la the ra se every year Th>'
by the fire I note In the press dis month w ill he tip top fmm sunrise
patches th at your new linotype )uat to sunset and rain will fall only
Installed, waa ruined
Thla Is r e r cloudy d ays F all w ill begin lo drop
ta ln ly hard luck. I Join the Ore In about this tim e, and ihe n« w slse
gonlan In th eir expr«-*alon of yeater *>f pumpkin pie will be predicted
day. of adm iration for your pluck In i later.
at once o rdering new equipment Thla|
Is the sp irit that w ill place, and I II l i m / U I O n t o
Thin plant has been enlarged ami iinpmv.
vtl hy the addition of latmr Having nmrhin-
ory, anil we art* now in a |n»siti«»n to hamlle
all classas of work in our lint* in n Katiifa..
tory manner.
Family washing dono rough dry, or com.
know upon ap p llrallo n
Prompt A ttention to Orders.
I Vicos Reasonable.
Good W ork Guaranteed.
I’ackagci* called forami delivered.
Spokesman Recipient of Many
Messages of Sympathy
Regarding Fire.
m“ ",“ln’ C,ntr“1 °rw,n on ,h- J* n. JAIKMJN Sr.ll.S
Cafe Royal
Redmond Steam Laundry
S ta te Sen ato r Ben S e llin g wired
•'I am very sorry to h ear that you
have had a loss by Are, but I hope
the dam age la not very serious '
The O regonian of Feb 29th, said
e d ito ria lly:
The Kedmond H ^ k e . O n e o f t h e O l d M c r c h n n t u
man, one of the new order of lino-
»« •
a n .
* * n a n if l
type country papers, suffered great
G o in jf to R e tir e F r o m
loss by Ore Monday night, but
showed Ha sp irit by ordering a new
IM IH int MS
outfit th e next d ay
T hat la the
kind of en terp rise th at la m aking
------------ ■
C entral Oregon a g re a t region "
The b usiness men g e n erally of the
Joseph H. Jackson, one of the old
c ity have come to the aaslstan ce of *•* m erchant* In the city who has
The Spokesm an by Increasing th eir ,M“ n engaged In Ihe hardw are bual
ad v e rtisin g apace, and prom ising
h,*re for lh«- paa( six years sold
th eir continue«! support
i n]* business M'.ndav |o Hubert
It Is such expressions of sym pathy Muni*. of Caledonia, Minn
and a ssista n c e that brings a bright Jackson did not sell his buildings
*|>ot Into th e life of the country *'dl-
Mr. Muni* wII move here with his
tor. and when the ik ie s a re d arkest m .T iiL
J “ k': f'M 'sg lo i» of the
tin ge» (hem with a silv e r lining and h"»'nc** some Mm«- this week " l i e
shows that the labor of the press In
,H " n « ' I'end f«>r some tim e Pa.k
helping to build up the country Is ' nK ,h,> country over and had had
not forgotten or unappreciated
! hl* carload of household good» shin
To a ll who so kindly lent their
*° that point, but will have them
assistan c e . The Hpokeaman publish "‘" ''• ’' ' l
Mr Munt* earn,
era d esire to thank, and pronils«-* to Redmond recently anil was ..
th at In Ihe future, aa In the past n?'l1r,h i lrnpressed with the future ■»,*
The Hpokesman w ill a lw a y s be found “•hlllttes of this d t y nn^ s<cM,,n , t
In the front rank working for th.' ,hp county that he did not hesltut
upbuilding and beat In terests of Red I * mofn"nt In buying out the («, J
mond. The Redmond frtatrlet and j *on hardw are store
C entral Oregon a . a w h o ...
* » • move
n early S«ven years » K„
August Anderson thla week let the
co ntract for a *t«me building r.n*«o
on the s ite that waa form erly occtt>
pled hy T he Hpokesman and W right
* D elm ore a s s se«i>nd hand »Utre
The build in g Is esp ected to he com
plet«-d and re ad y for occupancy about
the first of April
l*vf|i*h K R/iLiTt« f|,|M
building an addlthm
building, on the corner of Hl*th" « m
K .tr e e ,a When m
* | e l the f|rrn
U rge store rriöni 'fací!¡"lea*1 ° rB' “" d
$1.35 A SACK
V gn vf / le w s f « M s s A 'if J umtfg / tumi Í ,
Mluvatcm. Unconditionally Gunrnnt* « •! Trvitm»T*4
»«»• k. s6 .7 5 « lUxrrvl. At all Lg-adlnif i.n<vr»or»s
Redm ond
Fe e d &
F u e l Company
All kin«l* of Hay. Grain. Fawd
Poultry Supplie«. Wootl ft
Cash G rocery & Bakery
in their new location
since the fire
Corner 6th and D Streets
Opposite the Bank
W e a r e s t ill headquarters
fo r g o o d th in g s to eat
Try us for anything in the GrocttJ
or Bakery Line. W e can
please you with goods and price!
Plumbing 1
Tinning and
Anything in the above line we are
prepared to do to the satisfaction
of those wanting the work done.
We install I*um|>s and Kitchen
«Sinks at a very reasonable price.
Let us consult with you when
you want anything in our line.
Phone 417
TH E C. R. M c L A L L IN CO
* Hlice on E St. between 5th and