\ Fire Edition of Redmond Spokesman VO LUM E 2 No Redmond Spokesman REDMOND, Four Buildings Burn CROOK COUNTY. OREGON, THURSDAY. IRRIGATION MKFT FEBRUARY 2^. »912 COMMERCIAL CLUB BALL BIG SUCCESS Jl 50 Per Year \D ' tty Chapman of the league. W. J- O.A. C. NEWS Classifie^ Mariner, of Blalock, and M. J. fu i vaery T h u rn d a y by I.ee of Canby, Vice-pres’g; ï . J. A d . - rt f*. | Firo which Murteii Monday i Il * < I I* AI Mill in *ul»llahed Corvallis, Ore.—W. B. Die’ Hinkle,of Hermiston, Sec.-Trees ! fc AT KKIlMONO. dllRIKIN «••nr « , mjfht at 10 o'clock in K. Maher’« ,**af*li »*rf son was elected president o> u«? t list'll IITION It AT KM The next meeting of the |> stivar hardware «tore from a lump cx Ili. for Slrl. ll» lu Advance ' a n i rental O. A Experiment League at t. • League will be held at Lakeview ! plosion, burned out the followin? ’• N Irui* o.,r ,t towI1 ■ annual meeting; director K D August 20-22. This date was • ma man « ues tfr« J IJ M* T h r« c m onth* Or iM iaim as houwa on the t-ait aide Redmond Men Take U lu ilo rn |i|M . !>c fixed by a conference of repre­ Large Crowd Attends Hetzel Sec. and Pres, A- J. John alii». a nniatj of Uth atreet lit-tween Kami K A11V K KTIHINtl It ATKH m a.tr b. lutti | son of the Benton County Nat­ sentatives of the Lakeview Com­ I »t recta; and Sings Loud Active Part In ft«»' as rda. kni.*» upon * |.|> llral|o u ional Bank. mercial Club, the Oregon league M .ko all inonrva pai »1.1« anil ad K Maher, hardware. The four vice-presidents are Praise * ‘ WJî Work and the Central Oregon D e v e l ­ jtru all .omniunlrallona 1» II II A Wm. II. II >blm Cash Grocery White V, i« (■ | Palmer, lledmmid <>»•.*..n ___ J E. B. Raddant, SiJetz; R.H. Par­ opment league. Plans are be­ falS> < Kr¡,,tl» i he Uedtnond S|«ike«nian, in Portland Feb. 19-21, clotted traded dancers from every part named, as follows: M. VanHuys- a»* ra can m al . a rail and thence to I-akeview by newspatier and joli plant. at H pr !'<-fciuao , . with the unanimous opinion that automobile, returning via Med- of western Crook county and ter, Hermiston; F. C. Reimer. via Med- Spokesman Buried Out a#? 1 " n ‘•‘-»•"troua lirejit waaone of the most important ford Plans are being made to none regret having attended. Talant; Dr. Morel. Portland; A. -e T w t» o. m v . arar hotel an d i tedmom has ever had. and on- !and representative gatherings I maj |.... I luck and the abw »ceuveP he|(Ji jjg delegate* were m can really be called big successes, Baily, Ontario; I)r. Withycombe. atto» memorable. OÍ T .r lUdmond Spokesman was of wind was the balance of the attendance from all section« of where every thing harmonizes at College, D. T. Aubry, Cottage '*hl ‘ destruid by fire that atarted in business i-art of the city saved lhe state It accomplished the W. H. Washington is building to promote the pleasure of all Grove, and Claude Nosier o* w -to Mulera hardware store, three from going up in xmoke. As it chief objects for which it was a bungalow at Deschutes. Mr concerned. Bridge. strmi ri doors away in the same block, was. the Hotel Oregon w as badly I ' called. ca||t.j " t The j , many interests Washington is engaged in the! The decorations were in keep- Treas Johnson reported $184.- -a The S|x.kt smart is issued this scorriteli und had a narrow es- which have been working seper- blacksmithing business at that ing with the occasion. A large 85 in the bank; Sec. S. F. Griffis, ved ro o t. w««k in "Lire Kdition" form cape fr«nn-In-ing burned The ately for or against the Govern­ place. portrait of George Washington Medford, reported gains in mem- O d n io n tf. W« have The reading matter was set by Hotel Redmond and other budd- ment. the Carey Act and the pri­ ,, , , drawn by Ed Ericson and painted bership and influence and effici- Vote ol I hanks the B. nd Bulletin, and the press ings arn>ss 6th street front the vate projects have been brought by Geo. Kohl was the centeral ency through the new plan of ibi« V rk don* at The Hub office of fire, were also scorched, and together. They are now united A vote of thanks was passed piece of ornamentation, a mona- making the Oregon Countryman Uro» Ke* Tl «k. i the* city. some of the plate glass fronts in an organization which will en­ by the council at the meeting gram of the enitials of the Red- monthly magazine the official or- 1*0 •■•» S-itl. k Spokesman will continue were badly shattered. deavor to secure the passage of Tuesday night for the kindness mond Commercial Club was gan of the leagu^Tfree w ith each fr.>* ’P. I T’.t iino» pul cation right along. Anew The chemical engine was at j legislation that will offer every shown by the city of Bend in o f-! another attractive piece contri- membership for « (juica Se« ¿pues LíMiá ÓO. outfit has l>een ordered, and next ti. • An a few seconds niter the I possible aid to the development fering the use of its chemical en-1 buted by Mr. Kohl. Hc.ua« and k>t. week it is expected to get out alarm wa- given, but the 0f all irrigation projects and at gine during the fire here Mon- Most pleasing refreshments NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION T e ro - rfi**r 'i ii*fc. the regular lurnfe of 6 or 8 pages, fin- got In-yond control of the the same time protect to the full- day. Department of the Interior, U. SœH ■. ke4nku»4> consisting of sandwiches, coffee, ft>ur «oc ! k* containing all the advertising firemen. when it looked at first est possible extent the rights of cake, ice cream and many other S. Land office at The Dallea.Oro- ad jo itn* ru ilr Pleasant Ridge matter and the usual amount of as if the blaze could easily Is- the settler. deiicious things were served by iron. January 18, 1912. Priee reanaabl«.- new* matter. Notice is hereby given that UMlBd Mrs. J. E. Iatmb, Mrs. H. H. the Ladies Auxiliary at midnight c h e c k e d a n d Confined to the The official announcement by The loas to The Spokesman w ill hardware store. K. G Hopson, project engineer, Palmer and Master James Cren­ The ice cream, w hich was Wilbur A Stevens.of Terrebonne t «> -fn be in the vicinity of 14000 above T<> tra ile (er R Maher’s hardware store con­ that the Sec. of the Interior shaw visited with Mrs. W. manufactured by the Redmond Oregon, who, on May 26, 1909. the insurance, and we aak those tents are a total loss, lie esti­ would proceed with the comple­ Quackenbush Wednesday. Creamery was especially delici- made Homestead No. 04909 for o r la n d . 7 arrea P llo v e r (Vasa knowing themselves indebted to mates his loss at $41 h )0. with tion of the L’matilla Project and ous and received much praise. SW1-4 of NW1 4, section 14. at acres young [ the p:i|*er by advertising account lalxnit $.Tum insurance. would take carw to protect all ISSUE MANY ORDERS The music was furnished by a township 14 south, range 13 east, sm alt hou«- \ and subscription, to help us out seven piece orchestra comprised Willamette meridian, has filed aldreae Box I t Mr. Mobil* state.1 bis loss was vested land and w ater rights w as ! on this loss by paying up. as we in the neighborhood of 14000, the principle piece of good new s of the following musicians: notice of intention to make final M are surely In need of money just with insurance of J2<>00. He re divulged at the Congress The <;an Francisco,—For the pur- Messers Forrest,Tichenor. Schee, commutation proof to estab- A a. ■ t6 at this time. to the land e d n . d • n S n u d ar, statement was proceeded by a 0f expediting business and Hamilton, Jensen, Archer and lish claim moved part of his stock. l'io d « r ( ill tie r*wi The new outfit that w ill be put Wright A Delmore carried no telegram from Pres, i’aft saying getting closer to its customers Hobbs. The large floor space, above described before I. P 1 ¿am e a t th is office. in will be the most compleU , trance. They moved out part that he would endeavor to accord through its local representatives, of the Oregon Trunk freight, Hewitt. tT. S. 0 -* ir «i»nor »»j gnu Kl Central Oregon, and will mea of their goods but lost all that justice to Oregon and give to its the Southern Pacific Co. has is- de|>ot furnished ample room for his office at Redmond. Oregon, or »re ol i 10ih J even the large crowd of dancers the 2d day of March, 1912. an expenditure of about $7600. \ just share of the reclamation sued orders to many of its agents •t AtMrca in a rear room. Claimant names as witnesses;, One of the latest model linotype at the principal stations along that w as in attendance. T he Spokesman plant is a total funds. The total profit to the Club Riley Davidson. Charles I>oug- machine«, a large cylinder prear log«. The value of the plant was lhe Congress also favored the tj,e route giving tfiem authority MHKI was not large but the social sue- lass, D. C. Hall, all of Terrt- capable of printing four pages at about $6600, with insurance of enactment of legislation that will j scttle direct with consignees Let us de rodi give the control of the various on ordinary lot* and damage cess of the occasion was com- bonne, Oregon, and F.xra M urlotlUK Hi*h I once, two job presses, and the $3000. price» sa'l*f»‘‘tory^ latsHt and beat in job and adver­ Other losses Hre; Hotel Oregon projects into the hands of the | claims. At the present time the plete and the lovers of dancing Eby and Earl Benton, both of Spok estn ar tising type will t>e installed in building, scorched and glass settlers, the men who have, ev- i authority is extended only tocer- » ill wait with impatience for the Redmond. Oregon, A cla.- • ¡tied tlrele«- entually to pay all the bills. It tain agents in the more thickly|Second Annual Ball of the Red-! C. W- Moore, Register, the new plant. broken. $900 to $4"<>. ■ali. The owners of The Spokesman Claims f°r mond Commercial Club. Oregon Cafe, damaged by also contemplates the organiza- settled territory. Next week The Spokesman tion of irrigation districts and shortage and damage over which; have faith in Redmond and are smoke and water will appear in it» usual form, i '«>*< *»» < VK ti! NT V p the financing of the obligations there is no dispute and w hich do willing to back their faith to the Hotel Redmond and annex. with the usual amount of new« i"jV4«VJ.i I Jt ■ Ray Lamberson was charged e\tent of putting up their money $400 to $500. This damage is of development,after the manner not exceed a given amount can \|; » >.'* -uareÄ of municipal improvement dis now be settled within a day or with assault against John Moore and all the ads. for a newspaper plant that will mostly on plate glass. while Lamberson was acting as so after they have been filed continue to boost for this city The Redmond Meat Market secreta i*y Prli Smith A Allingham. saloon tricts. night marshal Tuesday night and surrounding section. building, badly scorched, and The work of the Oregon Dev­ with the agent. olld !,»* Trial was set for two o’clock this week moved from its old lo­ 14« M lm eets The Spokesman will arise from plate glass broken, $2iu> to $300. elopment League in concentrat­ Much correspondence is saved this_ afternoon but the defend­ cation on 6th street to the build • i.' E t r e ! » hall. ing its efforts to place people on and the delay that formerly re­ the ashes Itetter and brighter and next to Irvin’s furniture It is not yet known whether CL ilS 11 V iuvt ant pled guilty and was dischaged ready to continue the good work the buildings In the burned dis­ the land, as opposed to city dev­ sulted while the claims were be­ with a fine of ten dollars and store. This building has beer J. V. especially fitted up for tue mar of telling the advantages of Red­ trict will be rebuilt or not. Aug­ elopment, was commended. The ing gone over in the general of­ costs. * > - * —- irrigation of the large territory fices of the company in San Fran­ ket, and in the new location Pro- mond to the outside world. ust Anderson owned the build­ K fdim uol 1 McLallin and Co. are now oe- prietor Page says he will conduct The Spokesman editors desire ings occupied by The Spokesman tributary to the John Day River cisco is now eliminated. This M eets eve move is only one of a number re- cupying the building on East E a model market, and give the M u t. a. s t" thank the editors of the differ­ and Wright A Delmore; Mr. was also favored. co rd iali? ! ent papers in the county who Hobbs owned his building, and The officers elected were:Pres. cently inaugurated by the South­ st. formerly used for his electric­ people of Redmond the beat in al shop. the market line that money can kindly wired their sympathy and some Eugene parties owned the Win Hanley, of Burns, C. C, ern Pacific Company. offers of assistance as soon as building where Maher's hard­ buy. ______ “WHAT DO YOU THINK OF IT, UNCLE?” they learned of the loss of the ware was. VARDKX SKKOS KOK plant. To Kditor Walker of the This is the second large fire IH S T K IW T IO N . KKKK T h e Sixikeam an baa received tw o Oregon Huh «if this city, we wish Redmond has had inside of six m all aacks o f g ard en aoeda tro m th e to especially extend our thanks months nnd each time the ab­ g o v ern m en t, th ro u g h S«i atiH- H oum e f«»r his liberal offer of letting us sence of wind has been the only fo r d is trib u tio n anio u a th e people of ’ come in and use anything he thing that saved the entire busi­ thin acetlon Tho»e who «tealre » r ness part of the city from l>eing Lad in the shop.” of the«e aeeds a re req u e« « il burned out. at th is office an d th e ir w ant» » til *.* S. Land office at The Dnlles.Oro just the various losses. The Hor­ fo re th e su p p ly I* «»hatiated The »on, February 7, 1912. seeds a re free. ticultural Fire Belief of Oregon.a Notice in hereby given that Salem company, had considerable W allace S Overturf of Cline Falls, insurance on the burned build­ T ile R edm ond C ream er? Co. I* ready now to receive cream Give Oregon, who, on June 6, 1910, ings und contents. I he rest of us a tr ia l. •'*** made Homestead No. 06959 for the insurance wns carried by old W1-2SE1-4 and S1-2NK1-4 Sec­ line companies. tion 3, Township 16 south, range II enst, Willamette meridian,has For Sale or Trade filed notice of intention to make w,.|| b ro k e M ules fro m 4 to fi CAST OF CHARACTERS F0- final commutation proof, to es y ears old y earn old. ■> |l»y Horn«'*. 4 «u.l ! tahlish claim to the land above 2 K' mk I S ad d le H orses, w pìk I ii ll 'i l l Following is the caat of characte described, before I. P. Hewitt. each. »Ill work. one week from tomorrow night at / 1 S. Commissioner, at his office 1 Mule Heading Circle, proceeds to go *o 1 1 H orse. .1 y s s rs old. nt Redmond, Oregon, on the 18th promises to he a great event. 2 Mul«*. 2 years old. Charac day of March. 1912. 4 Mule», I y e a r o ld , all a re well Princess Chrysanthemum Claimant names aa witnesses: grown and p e rfe c tly g e n tle a n d easy To-To.Yum-Yum.Du-Du.Tu-Lip,Ma h an d le. •lames Acton, Robert W. Harj>er to W ill sell fo r caah o r tra il« fo r Fairy Moonbeam Hay K. Harper, all of Cline Falls r a ttle , fa t hoga. ah eep . g ra in , hay The Emperor What-for-Whi Oregon, R M. Hanson, of Sis o r re a l e a ta te o r p o ta to e s Prince So-Tru, Prince So-Sli, Alan have .1 good sad d le« to aell ters, Oregon. Top Not • o r tra d e Saucer Eyes C. W. Moore, Register. Som e Sm all P isa nnd Shontn for Sprites of the night. Courtiers, Poi I’irst publication Feb. 15-Mar. 14 aate o r I rude Scene 1 ba | \ lit ItNM * < «•.. Scene 11 Pencil nmt Ink tablet* st half 3 3 tf Kedmond, Ore. i>rlce »t Anderson* ?7tf Scene 111 IJ « ja PJuLsaiuihj.1