The Redmond spokesman. (Redmond, Crook County, Or.) 1910-current, February 22, 1912, Image 6

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    Our February
Ik'ginning Saturday, February 3d we will
cut the prices on the following ginxls. All
our dress ginghams 12V 2 and l.v quality
will lx* closed out for 10c |x*r yard.
All our line of silolines, price 12V2C will
lx* closed for 10c {x*r yard.
All our large st<vk ot ducklings, regular
price lac |x*r yard, cut to lie per yard.
\\ e must reduce our stivk of dress gixxls
and to do that we will during the month
of February offer all these gixxls as follows.
Our $1.50 *lr*”v< go*sls cut to
1 . 2 5 ...................
1.00 "
.(JO **
.50 "
” . .45 **
.40 "
. 3 5 ...................
Our 12i and 15c towels will be closed at 10 and 12c.
We have several bolts of red ami white Damask to
close at 20c a yard. All these poods will be sold at a
lo s s to us. but we must have room for our large spring
st'vk that is coming. so this is our loss and your pain.
Don't miss this chance of a life time.
Remember we are giving 1-3 otf on all our sweater
coats. 1-4 off on all our winter underwear, men's
winter leather gloves (above 50c in price) and flannel
over shirts.
Our Store is Headquarters for Valentines
We will continue our cut price on 200 sets of dinner
plates for this month each day » hile they last.
Yours for business
Gregory’s Variety Store
Late P io n e e r
ISSAC J. PAGE. Proprietor
I am under the impression that the people of
Redmond have been
paying too much
their meats so I have decided to lower the
prices on most cuts, and my intentions are to
handle nothing but first class meats.
I be­
lieve then with my prices, quality and service
it will prove a satisfaction to every one who
patronizes me.
I have a fresh variety of fish
every Friday and Saturday.
Salt Pork, any cut, 14c
This market is under entirely new management.
................... -
W hich Is W hich?
•naka K illl«*
It I* dlfllrull to b a ll»'# •
kill siiakaa. but such •* 0*e
• “ **
sciential* h a t*
Oief I®
tain ragloii* iht* <l»*a o f reptile he* • »
more prretelent * w « i j
T h * laftf* r,H*
tirvwn ft« reel anta a rt the •**»’•* It**
placable. amt a curtoua tiling alnuit th#
attack o f Uicae Huy erealure# on the
reptile* la that Ih e j kill II for food and
m«t on orot'itnl o f natural anll|*alby
W hrn aotuo o f Iticae anta calcli algbl
o f a an* he H ie) arxmao tlic whole .'•*»»»
tniinltt at once
In platoon» ami l>at
UIlona th* lltllo fallow * art upon H
■Hiking their -nltn ^ra" Into It« hod*
ami r*ea at t holla» m l» o f point« at
So rapidly t* thl* dona that the
«nahe ha* no th an.o o f I'*’ 1*I*1 ng II**
»«*.in l*o«ouic» exhausted ami <li**» Igm* The anta then tear o(T the
g,<«lt. gradually »n ip p in g <>(T tti# akin
ami w cik ln g luakle It. \*d until th.*y
ha«o carried away erorythlng etcept
the t*onea and Iho akin do they abeedou
tlielr prey
Undseekers Coming
i itiiiiiiut tl
• Tho a rri* Dm iH*UmUlk
a ffo r d to i*a* fru it laud price# Tha
« lata we Ole aeekllig and the . Ia«a
that w ill com e la e«u»|H*oed o f farm
era. w lio a te prepared to go on the
am ali tarm a o* gardener*. |rouHr>
i alaci a hog ralaera. etc . men who
»in c eo d ed in farm in g under aaerage
i c o n d ili«*»» elacw here and who .an
aucceerl here under our * e r ) fa»»*r
¿till«* t'OllilllloH*
T h e IV itla iid C om m ercial
lita a«k*'«l all com m ercial o rg a n ila
Ilona to aeinl. at on***, »le ttila
the farm landa thal w ill he a*all
able ut reo armatile |*rtn» lu lata*'
and am ali lia d a , thal II m a»
ahi«* to «llr e d eoloutata with
ta in t) from Ha offt«*e In IV rtla n .l *»»
placea where they uia) go and act
Whan - L la y d V Waa a C o * « « Mania
Tha man win* g a «e lila name to the He with ( » » » r a b i e oi>|H*rtunltlca In
groat m aritime liiaHtUllon. IJojd'a. m ake hornea and to (arm au«»«*a»
a a a not. a* might he au|*|H*»«*«l a ftuan
cler or a alilpow tier. hut only a linmhle
w ill hcglu
Coffee lmu»e U*e|er
O f hla l»l»l«*r)
to a r r lt e In O regon ab«mt M arch ♦
nothing la known aare that lie ke|«t a
T h e «-«»lonlal tr a * e l w ill ren d i
***'(Tee houae In I oml*ar«l atreet at ttie
t*eglnnlug >»f the eighteenth century height alHiul the m iddle o f M ardi
w hl h. fr«>m It* p m ilu ilty to ihe Itoyal and w ill continue unOI about
K icbauge. came to he a fn rorlte *»«.*u» m iddle o f Ma)
hltng place o f the underw riter.
rtr»t uientk>li o f hi* bouae u ou ra In a
IO \l t : « T ( 0 : T I U ' M T H a
|>oetu, "T h e W ealthy Kbopkeaper," pub
llahaal tn real
Kurnlahed by the Crook C ou n t) Ah
Than to 1.1.o .l a cotrea ho.ia# to go h*
at r a d Company.
never fail*
To rood Iho toiler* ami atlond iho aalea
In 1710 Steela dale.l aoUie mi in I o r «
I ntieri States 1 au.l Co to K M
o f Ibe T aller from l.loyd *. and Add! T u rn er, lota 11 and I I . blk I. In
atll ala** make* melitlou o f the «*«*ffee H ighlan d Hark A d d . M erollu* I I
J II lio d d a id to Jennie W e « * r r
hoitae lii the 8|*e* tat**r l.«•ndl>u I'brou
lota I I . 11. l i . blk 11«.
Illllm a n
kc la.
M ar)
tu l.u c) S
f t y i n g r.ah.
French, lot IU. blk IS. Item hulea
Flyin g flali *w im iii ahonl* »aryln g
In umutier fn*ui a *l**Jcti to a hundred
llrrlm oud Tow natte Co to Win
nr more. They ofteu le o ie Ihe watei U M)«*r et at l«»t I , blk S i. It*'«t
at on- e. darting through the air In Ilia morid. I I I . *
II F Jones et al to F It ll*>
•auie dire, thin for ’.»a* yard« or more
and theu de«* vtid to Ihe water quh kly. d em eyer, lota « and I , blk J. Kll
Itrdm ond. l i l i
rlatng again and then renewing their r e t a lai add
i r * m t«> Franosa t
u *«
flig h t Sometimes the i|»>lg>litn uiay he
Han. lot 9. blk 9. g iu n g e r à Addi
•een In rapid p «r»tllt. taking great
Hon. Redm ond. I O ; j 1
leo|e* out o f Ilia water au.l gamine
W II Sellerà et u\ to W in III
u|*ou hla |irey. which take tin n ier ami ram 1‘ ow era, Iota I I and IS. blk »
ahorter flight*, aatnly trying to e - *|*e I lend M .’ iU
until thee «Ink e ih a *i»i»»l Houieiiiue«
J It Hoddard to K H in k le ), lota
the larger *ea tilnla eateh tilin g #»b I I and IS. blk I i i . Illllm a n
H Katebrnet at al lo II F
lu I lie air
T h e «jueottou wliether the
flying fl«h nae their tin» a» all a* wing» W eb b er, lot Jo. blk IS9. Illllm a n .
la not fully ileckled
The power o f f I ••
Il F W eb b er to Kugene Nela«*n.
flight I* limited to the lima Ibe Bus re
lot 30. blk IS9. 11miliari. I I
main nmi»t.
N* >rnm H all T «)l**r lo J £ !N« 1
sun. lota 1 lo 7 Inc and 3 t lo
lue . blk IS. »m l lots I I lo • • • ■* Inr
■right Boy
** Mbit I lo > our name, little b o y f blk 1«. Illllm a n 1 1
C rook Co In* Co lo A » l Oman
queried the street ear condu* t.*r o f a
loia. : « l o 39 Inc . blk H i . anti lot
small |*a»«enger n Im was traveling
3. blk 77. Ultim an. II7 S
a lone.
laildlaw I n » natte Co to Mra f
"W illie
II Skaggs, lot «. blk S t, U l i l l a a
What a your uarueT*'
II-' •
••John W ood.” atiawered the conduct
N orm a H all T a y lo r to k ¡«ta
Swank, block* !t!>. ! « l and | f|
Illllm a n . I I »
■Wood*" eiclalm ed Hie llttla fallow
C rook Co In i
Co lo K m
“ W h y. I thought wood was a ooucon
Swank, block l ì * . Illllm a n . 11••
d octor ' —Cbk ago New a.
I) M Smith to W It Mann, lota
! ! ami I t . blk J « R ed atoad I
Inherited, as It W ar«.
W K llu rrow s to j C R hode*
Professor—Tea, air, your daughter la M
I I, hlk I * . Illllm an . 11"
firstly well grounded In French, hat
Hedniond Tow natte Co to Jennie
la . Sc«
It w ill, o f course, take a**ma time and F u lle r, lota I and 3. blk
Itcrlmotid. 97«<*
trouble for her to acquire flnen. y Fa olid Add
M W h ile lo
Kniiiia W a lk er.
tile r - Well, yon kn**w, that's rather
strange lo me. 1 had an Idea that the Iota I I and IS , blk :<•>. Redm ond
t ill«
fluency would lia is coma sort o f oat
F Jones to
Krneat Heater,
ural to her.— Ktchange.
lot 17. blk 3S, Itc,|iii*,tid. |t***r
ii i D iii to t;
L illy ,
lota » and In. blk
«. K llln ger'a
A aiata Kid.
Add . Redm ond. I23U
•D o you lo ia your |*arenta. Iteri
Rerluiond Tow natta Co to F It
M id 3”
Lew ie, lot 9. blk 3&. Redm ond. I I
•Db. y e a r
F ii ie*w i* to r it F ry , i” * f
"A n d why do jm lor# your parents blk. Id , Redm ond. $ !»n u
Reginald 7"
J II Cook to 0 II Ir « In. lot I
"Oh. I f * th* coorentlongl t b ln g T - blk. Io . ItrHlmoiid, f t
L ou I* t |II s Courier Journal.
II Donavon to C II
lol 5. blk. 3%, Reiiiuorid. 1 1476
Mia Pesiti#*.
"W h a t was at the bottoni o f that
tight between Thompson and Jimp
son T
"Jlmpson w a* till Thompson was
pulled o ff ”
Than l e e r y On* Laughed.
-T e a ." said a man who had )u «t oar
rated a funny etory. "It was enough to
make a donkey laugh' I laughed till
J cried "
Greatneaa Ilea not In being strong
bat in tb * right using o f atrengtb.-
Beei her.
Kuhacrlbe fo r T h e Spokesman
Swan Erickson & Sons
O f m ir a b i l i t y
l ia m llo
y o u r a a t i n f a i t i o ii .
K \ f r y th in g
tia n liin ir
i* n tr u a tv d t o o u r cart* w i l l r o e v i v o
I f n o t a p a t r o n o f t h is U n k .
I m a i r * « ,()
U n k i n g uBi ur"
o u r I n
w o u l d n 't
« t i rn(HJn
U- We|| ,o
U’comt* one no« T
Wi* have mtfrty tkpoait Uigw, and a Hr«* prwif »guR
that you n»a> liar to kor|i ytmr valuaMc paiwrg^n.
Com« in ami a«*«* ua.
NX S. Ktalman, I'm .
Jiowph II. Jack eon. Vien I W
lt»>> A. Hush. Cg
Daily March I a! to April lAth
$33 iai St. 1‘atil
:f7 *.ai Katiaa* City
Mil« atikee
S t.
31 50 ( Itnaha
32 •*» DraMolnca
IgH ua
5o (it ln<lia>ia|.ilia
N'c« Y*»rk
I h-iniit
3K (h i
iR t n ic r
F r o m o t h e r E u t e r n n o in ta in p r o p o r t io n
y o u r f r ie n d a in t h e B u t o f t h u io p p o r t u n it y ef ■■*.
in g W e a l nl !« • « rat* »
D m * t t r a m >* i)i* '<
v ie Huf-cfW '
K o iitc . N - i r t h e m P a c i f i c , G r e a t N o r t h e r n .
S**rt>. Har.k' mi
O r e g o n T r u n k K a il w a y s .
Y *u i c a n iie|am it f u m i » Wi t h m e a m i » . *tl>Hin«i tx à rt|
wi l l lw f u m ia h c ii i«-**|*le in t h e K a n t.
I t e r a li,
w ill
tia rw t.lw rl u a
lie a r r a l
lir | * r r l
Ir r ig M
k o l,
Ib a ».
Ig e a i
llc .la .- w I
l'..* U a A lb*.
* )* f*
Tinning and
Electrical Work
Anything in the above line vve arr
prepared to do to the «attsiactiofl
of those wanting the work done.
We install Pumps and Kitchen Sinks
at a very reasonable price.
Let us consult with yini when ynu
want anything in our line.
Contractors ami Huilrlcrs
l ’ Iena, Estimate* and
lle te il !>rawinga Fur­
nished upon Application
biff«« E St. brtwffB Stk and «tk. REDMOM),
O rfeó n
Subscribe fo r T h e Spokeauian
is our aim not only to tfet
I T tomers,
but to hold them.
- ¿ j— L _ n _ _
new cus­
That is why
we recommend
^ tu n d a tH T
This pr*t»v hr1«t# rW -n t know, but mir
taker does l i t « ehould know that
he know« end »ken know enouvh to phona
Headquarters for hood Things to Eat
S outh 6th St.
R ed m on d , Ore.
pl umbi ng f i x ­
tures, and why
we put the ri^ht
wor kma ns h ip
into every job,
large or small.
Madras Flour
N a tu ra l ( 3 o lo r
The righ t Color, F la vor and quality
Call for it in any store in K cd moa®
Plumbing, Tinning
Sheet Melai Work
Madras Flour Mill*
II. F. niET/.KI.. lYoprtetnf