C L O T H I N G SELZ SHOES S L We I Have P a P Nice E Line r Ì and Gents' Furnishings Make Appropriate Presents Your f«?t w ill In» glad if you wear a Selz In this line we are certain you can find something that will make an acceptable Holi day present for father, husband, son or brother. These kind of presents are lasting and retain the memory of the giver. Let us show you what we have in the above lines. The persoli who receives and wears a pair of slip|K*rs Ixuight of us wdl always feci j»ra^ The famous shoes, of which we carry a full fui when they are resting their tin ti feci. We line, will gladden the heart of anyone who bave a g<*Kl line to select troni, and a painrj wears a pair, and there is no le tte r way to in make a comtortable preseli!. vest your money in Holiday buying than to purchase some of these goods for the family. mi Holiday (Imcens YVe have them for men, women, children and ill lx- entirely satisfactory infants. it you buy them of us, and Come in and see what a fine line we have, you will save money and have enough left to purchase presents with. and how moderate the prices are. GROCERIES BEAR IN MIND THAT WE HAVE A GREAT MANY ARTICLES THAT WILL MAKE USEFUL AND ACCEPTABLE HOLIDAY PRESENTS, AT A MODERATE COST TO YOU FREEBERG BROS. “ WHERE A DOLLAR DOES ITS DUTY" ing for they have an important nection with the duties of his of bearing on the problem, not alone fice. He visited the different and for thrift-reasons, but in keep power plants in the city, and ing the home-maker posted on gave out advice as to certain Those who want any kind of ‘‘new things.” things that would have to be plumbing, tinning or electrical complied with. He will make work will be consulting their own Leave your orders at the Cash another trip here in May. interests if they get the C. R. Grocery and Bakery for fruit McLallin Co. to figure with them. cakes for the holidays. 18tf How long must the placard in The best of work at satisfactory the window gather dust before prices is always guaranteed. The real live Santa Claus at you la-gin to ADVERTISE for a Gregory's Variety Store is at tenant? Three loaves of bread for 25c, tracting a great deal of attention, and 13 bread tickets for $1.06 a t ' and the youngsters have been Mr. Business Man the Cash Grocery & Bakery. 18tf busy confiding to him the differ Do you want ent presents they want him to Good Printing? The Redmond public schools; put on the Christmas tree and in .The kind that opened this week Monday after their stockings. has an lieing closed for a period of two individuality? weeks. A poor store is quickly “ found The Spokesman out” when it commences to ad-, We will buy your potatoes. | invites vertise—and so is a good one. Highest market price. Redmond your inquiries Lumler & Produce Co. 22tf about this Remember the benefit dance kind of Printing. tomorrow, Friday, night at the The average person knows and new Oregon Trunk railroad ware notices good advertising andas- Mrs. Arthur Templeton ami house. The floor is the best in sumes that the merchant who daughter Hazel, were over here the central part of the state. advertises well does all else well, i from Sisters yesterday doing some Music will be furnished by the holiday shopping. Redmond band. Tickets are 50 A. J. Haney, bookkeeper at I cents and the proceeds will go to the Redmond Bank of Commerce,! Adolph Jacobson who was re Florin Weston and family left left this week for Spokane to cently hurt and had to have his this morning for Bremerton, Wn., where they have property inter pass the holidays with relatives. leg amputated. ests. Mr. Weston expects to re- He will l>e absent about three ' turn here in the spring. weeks. What your store is to lie in a Leave your orders at the Cash year from now exists in your The Indies Aid of the M. K. Grocery and Bakery for fruit plans for it today—in the publi church held a bazaar yesterday cakes for the holidays. 18tf city campaigns you’re creating and sold a number of articles to NOW. Christmas shop|**rs. There is joy among some of Chester L. Adams, represent the chicken raisers in the city, Father Sheehan will hold mass ing the Mergenthaler Linotype and especially the women who Co. of San Francisco, was in the here on Christmas Day at It have In-en watching the spring o’clock a. m. pullets and keeping cases as to city Monday. He recently sold a linotype to The Spokesman, when they ought to begin pro Harmon Cook of Laid law, and the machine is expected to ducing hen fruit. Several fam chairman of the prohibition party be installed in time to get out the of Crook county, was in the city ilies are now eating eggs of their first January issue of the paper. yesterday. own—that is, eggs that were laid by their own hens, hence the re With this machine the paj»er will A report was circulated here carry a much larger amount of joicing. reading matter, and take care of Sunday that a man named Wag Three loaves of bread for 25c, a|l the late news right up to the ner had U*en killed at the Crook ed river railroad bridge, but in and 13 bread tickets for $1.00 at hour of going to press. vestigation proved the report to the Cash Grocery & Bakery. 18tf Wm. A. Dalziel, deputy com Is- without foundation. fhe store ads are the most in- missioner and factory insjiector Peter W. Fair of Powell esting things in the paper to for the state, was in Redmond those engaged in home-mak- last Saturday on a trip in con- Buttes was in town yesterday Redmond Vicinity on business connected with prov ing up on his homestead. Special music at the M. K. church Sunday forenoon. W.W. Alldredge will sing a solo, "One Christmas Sunday Morning." “ The Lord is My Foundation,” medley, will be sung by the choir. Mrs. Z. T. Met‘lay returned last night from a two weeks visit w ith her hop at Tillamook. Cards have been received hen announcing the marriage of Wm. G. Phoenix of this city, to Miss Ethel Isabelle Godwin at Berlin, Wis., December 14th. Mr. and Mrs. Phoenix will make their home in Redmond. I "ing “good money” to pay. for “ advertising,” intended to reach people who do not read newspaper advertising, is a poor use to which to put good money for the person who does not read newrspaper advertising does not read any other kind, either. He does not know- how to rear!. Keep Cattle Out of Forest Reserve Owing to the existence of «cabbies in cattle of Ijike and Klamath counties, Supervisor Harvey, of the Deschutes Na tional Forest, has received in structions from the Forest Ser vice to deny admission to all cat tie from the two counties during 1!M2, unless a certificate of in spection issued by an employe of the Bureau of Animal Industry can l»e shown by the owner. TAX, ETC. CUT GLASS No more acceptable present can lx* mad* than a nice piece of Cut Glass, and w ask you to call and see our new sttx'k be fore deciding u|x>n a purchase. The goods will please you. Watches and Jewelry Nothing lx*tter than a piece of jewelry ft* a Christmas present can lx* found, ani such a gift is always appreciated. have a fine assortment to select frsnt bj the watch line we have all the standard makes, and can sell you a g<*>d Mratck from $10.00 up. Let us help you in your gift giving. J. C. WILLIAMS Jeweler and Watc hmaker B L A M B F K KI ) C0| /ted in o m i, O re g o n Roller Mill and Feed Grinding Continued from pagi* 1 and many of the |s-op|e who are, and have been paying their tax regularly, are of the opinion that all occupations should pay their1 just burden of taxation. I Dealers in Chop Feed of all kinds. Haled H*?1 limothy, Alfalfa, Clover, Seeds and S**“ Grain. TOLL CHOPPING DONE. Manufacturers o f Graham