Redmond Spokesman I u l)lis !u ‘d a t (he “ Huh ( ’¡ ( y ” of Central Oregon 'VOI.. 2. No. 21 1:1 IL L. Sk.v W. I ». I (imi | Ita «Il ncil Will Also Amend he Occupation Tax Ordinance jr api-itti cu.inni Jmif 1 .i t.ltt) night «a-, ai 1- lu n lc r !•> M i n o r J m u n , Mini ^ullowing memhcnt wert* prc- lliHti'h, Huffman. Lynch, ifTrr\ Mini W sU a . D m !<■' )g bill* w «TC « lllim n l E \\ « n 1« «ni ¡flit« |2 1 ' I V i n U i r i l 6,26 25 . 2 »» 21.50 H nt-k l«*y E x p . ( V». )•; »io Curi W ink I m fi «M| I uni A I.utii Luriihr ( o 6.70 ( . A Aliami« «. 75 lav /.urnwult •1.60 S. M. Snider 7.6o Th«> urtund remling ami pa * 1 » ' of ordinami*-« Non Ji| 21-22, vttcation ordinano!'*, «;i |M,,| over tu thè regolar meeting m ■Iu 1 1 ii try, tln1 li*I I he railruol vacutmn ordinante un- al «« Inni over tu Diut (ime. 1 Inlinunc«* \.i 21. pr*i\nliug f«»r atnemlnirnta lo ordinane«' N<. 4. thè «a i'upat ioti tax ordinami*, wni Ilm ordinane«- iuv I in to rrviM* Mini regniate th«* rnt.*i tu U- dia rifui business h'HiM'i UM u lux fordoing business in th« city. The matter «>f l.ynrh A- R.dx-rt* Pivmg a M'iiaralt* «H-iuipation tux * ’ on la 't page 1 l:o«>K ciU 'N T V . OREGON, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 21. 1'Jll DESIRE IAX ABOLISHED Numerous Business Men Not in Favor o f the Occupation Tax rim <|ii«*ition of paying the oc- cupation tax by the husim-s* mon and iii.TchanUi of the city is ro- reit ing ninHidoralilo attention these dav a. The S|tokexmun has interviewed a number of bininoli mon hero and a majority who have I miti consulted arc in favor of tho aixiliitimont of the tax. It is that the tax ia tix» high. Councilman Huffman ut the council meeting Tuesday night stated that, in his opinion, the tax should lx- cut down at least two-thirds. Other people who have been paying the tax are of the opinion that it would lx* lx-tter to do away with the tax altogether and raise the necessary money by direct taxa- tion instca«l of collecting a tax under an ordinance that pre- serilx's fines an«! imprisoment if same is not paid. The city council has introduced an ordinance to revise the occu­ pation tax ordinance, and same will lx* acted on before long. Just what will lie the outcome is im- |Mnsible to state at this time. I-awycrs, physicians, black­ smiths. and contractors and build­ ers are not reipiiml to pay any tax. according to the onlinance. Continued on page 2 Everything for the Holidays We announce the opening of Redmond’* (¡rentes! H ol­ iday Bazaar. Our Com­ plete Christmas Stock is n o w on display, arranged look and linger as long as you like. I f you are in doubt about what to buy for Christmas, don’t let it worry you, but instead, v i s i t the store where you will find thous­ ands o f suggestions before you. I*et us show you our stock. as conveniently as possible for you on your Christmas visiting and shopping tours. \ o u are invited to come and bring the children and to « .5 0 PER YEAR Not too Late to Win a Prize Owing Ui the great interest t*k«-n in our Prize. Voting l o n l c t . we have ileveled to g iv e a thir.'1 XU -I' ■'«2>' 425 .147 276 .’ 15 214 3«9 200 1149 711 6ll6 602 500 S45 210 -I 1M 41 Mendenhall's Tlie contest close* 2 p. m., Dec. 24th. The result will t«e annotine- e l ani prire* sw aried as *>x«n as th«- votes can lie counte I. THIEF GETS POSTAGE ENTIRE LOAD SHOT STAMPS AND TURKEY ENTERS MAN’S BREAST Tum-A-Lum Co. Office and Armond S h e rar Accident- Oregon Cafe Are b Kills H im self N ear Burglarized Crescent Some time last Friday night a thief or thieves entered the office of the Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. on east E street and made a search for money. The search was thorough but all the burglar could find of money value was some stamps and stamped en­ velopes. which were taken. The same thief later on went to the Oregon Cafe adjoining the Hotel Oregon on 6th street, and appropriated a big fat turkey that was confined in a pen in the rear of the cafe. Probably think­ ing the turk more valuable than the plunder from the Tum-A-Lum Co., or in an effort to pay for the bird, the thief left the stamps he had stolen from the lumber com- l»any. Policeman McClay has been working on the case, but as yet has not found the guilty Party. S IL K W A IS T P A T T E R N S Young l-adu* Mi*« Mildred Whitney M um I .aura Jones Miss Gladys Hayn Miss Dunn Mins Evelyn Smith M um Eva Brown Miia Emma Snider M i*« Emma McDowell Mias Doris Slocum Mias Irma Cook Misa Nettie Cast Miss Nellie Covert W’ord was received here Sun­ day that a man named Armond Sherar had been found dead 15 miles from Crescent Saturday af­ ternoon. Dec. 16th. The dead body was taken to Bend and an investigation started. The inves­ tigation disclosed the fact that Sherar. whose residence is North Yakima, had been hunting alone, and that the entire charge of the gun entered his left breast above the heart. How the accident oc­ curred was not learned. The re­ mains were shipped from Bend to relatives at North Yakima. J. E. Freeberg. resident part­ ner of Freeberg Bros, of this city, last Saturday night receiv­ ed a wire from Bartlett, North Dakota, announcing that his father was seriously ill and not expected to live. Mr. Freeberg left Sunday morning over the Oregon Trunk to attend his Subscribe for The Spokesman. father’s bedside. H A N D K E R C H IE F S S L IP P E R S NECKW EAR K ID (¡L O V E S J E W E L BOXES DOLLS PIC T U R E S TOYS X M A S CARDS and a thousand things too numer­ ous to mention, which we have all marked at money saving prices CIGAR SPECIAL—EXTRAORDINARY OFFER Owls, Spokesman, El Roy« Cubean Club, Export and others. for box o f 100 $1.7.'» for l>ox o f 50, $«‘1.50 ONLY TWO MORE DAYS LEFT FOR HOLIDAY SHOPPING Do not delay buying you presents, but do it now EHRET BROS. big department store Highest in Quality, Low est in Price W e want to call your attention to the large and complete Stock of Toys we have for the child­ ren's Christmas. W e can suit you in this line and invite an inspection o f our stock. GIFT BOXES OF CIGARS If your father, husband, son. brother or "the only best one” is a smoker you can make him an acceptable present by buying your cigars in small boxes from us. W e have all brands and sizes of boxes. W . H . AN D ERSO N