Redmond I u M islio d at tlu* ''' 1 * ' ' * ' 1 ' the two cotii|iunieN w ill Imihl at thi» jMiint. The ro ttale in the northern part of the railnanl ya nl. that i» firing Inn It for the a lai inti arreni, in nearly fmi»hr«l. am i two aection hiHiae» m the ••me locality will I»- compieteli tllia Week f Force of Men Work­ - f ip ing On Different Btildiifli f t J ,r ' ' : ' ml »■•«•nr nf l l K l " ■ M' 1' r t f u m I ''.. I ' • * r .iiln i.n l uml litri Rai In «ad in thin city (Invi A large force of ■re at work on the big 1 wan v ■« nt tin- fool of r’ ;r I ' ' •• »tone cutter» (rkirii,' ■ the »tone ile|»i( |t in e x | h I tei| ||,, warehouse will |N- reaily to handle freight in about u week or ten day». Material i i on the ground for the la ri;« water tank to lie . u rte il at the foot of I » »trit t , ami work­ man w ill mMin I n - i ' iii tin erection of the atructure. |*ipr ami otlu i mater ml for connecting tl e itandpip«-» along the m il m a l in the northern ami southern part» of the > a n i are on the ground, am i it is the intention to have all the prelim inary work com plete«l at an early ilate. The l»m riK of the bitf well will i»- cormnenceil u i soon a» the well Continued on la»t paire “ Hub ( ity Spokesman of Central Oregon < Ol’ M Y. OREGON. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 14, lyil O l i CURE SHIPPED HERE Holsteins and Jerseys Ik*- m ing Sold to Handlers In This Section Eighty head of l|o l»trin and forty head of Jenrey dairy cattle were received at tin» place about the fimt of the month for sale to tanner» and rancher» in thi» m-c- lion of thi- county. The cattle are all high »trade and w ere»hip- 1» •! m l»> M i ' m i x . Melntoah and lirow n. I he HoUtein» were brought from New York ntate, ami the ler-w-v» from the W il­ lamette Valley. The cattle are meeting w ith a ready »ale amonir the rancher» w ho are m aking preparations to engage in the d airyin g business in this »ection. D uring the past two months, or since the visit of the farm demonstration train to this city, interest in d airyin g has received an imiK'tus, and the farm ers and ranchers are Ix-ginning to realize that it is to their lienefit to go into the nl»)vo industry as soon as possible if they would pro»|ier a» they should. The brin g in g in of a g issl grade of d airy cattle, and selling same on terms that the farm ers and ranchers can pay, has met with popular favor, and it i» predicted that by spring there w ill !»• a large numl»er of high class dairy cattle in tlie Red- (sintinued on last page Everything for the Holidays We announce the opening of Redmond's Greatest Hol­ iday Bazaar. Our Com­ plete Christmas Stock is now on display, arranged as conveniently as possible for you on your Christmas S itin g and shopping tours. ^ ou are invited to come and bring the children and to look and linger as long as you like. If you are in doubt about what to buy for Christmas, don’t let it worry you, but instead, v i s i t the store where you will find thous­ ands o f suggestions before you. I A t us show you our stock. $1.50 PER YEAR Holiday Presents Only 10 days left to make your purchases. Now is the time to make you selections before the best jwtrt of the stock is gone. We wish to call your especial attention to our fine line of dolls, ranging in price from H) cents to $3.00. Leather Goods, Toilet Sets, Mirrors, Foun­ tain Pens, Safety Razors, Meerschaum and Briar Pipes. Our prize voting contest is becoming inter­ esting. Remember you get votes with each 5c purchase. Help your friends win a prize. Mendenhall’s 1 CREAMERY FOR REDMOND U n d Bought for Site and Machinery Has Been Ordered PRACTICAL MAN TO HAVE CHARGE Creamery to Be In Opera­ tion Shortly After First SILK WAIST PATTERNS FANCY COLLARS of Year CUT (¡LASS HANDKERCHIEFS - /z • r A creamery for Redmond now seems an assured fa ct The Spokesman has learned from a reliable source that an experienc­ ed creamery man has bought property here for a creamery site, and ordered the machinery for the plant. It is the intention. S U IT E R S NECKWEAR KID CLOVES JEWEL BOXES DOLLS PICTURES and a thousand things too numer­ ous to mention, which we have all marked at money saving prices SPECIAL—EXTRAORDINARY II w I k . Spokesman. Kl Roy, (uhean ('lull. Kxport and ut hers. for box o f 100 F R ID A Y S U R P R IS E We want to call your attention to the large and complete Stock of Toys we have for the child­ ren’s Christmas. We can suit you in this line and invite an inspection of our stock. OFFER $1.15 for box o f .»0, $.1.50 S P E C IA L BRO S. ____________________Highest in Quality, B,G |)K,,ARTMKNT Lowest in Price GIFT BOXES OF CIGARS If your father, husband, son, brother or "the only best one” is a smoker you can make him an acceptable present by buying your cigars in small boxes from us. We have all brands and sizes of boxes. A 25c Night Lamp for 15c EH R E T The person who is dissatisfied with his present furnished room might be interested in what you have to offer-- if you first find him through an ad. TOYS XMAS CARDS CIGAR so the informant states, to have the creamery in operation soon after the first o f the year. During the past three months quite a number o f good dairy cows have been shipi>ed into this section and sold. About two weeks ago a herd o f 120 Holsteins and Jerseys were brought here, and are meeting with ready sale. The State Bank o f Redmond has bought a number o f dairy- cattle and is selling same to farmers and ranchers on liberal terms. Interest in this section tending tow-ard the establishment o f a creamery has been worked up among the farmers and ranchers for some time, and now it looks as if the realization o f the men who have been trying to intro­ duce this industry into this sec­ tion will be realized. There is a large territory to draw from for a creamery here, and before another year rolls around it is expected the indus­ try will have extended into a large business, and the farmers and ranchers who engage in the project will be reaping the bene­ fits o f their investment. store W . H. ANDERSON