The Store for Holiday Trading Y Y. I,and Show Discloses a Lack of Oregon Literature W e are now, and have been, showing the most complete stivk o f Holiday (iotxls ever brought to Redmond. The stock was Ixmght with the aim to have a line of goods that would make suitable presents for the young as well as the older people. A visit to our store will convince you that we are stating FACTS in making the above assertions. KXHIB1TS ARE FINE, LITERATI RE SCARCE Railroad M en Advocate Change in Manner of Publicity In speaking of the big land show at New York City a special dispatch has the following to say regarding the scarcity of litera­ ture from this state, and particu­ larly from the central part: One grievous fault there was. which the Oregon Development league and all good Oregon l>oosters should prevent being re- I>eated. In all the big show, where tons of literature were distributed, all that the land seeker could get that concerned Oregon were the 'Oregon Bul­ letins” of the Great Northern and Northern Pacific roads and the lone publication of one Ore­ gon real estate firm. They were excellent, but entirely inade­ quate. Oregon has boasted, with good cause, of her great generosity in the direction of publicity. It is understood that sundry Portland business men at times even go so far as to complain of what they choose to style the unnecessary prodigality of the local publicity- organizations. Yet Oregon needs exert herself if she is to keep even near the head of the pro­ cession in the strenuous advertis ing race. The states of the east are accomplishing wonders. Few Pacific Coast enthusiasts realize quite what an effort the Eeastem territory is making not only to keep at home its sons but to re­ call many of those who have migrated beyond the Mississippi. All this was brought home dis­ tinctly, and perhaps not pleasant­ ly, at New York’s first land show by Oregon’s inadequate showing in the field of publicity literature. The men in charge of the rail­ road advertising work, when asked the “ why” of the unfor­ tunate situation, replied that for months previous to the show they had plastered the state with ad­ vance literature concerning it, particularly requesting all the local commercial bodies to place in their hands an ample supply of leafets concerning their par­ ticular towns or sections. Not a single community replied. As a result it was practically im- possible for the visitors at the land show to get, immediately, information to take home con­ cerning the locality he or she was interested in. A talk with several of the leading railroad publicity men develoijed the fact that they, too, are o f the opinion that the day of elaborate and expensive publicity literature is drawing to a close. A splendid Isjokletis an ■' admirable medium. Also, it is an expensive luxury. The con­ sensus of opinion, then, seemed to be that instead of getting out a limited numlier of large adver­ tising publications, it would be far better to publish an enor­ mous quantity o f small and inex- l>ensive leaflets, setting forth simply “ the facts in the case. “ l>le whm,, --------------------------------------------- FOR---------------------------------------------- 1 3 Bread Tickets for $ 1 .0 0 H U N I IN«, hii'h you ^ into the w. 1,1 STASO ( j contrat w,iui>l I« [»I'ih.e not net- 1 ,. I. », 1>ar I he Sp 4h A a* ■hove kind pnatfcg PLEASAN T KIU1 Mi*» Tinner ' Cor. H and E streets REDMOND MI LK I have established a nulk rout«' in Redmond, ■•>«1 will deliver Pur«* J it *••>■ Milk to customers daily. Prompt Service and Satisfaction Guaranteed w. I turtle No M. O G (. »«, Kwlmond. (H r. We have many things in our store that will help you properly celebrate the City Dray holidays. If you want a nice cake for the AND Christmas dinner, or any other bakery article, we will be pleased to serve you. ltr ’ xi hang to pul,lie itpinni It can rentier YOU’ » IÍVK M l nf nrrrtct help, in the of thing*, to makx fc L uvr Onlrn for Service at Central Tel. Office. H o lid ay C h e e r |t um-»*., e-' J peal i« i„, REMEMBER: Do your Holiday Shopping early and it will be more satisfactory You can buy now and we will put your purchases aside for you 9 LOAVES of BREAD • l-nnu*, « nature it..,- W e want every child, man and woman in the Redinond District to get a Christmas Present this year, and if you will call at our Store w e can help you in selecting your presents and save you money. Transfer Line c l pn.gia'i f rTin-iv^ W ' ! ■ an ; thirteen pup » Mut* F.lta I ‘ 4 »e a > from her ment lünog Mn«. Green ha gh. Ite halgh and \ lrrw V,«*-3 Thank»gi ng with Ur ad[ Hunter, Mr. Temi' • and hu ttai »lient ThaiA g' ing«:'jt|t ' Mm. Frank llmalqr. Mint of the Ikuhrlen 4 ‘ locality attrruled the tea lAewchute» ÎI anktgidaf ir.g. G eorge lim ter hai from lutin C. i’ltjr vhmhi chased twelve h<-adofte row * and several fine ho» Several of the '«cheta here are thinking of their farm * with cowa The Ijiitl u f-lki art i their cream to i'ordaad F’m n k Hensley ta p jm |! meat wagon in the Unía» " trict and reporta food. Jake Peterson and haw«, men and trama ut cleaning literal» in th* it)’ Will S|iencer and Rd visited Jack Barber at te 1 n«*ar Powell Butt« recenti» A. Aulatnmi ia woriaf Deschutes. A f»«aid liny A modern f> taMe billiard lor, with cigars. tohaw* confectionery. The beat pv buxines* in th«- l»-*t pt>,n* in Central Oregon. prie»*. < .i»h will haw* Have a 2-chair lurber ta connection that paya ail W j Will aeil with the hall ifd* My n-aaon for riling ** '•* have a larg«' family. •mO“ ’*' go on the farm. M>' located in th«* Hotel Ann«**. Add resa A. K- * lock b«ix £¿ 1 ». Redmond. W’ill trad«* f«>r good ranch ty. N otice to I he l*uNrt Place Your Order for Holiday Candies, Fruits, Nuts, etc., with us. We sell Groceries as Cheap as any other store, and deliver same Free to any part of the city. HOBBS’ Want advertisers DO THINGS through the aid o f the want ads—and would not find life in this city half so “ livable” with­ out them. w •' l*XCe|it the . ..nt, OUR STOCK IS RIGHT OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT AND OUR STORE IS THE RIGHT PLACE TO BUY AT Gregory's Variety Store 1 ’ ' " - i ' O'«-!!' ■ . a nr i m,,r' 11 1 : 1--T I |N.., I poor food. Of eouræ i mor pnnl%bB Cash Grocery and Bakery Headquarters for Good Things to Eat HI Orders Given Prompt Satisfactory Attention The Redmond Transfer t A. AiUma, Prop',. Dr. J. BARR J. C. WILLIAMS DENTIST Watchmaker and Jeweler Johnson Building McSherry’s Feed Store Jobbers of FLOUR and FEED Postottice Building Redmond, - Oregon KKIJMOND, - OREGON Dray Line in Connection U. A. McEarlanc LAWYER I ’ra rtir* in nil c 'Mirtu amt tj S I-•ml < Iffi, ,. Pcdmond, • Oregon Notice ia herein given tl*^ firm o f Templeton & Klfcf this day wild their intercalan Pioneer Meat Market tn “ Otis who will collect all »> due the a lai ve and i**»y a"®11 the Pioneer Meat Mart** trac ted by um . „J Dated, Redinond, OnU®*1' • 23. 1911. . Arthur Tempi«* 21t3 C. J. Käfer. J A repetition of y«»',r - at small coat, might P*> you’ re trying to nuit n»>m* I .tidies' railing carila, ^ «•at style can Is and ty|*. to nwrnble copi»er pl»^ Pr,n The S|M)ket«nian office. Kendall A Chapman ba** Monard exelusive agenry for the Malleahle Inin Range* range made.