The Redmond spokesman. (Redmond, Crook County, Or.) 1910-current, November 30, 1911, Image 8

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    (¡< mm I Printing |s a
Has Put in I-anro
Stm'k of ( o m h I s
Opal City Well
Dow n 355 Feet
Madras Pioneer: Geo. Austin,
well driller for the Oregon Trunk
railroad, w as in town today after
supplies for his well drilling out­
fit. Mr. Austin is now engaged
in drilling a well at Opal City!
and says much difficulty is being
experienced in caving in. The
well is down to a depth of 355
feet now and the drilling is very
slow, being through hard ballast
rock. As yet there is no indica­
tion of water.
[As soon as the workman finish
at Opal City they will start drill­
ing the well for the Oregon
Trunk at this place.—Editor.]
Notice o f City Election
Notice is hereby given that an
election for three councilmen of
the city of Redmond will be held
on Monday. Dec. 4, 1911 between
the hours of 8 o’clock a. m. and
7 o’clock p. m. for the election of
the following officers:
One councilman to succeed J.
F. Hosch.
One councilman to succeed F.
W. McCaffery.
One councilman to succeed G.
M. Huffman.
Fol'owing are the judges and
clerks of election:
Judges -C . Hammond, J. L.
McDowell, G. E. Woodward.
Clerks J. H. Mendenhall, D.
L. Miller.
Voting place—At Commercial
Club room.
Hog Book»—Call at Spokes­
man office and get free the book
“ Swine Raising in the Pacific
Northwest’ ’. A valuable book
for those who raise hogs.
mmd in
., »hwi.2
ulile of 111
Even it lii.t .»H,* iu g
of Ihese
and we invite the public to come in and inspect the
goods, for it is the largest line of Holiday Hoods
ever shown in ( rook County. Those who have been
in and seen the lirst stock of goods are asked to
come in again and see the new stock for we have
many articles now on sale that we did not have in
the first display.
tips thè ««ali io* (jy,
« '!
ii.» •
- ; , ”
-A., a
wbrther >-■ i
• u a | M t
, „. 7
A Fur Sa .■ 4,| * nt!rt
•»•me ael
. v
llke Un ir art .al .alu*« ^
Stringili* Nm
Wire* un Road
We have a large list of articles that will make accept­
able presents for the older folks as well as the children
Lineim i! ». ,. |
and Una ati
thè t Bregmi I r nk and &
Si N. m ira li hrrv
fi mah«-. 1 therr * il) be ai
working thr. vh thiadkt
will I h - m» taiic rimati
(««inda «il* »!-■• (■> thè a*
t » o galvanidil imo ».-^
guage Mi. -netalbr
wdl U- it|« rutili x* phot
and thè »«
r* ■ M|
phon<iltexe«l . 1 « a Mime
A Real Live Santa Claus
Opening of tne
New Garage
Depot Agent Baukol at the
Oregon Trunk railroad has re­
cently installed a ticket case that
is seldom seen outside of the
large cities. The case will hold
the long coupon tickets, and Mr.
Baukol states that he can sell
tickets to any point in the United
States or Canada.
I'***»' pontina »||| |^f
irnpr«--» imi 11 ’
lirr ^'1
lu »..uM i
■«»•n- or nli..|> „r
printing will 'rave
Representatives of the Oregon
Washington \ Idaho Finance
company in charge of a Carey
act project of 30.000 acres near
l.aidlaw on the west side of the
Deschutes river met with the
desert land board at Salem the
21st. submitting reports consist­
ing of niajis. profiles, engineering
reports, etc.
Officials of the
company maintain they are go­
ing to succeed in financing the
project within the 90 days allot­
ted to them to make good. If
they fail the project reverts to
the state. The ditches and other
work are worth at least $70,000.
Can Sell Tickets
to Any Point
K\cr> bit ..f printing %
»nit to servi-
_ 1
Will Finance
the Project
Last night the new building of
the Central Oregan Garage.
Powers & Hess, proprietors, was
formally dedicated with a dance
by the Redmond Concert band.
Messrs. Powers & Hess have a
first class machine shop in con­
nection with their garage, which
will be in operation in a few
erted inVourfcJ
.1 H Mendenhall has recently
made a mimU'r of improvement*
in his store to ««.vomminlate tlw
largo stock of goials ho hits on
display for tho holiday trade.
N o« show east's of the latest im-
proved pattern have Uvn install-
od. shelving and other accessor-
ies to economically and expedious-
K handle the business have boon
arango»!. and tliis w»vk he is
showing a arc»' line <»t holiday
C ««Is. He is going to give away
some valuable pri/i-s to the ones
receiving the largi'st number of
\ot»‘s l«etw«*en ihw and Christ­
mas. He w ill tell you all about
this scheme and show you the
prizes if you will call on him.
The galvani.-!-i »ire«vii
for thè M un-, 'tuli
will be on exhibition at our store from December Kith
to Dec. 25th, every day for 7 days before Christmas,
miw haa cv-ellcnt
vice, and thè <.perii
dejmt are all 'M irini
modatmg tu latroaa «< !k
REMEMBER: Do your Holiday Shopping early and it will he more satisfactory
You can buy now and we will put your purchases aside for you
Gregory's Variety Store
The |M rmii »I.. i< tmt
with hia prevent f urtato*
might lx- interiwtod i#
bave tu offer if )W ‘t
for. fi and E streets
him through an ad.
( Opening of l‘i»h
M a rk e t lit re
(ì. W. I >av
13 Bread Tickets for $ 1 .0 0
H oliday C heer
milk route m kidmoml.
anti »ill deliver Purr Jer-
»»••y Milk to customers
I’rompt Service and
Satisfaction Guaranteed
I-»•■'■»• Orden for Service
at Central Tel. Office.
W. M. O G G
I honr No, :**;
Itwlniontl, Orr
that will help you properly celebrate the
holidays. If you want a nice cake for the
Christmas dinner, or any other bakery
Transfer Line
article, we will be pleased to serve you.
Place Your Order for Holiday Candies, Fruits, Nuts, etc., with us.
HOBBS’ Cash Grocery and Bakery
Headquarters for (iood Things to Eat
All Orders Given Prompt
Satisfactory Attention
The Kedmond Transfer
* A Alluri», Prnii'r
Daily stages to and from
all passenger trains on the
Oregon Trunk Line and
Deschutes R. R.
Madras. Metolius and
Opal City
Passenger and Express
and Jeweler
McSherry’s Feed Store
Jobbers o f
Dray Line in Connection
Frank Hensley «nd H
each bought a »agon
fine aheep fmm M M8«
Mrs. I »un Stillit i
er an«l brother are viiitiK1
Mr. and Mr« ( had In«1
ed at Jarret.». Sunlay.
Then- are «|ulte » r'
lieople trapi*«ng K*r
thia locality. I"*t
catch m«»r»- <k*gs P1**1
Dan Greenbalgh
thaaa iiarts Sunday.
hay U) Rednsmd.
giasl market. 1 * 1 » Mr.
selling oat atrnw
Hewens is selling l"*^“ _j
Mias Stew art of
visiting her grandnri®*
C. Jarret is having
pull the tre«-s off h** ^
F’ork IC«»rn llnttc.
t .im Cox waa i» D',<’
(ì. A. McFarlane
iWtire m all court» an«! 1J. 8.
i-Hoti ortie**
Postoffice Building
A claMilh-d advertwflrit
rying a message of wj •
anta-, will almost ai*».*1
“ the answer ’.
City Dray
We have many things in our store
of thii c3
«Halli d a l
v »et ir rii
in* on E atr«-et U-tw*« %
Hth atreet». and »tat« H
will keep a full hneofhài
clam«. Inlett» *
ahrimp*. etc . oc «W d
He »ili recrn* I
ha» <»■ ! .c .
- mri't |
ira laixea. etc.. »0 •• to
«lock f reah. «.iretaftd
the Urne
IL inwlfi tri!
tu rad and
e : f*
te«-a «atrifactum.
Kedmond, • Oregon
inirchaaing WPP"
cement for 1K « hate.
Mr. Abliey ^ hawjW
toes home. wi*t
fn»m hi« potato farm
I li. » »,l"’
diaapjMiintmenH f'""* ^ (
cient servant g " 1 *** j
and answerer of ibf * 1