The Redmond spokesman. (Redmond, Crook County, Or.) 1910-current, November 30, 1911, Image 4

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    your city, keep your money
home ami |*tn»ni»e those who
are trying to build up home in­
The Reti monti Spokesman
i,v«"i-> ri>in-*>ii*N i»>
IM I M l H
IT Kl l»Mi«Ml, l»HI « i>N
What the people in this section
are \itally interest«**! in now is
stMtsritii'TioN it \ n :s;
Str»»-tl> m Vivati»-«-
Whether the State lj»ml Ihsinl
One year.
it .’*• I'hrvr months, ’sV
Su nusiths,
I.» Singh-»'»»l»»» ». • >« is ««tin« to cont|*»l the i entrai
AhVKRTISINtî KATKSnm.l.known OiV««»n Irrigation t o I»« biuM
uprm * ji |> 1 u - sikmi
north canal that their con-
Make all m»*»«»»» |i«>Ht>la> ami »lUrvss tract calls for. 1 he rompant
nil i-omnium<*sti»M» to II II * l\ I has Usti «ranted o\tension ot
Palmer. Raslmotul. Oregon.
time in the past lor the building
Knten.l as (HttHkl »-la.« matter Jno
this project, and all the |ss.
14 . ISIS SI the I'oatofhee at Kmlmontl.
tHrvgvxl. umter the Art of Meh i, IV».* pie in this section are interested
in the completion of this canal
Redmond. Ore««»n. N»\. :U>, 1911
The action of the land Uwrd will
lx» watched with interest.
No need for licht
b o th
houeelie+ptnf wh#n
• ( • i t m arried Ufe « u à * « a u f Ifttle
hank balança
Capital. $25.00«. »
I f you are going: to need any kind
o f Stove this fall and winter it
will pay you to see me about this
matter. I have all kinds and can
satisfy you.
Everything in Hardware and
Farm Machinery
The South 6 th St. Hardware Man
Today is Thanksgiving. How
much have you to lx> thankful
for. and how much do you d«»-
s*>r\o to l*> thankful for? lh>
you realize that the insiple in
this section of the United States
and in this section of the state
of Oregon have a great deal to
be , thankful for? ,
. .
In the hrat place residents of
. J . . « . v . , . I . i . . . J # I . - « I.» . . . I . « « n ,1 I l i a
utul the Redmond Dis
triet should
give bounteous
thanks that they are living in the
best climate out of d*x>rs, ami in
a section of country that will
grow and pnxluce almost any
thing that the «round will «r»<w
in land outside of the tropical
In the second place they should
realize that the «lawn of a irmre
pros|ieruus era is just lieginning
to ap|iear for them—that with
the development of the soil here,
the raisin« of ho«s and poultry,
the growth of the dairy business
and the isissibilities of our |xita
to and vegetable crops, this sec
tion of the state will become the
envied of every other socti»m in
the Pacific Northwest.
In the third place they should
give thanks for the extr«»me
healthfulness of this section, and
the absence of epidemics, for no­
where in Oregon can a more
healthful climate be found than
right here in this locality.
Taken altogether the people
here have much to lx* thanktul
for, and when they sit down to
their turkey dinn«»r today l»»t
them raise their voices in thanks-
giving that they are living m
Redmond and the Redmond Dis-
trict. ami make a vow to all pull
together for the development of
this section, so that by the time
next Thanksgiving day rolls
around they will have even more
to be thankful for than they have
today. ________________
A Fair for 1912
IV» you know that The S|»>kes
man is «iv in « you the lx»st news-
paper in Central Oregon? Well,
it is, and with the installation of
the new typesetting machine the
pu|x»r will I h » much lettered in
the way of a more ex tende»!
new s s»»rv ict*.
The S|H»kesn>an
is en«a«e»l in building up this
section of the county, amt at tru
Sixth and F streets
carries in stock
That was four years ago, and
. . .
wonderful changw have taken
p'ace in thia country a,nee then.
and It atanda to reaarm that, if a
handful of ,r ,pe could putt off a
successful fair, the large number
of people who will lx.» in the
country in the fall of 1912 can
surely give a greater and better
fair than did those early pioneers
in 1907.
Let us all pull for the 1912 fair
at Redmond.
that are handled in all
first-class cafes.
Lumber Yard
C a rrie » a C o m p le te S tock of
Lu m ber a n d H u U d itu j Materia
Rustic a n d V S id in g
Flooring, Headed ('eiling
All kinds of H our I i and Finish Limb
I>ct me figure with y«ai on your n«-*t
lutnlter bill.
Kstimatea forniahr«!
free for all class«?* of building*.
Yards on Fifth St. between L and l) strtets
Phone !U O J
P i : I ) M O M ) , ()kl
same time will build up its plant
and business.
The high price of ho|»s this
year will r«*sult in the planting of
a lar«»» aerea«»» next year t«> that
vine ami then then» will lx» an
over abundance of h«>|»s in a few
years and the price will g»» bel«»w
the »-ost of growing. This has
lx»en the history in Oregon in
the past. The only reason for
the high price of h»»ps this >enr
is the scarcity of this article,
both in this country and Europe.
If warm, pleasant weather is
conducive to making h«»ns lav
eggs, we do not s«v why the
hens in this section d»> m»t al­
terni to their duty more.
is a scarcity of h»»n fruit her«»
now. and has !x»en for some time,
although the weather for the
past month has lx»en warm and
balmy ________________
We can s«»ll your g«sxls. wheth­
er holiday gisxls or other kimls
g«xxis. \\’e ar»' doing this for
ythpn», why n«>t l«»t us do it for
you. We can prepare you some
result-getting ads that will bring
the people into your ->t««r<- thei
you do thp
Better let us
serve you. Our services are at
your dis,H*al at any time.
The misstatements made aliout
Redmond in the recent publics-
tion by the Oregon Trunk rail-
roa«l advertising Central Oregon
are numerous and glaring. To
those who know the conditions
here it is laughable the way some
of the descriptive matter is writ-
ten up,
— — —
thi»t Redmond has r»»-
more freight, since the
Sov'-mbcr, than all the
oth‘*r towns « “ "bined. is signifi-
i ant- It shows that this city is
natural distributing point for
a large section of territory in
In 1907 Redmond held its sec-
ond annual fair, and it was a
successful event In this issue
is published a story aliout this
fair. At this time this section
was sparse ley settled, but still
the people came from miles in
all directions, and Redmond
gained a reputation for being the
right place for holding events of
this kind, and her people were
«credited with being royal enter- 1 * ntra ( *’
Cafe Royal
It. ( ’. I M M K I . K ' J
fhe establishment of a first-
class machine shop in R«»«lmond
net for th- edv. nnd
The s „ , ko, m„ , „ r,,lic„ ,j,
f „ , m , hl.
Never in the history of Red
mond have the stor«»s of the city
shown such stocks of holiday
go»xls as this s»»ason, and all of
them are getting a good tra»le.
Hi«' SiKik.-sman |«oints with
Jos. H . Jackson
“Quick M eal" and “ Universal Kan«
“0. V. H." Sew ing Machines
“ The M otor" and “ A dam s" Waste
Carborundum Tool (irinders
Oliver Flows, Canton Plows
Peter »Schüttler and other First-class
Lines o f Wagons
A T C O S T.
and all kinds of First-class
Joseph H. Jackson,
R e a l l i s t o t e a n d 0 ? i t y P r ° \
O f f i c e n e a r H . m k o f U om merct
Civil Engineers
ir r ig a t io n , s u b d iv is io n .
Estimate« Furnishrtl on Power Finnic.
W«- hiv. hkl 10 y« »r.' r*|» ri« nr«-, <-mt>ra« tng «II l'!***^1*
K'N»ms A
f i.
Hank of (bmmerrr Bldg., P. 0. Hot 2(10 R K D ^
Keep Your Money at Home P™1*ktw
th,‘ finr linp 7r “,|v,'r,i
ing the paper is carrying.
ft js
Contractor and Builder
Plans, Specifications and Estimates furn­
ished mr all cl&ses of buildings.
OfSce one block east of Jackson's Hardware Store,
It always pays to keep money
at home when trading, and es-
pecially so when the same or a
better article can lx* obtained
from the home merchant or pro-
This is especially true
aliout bakery g»sx|s.
W. H.
Hobtix, tin* baker h«»re, is putting
out a class of bread that is giv-
ing good satisfaction to custom­
His loaves of bread ar»»
larger than the ones shipped in
hen» liy a Portland concern, and
his prie«»« are as low, taking
quality and quantity into consid-
eration. I f you w ant to build up
all live, up-to-the-minute adver-
tising, and merchants and busi-
ness men of the city realiz«» that
Sfxiksman publicity gets results
It is some time yet lx»f<in-
^-Kristmas, but m«vertheless it
blan to d»i y»>ur
L'diilay shopping early.
Redmond potatoes are making
a hit in the Portland markets.
Th»» man who has a little mon-
ey to invest in a promising busi-
ness ripening should find your
ad when he "looks, ”
^ ou can i^pt everything in the
Nothin«: but GOOD WORK
Turned out.