The Redmond spokesman. (Redmond, Crook County, Or.) 1910-current, November 23, 1911, Image 8

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Oregon Trunk Railroad
Contemplate Number
New Buildings
l-iore Freight House and
St«H*k>ard Are to Be
In a short time workmen will
get busy at the depot and in the
railroad yards here, and when
they are finished the Redmond
station will begin to look as if
things were doing here.
Several car loads o f stone for
the new stone depot have arriv­
ed and it is expected the builders
will arrive here from Bend,
w here they are building a depot,
in a couple of w eeks.
A freight shed 90x100 is to he
built between B and C streets on
the right of way. and two sec­
tion houses and a residence for
the depot agent will also be con­
A 12-car stock yard is also one
of the improvements that will
immediately lie commenced, and
in a short time it is expected the
well drillers will be here to drill
the big well the company intends
to put down to supply the big
water tank at this point.
Nearly all o f the material for
the railroad improvements is now
on the ground, and awaiting the
arrival of the workmen.
It is understood the Tum-A-
Lum Lumber Co. is to build ex­
tensive coal sheds on the east
side o f the track, and that the
Central Oregon Ice & Cold Stor­
age Co. will soon begin the erec­
tion of a building for their plant.
In a short time the vicinity of
the depot and railroad yards will
take on a busy aspect, and that
section o f the city be built up
with the necessary buildings for
the expeditious conduct of the
railroad company's business.
A classified advertisement, car­
rying a message o f any import-
ance, will almost always bring
“ the answer” .
A conventi,
the county will
Sal * * * • I.i
2 ótl>
I ’ nion
Place Your Order for Holiday Candies, Fruits, Nuts, etc., with us.
Cash Grocery and Bakery
Headquarter« fur Good Thing« to Eat
J . C. W IL L IA M S
Daily stages to and from
all passenger trains on the
Oregon Trunk Line and
Deschute» IL R.
W atchm aker
an d Jew eler
Madras. Metolius and
Opal City
Passenger and Express
McSherry’s Feed Store
Jobbers of
A ltri
' <■!’ » ill 1- • '• .1 pig, J
«•d for holdn
i- 1*«|^ J
! imi U ••! •>
. •' *.* J
ing > ear. ami other ru-J
h* no nena arranged
An inti i. • a- d -eJ
program ha* l»vn [.rrj
» Inch *|wf.
: *- .ama]
I Ml ocra dea
i. J
will la- rinv i - I by «--J
•|a il.i-ra n-i-l
i M
B;ik> • at.•!-
• • t ■ ej
rd to la* |in-Si ut ami au
Nut Known Whcrr
man Ka«t and West I
to Join Main Lie
I have established a
milk route in Redmond,
mill will deliver Pun’ Jer­
sey Milk to customers
Prompt Service and
SatiHfartion Guaranteed
m .
t ml- ..f t h e H t
V II . I at, I-an!
»’ "* ■
■ , I-,!
Central Oregon, pnmdaf
uw nera do not ii«-1< l thew
o g <;
K«-slmon. . Ore.
City Dray
Transfer Line
All Orders Given Prompt
Satisfactory Attention
«tate from securing
settlers, Judge Knls-rtS
cliamnan o f tlie loan! J
tura o f all tiie I lam a»
who recently visited
predicted the dawn of I
era of relationship l*t««e
|MM>|i|e and the railmadi ]
The cast and west line
Oregon ia receiving mort
ronaideratkm fn*m Mr
and his associates right a
at any time ai nee the
Mr. Ilarrtmnn.
The crura-state line
nect w ith the Oregon
at Vale on the oust. and*
through Malheur
right« o f way for which t
were secured by the
interrata by an agreemtM
the Hill nenia, who hg
claima in that s< ter
I-osett .ml that
na»d will connect with the
K. & N. aystem at iU*nd i
lieen reported, has not
The hunters fa\urite
Krank A. Smith, of SisterV
haï fur aale a litter of lb* l
of Ibis breed, from iflh
iNfiigreed, register«»! «toc*- ^
choice to first applicant
■ » » - - ■“*
C o m e « W e ll
Ret urn m en ded
The Redmond Transfer
, nurnhrr gi
young |Mai|i|i-
for. li and E streets
iMiofir No.
(ì. A. McFarlane
F L O U R and F E E D
I'mrUei- ¡n «Il courts ami U. S.
I .ami ( »ffiri-
Dray Line in Connection
Redmond, • Oregon
Madras Pioneer: J*^11
Taggart, proprietor of the
MeTaggart in Madras, h*1
chased the Oregon Cafe *l
mond nnd will operate s
nnd up-to-date restsnr*nt
grill in that town. >'r- MO
gait is a hotel man of«'*
and his now venture «ili I
doubt Is- a sucre . fui on''■
M«'Taggart and her b
Chas. Bye. will handle
ness o f the hotel here while
Mr Taggart is a«
Postoffice Building
Union, tin- i • ■ 111 ■ mm . 0f
f A. Adum*, Prop'f.
After anno
If you need anything in the line o f FRUITS, NUTS,
etc., for you Thanksgiving Dinner we would I k *
pleased to fill your wants, for we have always on
hand a complete supply o f this kind o f goods. They
are fresh and satisfactory.
Some o f our ttakery Articles will also help make
the dinner more appetizing and enjoyable, and we
can fill your wants in this line to your
to K ' l H - • .
Leave Orders for Service
at Central Tel. Office.
Thanksgiving Supplies
v.r .
in the count • a
above date« t<> help «igd
REMEMBER: Do your Holiday Shopping early and it will I k * more satisfactory
You can buy now and we will put your purchases aside for you
1 3 Bread Tickets for $ 1 .0 0
,,f ^ ,
-i - s
Kttlea f r o m t> ,
will be on exhibition at our store from December Kith
to Dec. 25th. every day for 7 davs before Christmas,
e x tariteli th.ii
A Real Live Santa Claus
.U d
fo rm ili*
We have a large list of articles that »ill make accept­
able presents for the older folks as well as the children
Gregory's Variety Store
I'hriatain 1 .|, #V|1|.
and we invite the public to come in and inspect the
¿roods, for it is the largest line of Holiday Hoods
ever shown in Crook County. Those who have been
in and seen the first stock of goods are asked to
come in again and see the new stock for we have
manv articles now on sale that we did not have in
the first display.
M. E. Service«
Next Sunday
will occupy the pulpit at the
M. E. church next Sunday fore­
noon and evening. Subject for
morning service: “ Origin and
Destiny o f Man.” Subject for
evening service: "In Tune With
the Infinite.” All are cordially
invited to attend lioth scrvic«*s.
Here on the
Some Misunderstood
the Meaning
In last week's story o f the
council meeting it was published
that the acting recorder had ask­
ed for and been granted $25 and
assistance in straightening out
the books o f the recorders office,
after agreeing to take the
recorder’s office for $12.50 a
month. Some o f our readers
have taken a wrong meaning of
the above. This $25 and assis­
tance was granted to J. A. Will-
cox for extra work he will be
obliged to putin in checking up
and getting the books in his office
in proper shape to make an in­
telligent report to the council,
and does not go on as regular
salary. The $25 w as voted for
the extra work and was to be
taken from the salary o f the
former recorder.
I’ lun tu I h i in n (■ j J
Some one o f I" .
vertisers w as » ritiri
when he prepared in*
may deserve a reply.