— y inoliti and V ic m ily 0 . ». K. %o 221 ,,Mil liNlür. I rtiur»l»y Miiflii in h*> « ' ................... .. ..........« ..... . " I «iMMiimv. N i; I II IC* >••• «X « Ml. S. c k County Abstract Co. 11 iu i»r|n** Th«* Ricketts Entertainment ( ’o.. consisting »( li\ •• .... t>|,. a || musicians. will I h - jn Redmond to K1''* «»»»«* " f their rnlirtainiiiK .... . iiixl« t Ih. Il( (lu* ( ‘«iiiiiiicri iul <‘lui» on siâlur ,M A Price Reduction T h at M e a n s M u ch to the P u b lic I , . AiM.tr*.i ium . i .. Kendall k 1 hupmuu have the Wr |iii.».«r*i>i. exclusive agency for Un- Monarrh i „ . i . i . **' "* ,w k r i» r « '. t . . l » « h - ................ U . , , « , iiiriA« ' ÌM'iii luirth / |» tu f M*m i »* h |I li * .... I - . , range mini«.. All.KOAO TIME ( Aim b di I ia • * T h i- ...... I m > un«* «if (In- |n*nt musical «nter . I m iiiiih - i i I h « v i t k i v iv i in Red nioml. 1i< kets iirr .«o< jnrj I « in I^ H A IM M .. Aif-..! |tj Thr.v* nf l»r«n«| f«»t ^T h * ititi! I «I I »I • ¡|i I tlrk itH fo r $ I t m ni tlu* ( ‘aulì lìh K v rv Ut Itakr I mi r Norino I li «1 <>i gam/atmn nf an athletic I, notice* fnr entertamnumt* 0|ub in thin « .ty ,* „..s-ting with y« t \ «’haruftiT from which a m ud i r i ..... inig«'m.f growth n rv iT precisle* it. p,. thru holitlay shopping |v K rv. Cline. the liaptinl pastor. .•« 2 pa**enger Hupnm hile preached an interesting ***mi«in l. 1.. ira.I<- for calti«*, hors«** or al Ih r M Fi. church Surulay. P I >. .h-< *n & F ry . Redmond. Ia*ave ym ir onlrm ut tlu* Canti 'ini Hui « tin. I 5 lh Reo Me Grocers uu.| Rakers for fruit m . wife aii.l ch ili! arm «*] enhe* for the holiday*. lHtf nia« ni*;ht t«• m ukc their ir in l ’.rutl. Mr. unti Mr*. \\ ,• will, fu ra *lmrt timo only, alf.'iy un tnuncil nur*e*an.l receive nulauriptioti* fnr the hax- charge of tin* Ihm«! Delineator at the old price nf $1 fatal. _ |*cr year. The prie «1 ha* a!r«*a«ly ree kwve* nf lavati for 25 c. ,M*,n ,|,,' nm v,, «•* « - S » P " v«*«r. 13 hread ticke t! for $ 1 0 0 at ^•vnc*' & l{,, 1 *Tt*. Iln » I » a* ) ( ir -eery A Kakery. I mi f Mr ( ’Irland nf the firm nf ( le .„I -,f s im ig li*. > ,t I . nient, J! . a ear a carload ,* " * 1 & Kent, m e rc h a n t -..f Terre- of »-nne. wa* in Redmond on hu*i . I • • il ’ ■ ! .1 • .« I In.lll n f new fnr a few hnur* M<>n li* 1 \ I .¡.ui I I;In I *■ I t ■ e at nur market it i* I*' an«I frvsh every .lav try N'tiie of it. I ’mneer rkeL home Q uite a n u m U 'r from l{etlmoml Met- have atat.'.l their intentinn nf at- Meat ten.him the .lum i .«t S t M t * t m Nov. .Iff ;n*ih. ( kill'lf' nf l«*>k* at Antler lMtf 21 inch attive ami tlnim fnr *ale. Apply S|a»kt'*man Oflice. pAV |w\ the hi»rhe*t m arket The ttmant whn re in ra h fnr hutter am i eKKi*. Inir them in to u* l ’itwuvr at” thè chance k.it M.r • : Iti f a|uirtment* tnmht fìnti your a>l w lirli Kav. .... thly |uiyment* l.uy- pifl -*• -Hli iV li.'ttiT *«•«* lim i aUnit thi* piano at |intrr.itetl. woul.l “jum p tu reni venir tu U* alile tu he rca.l* thè "|(, I . i " ;«.|- Standard Com, per can $ .1 0 Standard Tomatoes, per can .10 Standard Peas per can ............................10 Standard String Means, per c a n ..............10 Libbeys Sour Kraut ........................... 15 Pure Leaf Lard, 51b. can......................... 80 Pure Leaf Lard, 10 lb. c a n ................. 1.55 Pure Cottolene, 1 lb. can ........................ 65 Pure Cottolene, 10 lb. can 1.65 Snow White Hard Wheat Flour, sack 1.50 Graham Flour, 25 ll>s. ...................... 70 Carnation Milk, per can...................... $ .10 Pioneer Milk, per can............................... 10 Cream of Wheat, per package.................. 20 Columbia Oats, per package.................... 35 Columbia Wheat, per package.................. 35 Violet Oats, 2 packages............................. 25 Violet Wheat, 2 packages..........................25 Cream Oats, 10 lb. sacks..........................60 Olympic P. C. Flour, 10 lb. sacks.............60 Olympic P. C. Flour, per package............. 30 Other Groceries Proportionately Cheap. LYNCH & ROBERTS The Store of Better Values and Lower Prices WE Bl v We Close at 6:30 p. m. Except Saturday, 10 p. m Redmond, Oregon Ituttrr and K rrs A m le r lHtf Wajpma al •'"*( al K rm lall & Chapman'a. f»tf D em ent’s Best Flour M ADE FROM THE O 'O K S T « jj RECEIVED GOLD M E D A L s ra Highest Award at High Patent, None Better $ 1 .5 0 a Sack Councilmah F. M. White and Work on the new Presbyterian f you want t.» hear the liest here has liecn all that a |n>rsoii family last week moved to Port­ church is progressing fast and r ls"’:,l entertainment ever yriven (•nu|.| di'sire—just cold enough to land where they will make their the Iniililing will soon lie in con­ Itethnnntl l*> sure uml liny a Iw right. future home. dition for holding services. ■''•t fur the Iticketta, imisiciHns I fitest thing in neckties "K ai 11 •ropenmnatorH, who will lie heave your orders at the Cash s i t ’ s silk Accordeon’ . to r sale Fresh weiners and bologna , rv Saturday, l*er. 2d. under P' I'K'M o f the Com m ercial ' Ticket« r«0 centa. 20t2 at Kapps. Only place on sale in («roeery and llakery for fruit 11H2 cakes for the holidays. IS tf Crook county. liest musical entertainment ' " ’lean buy meat in hulk at v , , , ^...... ever given in Redmond—the ’ ;* 0 ’ price* at the Pioneer Ricketts who will Is* here Satur­ li ât Market. :itf day. Ih r. 2d. under the auspices _ S|h" the euld snap mi the o f the Commercial Club. Tickets •Km of th«. pm, the weather 50 cents. Farmers and ranchers. Isd us print you some nice letter heads and envelo|n>s with the name o f your farm or ranch on them. Other people arc getting them, why not you? A. Y. P. EXPOSITION While the eastern and middle western states are having ex ­ treme cold weather and people art* freezing to death, the weather in Redmond and this part o f the county is warm and balmy. For every day—the kind that you’ ll the past week the weather here like at the Pioneer Meat Mar­ has been extremely mild, and newcomers are surprised to find ket. M such a delightful climate. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Poland moved here from Rend this week, The sale is still on at Gregory’s and will remain In the city for Variety Store «on granite, tin­ some time. They are pleased ware and lace curtains as adver­ with Redmond and vicinity. tised. until Dec. 1. 18t4 Attention, farmers: Read our ad in this (taper. It is o f great importance to you. State Rank o f Redmond. 20tf Three loaves o f bread for 25o. and 13 bread tickets for $1.00 at the ('ash Grocery & Rakery. 18tf Go«». Kohl, the painter and decorator, has hung a sign in front o f his shop on south 6th street that is an artistic piece of work, and attracts much atten- tion.