THE ‘ NINE DAYS* WONDER." W il an. t*»,..p t h , J .g y a r an d J»»t»r, W a , Ota O r i g i n a l Orta Dairy Cows on Easy Payments We are p rew ired tu furnish dairy cow s in any iiu m la r on easy (»aymcitts to .ill farn u'is in th is ru n in u in ity Conic in .mil see u s at o n c e .is to te n u s and full particulars. W e w ant to talk it over w ith you. OF REDMOND AIIK YOU fiOING TO BUILD? } J. M. H ev a rd . th e a r c h ite c t, m a k es c n m p lete p la n s an d sp e c ific a tio n * for a ll c la s s e s o f b u ild in g s . Our p rices a r e r ig h t . I.ct u s figu re wi t h y o u . I hevard & (¡a n t, R ed m on d , Ore. H. C. H E R R I C K C ' R O O K COUNTY LAND REDM OND REAL ESTATE REDMOND, OREGON Short and Direct Route to Portland and Other West= ern Oregon Points fro m - BENI), REDMOND ami CENTRAL ORE. Via the Deschutes Branch of the OREGON WASHINGTON RAILROAD A NAVIGATION COMPANY Through Car S a m e* between Hernl and Portland DAILY TRAIN SCHEDULE ,v- >v- >v. > '■ p.m. Ar. Opal City The Dalles 1:56 p.m. Ar. Redmond Portland Ar. Bend 5:45 p.m. F"r further information call on any O.-W. A N. Agent, or write to jki'd Redmond Opal City 7:50 a.m. 10:110 a. m. 12:10 p. m. 1:30 p. in. 5:15 p.m. 6:20 p. m. 7:06 p.m. 8:35 p.m. R. Wm. McMURRAY, n,>ral I’ass4*ngcr AgenL Portland, Oregon. ABSENTMINDED. M «n «f G t m u i W ont to Who«« W andor T ho ug ht« W #ro A stray It **«» a certain \\ illisra K urricd to stu b extremes a« to make "i •/'i. • n l.litalx’lii a 'lay itii• I the in'» of gcum* strarig. ly oblivious ' rralirf nf pita comedy rule« in lo what i» going on around them. Sliwt. >|.. «r«an play», win. was the Many amusing »lories are told illu» origina! ’ nm.' >lta\^" wonder," for trail*.- of tins tendency to 'absent- hi mp, «nli rMinna mi PI* jerkin nu tided nes*.’’ According to Sir and I*, » urmind Ina I. ¿.a, jigged and I'a iid Itrew.ler, alien Newton left *ent minded. One day Ho' ' Ipri .- ioii part of lioiiaebold while performing a laboratory ex t o m . rraiion in r t . r v hamlet in perirncnt he »aid to hi* students: l. n, .in.I .tnd on llie eontment “ a» 1 ou s.-e, gentlemen, this caldron Sell. o*cr 11..’ flames’ W ell, if I were to A < oilltla rtf Will Kemp .ailipt cease »tirring it an explosion would m. im page» in the hooka .>n Klim at o n c e occur that would muko us I»*lli4n drama and those on llie juntp.’* manner» and rtialoma of the Imt* Aa he apoke he involuntard* It i» universally conceded dial ceased stirring, and his prediction Kemp Treated the character I I I a»» fulfilled The explosion to o k Iloglterrv in "Much Ado AI kiu I place with a frightful noise. e*.-rv Nolhing” and of I’efer in window in the laboratory was “ ftoinro and Juliet.’’ broken, and Rouelle's audience fled \» for iPe "rnne d a ta ’ wonder," w 11■ iIv outside I ral**tlian «r i. r», II. n Jonaon It it related of a gifted eccle among other«, often refer lo him • lastie. Bishop Munster, that, re­ lie «a» (lie subject i l l team pit m turning home and finding hia door I'l.'el», and Kemp him»e|f wrote an placarded with the announcement. autobiography "Tl u- master of the house is out," (III \ lie ...lit of Kemp’» ''Vine he calm I* remained in front of the hm>' \V ■ nder, I', rformed In a d o o r , awaiting hia own return l*»l'-e I r un Dxidori to Norw i-' re-.Hint* hlithelv and wit- it had !>eon al-nut, a» he had l*een lily Imw ho and hi» taliorrr made fiN. tins* counting the words spoken their wav throngh Romford, by the different actors and the num ­ ( h. P *fonl, Sutlhurv, R.tekland ber o f time» each went in and out. and ll.rf rtl Bridge t Vorwuh. Ampere in a moment of preoc­ I ' . * were entertained rnvall* cupation penciled a problem on the a! tig the route *nd do»pite the back of a call standing in the s tr e e t Itad weather, whn h delayed them, .»rid was vastly astonished when tin- would douhtle»» haro arrired at starting of the cab caused his prob­ Norwieti long 1« fore the twentr lem to disappear. Lombroso says three .:»*• were up Pad not the pood that tnu' Ii the same thing happened fo'k along the road tx’. n m hoi* to (iiola, who, in the excitement of pitaMe composition, wrote a chapter on the K e m p »tarte.l from the hnu-** of top of his bureau instead of on the r inaror of Ieindon, and at paper.— Amslec'a Magazine. Sorw n I In' > 1 . received hr the mar-.r of that flourishing town, who A P re m isin g Lag pr«-< tiled him with a aunt of money Miss Kills, dcscen ting the step# and pensioned him for life of Bennett Sc Buck’s hardware When lie again reached lamdnn, store, met Mr», lame going up wl ere hr hail "put o u t” a aunt of "W hat they g o t? ” Mrs. Ijine de­ motor again*! aeenlent along the manded in a tone tha t said, " N o th ­ road, Kl upon the king* pro|.eriv of everv deacription, from The ap|*ctitea of healthy children castle«, «hip« and tug guns down to arc proverbial. A group of such bagging and conricta' uniforms, children not long aince were taken and there is a penalty nf i'?00 for on a modest outing by an adult ad­ returning it. The latter ll»age re mirer, and luncheon was arranged mind* one of the practice m Athens for. The children partook with fair h e a r t i n e s s ami every appear- m o re than ’J.iHH) years ago whereby captives taken in war* were brand­ ini-e of enjoyment. The hostess was ed with the figure of an owl as a correspondingly pleased. But on mark of Athenian ownership In the wav home half an hour later, to the same manner Samoa branded her astonishment and mild horror, her captives with the figure of a the oldest child remarked sedately: “ Well, I guess I ’m about ready ship. for luncheon.” Ts Cl*»« a Carat» And from nil the rest cniuo the Kverr housekeeper who owns a eager responsive chorus: cut gla » carafe has boon up against "S'm I !”■ — Chicago Record-IIer- the proposition of cleaning out the ald. deposit on tlie inside. Hot water. U»*ides being extremely bud for the P l»as» d W itt* H s r P ra ia » . gla**. i* of little avail, even if it he One of the moat charming bits of very soapv Here is a proces# which repartee we ever were fortunate takes hut a few moments and is enough to listen to was at a big \er> satisfactory. Place in the bot­ wedding in Fast Seventy-sixth tle a teaspoonful of hydrochloric street. acid or spirits of salts. Manipulate "W hat charming teeth Miss Pib- the bottle so that every portion of hleton has!” s lady exclaimed. “ I it «hall la* thoroughly rinsed. The never saw anything ao beautiful!” deposit, no matter how hardened, “Oh, thank you so much for say­ will I n - removed immediately. When ing th a t! ” exclaimed the young the carafe has been thoroughly lady's escort fervently and sin­ cleaned rinse well in clear water.— cerely. Philadelphia North American. “ Oh, pardon me! Are you her husband ?’’ Hi» Tr»at. “No. my dear lady; I am only Sandv had just met hi* girl al her dentist!” -— Cleveland Plain the end of the street where »lie was IValc». waiting for him. 8he was looking into n confectioner’s window when M atrirv*»«i»l P sp a rt» » . They were a voonng couple and Sand* made his presence known by talked in loud voice* on account of remarking: “ Weel, Janie, what are ye gsun the rattle of the elevated train. He was not in n good humor. to have the nicht ?” “ I wonder,” she «aid, "why the She, not inclined to n«k too allowances of money made to wives inn* h, replied: sre called ‘pin -Oh. I’ll just tnk what you’ll tnk, by husbands money.’ ” Samlv.” “ I suppose,” he explained eroaa- -Oh, then, we’ll baith tak a walk,’’' »aid Sandy •« he led her Iv, “ it's because it sticks the hua- , bands.” —Popular Magazine. away. Suits $17.50 Up Just received a full line of fall and w inter clothes. Nice all wool suits and overcoats from $17.50 up. “Summitt” all wool shirts $1.50 and up. Complete line of fall and winter caps. Closing out ladies shoes at cost and below. E. L. R A P P “The Head to Foot Clothier.” R ed m o n d , O r. Oregon Trunk Ry. Service -T O - PORTLAND ST. PAUL DENVER KANSAS CITY SPOKANE CHICAGO « ».MAHA ST. LOUIS Train Leaves Redmond 7:21 a. m.. Opal City 8:00 a. m., Metol­ ius 8:30 a. m., and Madras 8:33 a. m.. arriving Portland 6:00 p. m. Direct connection a t Fallbridge fo r Spokane and points east. Arrive Spokane 9:45 p. m. Through tickets sold to eastern points, Puget Sound and other western points. De­ posits accepted for west-bound tickets to be furnished persons in the east. Details will be furnished on request. H. BAUKOL, Agt. R. BUDD, Chief Eng r Redmond. Ore. Portland, Ore. Redmond Steam Laundry wish to announce to the people of Redmond and vicinity and sur­ rounding towns that I have start­ ed a STEAM LAUNDRY in Redmond on 9th street between D and E streets, and solicit their patronage. I PROMPT ATTENTION TO ORDERS. PRICES REASONABLE. GOOD WORK GUARANTEED. Packages Called for and Delivered. M R S . W . A . G O L D E N , P r o p ’r. Turn A Lum Lumber Co. W h olesale and Retail Dealers LUMBER AND B U ILD IN G M A T E R IA L Will give prices delivered at yard or Roberts Bros’, mill. Ofliee and Yard 2 blocks east of Redmond Hotel, Redmond