SELZ SHOES All Selz Shoes are guaranteed to be satisfac­ tory; the satisfaction as well as the shoes guaranteed. If you buy a pair of Selz Shoes here that don’t satisfy you. bring tneni hack for a new pair or get your money hack. We have these shoes for Men, \\ omen, Children and Infants The m ost R easonable Priced Sinn* on th e m arket Grocery Department Men’s and Youth’s Cloth«! Suits from $12.50 up TO Aik OiURCHSUPPERS ÿcinVjHW EK iHpom»«UMjfc}e T M p k ir s with purchases or To save a dollar or two a week on your tin s e r ­ ies, and to get even better things than before. would be a good stroke of business. That is what we can do for you in our Grocery line, if you place your or­ ders with us. We are making reasonable prices on things you buy every week. You know what you have txrn paying for these goods—but you will lx* surprised how much we can save you if you trade with us, and take advantage of our clean, fresh sttxk. LET US FILL YOUR NEXT GROCERY ORDER In the Clothing Line we are ottering yoq the snappiest, up-to-date line of goodsevtr shown in Kedmoiid—they are Live Wire Syy tern Clothes for live wire men men who want a good suit at a reasonable price. Thau what we will! give you. Kit and quality guaranteed. Let us show you tliis stock. In the Furnishing Goods line we have a brand new stock of the latest styles and & signs to select from, and you will 1* pleased if you make your purcliases from us. WE WILL HAVE A LINE UNE OF H0I.IDAV COOOS ON SALE AIIOIT DEC, FIRST FREEBERG BROS. it WHERE A DOLLAR DOES ITS DUTY they have coming from Rock rigations system in this section T y p e se ttin g M achine will come up and. be discussed Will Ske*man orderet! 18tf If you want meat in lots of 25 some time ago is expected to be has already begun, and some of son’s. the stores report very satisfac­ The social session given by the lK,ur’^3 an,I up we same at ¡nMtj»ll«,*<| in the office early in fbekahs last Friday evening wholesale prices. Pioneer Meat [Xnrember. The delay in instal- tory sale of holiday goods even Rehekahs n s well w e l l attended a t t e n d e d a and n r l a a pleasant t i l c a ^ a n t Market. dtf I. tiu lu o in i• n ■ ia.uI by Lc getting this early in the season. It pays was lation has lieen caused to shop early. ' time enjoyed. The second entertainment of power to run the machine r , the Menely Lyceum course to be arranged satisfactorily. Every- J. P. Duckett and E. M. Ash­ The new building of the State given here under the auspices of thing now is arranged, and as more of Sisters, were in Red­ Bank of Redmond on the corner lbe Commercial Club will be the *»n JLS the machine arrives it mond for a few hours last Thurs­ of 6th and D streets is beginning Ricketts Entertainment Co., five W'II be put in operation. With day. They are engaged in the to show up well, and Contractor in numlver, all musicians, play- the increased facilities which The saw mill business. Gotter is pushing the work along ing on many instruments. They spokesman now has, new job í as fast as is consistent in order are also im|>ersonators. Thisen- presses, large pa|>er cutter and W. W. Main, first trick opera­ to have the building completed tertainment is s|>oken highly of everything run by power, the tor at the depot here, is now so the bank people can have a by everyone who has seen these office is equipped to handle evety JL m J eomfortab'y installer! with his house warming about Christmas people. If you like music—good class ,,f printing. With the ad- family in the Cook bungalow on time. south 6th street which takes the place of four John Tinner has his house and date is Friday night, Dec. 1. hand comimiitors, the plant will It is understood that W. W. bam nearly completed on his Ladies’ calling cards, the lat- ,K‘ th,‘ mimt ‘’omplete in Centra! Aldredge is preparing to give a property just north of the school est style cards and type, printed Oregon, and The Spokesman will house. concert here in a short time, hav- to resemble copper plate print at contain more and later news ing enlisted the services of a The new garage and machine The Spokesman office. each week. number of singers of reputation, shop that is being built on the B=E.=4L=n*a comer of 5th and C streets by Do not miss the Ricketts En­ Ha/.aar and People who are using the milk Messrs. Powers & Hess, is well tertainment Co. that will be here Luncheon deliverer! by Mr. Ogg are much on the way to completion, and Dec. 1st. They are high-class T iL The Indies Building Commit­ pleased with the sen-ice. They will soon be ready for business. musical people, five in number. get no skim milk, but pure rich They are under the auspices of j tee of the Presbyterian church1 milk from Jersey cows, that Water was again turned into the Commercial Club. Tickets *nnounce that they will hold a bazaar and serve a lunch in the raises good cream. the irrigation canals by the Cen­ 50 cents. Commercial Club room on Sat tral Oregon Irrigation Co. last W. T. Smith took out a bill of urday forenoon, I)ec. 2. The Monday, Dec. 4th is municipal week after being off for a few election day here for the purpose days. If the weather keeps as lumber from the Tum-A-Lum Co, ladies state they will have on „ week to he u~d m makiiw M|e . „um Ur >rtid„ of electing councilmen. Caucus mild as it has been for the past th improvements on tomorrow night. suitable for holiday presents, week or so it ¡9 probable the Powell Buttes. and the lunch will Is* served at ' u/ t- t - u - T u . water wil1 be ReP1 running in the W. L Th.evoldt of Terrebonne. canalsand ditehe8. A classified advertisement is a reasonable price. All nre invit- formerly Hillman, was in the city tireless work hunter, and seldom ,Jd to attend this event and help out the building fund of the fast Saturday afternoon and A carioad of cattle was ship- fails. stated that considerable budding , from thj„ placc ywU.rday to Presbyterian church. was being done in his town. Mr. Portland by Joe Taylor of Prin,.- Of course it’s a good plan to do your Christmas shopping Thievoldt is engaged in the lum- vj||(1 Frank M.-Caffery returned1 early and the plan is twice as l»er business at Terrebonne and Tuesday night from Salem where good, at least, if you keep |H»st- looks for considerable building L. G. Smith who lives irard. and took out a lot of •ction of a the information the ads will give / . i u -', r',l,r,’Henl*tivea A number or people from here material for the erection .you. of the Water Users Association went to Bend Saturday afternoon Douse on his place. from this segregation should 1 1 see the footliall game between An e rro r h a s been m ade have a representative at the that toyvn and Prineville. L. E. Smith and Frank McCaf-! in th e Hate o f th e K ic k ett’s "leeting of the Board so as fery left last week for Salem to 1 I n - |t0 thrir "i,,p of the ques­ The liedmond Lumber & Pro- attend the meeting of the State ie n ^e r ^a in tm en^ h ere. v tion S,aU‘ when the matter of the Gen- d'jce Co. expect to receive their I^nd Board there, when impor- stem ! o f S a tu rd a y , Dec. 2d, tral Oregon Irriiration r, shipment of coal this week that tant matters pertaining to the ir-;th e d a te is FRIDAY, Dec. 1.1up. COfT'* M| Redmond Vicinity Q _r LLJ i r T n U £ I THE POTATO SHOW Listed but a day, but the tons and tow of spuds raised in Redmond, will last i long time. STORE THEM With the Redmond Wholesale Lum lx*r and Produce Co. If you want to sell, we will j>ay you the highest market price. Send in your order for wood, will fur nish it at right prices. REDMOND WHOLESALE LUMBER & PRODUCE CO. Tel. No. 15« n m □ t th„ I >r„ L I 7LH 1 I.A M B F E E D f R e d m o n d , O re g o n Roller Mill and Feed Grinding Dealers in Chop Feed of all kinds. Baled H»> Timothy, Alfalfa. Clover. Seed* and SeH Grain. TOLL CHOPPING DONE. Manufacturera of Graham A