Spokesman Redmond l'uldished at I hi* “ Huh City” of Central Oregon 1:1 l>Ml>NI> « HOOK roi'N TY . OREGON. THPKSDAY, NOVEMHER 21. l!*ll 9 GRAVITY WATER PIANT •I osth I Plant Would Ik* Hiomiral In Way of Maintainance C o jl.l) HE i i o i l t T MODERATE COST I'l Supply Need* o f City V o r Number o f Years to Comr ’«I >f i gru\ ity « ¡iti‘i m m< -i coinril. in mift Jj ^ H ir.h favor nmonu a majority i fat M ni Ttií economical fea- ___ oí the «valent arc »h a t ap- taxi*«', i-rw. ami the uniteli Ml|>pl> of for .lomeatic ami tira pur- ^P ..I, i another ^P' o f the Kvutein. ritv hai* a Imml inane of h <1 f'>r a muni, i ^Pha'ei- «ivMi-in. ami it irt in ti­ mated that not all ofthat amount tat.** from thi« «ectiun that are » i l l I n - ns pii red to inalali the on exhibition there on the corner gravity ayM.-m an.l m i - ......f Third un.l Washington atrreta, » h o l.-city, l'ut tillar in "tundaid •l-mch lire h ydrant* in the b.i«j neaa ami r.-Ni,|emv,hat net h Mml other» iae « -.turili -.hint' un up to .late » ate r plant for the c tv are attracting a great ileal o f attention, ami moat any hour o f the .lay « m a i l ia »rat he re.I . em u the exhibit The 0 - W |{ \ \ (•„. him the exhibit in their I lie ayatem after . • >ni|>i< lion » " n i . I la* very economical. Th e maintamance charge» ».»uUI I n * only nominal. One man eonl.l t.aik after the whole ayatem The pro|K «itimi in to obtain the »a t e r from the mam canal <>f the fVntral Oregon I mention t'o I Ilia w ater contea ilir.-ct t r o n i the lK-achnt»-H river near Itemi, ami accor.hnir to phynician« ami othcra who have t.-Nte.l the » a ter. the purity of the water in good. It la proporteli tornatali u filter­ ing plant at the ranervoir which will make the »a te r kn pun- aa can lieohtame.l from any «a te r plant in the country. So it » ill la* «een that there ran I n * no ipierttion a n to the conuiimer get- ting pure, » holi-Nimie water The plan in t*. Ituilii a . ..... . alm.it thrii- mileit from the city ami keep it full of »u ter from the canal. Sufficient water will la- atom ! to meet the ileniamlii o f the city for a number o f years, an.l n good lire p mom re ob­ tained. d o» n to » n ticket office. »•» Our Potatoes Attract Much Attention Col. \S A llelcher. o f thia city, hai* received a letter from hi« daughter in I'ortlai <1. Mr*. Mann, in which «he ntat.-N that the | n > THINKS REDMDND Wilt BECOME H I M c m Faith in T h i» Section o f Slate The following communication ha« l»*en receive»! by The Spokes­ man from J. W. Miller o f Mil­ waukee and shows that he. like the isNipIc hen*, pin their faith to lie» I morn I an.l the Keilmoml I >iNtriet Mr. Editor: i am certainly i.I.-, un ..I with your progressive publication, amt lielicve in time The S|K)k(*sinan » i l l Is* one o f the largi-st |>a|N-rs published in the west, as Redmond seems to be filled w ith enterprising business M-t.pic. ami 1 would say. push a goo.I thing along ami you will surely reach the goal, as Red­ mond. from all I read, » ill be a large city in the nenr future. Just keep on Ismsting. ■ The S|mhesnian’ s Job Printing pleases. and prices as low as the lowest In the items mentioned lx*lo\v you will find many hints of why it will lx* to your advantage to come shopping here $ -25 25 3 Ciins Marigold M i l k ............ -25 White Laundry Soap, per bar -05 Inferred Stock Catsup [(iloU* 1'hread, white only, 8 spools -25 .2.> 1 <|t. Pickles, sweet or sour, in Mason Jars $ The Dalles Diamond Fancy Pat.Flour 1.50 Ginger Snaps. |K*r lb...................... 12V2 Rice, line quality, Id lbs. 1.00 Pearl Shortening, 5 lbs., (>5c, 10 lbs, 1.25 FRIDAY, FOR CASH ONLY » 11611«. Best Cane Granulated Sujtar for $1.00. EH R E T $1 worth to a customer BROS. BIG DEPARTMKNT STORE HIGHEST IN QUALITY, LOWEST IN PRICE W e always Pring us y«u r Hutter and Kggs We have the agency for both the Edison and Victor lines, and will sell them on easy pay­ ments, $5.00 dow’n, $5.00 per month. Party Has Bet»n Working Between Here and the Sisters Country If you already have one, come in and select some new records. M A G A Z IN E S Can we have your magazine subscriptions this S IP P O S E D TO BE S IR V E Y IN G OLD L IN E season? Our agency can give you the lowest prices quoted by any house in the world. Make SjR*ndinK her money to the lx*st advantage has ceased to I k * a problem to the housewife of this community. She knows that when she trades here she will get her money’s worth, and lx1 thoroughly satisfied with her purchases, because she knows site gets lx*tter values jKriukle Com Flakes, 3 for.. Kiold Dust PH O N O G RAPH S I Milwaukee Man Has Great Business Is Good Because We Have Made [ Good With the People ‘4 r I C. E. ENGINEERS LOCATE EINE *1.50 PER YEAR Pay Market Price up your list and send it to us. Railroad Rumors Again Rife That Redmond May Ik* Junction Do it now. An example of our special clubbing rates. Everybody* O 9 A CosrooplitanO Q A Womens Home fomp.O I T Md lures \ merit an L f L A J (osvnooolitan Mendenhall's During the |ia.st few months several surveying crews have l>een in the field between this city and Sisters, and a few weeks HOT D R IN K S COLD SODAS ago a *crew o f surveyors were working four miles west o f here near the old line o f the Corvallis Air Eastern K. R. survey. The surveyors ami engi­ neers were in the employ o f the Corvallis A Eastern railroad com­ pany, for they cashed checks here given by the aiiove com­ pany. and made no secret that State Hank o f Redmond J. P. Duckett Intends to they were an engineering jiarty. W ill Assist the Farmers Establish His Saw mill Further than that no definite in­ and Ranchers Near Railroad formation could lie obtained from them as to what line they were surveying or what their purpose The State Bank o f Redmond J. P. Duckett, who recently was. has made arrangements to bring bought the Roberts sawmill at Hut the fact that the Corvallis in several cars o f dairy cows to Sisters, was in Redmond last & Eastern railroad has had engi­ be sold to the farmers and ranch­ Thursday in company with E. M. neers in this section leads to the ers o f this section who are desir­ Ashmore, who is connected with belief that the Harriman people, ous o f engaging in the dairy busi­ him in the milling business. Mr. to whom the Corvallis & Eastern ness. The bank people want Duckett stated he intended to now lielongs, are cheeking tip those who are interested in th is; move the sawmill from Sisters the old surveys made some years matter to call and see them at nearer to Redmond and in closer ago by the Corvallis & Eastern at once so they can obtain a proximity to timber. He expects when it was an independent line. definite idea as to how many will to have the mill located and in Three surveys were made by want cows, and the kind they running operation in a few weeks. that road. One crossing the desire. Already a car has been The capacity o f the mill is from Deschutes river at Iaidlaw , an­ contracted for. and as soon as 20,000 to 25.000 feet daily. It is other crossing the river near all those interested in dairy­ Mr. Duckett's intention to manu­ Cline Falls and entering Red­ ing have been heard from the facture shingles in the spring, mond. and another north o f this shipment will be ordered. It is and he will turn out first-class city. It has been stated by those expected that a prompt and lib­ lumber as far as manufacturing well posted on the matter, that eral response » ‘ill be made to the the product is concerned. Mr. liank's offer, and the cows the most feasible site for the brought in here inside o f a Duckett is an experienced saw­ Corvallis & Eastern crossing is month. The bank offers to bring mill and lumber man. having had near Cline Falls. in either Jersey or Holstein cat­ many years exiierience in the Since the completion o f the tle and sell at a reasonable price business, and he promises the Oregon Trunk railroad to this on easy terms. people o f this section a good 4*» ----- city, and the leasing o f the track grade o f goods at a reasonable Read Gregory’s ad on last page o f this road from Culver to Bend in this issue. price. by the Harriman people for a lieriod o f 99 years, it is stated that an outlet over the mountains for the Corvallis & Eastern and connection with the Deschutes road, the Harriman line that runs from the Columbia river to is the best companion a person can have to Bend, has lieen desired. Red­ mond has always been mentioned pass their leisure hours away with. We as the junction point o f these have a large number o f Standard Copy­ two roads, and from the activity righted Books that we sell reasonable, and that has been shown the past invite you to come in and inspect the stock. season in chocking up the old surveys o f the Corvallis & Eastern it looks as if something in rail­ road building would be done be­ fore many months, and Redmond made the junction o f the Corval­ W e have in stock three new High Grade lis & Eastern and the Deschutes Pianos that we offer at reasonable prices on railroad. BANK WILL FURNISH WILL LOCATE MILL COWS FOR DAIRYING NEARER REDMOND A Good Book Pianos and Sheet Music Dairymen to Meet Saturday Night W. S. Rodman, secretary o f the Dairymens Association, an­ nounces that the association will have a meeting here Saturday night, November 25th. Every dairyman and farmer is invited to attend as business o f impor- I tance will come up. liberal terms. W e would like to show you these instruments. W e also carry the larg­ est line of Sheet Music in the county. W. H. AND ERSON Opposite Postoffice