y BOUGHT GUN 0 Kill LOUIS LONG i g ratu latili on having him lecture ! thru*. t'ol. Sohii-Hki'a ful liar mih t hi­ la* t hiM|i of Poland ami was | H- i lifltili-.l in I lu- lia iati t invi'ru Min-ut. Ili* niothi-r, with h«-r lit tir Itny. till'll Ma exiled from 1*0 I iiiii I and Austria. I In* iiiothrr Haring Kt*l»»i 11 « I on •lirtl of a hm kt'n lirait, till- I mo •I. If. K o I m t I h o f Thin City ••m a|K'.| lo Americo ami cnlitt-d , hk ’ m IVmiiitrnt De­ \N e d s M ìhh O d a R uf h a* u gunner l*.s in Un* regular taining of W oman army Ix-fore th r Civil War. When Fuller th<- rollili.-t o|M'iii'i|, In-rnllHt.-il in i ili-fniHi' of his udopted country anil Mas in many hard battle*. |>, :n, »ll putì It At tin- i* li un* of (hi- mio In- went News has been receiveil here to M rxiro und helped to extah that .1. It. Kols-rts o f the general I I Here hr merchandise tirm o f Lynch A , I, , M !I I - ' . . I f .1 | ' I | T I ih I i her mile|M-ndenri- officiated at the death of Max Kola-rt* o f this city, was united L , , I I I . - c i r c u i t « - . . lif t U n it : imilan. M ho M a* the one M ho ex­ m m arriage to Mias Oda Ruth ¡tltiullv ti»'* stato lit weaving iled him and hi* m other from Fuller last night at the home of the bride's parents ut Cedar l ulls. M,f evident* alxoit J. I.. A uitria >«-ar* la-fur»-. Iowa. Returning to the United State* w h». recently killed l'ugtl- he art lied in .Minnesota and was The newly married couple left mi» l^inic near Kedmond. ht , will U- exceedingly dilli elected to *it in the leg islature immediately a fte r the ceremony and help make her law*. for Cortland where they expect ken will In* at home” to the bride- , tin- mart of tin- *rn*atinn- in every *tute of the Union and gmom ’a large circle of acquain­ ^j, I,. Ijii. . - a .to i-, cited .i" made a trip to Kurland. Ireland tances. Mrs R oberta ia the only daugh­ j ., \ |.n. in*.' ll.< |>i « in. I and Scotland. Hi' i*a full fl«-.lyfi-iI Auwricai te r of Mr and Mrs. .1. M. Fuller, |j • ,t i f M -" .» r | T -1 a 'n citizen and loves the star* and and occupied a high |*iaitioii in fi- vi-rilu't. society in her home town. Mr. i- d-f.-nitf is not endeavoring atri pea. Roherta has been in business in ¡••oy tlif eaaential fart of Redmond for alnnit u year and a ¡«T. I»llt it IS I'tlM fltd it Will half, and numliers friends by the that l*»ng was xunggru . at- score w ho one and all w ish him uggrenive in hi* i-tTort* to and Mrs. Roberta a long, pleas­ nt Helen Riley from return ant and prosjierouH journey along i, I*..rtlutili vutli her huahan.i i life's highwuy. Rilev « a - juxtith-d in what It Ma* not denied that ho 1 .1 Now is the tim e to get your at I • . m li. : IC m -V ai..l lus For I'urpoMeofOrganization w inter clothes. Come in and » il I were in < V ntral < Iregon tbev and to Fleet Neces­ ■u è my line of new stuff. S|H*cial in housfs of illfuuit*. Is.th Ht lirico» on boys school suits. E. • Imond and < ipal < ‘ity. sary Officers !.. Rapp. 16t2 Mr. and Mrs. Erickson, father and mother of Mm. Jos. Buckley, The Rislmnn.l R< n I and Gun arrived here last week from Min­ club. comi«>->isl of a I hhi t fifty nesota and will make Redmond mi'mlw-rs from Kedmond and aur* their future home. ruundin*’ country. Mill hold u meeting here in the Uonimercial Real Estate Transfers ('luh rooms Friday evening. Octo- 1 st £7lh, for the purpose of per- I'u hi ir They Should feeling the organization and Kuruuhiii bj Ih«- I rook County Ab- Mrm-t Com|Miny officer». urThia Fammi* O rator electing All memla-ra and othera who Hr-imomJ TowriHil,- Co. to are intereated in the aucceaa of K M Kan.li>. lout*. 10. 11. l'Z. blk 32 \nd Statesm an tlua organization are invited to Kr-tnmfht, >>>•', attend this meeting. » A MrCDowpll. lot 3. blk 21, R«d- It i* p rot a »sis! to hold sh.Hit.s in $.•>>. Kedmond during tin- aeason with >• t • ••* ' I .a.-fiiM M II llohl». lota Z\ amt 24. blk 27. from other cities, and Kr-lmoiiil. $b«i. Meek * iU'iul liulU'tin had cluha jfi.lli.M ing g»*x! M oni* t<> say make tin* cluh one of the lending Anna (ìrrrnhalgh. lot 7 amt S, I.Ik t, ¡t t ’iHint tTol. John Sobieski sporting organizations of this Ki^lmon.l, avo. lecture* at Bend on Oct. city. Much interest has so fur Cola M Klrkrr, lot* .7 amt ♦», t>lk *>4. and here tomorrow night, I nvii taken in the organization Iti-Imond. il^mtrlaitti I and it is expected thut a large her J7th: Crook County Inv. Co. to ¥ ali the if.ssi thing* cominjt memla-rship Mill Is- secured from Cbriatian Knirli-man. lot* 22, '23, 24. i-n.|. none ia of more value this city and nearby localities. t>lk •->. Hillman, C imi tin, the liTtur»* of fo l, John 11 K Ib-miln-l. lot 2S. tdk lu4. Hill­ rsk i on Oct. 2f»th. Moving A classified advertisem ent is a man. $7.7 in him for many year*. I tireless work hunter, and seldom Cba* K Haa*. lot* 26, 27. 2S. blk 111. to say Itemi ia to la* con- fails. Hillman. II.V POPULAR MERCHANT MARRIED IN IOWA V A C T T M CLEANED ELECTRIC LIGHTED HOT AN D COLD RATHS THF HOTEL REDMOND REDMOND ROD & GUN CLUB HOED MEETING Is one of the Largest and Best Appointed Hotels in Central Oregon, and amply capable of meeting the wants of commercial men, tourists and others, is centrally located, and the tables are supplied with the Ijest the market affords. t í HAW MAN SPEAKS WELL OF S06IESKI s ,I!K YOU GOINS TO III ILO? J. M. Hevard, the architect, makes complete plans and speriticationa for all classes of huildings. Our prices are right. I.ct us ligure with you. lev a rti & ( ¡a n t , XH W STO C K K ed m on d , O re. W all P a p er All Designs and Pattern» Trunks, Suit Cases, Valises, Kiitfs, ( ar|H‘ts and Furniture C . M. IR V IN , R edm ond l.aidlaw Townaitr Co. to Mr*. M Patt. Ix.t pi, blk 74. I .nut- law. $I4H • i ll. Walker, lot 2. blk M, l.aidlaw. 112». K*linund llillic-h Jr., lot 3. blk 58. l.aidlaw. $P*>. The Itemi Co. to Kate It Dimmeli, lot I», blk 22. Park aikl. Itemi, lire., $1427 Mnu-ellaneou* l-ovina June* to Samuel S. June*, lots ì. R, I". II. 12. blk p>. PtfUl add . Prineville. $1. Itrrifon A- Western Col. Co., to Cha*. It Ih-nniaon, lot* I, 2. 3, and went 2» ft. of lot I. block 7, !>avtd*on'* add., Si*terw. $217. Il N Uwrie. et al to H. Z. (Inltith. lot 7. blk 29, Culver. $200. Chad II Irivn to .1. It. Cady, lot* 8. I». blk 2c. Kllingera adit. Kedmomt, |7i»l. \V It. Cummin* to Frist W'. German, lot* 2, 3, 4. 7 t>, 7, blk 149. Hillman. $1. J H Mendenhall to .lame* S. Pinnell, lot If», blk .‘ 111 , Redmond, $l»f*l. F. It. May to Guy O. Hudnon. lot 3, blk 17. Dewhute*. $*SI. F*lwinG. Amine to Charle* It. Hoov­ er, et nwi an.l *Jnet see 23-12-1S, $1. Norma Gail Taylor to John W. Price, lot* I tosine, and 27 and 26. blk 121; lot* 2. 3, 4. 7. 6. blk 11«, lota It. to 27. me. blk PCI, Hillman. $1. STOVES of ALL KINDS When you want anything in the stove line youd better come in and see our stock. We have a good line ot Charter Oak Heating Stoves ( harter Oak Ranges Monarch Malleable Ranges Columbia Steel Ranges Oil Stoves Gasoline Stoves H. F. JONES, Proprietor Redmond, Oregon CLASSIFIED COLUMN t FOR SALE . HOUSE TENT near school . S m Ben I ¡otter. MEAT MARKET FIXTURES, and Imilding for rent. Inquire of F. Weston. Redmond Ore. 16t2 If you want to SELL your property list it with i i i so ACRES DITCH LAND, cloee to Redmond. Pour rocm That Man McGaffery” He doesn’t ask an exclusive right ; house, and stable. Easy terms. H. A. Shenk. Redmond. Ore. lo tf ■ SPAN BAYS, mare and gled- ing. five and six years old. weight lilfTO pounds, also w agon and harness. C. A. Adams. 1-ltf PIANO. At a bargain, high grade Hobart M. Cable piano. Ashley Forrest. he can sell it anyway. PLUMBING AND TINNING lOtf E stim ates cheerfully gtven on all kinds of Work. FOR SALE The choicest v acant comer 5 Sheet Metal Work of All kinds W ANTED RELIABLE YOUNG MAN with experience, wishes position as clerk. Inquire this office, ltitl l**ad of Grain Hay. for chick­ en feed. Enquire at Spokesman office. FOR RENT FI RNISHRD ROOMS. 4 rooms near schixil house, to rent separ­ ate. Enquire Mrs. J. A. Brown. I«»t2 NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION lK |mrtmi'nt of the Interior. U. S. Inn.I iittu-i' at The IValles, OD'gon Oct- ober 3it, 1911. Notice is hereby iriven that G. Hu- l>ert Blair, of Opal City, Oregon, who. on AugiiMt l*th. 1910, made homestea»! No.»7.l»S. for *»'JswJ. section 17 and ne|nwi. a|nwF section 20, township 13 south, range 13 east Willamette merid­ ian, has hl«t notice of intention to make final commutation proof, to es­ tablish claim to the land above describ­ ed. before l. P. Hewitt, l\ S. commis­ sioner, at his office ai Redmond, Ore­ gon. on the 17th day of November, 1911. Claimant names as witnesses: William Ralston, Harry Doan. l*>th of Opal City, Oregon. I-ouis Luedtke, of Culver. Oregon. Walter Ruble of Redmond, Oregon. C. W. Moore, Register. First publication Oet. 12-Nov. 9 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior. U. S. land office at The Dalles, Oregon, tVcto- ber 9th. 1911. Notice is hereby given that John O. Wolf, of Culver. Oregon, who, >>» June 23rd. 1910. made homestead. No. 1*8*43, for nh sej. and sw| sel. sec. 30, tp. 13. south rang». 13, eant w'illamette me ri dmn. ha* Bled notice of intention to make final commutation proof, to es tablish claim to the land sbove deorrih ist, tiefore I. P, Hewitt. U. S. Com missioner, at hi* oftiee at Kedmond, On-got*, on the 24th »lav of November, 1911. Claimant names a* witnesses: , . --S . U Jr . if V- ........ W. J. Wheeler 1 dtHir from corner 6tn and F S ts., REDMOND Mr. Farmer We are now prepared to install Pumps and Kitchen Sinks in your homes. This is something you need. It is a labor-saver and does not cost much. Better let us talk to you further about this matter. Call up Phone 417 and we will give you full details. WE DO ALL KINDS OF PLl MBINf. AND ELECTRICAL WORK and carry n gixxl supply of material for this kind of service. For further particulars call on THE C. R. McLALLIN CO.