»? The Redmond Spokesman T0 wo° SLEEP* IXibUahcd «-ver> Thursday l>y ■ «Mar • Su| an Mi, Flaar Than a Taa V .aili ng Mallraaa. Extracts from a Diary. h “ Last week 1 told a close friend that I would save about ten dollars from my wattes this month. Yesterday he came to me to see if I would loan him five dollars. He has another job at better wattes, but did not have enough money to buy his railroad ticket a fter pay ini? all he owed. He promised to send it to me first pay-day. so I let him have i t . " “ I saw this advertisement in the paper tod a y:" W E IN V IT E Y O U Would it not 1 h > an immense advantage, in event o f illness, or accident, or any other cause w here­ by you should require a sum o f ready money, to be able to call for the amount at a bank? W e invite you to come to this bank and open a bank account with $1.00 or more. W e pay four per cent interest REDMOND BANK OF COMMERCE 1 am going to make some inquiry about a bank account’ Plumbing and Tinning We have recently installed in connection with Maher’s Hard­ ware Store, a complete Plumb­ ing and Tinning outfit, and in­ vite your patronage in this line. All orders will receive prompt attention and the work done un­ der the direction of an experi­ enced man. H. a « . i ru mi : h AT KHOIOMI. tMtrUitN s c usent iMn»N n u e s ; Strictly in Advance On,' y«-»r. • *1 -»> Three mon lb*. MW' :s Silici,- coin,-», ir Six month«. 1 A i n K K T IS I \ G K A T K S mi». .- k no* n M a W«* till m o n ru i |» a \ *!•!«- mn.t »ddrt •II ciMnmumciUiMui t»» Il II »1 1 % 1 hdmer, Untinomi. O h * hini . Kntcml a » iMwtHvI * I a .*»» mutter Ju»\ 14, ItM“ At the* c At IbdlthH hi, umt* r Iho Aw*t »»I Melt. t, I ***'1 Rev.monti, Orvitmi, ,Vpt. -Sv 1911 The buy iHvpIo o f this city should "M a d e in O reg o n " •'I «Icep (airlv a ril," a man m i «I m 'riitli. bill seldom *ouii«Uv, and I ( r>-quellt I* aakr in Ihr morning ailli a< lir« in nur Ire», joint» ami vertebra* I never («“ri aupple mi ul I baie hail mv culli )>alli ami a brisk rnli aith a fonati towel“ Sleep »houM tie invigorating, not enervating. and the following ihe orv »n » ailvum'ed by a man a ho in Ina earlier dsv* had »Irpl for many month« under Ihe »tara on veldt amt in jungle : " l l i» ilio imittre«a and the pil­ low that are rrapon«ihlr for half the trouble of the insomniac The ideal rr»»ing jilaiv ia the ground, ailti it» natural oorerinjt of »oft gra»» The good* '• • • oo»1 OfrrUul with « A«»ft rtf- from the local merchants when- p^( or rug The yielding maltrr«a ever the price and quality are loe» not re»t the mtiaelea. a hu h re P u m p R e p a ir s o f A H K in d s MAHER & WHEELER S h op a t M a h e r’s H a rd w a re S to re , S o u th 6 th s t r e e t . P h o n e 1709 Lumber Yard Currie* a Complete Stock of Lumber und Ituilding Material /{untie and V S id in Flooring. Headed Ceiling All kinds oi Kout’li nnd l inisli l umber la-t me rtgvir»' W >,HI on >,wir n r' 1 lunitwr hill. Kaitimatea furnished in w fur all cl aase» o f building*. equal to Eastern made goods. Those who often , “ n • ll " « V ,n * ’*°r u\"m ,,f •' m Irrnating rrlaiatton and tension When the alerping place i» tiled more »ml hard they adapt them»r|ve» to pay than thev need to ,a»v for things “ I*"1' r7 " -,n f urthc rmoro# ih*» «pin«* an«! usually, do loss Utl rvutiin^f tluin n«rv« ccntfri of tho U m I ilfi'pcr ire ripoacd all night to the heat of ihe they need to do. mattre*», which i» the cause of the *rn»r of enervation »o commonly A store’s ads tells you what felt when one awaken«. concessions it is ready to make to “ The pillow i« even more rnrr rating than the maltrr«« A well secure your trade. There are. stuffed saddl* ahoae cleft crnlrr usually, some very attractive perm.u the circulation of air, »oft. “ bids” made fo r your favor. ) pl unwelding, 1 » the ideal bead _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ rest. Nett to It perhap» »tumid be . placed the Jspanrs* neck block. The shopper who reads ads -w hen the discomfort of «he r , KNO W ’S that she is buying it penment ha» hn n overturn# bv a for as little as passible and the 7 * * . nigbu of perseverance a won­ derful improvement will tie di» shopper who doesen’ t read ads. cerned in the quality of »leep doesn't know w hether she is or Hsrper''» Weekly, not. And, usually. SH E IS NOT. W i M y » a - « » d t Had Csu ra g» ------------- One day, ruling along the road. .. . Cicneral Gonion came upon a regi Oregonian: W illiam Hanley plan practically the very inipreaaire. The men aere Agricultural C ollege all over the kneeling or »landing Ith hoared 1 .1 1 .• # , , 1 head» alavut the chaplain, who »■> state by the planting o f student» v||i(j _ ____ ' , a voice , —. S in P W wonderful on demonstration farm s in the com pa»» The general cheeked hi» rompa»» Summer looks practical in the in- b«r»<> ,,n'l removed In* hat and wait teTM t o f to spread good raranitff. U t th e ctmpll(m Mkl.., ,, students load up with books and the men of 1-ce'« army »upreme laboratory and classroom knowl- Pipe and Fittings, Wholesale and Retail R. (\ I M M I.K’j »" " • " * «>** ch».» that had com« upon them, fortitude e d ^ ' in the w inter and Roout into )0 hear now privation* and trouble*. the state and apply it on demon- »trength to tight agaia»t the pur , - ., e _ »uing enemv. Ju»t then a tall pri stration farms in the Summer. , . - , . . . vate ro»e from hia knee* and «hout Then let the farm ers o f the »d to the chaplain: “ Pray for neighUiring country visit the «haplam; pray for bread! , . . W e have courage to »pare, but to demonstration farm, learn how wp mu, t h, v„ w„ nr, hlng to to farm scientifically and apply eat Pray for bread!" the knowledge themselves. The UP **** prayer meeting. Thia broke Y ard s on Fifth St. betw een C and l) streets Phone IV 02 R H D M O N D , ORI Jos. H. Jackson ...... S ells...... Quick Meal" and “Universal Ranges’ “0. V. B." Sewing Machines >■ Tho Motor” and “Adams” Washers Carborundum T< h »I (irindors Oliver Plows, Canton Hows Peter Schuttler and other First-class Fines of Wagons A T COST. a n d a ll k in d * o f K ir n t - r la * * HARDWARE COME A N D SEE ME best advertisem ent fo r Oregon is An in»paroiKry: " S i r - I am instructc•'» !ycaterday and to eiprcaa the nmrred. Kinallv he was sent for ,,'* t t '" ’ an'1 K «»«lpmon In the F.tnpn-. Marie Fewlorowna. ?f > ?"r co'.nl,',ny nrTIV- '1 »"h-ly in 'ho was ill wavs very friendly to I,ondon nnd in good health I” O ffic e ne¿»r H a n k o f C o m m e rc e him. lie obeyed the command nt Importance ef Salt. once. The einpresa greeted him the Salt production is atmut the old­ moment he entered her boudoir with, ‘‘ Dear M. Mario, do for inv est industry in the world. In Italy, •ake shave and ding in this play.” the cradle of the salt indnstry, it “ Your majesty,” said Mario, kneel­ lias lamn manufactured commercial­ ly for 2,500 years. Halt ia so nec­ ing and kissing the outstreteh d essary to cxistenre that in some hand. “ I would give you my life, parts of the world trilica will »ell hut rny beard— impossible!” h'inal- the menila rs of their familie* in el- IR R IG A T IO N , SI RD IVISIO N . L A N D S U R V E Y S ly the 1 /ar ordered Mario either to ehange for »alt Halt has been the Estimates Furnmhed on Power Plants * S U K V fc lS shave or go. Mario instantly re- cause of wars, and »0 important has ^ - a . s turned his salary and left Hii-xia.— , lt alwaya lieen considered that in ‘ Romance of a Great Hingcr.'1 W. have had 10 year»' ..................... . some places the passing o f salt ia civil cnginc'ring! ’ 1 ,r*r|,ig all branches >»f established na a token of friendship, T h « Almanac W a » Guilty. and women throw anlt on a viaitor Kimms 5 & 6. Bank of CoMterce Bldg . p. {), L>fi0 K K D M O N D Compilers of almanacs in France las n friendly greeting. In »orne are legally responsible for the ae- countries »nit is »o scarce that it curary of their puhlicationa. This is obtained through the ashes of point was determined by a ruse g ra sse s nnd n specie* of palm and tried ill the davs of Louis Philipjie. other plants.— Manufacturers' Rec­ Ouvrard, a well known army con­ ord. tractor, fell into difficulties nnd was severely pressed hy Ins cred­ Something Coming. itors According to French law, A f ’iipitol avenue lad of eight debtors cannot lie arrested between wished to go fishing, but hia mam- W.. carry the Brat »f rvrr,|hini( in our |in, sunset and sunrise. One evening tna ri fused to permit him to go Ouvrard sallied forth in queat of near the water. Johnny nevorthe- fresh air nnd was aei/ed hy a heiliff less slipjied out and went to Fall as he stepped out of Ins house, lie creek, where he fished for an hour protested and produced an nlmnnac or more. On hia wny home he met showing that it was three miniiti*s s neighbor, who was surprised to past sunset. The bailiff produced see Johnny parrying a fishpolo. another almanac showing that tho “ Hello, Johnny,” said tho neigh- sun did not set for another nine hor. “ Been fishing?” minute». On tna release from pris- “ Yes, sir,” Johnny answered, on Ouvrard sued the publisher o f j “ What did yon catch ?” the almanac which had misled and “ W-w-why, I haven’t been home ebtai— d dauBgi 1 yet Indianapolia New». Joseph H. Jackson, REAL E S TA TE Real E state and Gity Property Sixth and F streets JAS D O U G H E R T Y , Prop’r carries in stock the BRANDS W a rre n & W o o d w ard OF GOODS Civil Engineers that are handled in all first-class cafes. BEN GOTTER Contractor and Builder Plans, Specifications and Estimates furn­ ished ror all clases of buildings. Office one block east of Jackson’s Hardware Store, Mmi B.s.eook&eo Cafe Royal L E A D IN G I Redm ond Of Course H ay, G ra in, Ground Fet F lo u r, Wood a nd P o u ltry Food R e d m o n d F eed & E U c| (