Ì Redmond Spokesman Published at the “ Hub City ” o f ( ’entrai Oregon KKDMOND, ( K ook COUNTY, OREGON. THI!RSf)AY, SEPTEMBER 7, Kill SEDMOND’S popular hostelry M AY SELL THE Ladies’ Shoes at COST PRICE rfl « Ì i i l j $1.50 FE R Y K A K I am going to discontinue handling Indies’ Shoes and am making a Special Price on everything in this line. Council Takes Action On Initiative Petition for New ( Harter Regular $5.50 Shoes cut to $ 3 . 8 5 Regular 5.00 3 .4 5 Regular 4.50 3 .0 0 Regular 4.00 2 .7 5 Regular 3.75 2 .7 5 Regular 3.50 2 .6 5 Regular 325 2 .3 5 Regular 2.75 2 .0 0 Regular 2.00 1.6 0 Straw and Panama Hats at COST Price 44 44 $27,000 BOND ISSUE IS ALSO AUTHORIZED Thaab (vi* half tout* cut in a feet on Sixth id reel, xxhieh are t«•! K< ilriif fortahle eaay chairs are there, p n S i x t h a t r e v t , u n d e x - and a Steinway («rand piano oc­ Ik N " fi*e l o n E » t r e e ! . cupies a prominent |io«ition. kitchen is said to Is- the 1***1 np- isiinted one in the state outside of Portland. The whole house is electric lighted, vaccum cleaned, and provided with hot and cold bath*. A septic tank system ensures the nu»st sanitary conditions. 44 44 44 Expected That Denver Bond Firm Will Now Pur­ chase the Bonds 44 44 44 H. K. Jones is the genial boni- At the council meeting Tues­ fa«s-. and W. W. Alldrege assists in lisiking after the patrons o f day night an initiative petition )t d door in mo ll for lio- The dining room ami kitchen tilt* house and ministering to signed by over eight per cent o f M*a. except the south 80 arrangements nre complete. The their wants. the voters o f the city, was pre­ sented, asking that the new neeptanee within the five days of Canyon City, (¡rant county, charter and bond issue o f $27. d Man Mr. Anker attended (XX) o f municipal water bonds be time re.75 7.75 9.85 EHRET ONLY And Groceries sanitary dust proof counters. And the price, well, they are the lowest. 5c White Laundry Soap, bar Sail Soap 8 bars 25c 10c Corn Starch, pkg $1.00 Head Rice, 12 lbs UK) Jap. Rice, H> lbs 1.00 Oatmeal, 18 lbs 50c Canned Fruit, 3 cans 65c 1 gal. Syrup 35c Vi gal. Syrup BROS. BIG DEPARTMENT STORE HIGHEST IN QUALITY, LOWEST IN PRICE Jong us your ftti'r und Egg* We always Pay Market Price The above proceedings were taken at the suggestion o f the bond company that has been ne­ gotiating with the city to buy j the $27,000 issue o f bonds for the construction o f the city w at­ er plant from the I>eschutes river at Cline Falls. It is now unticiitated that as soon as the bond company learns o f the council complying with their wishes in the matter, the money from the sale o f the bonds w ill! be forthcoming, and work begun on the system as soon as bills are awarded. Boy Scouts Arc Organized J. H. Reder Informs The Spokesman that he has organ ¡zed a i>atrol o f 12 boy scouts here, to be known as Boy Scouts o f America, Troop No. 1. The com­ mission for the troop has been received and drills will soon be- , gin so as to get the scouts in readiness for the Railroad Cele­ bration Day parade. Uniforms have been ordered. Outside People Arriving in Redmond and Invest- ing in Property Property sales in Remond and throughout the district have been fairly active the past two weeks, and the realty market has taken on a more healthy tone. The Central Oregon Irrigated Land Co. o f this city, has recently sold to the following newcomers: O. A. Abelson o f Tacoma. 40 acres near Powell Buttes. The F. G. Bancroft 40-acre ranch 31 miles west o f the city to Don R. Lewis o f Toledo, O. Ira A. Johnson o f Sumas. Wn., 40 acres in Powell Buttes section. Ralph Cruikshank o f Sumas. Wn.. 80 acres in Powell Buttes section. Ralph Johnson o f Portland. 80 acres south o f here. G. H. Malksonof O 'N eil. Ore.. 80 acres north o f city. Mrs. Abel, lots 4-5-G. block 11, Mountain View Addition to Red­ mond. Located a newcomer on tin* Van Hanks desert claim relin­ quishment. School Supplies W e want to call your atten­ tion to the fact that w e will have a complete stock of the above for the coming term of school. School books, and everything else that is used by the child at school. Let us fit you out. W. H. ANDERSON The Postoffice Store