The Redmond spokesman. (Redmond, Crook County, Or.) 1910-current, August 31, 1911, Image 6

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Harness and
Repair Shop
I desire to announce to the pub­
lic that I have opened a General
Harnens and Repair Shop on K
street between 6th and 7th Sta­
in Redmond, with E. W. Mason,
an experienced man, in charge.
Y'our patronage is solicited.
Material and workmanship is
Sept. 15 tnOct. 15, 1911
thts prrvki r « h « d « v wajr m U m il f»rn i w»U h* tn effort
frnm *li ininu in Uw ‘-mat and rentrai » « I tn mil pointa on lha O R E lio N
TR I A K KY mi>: THE N O R T li RA SK R»>AI> »ta Hurlmgto» Route
Great S-jrthem and Northern H y, the direct train line.
Fare« From th e E a s t:
Ch ira tro
St. L ouìa
. $33.00
I>es Moines $27.86
Detroit____ -*«.00
30 90
St. Paul .. $25.00
Minneap’ls 25.00
Kansas City 25.00
Oregon T ru n k
R a ilw a y
turret train a r m from Chicago. St. Ixaiia. K
Denrcr. St. Paul and M innrapoiu.
City. Omaha-
o f this opportuna» to roovr » o t on low farra
Details fumtahrd on rr
q u oit You ran depoait «nth m* and have ticket* fumtahrd people at
eaatem pointa
B. R. Ness,
Agent Culver, Ore.
J. H. Corbett,
A Rent, Opal City. Ore.
J. J. Hoydar.
Agent, Madras, Ore.
T. A. Graham.
Ajrent, Metnlius Ore.
IIer»»ie treatment for a corn, which has no right to )m on the
human toe, is to open your handy ol»| e»irn raror and cut it out.
Them ire had habits and prneti<-e* which people ought to eut out,
though n»» re or is nce»]e»l fo r the aoi[»utatirig process.
For instance,
it ia a bed practice t», get in the habit <»f buying things through Mail
Order conrerTis when you can buy to le-tfcr advantage— the mutual
advantage o f youraeff and your neigh Dir - a t the »tores in your own
I f j<m have »e<|iiiro»l this habit take the Razor o f Resolution, hone
it on the bone ,.f Mut,,*! I»,f».r»-,ts, strop it or, the strop o f Town Im ­
provement and --
A well known publisher smd ni n
literary dinn»-r in New- York:
“ Aa an editor I funi noltody «»,
persistent ns the amateur contribu­
tor. I f th<- amateur were half us
ingenious in writing Ida material as
in trying to lami it he would be­
come a Dickens in no time. An am­
ateur M id the other day to an edi­
tor I know:
“ ‘ Allow me to submit this liear
The Outilla did not come by ita
mime without a struggi«. It is, 11 »
••«»irvlesly knows, culled uflcr ttie
f.wudish Imtunist Dahl, but the
name, as mispronounced by Eng­
lish gardeners, wn.» opposed l>v the
purbt» on the ground that there
was already an existing genus nam­
ed da lea. I.nckily the daleu is an
entirely insignificant genus. an«l so
the word dahlia wras retained, but
not before a determined effort bail
l>»,en made to change it to Georgina
"\Mv readers don’t care for lu»ar - m honor o f F’ rofeasor Georgi, a
storie».1 said the edit»»r. ‘They want Russian Ultimisi. The strange ri­
valry is recalled by Walter P.
.«omet lung spicy.’
“ ‘ Hut thia,’ said the amateur, ‘is Wright in “ Popular Garden How-
a story ale,ut a cinnamon bear.’ ”
tana«« Sue Sa 1 •• One •> 'ha MarvXa
a# lha C .-n eei al W afa
An i&teraating «'gt>t •** Ixndoa is
noa of tha great periodical aale« of
ra* tkin* and fur* held at a fur
■traliiiBia to (he n tj. Tha magni­
tude of tlis trada ami the vast
aaio-int of m«ne« io»ol»*d w-w'd
surprise am one who »i»ite«l one of
theae *a!ea for the firat lime
At the* tn Great Queen
«tree! one • an aander from floor to
1o.«r piled ailh th<M*«n»ls upon
ti>ou*eit<ia of •«lit* until "Or lejfina
to aon.ler ahere all tha rrraturea
the» oo< e 1 lathed lived.
I*pot the "Sear fl»w»r.” for in­
stance. some
1» t*» aii h n f
•It .ne are at Itmea to he «v-Hi T ' rw»,
hoaeiet, rrpreaent onl» the numher
ahtrh i# to he diapxaed -if at a tin
fie aale
Some of the «malVr and ,-**m
Toner »kina. an< h a* raccoon ami
■iprawntn, am handle,) hi the mil
» h
Sku * of fotea of »arton, apev -e»
are i»pp*»rt»-d m «a«t quanta»-« and
it «rerru raanrlmii that so man» of
the*e « 1 !» creature« are aa-rur.--) by
the hunter» The prt.. « of foiaktna
rang,- fr--m a (* * «hiding* ra. Ii tip
to huge »urns for a aaiu of tb»- «mg
of all f ir*. the eH|H - tc at irr fax
A* urn ‘t a* *.*,¿<»1 '«a» hr, n iwd
f«>r a «ingle r«»atljr ekin, wbi» h can
Iw found in fair)« large quantities
at n i , l «ale* in the KuMian «aide.
In man» |>arta of the «»H d ani­
mal* are reare,) and farm.*) e »her
partially or »olrli on ai.otirit of
their fiira. Thu* in *ta it rrr'and
1 enormous number, of goal* -f a
•perial l.n-ed are kept up»->n the
mountain*, their ilun. he<ng uti-
liie«l generally for h.-artlrrug* and
motor clothing Babbit «kin*, loo,
are of m > much m m nrrrul «alue
that the (ir«**ler* of Ihitch rabbits
make a special study uf ttie color
and tectum o f the fur«.
Tin ei.*t wonderful fur forma in
the world are to he found upon the
wild ialanda which dot PriMS Wil­
liam*« sound, off the inhoapitahle
coast of Alaska. In th e*e far north­
ern regions i>nterpri*ing individual*
hare establish»*) colon i»-t of blue
arctic fotea. T1ie»e creature* can­
not be tamed, but they are fed al)
the year round and trapped in ape
cial houaes in the winter when
their coata are in a suitable condi­
Occasionally a bundle of boa con-
atrictora* skins ia sent over for sale.
They make good purse«.
The great talcs are attended al-
mo*t exclusively by the "trade,” a*
the skint are all imported in the
raw state — Ixndon Graphic.
Hancack’a Pr**enca 0 » Mini
A reminiscence of the Iwttle of
| Gettysburg ¡Huntrate« the atru-t at­
tention to buame*« of the profes­
sional soldier under the moat dis­
General Hancock waa wounded he
was carried to the rear, where the
surgeon« cut away hta clothing and
found and extracted the missile.
The general liecame much interest­
ed on »eeing it and insisted upon
sending for an aid-de-cainp in
spite o f the medical admonition«
against exciting himself.
the aid appeared the general called
out to him:
“ Go straight to General M.’ade
and tell him the enemy is running
•hurt of ammunition. I have been
wounded with a tenpenny nail.”
Th« Uniqu« Mr. Whi«tl«r.
Whistler had'the readiest wit. his
r*fHirt.-e l»-ing »-ttraordioary, while
| Ilia jok.-s against himself were just
| as go»a] a* those be hurled at oth*
; ers. His during reckles«n<-sa and
disregard of the rules which control
tin» actions of ordinary human I*»-
ings made jum uriii|iie He was al-
Wgyu lute for dinner, nrruoging his
¡mumrtiil l<K:k of gray hair in ita
proper pla»e us he cam«- into the
room, with apologies and rvnars.
n»in<- o f them true, of wlm h,he was
perfectly conseioti« and also of the
fart his boat and hosies* knew that
they were not.— fxdy Ht Heller's
“ Mcinoriea.”
e,Msa p liso Ora«« t * «r , Ms*«« I»
Ik , T m
•* ka Or* r e «
T h »«« who think all the delight*
of Switirrland lie among the high
Alpine pea*« or in the jov >'f win
¡ 1er sports will And upon «.siting it
that much *>f it* strong app«-ai lie*
in the pi.-turewjue charm <<f its farm
and »illagw s. en.-«
i *- ou* for
• it«»
it* si
,-her*e w.-rks, the town of lx Gr»-
.era inil cling» to it» am - nt rua-
inm* an-! • irr«'ondi»»g* M«:i* of
the hoiSM'- dele lerli le the txf
teenth and sixteenth ceatufiea,
wl.iie the chateau af the count* of
lx Gruiere it <»f an even ear <»r
An. irlit hot'ding*. however s.*o
h n an s r..niiii‘>rip *. e t» Ile K To
pear t-nieter. «aya 1’is is lr lair In
» America, «ml «o pro'oMy the flr*t
th'Og »ne sutavs in this intercluí*
«iHs.r i* the pre,a!cn»e of window
The, are e»er» where. Vo mat­
ter how o'.I or turn Me.!-»•'< the
hoo*e ma, to, there are *lws«s
<1-w-riin, p'aats in the wm-'-w,.
; are) the» brighten Up the whole
I town w inderfull». G *, color* ar<-
Í the rule, pmk aro! rrd gefan»i- <
irr i » » t r-iromon, althoogh »•
'are* a few nasturtiums and ear*«
lions, With an «r»-»Si"|¡a! hiilr»r> ,
t'nlike American window boi*-»
wh <*h are !-,xea in actuabtf r *
1 taming a considerable .juenl ti • ■!
I *ni|. those <i«ually found in 8 « t
serian») are a sort of grated h»t,
n th «¡de» much like a pi, ket fen e
n wiifech potle,) plants are ptac-d
Theae boxe* are either set ap»o the
brood window .ill itself or just »ut
ante upon bracket* «c ured to the
wall of the hoove
When them are ,e r» He,,,
storm* whn-b might do »Ian-age t»
tlie plant* the blind, ma, tie r !-«.»
to afford protection in t.e for­
rase or the pot« ma» he taken m
door* one by on« in liw alter
W.Scksa In ■ •«I*.,«
There have been “witch.-*'* in
Norfolk, England, until qui*»- r*-
rent timen. A man who died m
waa ime of tbr»-e brother* wH<>
had ducked an old woman tn a p»>n»l
because she hail a black cat ao»l
wo r* a black silk d r x , »n Stin-I« •
After a visit to a public bou*<- the»
rou*ed her out of Iw»! one night an<l
“actually in ttie presence of half a
doxeu Other people who had gath
ere*! to see the sport threw her m»o
a hole, where ah* would certainly
have been drowned but that some
who were not so mad a* the r*-*t
crie»! out that atw was sinking to
the bottom ami must tie save») "
! Yr. Jeseopp also vouched for the
fart thst a man who was living and
master of an elementary s» h»M>| in
IM 2 had believed tiimwlf in the
*ixti»-a overlooked by a witch, whose
blood must tie abed to cure him Ho
he fell u|K»n the woman an»l scratch
ed her arms till the hloo»l p>iured
from them.
to a n n o u n r r to
tha* proplr 0f
an d •» irin ity
rou n d in g to w n « thnt I h a v r
ed a
.S T E A M
I* A U N I > K Y in Redmond
on 9th ntrrrt ha-twrrn I) nnd E »trrrtm,
nnd «olirit their pn tronn ge.
Parkagrs ( ailed for and Delivered.
M R S. W . A. G O L D E N , Prop’r.
I . A M I ! F E E D ('ll
Redmond, ftrvijnn
Roller Mill and
Feed Grinding
Ib-alcrs in »'hup F« t «| o f alt kind*. Haled Hay,
Timothy, A lfa lfa . (*h»v#r, Sr sd i arid S»wd
Drain. T O L L C H O P P IN G D O N E .
Manufacturers o f Graham Flour
N O U R N E W IX X ’ A T IO N O N flth
street Iwlw crn D and K strrvta we
r ave every facility for conducting a
A ll
o f our meats arc kept awevt and clean,
anil we make it a point to accommodate
our ciwtomera in every poaaible manner.
W. have eatabliahed a S T R I t T L Y ( ’ ASH
SYSTE M , which makes it better for all
A Balt Osn/.na O tf«rle(.
Some young girla wer»» giving a
vaudeville performance for a local
charity tn an east»-rn city. A viung
man who thought luin*»-lf fnci-tious
toas»-d upon the stage after one »if
the “ turn»’ ’ a bouquet who««! chief
. ingre»lient was a head of cahluigr
j T ! i » j girl who received this offering
I of ap|ireciati»in read the rani that
1 accoiiipanie«l it and ad winced to the
“ It gives me great plena,ire,” she
raid, “ to know that Mr. Edward
I Morgan baa enjoye»! niy perform
ance. | hoped that the audience
might like it, but I never exiu-cte»!
for a moment that Mr. Morgan
would so far lose hi» head a* to
throw it upon the stage!”
B r»»« and Brom«.
Hrn*R am! tironz«* nrv tiro alloy n
of copper. The first is composed of
copper and zinc, the latter of cop­
per and tin. Both historically and
scientifically the»« two compound
metal* are of greater interest than
almost any others. Copper was one
1 of ttie first metals discovered, ex-
| tracte«! and utilized in the earliest
fierio»la of our history, and antiqua-
ri(., „ rff accustomed to speak of a
“ |,r,„ ir,. „ „ „ « to e t ],r,.^ thllt jnter.
,*1 of time during which tins metal
formed many of the implementa
used for industrial purposes and in
A »pans«,
Sow a large white sponge wilt,
nee, oat a or wheat and place it for a
week or ten day» in a »hallow dish
Ith water in It. Aa the «|i»mge
absorb* the moisture the seeds will
D-gin to sprout. When this take«
lace suspend the ajionge from the
All Out.
op of the window, and it will lie-
A person calling one day on a
come a living mas* of grimn, requir­ gentleman at the west end of (ow n,
ing only a little occasional moisten­ where Ilia riait« were more frequent
ing.—-National Mngazine.
than welcome, was told by Hie serv­
ant Unit her master had gone out.
^ M.,,*r «f Punclualion.
“ Oh, well, never mind I I ’ll ipcuk
What wrould von make of the fol­ to your mint re»*.”
lowing: That that, ia is that that in
“ Mhe has also gone out, air.”
not ia not is not that it it is.
The gentleman, not willing to he
This shows the importance of denied admiasion, as it was u cold
punctuation, for, behold, how sim­ day, said he would step in nnd »it
ple the whole thing become* when down Irv the fire n few minute*.
properly punctuated. Here it ia:
“ Ah, air, but it is gone out, too!”
That that ia, ia; that that is not, replied the girl. — Lemon’» "Jest
is not. I* not that it? It ia.
Redmond Steam Laundn
Bologna and Weiners, Fresh Daily
Fresh Vegetables Always on Hand
CASH PaiJ for Rutter and E jjs
T r y Un tor G O O D S U R V / G f i
T E I i U ’ OY k kAFER, Proprietors
•''.■“ •..‘Tï,“ •S™'-'--»■
0 IÛNlfï :!!5 tcsí«í
5 LSíS 5 «w
SaÄftS T‘ #<
,.TS;*f.S” ®0" *
i »in ..* . . l Ï H m c f ' i ï ' '
H ay
P o u ltry
and G round
Redmond Feed & Fuel Co.