End of Season LET lis SHOE THE WHOLE FAMILY WITH CUT PRICES Selz Royal Blue Sh In order to make room for W inter Goods we will close out the following articles as priced below: RUGS We have two large Axminater Rugs. 9x12. one C 1 C f| f| worth fi&M k cut price •? I U .U U One Rug. well worth $20.00 of anybody’s money f 1 1 f i n we ha\o CUl to ^ I * t .U U We have several Small Rugs, worth $3.50 that n we have CUt to f • d Several more Good Rugs, worth $2.50. that go f | QQ at the cut pries of J 1.0 0 Second Kail (¡ame Is Won From Kachclors By a 7 to 6 Score The Shoe That is Warranted to ALW AYS (¡ive Satisfaction WV want you to get acquainted with Sol/ Shoes for they are a friend to O h * feet, atul a friend to your pocket l*wk. A friend to the feet because they are always easy and comfort able. A inend to your pocket Iwok liecause they air mml erate in price, wear better and outlast otbet makes GAME IS R E P L E T E WITH GOOD PLAYS We have a Large New Stink of These Shoes for Women, Men, C hildren and Babies DRESS GOODS Several pieces Shepard Plaid Suitings, worth 15 to 25c t',;t price - - Several pieces figured Demi ties Lawns, worth from 15 to 25c. Cut price Nice line of Organdies in pink. blue, hlaek, raised stripe*, etc., worth 15 to 25c. Cut price 1 Hp I Uw in « I UU 1 Hp I U l* UNDERW EAR Ladies’ Summer Vests, nice assortment to select from, worth 10 to 12c. Cut price Ladies' 25c Vests. This is an exceptionally good value. Cut price Men’s and Boys’ Balbriggan Underwear, all good values, we have cut to. per g a r m e n t............ Men's BEST Balbriggan Underwear nothing better — l>er garment, out price HQ« U 0U i Tp I / y 0 1 « L I L QQ« Jd t MEN’S SHIRTS 20 dozen Shirts, all sizes. each. Our cut price Others charge you $1.00 CO« JU L 10 dozen LA D IES’ SH IR T W A ISTS, ONE- TH IR I) O FF during this sale. We are agents for High Grade Tailored Suits for Men and Ladies. Call in and see our samples. Buy the Best Patterns from us as cheap as you can buy the inferior ones at other places. We sell the Ladies Home Journal Patterns. They take the lead over all others. YOURS FOR BU SIN ESS. GREGORYS VARIETY STORE Corner 6th and E S ts ., Redmond. I . D . B A S E Y ’S Meat Market Macpherson Bldg. Redmond, Oregon HOSE who have been buying of us since we opened our market are well pleased with our meats and the service afforded. We are g et­ ting new customers daily, and would like to add your name to the list. Can we do so ? T Next Thing Will Be to Have a Game Between the Fats and Ixuins The married men of thin city again proved to the bachelors that they were "th ere with bell* o n " when they defeated them for the second time as the lull l»rk last Sunday afternoon. The («acheloni had claimed that a " ji n x " worked against them the first game when they Inst out by a score of 9 to 7. ami gave it out in big gobs that they surely would make the benedict» "go south” in the second game. But the married men "refused to sign the pa|>ers” for their own defeat, and captured the game by a 7 to 6 score. This game, like the first, w as a good one. and several "heart disease" plays were handed out. The fans surely got the worth of their money, even though but seven innings were played. Both games were played for the benefit of the Commercial Club, ami nearly $50 will be ad­ ded to the general fund of the club as the result of the games. There is some talk now of get- ting up a game between the fats and leans of the city for the ben­ efit of the club. FEAR THEIR OWN CHEFS. W .tllh , U W S* In ,« , P l.t, G . la K „ i(,> i.la Wholesale and Retail Healers LUMBER AND BUILDING MATERIAL cook. “ Finally, the other dav. a lug in «tiran«-* man «alketl m ami n-ked Leg of Pork and Dressing if «.' ever cooked diahea to order Prime Ribs o f Beef, ati jus I told him » r did if they weren i too elaliorate. VEGETABLES lie laughed nt that ROAST Office and Yard 2 blocks east of Redmond Hotel, Redmond ! cook me up n dial, 0f nice vello« turnip the wny they uaed to have it Pumpkin F’ie, Green Apple Pi« ! year« ago. I’ve lieen wanting mint i for llie loaf five vesra. You ran | Pineapple Sherbet name vour own price.' T h s D ta r Children “ Altogether,” concluded the ten The Maid (in lioaton)—If vou 1 room owner. “| have deeded that plea*«-, ma’am, Ma»ter Jinunie hae ploin folk« ought lo I k mighty buated tli’ parlor window, and Mia* | thankful they haven't a French J»nc lia* liit Mr Jingle« with a , chef to tyrannize over their mi-ala ’’ , «tone, an’ Maater Bobbie lia* bit a —New York Timea. •trange little girl in the arm. Tha Mother (wearily—That will do, W . l l i n , t« C h a n g . H i . M .l h « *« , Jane. It ■« not well to take the in- “ Bill why iloe« your father object eonvenient nctiviti.*» of normal chil­ . . to . . m e r demanded (he humide dren too -erioiulv. Cleveland Plain I «uitor. Dealer. “ Itei au»e," explained the haugh­ A t»h)f»ieian’« A n aw ir. A patient onee naked her phyei- einn «* bv hi» miiataehe waa hlaek and Iii* hair waa gray. “Why," lie replied, “my muatache ia twenty year» younger than the hair on my head." t 1 3 ~r ty lieniity of proud lineage, * , „ ,„ «ay« In« anceatora have alwara been gentlemen of leiaun* and you haie to work for a living.” ‘‘ Well, tell him I don’t exnect to • iter we «re married,” replied the ihiimhle »uitor.— Philadelphia Be, - I ord. 1 1 ------- r H V 1 1 j L _ ü Announcement tri »tart«-.! my tr« room 1 • ipeeled t.> Green Corn, Fresh String Beans ; *ign and «melimi mini* doughnut* Mashed Potatoes frying, and I wondered if you could Tum=A=Lum Lumber Co. □ b 'tlw . in laigUnti they u i I »' iH»lt rich man liar« m fear ••( In« vairt In NY« Y or» I I k family Out tut ju»t “»truvk it rich’’ liar, m in motoreara and ordrr curaiasl le r l haalt. Tina «tatemrnt « a . ma.le hr a tur«r,«ful lea r»*om i>*nrr s riplained further: “ When I fir«t AT THE HOTEL REDMOND DESSERT FREEBERG BROTtll Jackson Blk. opp. Postoffice rater to the «omen *!. ■ «*.< like an inctpeaaiva lu n .! t nar quently I planned * menu of . .•«■ hmnniun!» diahea. I a n . « no .ur prwe »hen one fto<>n m rame « «alking jewelry exhibit, «ho order ed corned href haali. She became one of my regular patrona, ami .l e frankly told me «he «■• «fra 1 to order the ha«h from her c I for fear he would think it a vulgar ta»tr I ben 1 began to realize ho« many people ««re r.-ally tyrannun-d over by their chef» “ A «ilaer king no« living on Fifth atenúe rome« in here fre­ quently for luncheon. One day he told me hi« trouble«. " 'I come here to get «.une hut ter,' he contened T h a t Fren, h cook of our* told mother it «««n t Menu of Good Things to ■tyliah, and »« don’t hate it anv more. At flr»t »he'd hate tome on Eat, September 3d at the table when there «a*n‘t any company. I uard to >a> to her. 12:30 O’clock “ Mother, if there ain't any viaitor* tonight give me luim b u t t e r - „ large hunk." Itut ■« we’re ul»ay* having company n<>» it’» ea.i. r to RELISHES come here.’ Lettuce, Sliced Tomatoes "A wealthy piano manufacturer Salad, Waldorf har a «tending order for a l»tln| dinner every Friday, and In« «if,, SO I T cornea in and join* him m a ‘rn-< Consomme Oxtail pudding with hug* in it/ a« ||,er call it. for dcaacrt. FISH “Two verv grand lathe« from Fif- Halibut, Tartar Sauce ty-nimli »trect enme *m-«L mg do« n here iii iliuir motorcar mi the morn BOILED ing« «hen •« have fre«|, f r,„| Boiled Mutton, Ca|»cr Sauce douglmut«. They came from Ver moni originally,ami they «ant their ENTREES doughnut* for breakfa-t. and they Banana Fritters, Vanilla Sauce • re afraid to confe»» it to their Chicken, Murylandaisc Let us fill your next order for meat; you will be satisfied and would like to have you come in and s»*e them, for we are confident you will tind a guide of hoc that tor Ix-anty, wearing quality and price you nevci saw U'fore This si<* k comprises the latest in shot nuking JZ 3 1 THE REDMOND WHOLESALE LIMBER & I’ RODllDE fO. an nouni’e that their warehouse at the Oregon Trunk depot site is completed, and they are ready to receive storage for anyone wishing the same. We will be in the market for all kinds of Produce. Have You Found V Heal Estate ? I Somewhere in this city of property YOU OUGHT to 6 btrause it would be worth toyt* little more than to anyone ch*- Vou proliably WILL tiwn it. sometime. not try to locate it NOW. or SN, by watch** rt’.il estate ads, and answering " likely " ones. 1 «se and Read the “Classified Ads” for d i a m o n d w G R O C E R I E S Are above petty complaints and annoyances occssh**^ txiying inferior goods or brands that are not absolutely J anP*m|. Try the Diamond W canned goods, tens, «pices and syrups. Fresh bread and vegetables on hand. REDMOND GROCERY CO.