The Redmond spokesman. (Redmond, Crook County, Or.) 1910-current, August 24, 1911, Image 6

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Hard Work I» Pmd P«H a"« Trsn»**H
IK« Tr«« Trunk«.
Unless It’s a Good
Store It Will Not
Pay to Advertise It
NLESS you know a person—unless that
person comes into your life in some
way you are not greatly concerned
about whether he is good or had. desirable or
It's so with a store or business. The peo-
who never visit it care nothing about it one
way or another. It doesn’t exist for them.
Hut when they an* persuaded to patronise it
when they come to turn the spot-light of
their attention on it when it comes to have a
part in their lives, as some stores must have
in all lives—then it's different. Then it IKIES
matter whether it strives to win confidence.
It does m atter whether or not its price con­
cessions are genuine, dependable.
If it meets all tests that a good store must
stand when it is advertised when it thus in­
vites the critical attention of people then ad­
vertising "m akes” the store.
If it fails in
most of the vital things—if it proves, under
the light of publicity, not to be much of a
PAY for it will emphasize shortcomings as
well as merits.
For these same reasons it is generally
assumed that the store or business
which does not advertise is seeking to
avoid close inspection and comparison,
and that the store or business w hich
does is courting them.
Pull Together
Diwunsion in a toven makes the g ra as grove in the »treet*.
U nity make» the trade grow in the »tores.
O ther thing- being equal, a c ity is usually as l.ig •« the faith o f its
I f the* l- lieve in it enough to sink all differences and pull to-
gether you can bet d ollar, to doughnut, that to»vn i» on the up grade.
When all the merchant» unite for the good of their burg it is a
gam ble that home tradr will unite itself to tbeni.
1 « 1 . k . i * . . ,
It is b e tte r to have the long green in th e tills than th e
grass green in the streets.
U nity makes the long green grow.
. . . . . .
The tow n that does not pull to g eth er will be pulled to
H IP P O C R A T E S .
La n a
"* » S a n a « ’
PH,»t«i«e'a OH'«*«**"
Hippocrate«, «»vied through O'«*
•fea til* "father ol t medicine,
i «»
I »oro on Ih# l w
* H
It t\ and U*e>t o»er «•" * *r*
11.. Mua
« ha aUinlt*llltKir«rV
aaa th*
conlcuiporan to ' *’ f '
i ci,.«, Soc ratea, Zru»idi»ii.
|lrri«l*>tii*. Thucy dule». l’ nd«
and* mani Otktf Uh»»» HM
llimaelf ii de«,-end»iit of A», lepma
he atudied me.licilie under Gorgia«
«nd I Vulnerilo» uni » ••* under ti *
Iler,»li«il» w ho tlr«t taughl Hai
»»»temane e«.*r> .* **• a cur* for
mali» alimenta.
Redmond Steam Laundrl
1« H a .
In Melico, Honduras and Oea
America « me
the - »contractor
Iriti .\nifrit
camuì »»
♦ »N fo ra inaht^niiv t iw T b ii
cheap, but it la th# ex|n*ti»* of get
_ ... • L. .
ting it out, says a ant« r IB the
Me« Orleaiia Time« lH-im»-r*t, that
make« mahogany an oxpeti»i*e lutn
The (re* stand» deep ill the
foreai hi the mul*t of an alnnait im­
penetrable jungle. There are no
The tree« are M-attered,
oerh*|u> not more Ilian ta o to au
acre, and it may la* that there is no
water i * oii rat- at hand on which the
1 ■ ||
f H
*' 1
log» can la* floated to |»ort.
The ir>i* liaa to lie found hv the thè |«wtterti of » pii' «letali » “ *> ig»
“ hunter,” whoao hu«me«a it i» to don. ran *« foli»«•
**| «wear hy Apwwll«». thè l>h>«i
rauu through tlie f.»re«i in search
of uiahmranv tn*«*» and to hta;e a Clan, and Vwlepi**«. *u*f I « H*
wav to them. •<> that they may la* gei* and l’anaccta and all thè god­
found again. Then the workmen io witiie«». that lo thè lu-»t of m»
niuat cut their laborious way to the power and judgment thè ...leinit
•ree. U-lllg for the purjaiae the itta row whirh I no* inake I wiM honor
chete. a hich la both the at am) the *« mi father t*<e ma«ler who laitghi
weapon ol the American tr-*p»r«. me thè art of medicine, hi» ■ hit
and in *in*e the men reach the ire. • ilreu I wtM r»n»tder a» no lirother«
It 1» a la-autiful growth, lull an i ai ti tewch theru mi pro,e«»o>n w>tl
•hapelv, with the lowest branch-- 1 out fre or r*»w«r*l I w iti »*'itut l*>
at Ic.i-f sittv feet freni the ground j ni» lei-ture» ami dtaruurev» mv ,*wti
«ona, in» ina«ter’« *on« and th»««
\t Itie I k > 1(0111 1» a huge »wei.iu.
after the manner of the cyprew» pupila who ha»e taken thè medi.»
The tree has to In* cut above it. a i Wth. hut 11« uiir el«e I w-.ll |«fr
1 acrtlie »indi me>licine» a» ma» he thè
or eight feet from th* root*
The fir»t work to lie done i» the 1 he»t attlted lo thè ca»ea of in» p»
Imildmg of a platform around the 1 tieni», aceordiug lo thè l>ewt of m,
trunk, «•! the cutter« can «tan*! • nowledge. and no tempiali«!! »h»H
upon it and wield their a\e*. but •ver induce me tu adunniater p->
the work ia »low and lahoriou* aon I »»ili religi><u«ly ma ntatn thè
\ evert lie e%» in >lue < our-e tile null! I puritv of my character and thè
arch come« cra«hmg down through honor of in» art. Into whatever
the thick growth around it.
hou»e I entcr I will rnter it Bit
Tin* workmen trim off the limlw, Ihe «ole tiew of re'ietilig thè n i
cut the trunk into »uitahle length« and conduci m»»elf » th proprie!*
and manage to get them iiaul,*d ami Insani all thè memi»-» «f t*-e «a".
rolled t«» the neare«t creek. There ' dr.
If durmg mr attendai»-* I
they mint await the flood» of the I tirar anvthing that »hould n«t tir
rainy aeaaoti, which will lift them ervealed I will korp il a prof •Min '
*ud carry them down »tream and on i ««»-rei If I nhacr«e lina u«th ma»
to the ocean port.
I ha»e aucce»* in tht» lifr. and ma
There tha log# are piled on the { I ohtain generai aate«m after it, if
beach to wait for a ve»»el. When l break it may th* r.>ntr*r* b* m»
it come» they are rolled back into lot."— v'harle» W la lo i li-
the water and rafted and pulled out tional Magatine.
to the ve»»el’a »ide, alway« a danger
ona undertaking, for the water ia
Th» S*IW» Ol* Chll*r»»
usually rough.
In a book writlm by IUrtholi>
When the loga are once betide mew kngiicu» about IMO al
the ve«*«l the derncka are put to the moat amuaing chapter» ta on the
work and the log* lifted over the children of hia day. Of the»* he
aide, one by one, and lowered with write»
"They dread no peril*
much difficulty into the hold.
more than beating *tth a rod, and
Ten million feet a year come into they lore an apple more than gold
New Orleana and are partly manu­ and make more »orrow and woe for
factured there. The »aw* in the the to«» of an apple than for the
a hen tag*.
. . nulla
. . . of . Louiaiana
_ run ^ loaa of ------------
„ „ Th*v deaire all
day and night tn winter. During | th ,t thev »ee «ml prar and a»k will
hour» 60.000
“ the
-------h feet
a o l VOW
keep with
« and
j of lumber are cut by iorae of the no ooanael, but they tell »H that
they hear and »ee. Suddenly the*
There ¡a no anch thing •« bring- laugh and »uddenly they weep. AÎ
I ing the log* in balla*t. They com­ w»y» they cry and jang'e ami jape
pose the »hip'» entire cargo, and the that unneth they he »till while the*
average ia about twenty cargne* a •leep.
When they be wathed of
year. A great many ahip* are en­ filth, anon they defile themselves
gaged in the enterprise.
again When OieJr mother w««hetb
I and combeth them they kick and
Th« Umbrtlli Tr««.
-prawl and put with fret and with
Ttie umbrella tree i* found in hand» and withstand with «|| their
Ceylon in greater profuiion than might.
All of ehieh »ound» ver*
anywhere el»e in th# world. Aa a I m«»lem and up to data.
matter of acieutific fact the»e tree»
grow to their greatest height and
Th» W», Chari••»••»• W»• Burl»*
attain to their greatest «ize in very
Charlemagne dir<j m the forty
wet, rainy couetrjea. Tliia growth
•eventli year of hi« reign and the
frequently i* due to tlie fact that
fourteenth of hi« title “ etu|irror of
the tree require« a great deal of
the Komaaa.” H» was huru-d at
moiature and not because it i» need­
A il la-t Impelle. Ilia b«»ly ia aau]
ed to keep off the rain. The tree
to have been diapu*e<l of in the fol
forma ao complete an umbrella
lowing tnaniier: H» was »utr.l
that a number of perron# might
take »lielter under ita »pruadmg upon a throne of gold, cluil in hi»
unjicrial habita II* bad a crown
branelie«. The foliage i«, a* a rule,
ao thick that it »erve» to keep off upon bis beati and w»a g.rt with bit
the ram alrnoet perfectly, even in •word, lie had a chain a m lu»
hand, the book of the e»ang*li»l»
a heavy downpour.
upon In* knee«, hie acepter and gold
buckler at bia feet. The u p ,
U Waan't tt** Cat.
‘T can’t make out where my hna- w«» filled with piece* of
band •inw got to thin evening,” an fume«i and Malet], ami ¿ U v e a tri-
anziuua looking woman remarked to ampliai arch waa raiaed with tin.
r P ^ p h : •‘ H rrt resta the hotly
“ He went out nearly
♦ Ijree honra ago with our cat, a
tar >•« tlie l.rrat and orthodm em
pemr. wh<i gloriously enlartM«! the
I 'j j * l " ' ’ UrM'k* “ ,,d Uie elotheslina
wee going to the river to drowa km*fd,,n» '*f die French ami go*
0 |,. wh. t can b a r. bam erne.l it happily for forty aetm
pem-d to h i . * r
“ Won't «orry, dear,” »aid the
*•* • Ch»»p Sh»t»
1 -Viniwtlietic neighbor, “ fa t * take
They were aeatcl at the break
an a wful long time to drown, yon
TM.-t I k l#l«.
J know ”
"Joliu, dear,” aaid the »o„n,.
“*,ut '* Cl,r,,t ,,p t,,e 01,1 that’» • Ife. “ Un* ia my birthday.”
keeping him,” soblied the worried
“ I’m glud you mentioned it. dar
wife, “ liceause the cat came bock
ling," rejoined her husband
“ I II
over an hour ago.”
buy von a prevent the fir.t thing
when I get downtown ’’
A Oram» »1 R..I Lit».
“ Well,” al.e aeid, I hope you
“ I»«.lc here,” the angry manager
won't get auy cheap ninety-eight
exclaimed, “ what do you ni«*an by
*ent affair.”
turning in aucb a play a* tliia to
“ O f course I won’t," he replied
me? You let tbe villain marry the
heroine and permit the hero to get ■ Why. 1 would be aaliameil to pre
wa« derided on, but that not be-
h»«tee«pled by the railroad t-tmi
Mrs. T. W. lay lor returned U, pany it haa been derided not to
Portland after a few days’ visit call it that. Until further notice
town will retain the name of the wi/r-t of it all around, although • •••t yon with anything that r.*t
Miss Florence Deitrich arrive«! Hillman. President Gray of the he is an exemplary young man who lea* than a dollar.”— I'ituburg
here from Spokane Friday for a Oregon Trunk railroad is in fav- b.-ia always led a Marueleva life."
“ Well, you said vou wanted a play
visit with her parents.
or of the name Terrebonne for the
Play'"* •»!».
that waa true to life, didn’t you ?’’
T. W. Taylor is in Portland on town,
Drown— Why on earth do you o f­
business for a few days.
The Pow-Wow club of Hillman — Chicago Jtecord-Ilerald.
fer such a large reward for the re.
turn o f that horrid, yapping, «nap
Mr. Prickett and family are ate SumJay dinner at the D C
T » o N » a li» t ie .
ping dog of yours?
now occupying their building re- Hall home. A most excellent
Star A ctor— I muat inaiat, Mr
Jone*— To please m? wife
cently taught here.
meal was served, and a go«*! Stager, on haring real fmal In die
Drown— But anch a'large re ward
There has been s«>me trouble in time is reported by all p resent banquet scene.
will I k - «ure to bring him Imek
regard to changing the name of
-------- -
Jone#— No, it won’t He’, dead
Insist on that you will lie supplied
Hiliman. At one time Smithrock ; Subscribe for The Spokesm an., with real poison ia the death scene. ( He«
^ rnv,#l^ ~ ^ ,r ,y Sto-
' wish tit nnnounrt* 1» (hi* |M*op|f ^
Killmoiul uml vicinity and »ur.
rountlinic towns that I have *tart-
rd » S TK A M L A U N D R Y in KedmtHM
on ‘Mh s lrift between I) and K etre^
unti solicit I heir imlnmugi*.
(.(Kill WORK (illARANTOI).
Packages Called fur and Ih-livervd.
M ILS . W. A. GOLDEN, Prop
H v d n t n n d . t ir r t f o n
Roller IMIll and
Feed Grinding
Ih-alera in <*h*>|i Kwd of all kind*. Haled Ha*
Timothy. Alfalfa, t ’biver. Sr«-«la and 3n<
Manufacturer)! o f Graham ill
atrewt la-Uiwn ll tn d E street» wv
have every facility f«*r nvnductinf •
of «sir meats are kept ewev-t and c!«*uit.
and we make it a point to arcomm«dsU
«»ur ruatoniera in every possible manner.
We have ewtab!i*h«w| a STKD TLY <’.ASH
SYSTEM, which maktu it Iw ttrr foral
Bologna and Weiners, Fresh Daily
Fresh Vegetables Always on Hand
CASH PaiJ for Butter and Fggs
T r y I Is f o r H O O D
S H K V I9 B
TEMPLETON & kAFER. Proprietor?
Tat» la t a * m u H a b e a u tifu l
h i •«
o r *1«I
gir i *
» » • »
— • • " ¿ ‘ -a
w ill »a»w a a r » *»v
• w
k -« t« l la <ka m
■ a ll ' T O O * » »a * u
t k * aim 0« Ik»
I » C a l l » « » I» 1» J I| »ifT
I k » i a 4 u » lr l» » ». aa# to ••»»• 111 *••
« o u .-»»» la # f r K u l t u r » C iv il •»('***
t » i i a » » r i » f ■ • r b t a lc a l i a p i H r a k J Î
•« ""*
r» r
i f
T * » e » l ‘w
aioisT aaa. oaioca «•
C O L L to a . C o r v a llla . O v»*»a
Seeds J
D»m »»l to "
a i » r « » P h a rm a rr » » # Muate
• *l>i»m b»r n a
C a la jo f fr »»
G rain
I ’ oulW l
F eel
Redmond Feed & Fuel 1