The Redmond spokesman. (Redmond, Crook County, Or.) 1910-current, August 24, 1911, Image 3

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    red and black .
Ms»* Al»*»* H** • Or«»< •«
m# l*H I| AlUrnala* |„ • „,,.
II it • dunout fact, touched for
Ttrioud «rmy o ffiim »Ima* *»
Ipírien.* qkaltftaa
Io tr.llfy m
{hit rrKará, * list ihr Indian» hart
*!*•»• frdi'p<l •hr
A «obliar*
mor» tlitn ili'» !>•*• Ih* »•■'l'
Tbr • «»•! r j froofi ro uh ir li • c*r
lain »*i*ra».
ltd «at uik * attached swhiiarad
*lotqr»l<l* • eoupl« of troop* of lb*
fiiBtli <#*•1»'». •
duruiK I*»* '*»«»* Irottili**
• hit* ui*u »er* performing chain
ju trJ II***
bamiit tig hi duo
ind their l**b ••» I« |>r*'*nl th.
¡»gallala* from straying from tlx
If *11» of I hr to «er*
to att*mpt to |>*M th* »lute« ». r*
to prwl thru» with b*«oo*t«. Thr
noult was lli*t Hi* » »ul** ir-Mip of
had I « porfortti th* n*k t«»k -•
kit* W . il Kam-a», m “ K»*ry-
* ] U N I" Tttrk*y, ' givM ti,* f„i
lo».n« aoniuut of . f.-.,t
C .l»r»* ••l*l«r«
furring l» r k armed t i l fool « « « « g « -
•ith ih* b*v«o*t*, *ti>l th*r* « * r r
loin* v«rv dang»rotta moment«, but
lb* black troop* *lorjjr»ii|* had n<>
ggrh troiilil*
'Vini* III* Iniltai
•rr* conim ia lly * ro »-IÌB t upon III*
• hit* t«!ili*rt, Il'*T l*t tb r lila< h»
compiei*!» alón*
Morro» *r. tha Warb trtxq«* ob
taia*»l from Ilia Indiali« a generai
. l i ! trill'* l* Il folli tli*( *cr»i|\Jr»l the
y • hit*« Tbr liuliatu fairl* • -»ititi
jump to ob*.T lb* uniformed black«
On* <iar a black **»»**ut »a* a
■ minor cbi*f, who »aa cunning bun
t*lf at tb* «loor of hi* t« |«r*. wtiJ
hi* tifia»» » itb a coup)* of pa U
dovtl to th# creek to gel «»B»*r
Tb* black trrv'raut »«Iked up to tb*
¡at» **»ag* ami prodded lutti.
“look hi-ah*" b* exclaimed
•J**t tliak* »o' no V»mnt Ix'iir» aU
go tot* »lat «a la b to '»* 'f!
V «'
hash m* f*
Tlia Imitan did not understand
tha »orila, but b# e»m pr»li»B«J*d
perfectly the jfratur*. r*(wei*lh
•b*u tha black man took lit* pail*
frota tb* aqua«'* hand* and put
tbam in tboaa of ber lordam i mat
ter. Tb* Indian i m i after ili*
»ater at an astonulunglr rapid
At tha tima of th* Pin* !l;dg*
trouble«, »b*n th* Indiana « *r* *u
on* orcaaiun in tin* of Imiti*, thr
duty of charging th*tn »a* confided
to t»o black Iroofm. T he negro*»
b<-i*n to yell aa toon a* ihr» tlart
ad, and thnr bowl* mcrca»n( in vol­
uta* »ith every j«mp of th*lr
hortet until it tttm c l that th# air
vat twmg rent » it h th# arrramt of
a thoutand demon»
Jutt aa nmn aa tha red men
caught «tght through tha cloud of
alkali dutt of tha htark fa«*» and
«pan mouthi of tha charging nr
groat they broke and limi, hut » rr*
toon turroundad *o«i disarmed
Th* rhiafa after»ard ronf*»«nl that
tb# bra»** »er» badly arami by tha
a»ful ho*Ung of th* black trooper*.
l u t t « M ,» n
th* Olir* p»rt n'ipai■-<!
"l»lllo»l »er* piare.)
labi*. Oli »li ir li Wr «al Tiirknh fati,
• oh
A larg* in* 1*1 ira» In-sped
»ilb l.r.-a.l ahi. li r*Minl.|*d a. onra
• aa pia c i on th* renlrr ..f tb*
tabi*. Tb* Il rat court* ruttatateli of
piahmiali, * luk*»ariti cotiifmund of
nr*. oniona. aour ititik, < he.-»* an<l
fai, **(rn »ith • -1a. k »oodrn »fxions
aet »i th . «lorrd I-ad» One amali
• poonful aiifli. ni for me
'‘'rii* arom i murar a
a ca!f
»bole. head and horna, lw.i!*d and
amotharad >n a maaa of garl’v. li
*aa rateo «Uh thè fingerà, and it
• aa »ery g-od. | did noi kno»
• hai *aa tu fu!!.,», and >>n thè prin
nple ..f making ha» »hila thè aun
ahinr* traile a meal » th a recklaaa-
n*aa Girti of ignorarne
” N *tl a hug* crrain lari «aa **t
liefnr* uà | «ili not allempt to d*
acrile- th* *|.|Ui*ite lightne»» <.f thè
flak» paatrtr or th* delicata flao.r
of th* ri-h rrcam A dream of m»
rhildho.M| «at realne.1 Hrmlittgly
I a» a le.) tha aignal to ria* frolli
thè Ialite
Vaa, g.M-a l^fora
a fall ! Tha <1 1ah «a» muored onl»
to mak* r<K>m for a m.xtur» of
mttt.'emeat and ne» »rapfmd in
young »ina l**»e* - * del», ioti* diali
• han or.# ia hungr», bui 1 «aa n.>t
hungr». Tlut «a» attrreadad by a
grrat bo»l of eh*rri*a .mokpd in
Sonai. I aliandone.) Imi.* and, *ad-
ly graaping thè tiny ipoon. nr*t*nd-
*»1 to enjo» II.e a«e*t
hauntr.l me <.f r»tl,*r .«riiin ro «ben
tb# refuaal of runa delirar» bi m»
hnalmn.i or mia*lf had caute*) a
diab to b# ramo»ed untattn), hnata
baing ti*, polita t» rat of a fetonte
diab daclinad by gne»ta.
“Th# eherne# «era folloved li» a
kid rrmated «hola and ttuffml »itti
piatttchio ttuta; tben annther <h#b
of a*»>eta, then fo»lt, trgrtald*«,
maata and fnut* *l»a»t a diali of
maats and on# of »»reta aitemating
in hideoua tu.-.r»*ion tinttl I Ioat
eount. A kind of mghtmar* op-
preaaed me I r*»»cl *»*n to bop#
for thè and. Suddenly I «ok* to
tha faci that pilaf »aa ou thr tabi*.
A thrill of jo» rmn through me, for
ilaf .a alvava th# laat <U«h of a
‘urkuh dmurr *
J u*» a L e v a * » ' Q u a r r e l.
“ Hello, t ’humleyl Where did you
g'i that black •»*?”
'll, only a lover»’ quarrel.”
"A lorera* quarrel I You don’t
•nean to aay your girl «lid that, do
jo u r
* *
"Hh, no; it waa bar jld lorer, I
ThiM in the (»reateiit Value ever offered for a Reliable, Guaranteed Watch.
Better take advantage of this offer TODAY and come in and aee what a
Beautiful Watch we offer you for only $11.00. ,
J. C. W ILLIA M S, Jew eler, Postoffice Bldg., R edm ond
H ard».
Í j
If You are Going to
on your Homestead come and
see us about it.
We will make out your Application Papers
tK# M#«#l CUrh.
"A nice husband yon are!” «aid
madam in a paawion. "A on care lea*
•bout me than about those pet *ni
mala of yours. I^wk »hat yon did
when rour poodle. Aror, died."
Husband (quietly)— Well, I bad him
stuffed. Wife (exasperated)— ^Yon
wouldn’t hare gone to that expense
for me— not yon, indeed!
"T h * only »ay you can legiti­
mately keep out undrainbla per*
•oua from a hotel la to raiae the
rira or to aaaert that your houa* ia
uH," «aid a hotel clerk, "hut you
neter kno» «hen tin* may fail.
“ A coup!« one* came up to regia-
tar «bom I aired up at one« aa the
kind •• »ere particularly annoua
not to take UL '1 am tary aorry,’ 1
— X'*» York Pi
aatd to th* man, ‘hut th* houa* ia
absolutely filled and the only thing
A e*e Tao»
I could offer you would he a «mail
A r*ry youthful and entirely un- •nit.*
kno«n muaicaj corti[omer n-ad aomr
“ What'a that 1* demanded the
»♦rara b» tha rano»nrd Tlmm** traveler, and 1 explained that it
Moor* wtu. h b* likrJ re»» mudi consult'd of a small parlor, bed­
Forthwith th* btui of tn*pirati<>n room and !«th.
circulate<] through bia l.min, and
" ’What’a the price?’ h* asked.
tb* n n t thing be hum he bad
“ ’Twenty-fir* dollar» a day/ I
•Toltad a tun# «bid i »ent right replied.
pratili» aiti, tha «onl* of thr Irtab
" ’I gucaa that will l>a all right,’
po*t. il urli elatail, thr »eri youth­ said the stranger calm)», and ha
ful compirne» took the product to a registered
lie had me."— New
publUlier of popular *<>ngw and aang York Sun.
•t to him. Th« publtahcr ahook hi* k
B a h lo a a * CruWaa.
"The mualo'a alt right," h*
"Robtnaon t.’rua->*" »aa mipired,
ojiinad, "|»ot tb* «orda am bum."— , it ia said, by the true atory of Alex-
X*» k ork Time*.
an«ler Selkirk. Selkirk, a nativ* of
Scotland, «aa left aah»r* on the
Tha aiural O irn i
uland of Juan Fernati.h't by hi*
Dorothr, aged d»e, had boon fully captain in 1?04 and h»cd ther*
in*tructed in th* dnngera that •lone until b* *aa diacorered by
•night aria* from genua nnd bad Captain Rogers in Ill'll. Selkirk
been warned i-a|>eriall» neter to put composed a narrative of hi» solitary
•nytbing iti her liioutl. elcept legit- experiences on the island, and it
• Uiate food. One d*y t«u-ycar-old, *a * from hie atory that l>anirl lie
•ittin? ob the floor, found a pier* foe got the idea of hia immortal
of candy and promptly put it in her book. Selkirk died in » « 3 . a lieu­
mouth, Ibirotliy rimhc.l to the ra*- tenant in tha Itriliah nary, and a
r’ie. “Oh, you niuat not do that," monument to hi* memory »aa
•ha inaiatoli. "T *k e it out Now, erected on tha island of Juan Fer-
don't you know your mouth ie full naudex in 18CH.
"f lit!!* German* ?”— New York
Jthniffn an^ th# Imart Child#**»
Full of indqfnation against such
Blah. AM B ig M .
parents aa Jelight to produce their
‘'Henry, I «ant you to fell me in- young ones early into tha talking
•kA"Hy «here »ou lie»« lim it"
world, Samuel Johnson gare a good
"I’re liecti aitting nu »itb llinlta* deal of pain by refuaing to hear tha
Wy lle'aaick."
rera** Hie children could recite or
“Hick? 11 umidi I I an« him thia the aonga they could sing. One
•fieni.>on, ami he waan't aick friend told him that hia two *ona
aliould repeat Gray’* “ Klegy" to
him alternately, that he might
"Well, be’* been aick all the e»en
jnat the «ama."
ftidga who had the happiest ca­
“Wlint mude him aick ao aud- dence.
denl» ‘f "
“ No; pray, «ir,” aaid h*. “let the
“'f'lie carda he held."—Chicago dear* both *|*eak at once."
«•cord Herald.
The Spokesman
WA GONS The Dependable Kind
Wo have in stock a gmaj line of STUDEBAKER and BAIN
WAGONS that we are selling reasonable.
If you want a wagon
you ha«l better see us before placing your order it will pay you.
We can fill your needs in anything in the above kind o f fencing
for we carry a large stock for you to choose from, and sell only the
reliable ami satisfactory makes. Let us fill your next order.
Come and See Us When You Want Anything in Our Line.
Kendall & Chapman, Redmond, Ore
IcSherry’s Feed Store
Jobbers of
and Jeweler
Postoffice Building
Dray Line in Connection
Daily stages to and from
all passenger trains on the
Oregon Trunk Line and
Deschutes R. R.
Madras. Metolius and
Opal City
Passenger and Express
North Beach
ia the pleasure haunt in thia part
o f the country thia summer.
devotee* rejoice to learn that lb *j
can now go and come on a regular
schedule, independent of tide*.
The popular excursion steamer
“ T. J . PO TTER”
leaves Portland, Ash S t. dock.
L>aily, except Saturday and ’
Sunday. 8:30 a. m.
Saturdays Only, 1:00 p. m.
Also the steam er "M A SSA G O "
leaving Portland Jaily, except Sun­
day, at 8 p.m. (Saturday at 10p.ui
from all points in the Northwest
via the
Ortgon-Washingto« Railroad
and Navifiatioa Co.
Ideal cottage and camp life, a mag­
nificent beach that i* not surpass­
ed anywhere, genial and beneficial
climate, and all the comforts of
home without costing any more
than if you remained at home.
Call on or write any O-W. R. A N.
agent for complete information;
also for copy of our summer book,
“Outings in Oregon” .
Gen. Pas*. Agt. O-W. R. & N. Co.
Portland, Ore.