The Redmond spokesman. (Redmond, Crook County, Or.) 1910-current, August 17, 1911, Image 3

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VV.^rfsHul ••wtevard The« Mss ■**» Campari**« *r Cap*..«, .« m »« H*r^,
■ utU In in* Philippin**
S l * * m and t l * * l r l * i « r
Tin- Heugurl lioiilevaril m (he
Ml * icntifli- friend and I were
|>liili|>|»ni'* •• • r,M"*
* ,HI *,r“I k **« regarding aitb admiration one of
||ffp it »tarta into the canyon mi a th« great piiguic. and g.'iirratora in
fourteen fmit •li**lf rut from tin the ni.-tro|Kiliian power «talion.
•olnl rmk alld never grtP mit till
How many horsepower?' |
,(tiT travaraing seventeen nillna <>f aaked. Voicing the .|ii.-.|,..n that
r , rr winding «'oiir***. H"«* hundred* contra nalorally to e v e n one *t
(„1 ilw t* III« n w r , linn «I the Sight of all engine.
• *i,-r • edge, it rouira 1« t ‘am p t *o!
"I should -tv .V immi ,1 |,p replied,
^•11. (tip finit o f till' *1 g**g. * h *f* III "hut we ran get a u-tt.-r nil a of it
• iU|ir«i|IIP rlTort It alrilgplea U|| and from the .ap a.jtv of the generator
.ml, ri*mg tI i . mi **»ii'l* nf feet «In ?t du*t glati.e at that hraa* plate near
, I,,. river in • two niilr airv titi
you on it.« frame ..f iIn- dynamo '
Th# view fr»m tli«* lop U<k and
"Kightreu hnn.lre.1 amtM-rea; two
Ji.«n i* ■ wonder Oil tlin on* hunt thousand tnlta," | r.».|, w..nd<titig
«lip gels glimp»*# nf th« road in • hat that had I» do with h»r*e-
llnrtpiii pi»»**. •lui* •••» tli« nllirr p o w e r
•t retch tli« interesting rn « lert«' «•
I he . apa> ity of a dxnamo," r-r.n
ni*il« I'» tli« hill trili«* " f Ignrrot«* tinue.l Inr friend, allmnt reading
Tli« tir*t * lut« man who » m l In my thought», "i* g n . n bv the
lUgui» t<>l‘l In* fripn.U on lit* rr
u. t of the aui|K>rr* ami the inlta
turn nf gold in tli* rm li*, hilt, •«*!. and ia measured in term* of » unit
t. r vp I. nf lli* nml pi a«« lm h*<l «•»lied a watt, or more generally in
term» of « unit a thouaaml time*
h.i in or* men went, an*l now I la rg e r, o r th e k ilo w a tt T h e <apa<-
Ihrr« i* tin* mail, a *.».inm,iMwi I It y o f th e m a c h in e i. .l.lglO.IHM)
boulevard hnilt hr I ’ m lr Ham for w a ll» , th e n , or I/ .o n k ilo w a t t * U r ,
|u> I»«* in th* far **»l, ev«-ri kiln a * th e k ilo w a tt i* o n e a n d o n e t h ird
flirt, r o f «lu. h I* rarpfilllr guarded tim e » a . la rg e a * tli. horaeiM iw er,
•n<l maintain*.! hr a eampomerw, t in * w o u ld m a k e Borne t.ruKi h o rse
nr carrtaker. It i* a r»a.| to I n - p o w e r S in c e t h r e n g in e th a t d r iv e *
r«mpaml to th* fatnou« pa»*r* of i it I» g e n e r a lly a little la rg e r th a n
a l* o lu le | y nr. . - -. a r i, it* («».« p o w e r
ll.r Vlj>* ami Norway or thr gnrern
in t in * r » » r w ill p ro tia h lr r u n lw>-
mrnt roa.l to Darjeeling
Th* m«n »ho ma.l« " T a f t * Ib-n- tw e e n *.,IMSI a m i fi.ix»» "
"M hat ia a hnraepower, am war V
flirt hoiiWrar»r* built a ninnnnirnt
to 1« prou.l of, **v* a « n t r r in i l a»ke»l "I ha<r u»r.| ||ir term
Trarrl an.l Kip!»ration, T h rr dug often enough, but have never
it «ut of th« mountain an!* nr hmlt known ju*t what » meant "
•'Tin» unit of |K>wer," he nhlig-
it up from th* rirrr
Thor swung
it r i r n tli* Pawning gorge* on ; tngly went on to ««plain, "ia, a* it*
grapevine bridge* ni*.)* <>f »iro name indicate*, ate.iit (tie p ow e r
rabí«, which never fail to bring that ran lm ateadily furniahe.1 hv a
«juca1* of terror front th* S r » go.w| *iird horae More ria ctly , it is
E n g la n d arlioolma'am a» th« rar* define.) a* a rate nf doing work
tl.iwly rrawl out ami awing ?'H) fr«l *>|ual to .1.1 iHii) fo.>t pound* a min
ute or S.’.O » *e. «»nd A f.H.t jM.und
ah.»* ill* rushing torrent.
is the work done in lifting a potiud
one foot high, *o a horwp jw-nr en
TH* Charpa al Mar*«**
A* an inataiu-« of magnificent gme could, for eiam pla. lift one
blundering, auag hr p<K-ti ami pound 5.10 f»et high fn .»ne second,
ir*»*urrd in *torr, no record i* * rrr or fifty five |.«tiiml* ten fret |,,gh "
■'What Would I n ; the p o w e r o f a
llkrlt I» Colli* tip to that of III*
L^lit trig*.!« in th* Crimean « * r j man, th e n *" I a*ke«l.
It is difticult tn *av For atradv
Hut ¡M-rlia|>* moat remarkable »a*
Kellermana r barga at Mar«ngo work it nught n<«t aierag«- m u c h
From daybreak until lat* aft*rn»on more than a tenth of a hor»r|>owrr,
th* Auatnana had th* best of it but. strange »• it mav *eem, for
IVtaii **«1 to Napolron, “ T h * liât short spurts a man can do more
t'e i* completely loat,’* adding "Hut than a horvepower Thna, a 150
it i) only 4 o’r|oi-k. T h r r * i« tim* to i pound man .-an run upttair» for a
gain another one.** A little later few seconda at a rat« of four feet
KaHerman »ith 400 mount.-.) aa j vertically a ac-ond, or even more,
1er*—rarrfullr hi.ld.-n hy a vine and this would mean 600 foot
*»rd till the fateful moment a rm e d pound* a aecnnd, or well over a
- d**!i<-d out upon the (lank of thr horsepower
If he wai able at the
Hungarian infantrr The onart «a* aame time to make um - of hi* arm*
irremtible Two Inouaand Itnjwrial he could proiiahly increase Ihia hr
soldier* surrendered with their gen
*r»!, and the French, tnapired to a
"B u t thi* must not he interpret­
final .(Tort, wreatrd a brilliant vic­ ed," he went on to aav, "a* mean­
tory—unn|ue, «r«n in Napoleon's ing that a man ia a* strong aa a
rarrrr from their opponent*.
horae. for, ju*t as a man can * i -
reed hi* normal power for short
H*r Ullim*|y*<
spurt», ao a horae mul.l generate
"I ahould like to chat with you aeveral hnraepower for a few min­
aw lui*», Mr* Ituggan," th* young
ute* at a time. So it t* probable
lady aara who haa taken up aattla-
that an ««riled runawav tram is
mrM work
■ I want to talk with
nearly if not <|uitr the *<jual in pow-
you about"—
er to a fair ailed automobile with
"Are T* one of them uplifter»’ "
it* twenty <wld rated horsepower.”
Mn Ihi.-gan interrupt*, without
—-I* I lfo«e in Chirag» Record-
taking lu-r hand* from the waah-
' AA«*11, in a aenae. that
ia mr
"Well, I ’re juat thi* to *ar. I
«np day liehmd with mr waali
in. .• t w.-pk IwH-au*« of helpful
riaitin' rommittee l*.|i«a, an' from
now on tliPin thai want* to improve
'«y "imliti.ui m life will either bar*
to du th.- waaliin' while I ait an’
luteii .,r pay me »0 cent* an hour f'r
' •arin’ them through with an inter­
r e d an' inaptnu* expression.”—-
A < m «»ph# rtO C t n c u H i t f l .
lb.- man who wai hurrying un
•be atairway leading to tho elevated
railway •latum trod on the akirt of
'be middle aged dame who wa* pro­
ceeding more leuurely, whereupon
'« indulged 1 11 tii-*.-1 f in a hit of niuf-
fied profanity,
''b a t did voti aay air?” the da-
«r—trying to make a
B o !' p 'l*<* *" *P°,0(fT. ma'am.”
I banka," *hr rejoined with a
toalr amile. "Now will you—e r—
,n,|lv make n noiae like an til man-
nrn-d peraon falling down u stair-
^ben the procoaaion «noted on
*f*tn in ailenee.— Chicago Tribune.
PIrw« |a Japan.
"°°l * n'> fapable in war, the Ja p -
despite centuries of famil-
w?, , . #WWBr *°
U,,,'r head«
"’a lire atnrta. Confusion reigns
'•preni* ( onneoted with each (Ire
h * *® , r ® largu w ta b a ti of what
I */ ,p **nned m m liariea, who
nothing to do with tho
A ’
J**k ° f extinguishing the
hi «*'***'
w*,0,e duties consist in
e«t fin* 00 'be acene at tho earli-
I . P°""",le moment armed with
•„ / rn* llm* >n thereafter helping
K°°^* *nd chattel» from
^ b n U d in n withtn the danger
as*'» a*eey an* O .an’V.
"D o you remember," *hc aaked,
| "that vou »aid once that uniras I
promised t» l>« rnnra thr «un would
reear to alunr ?"
" I don't remrmher now, hut I
aupp»*« | mav have said something
of the kind.”
"And have you forgotten that
you assured me that unies* 1 per
nutted roil to claim mr aa your own
the moon would fall from her plare
in the heaven»?"
"Oh, well, what if I »ltd aay *o?
Why do you want to bring that up
now ?"
" I merely wished to aaaure you
that I’m »orrv I didn’t shut my eye»
and let her fa ll."— Chicago Recorvl-
Th* ■*H*r W*y.
" I f you marry a poor man you
muât ««pert to know how to pre
| parr the dinner and attend to all
th * little detail* of household eoon-
! oniy."
“ Yea," replied the worldly young
woman, "hut instead of getting
married mightn’t it be lietter to
regiater at an employment agency '
— Washington Star.
Ha<< th* Habit.
“ Ditl you read about that Ameri
ran magnate who wa* shipwrecked
| in the aouth Pacifie and spent two
i year* among aavage* ?”
“ No What happened to him.
“ When he wa* rescued he hail ac­
cumulated l.noo.noo elam shell».’’—
Pitl»hlirg Pont.
A Wr*n* lmpr*»».»n.
Fair Critic Oh, Mr. Smear, those
eat riches over there are »imply per
feet I You should never paint any­
thing else hut bird*.
Artist (aadlvV Thoae are not n*
triche», madam. They are angela —
I dindon Opinion.
If You are Going to
on your Homestead come and
see us about it.
We will make out your Application Papers
The Spokesman
Horse and Stock Sale
The Central Oregon Livestock Association of Redmond,
will hold their second sale at REDMOND on
Continuing until all the stock listed is sold. We guar­
antee to have the buyers here.
LIST YOUR STOCK AT ONCE with the Secretary.
Cost of selling will be nominal.
Wm. G. Phoenix, Sec., Redmond, Or.
WAGONS The Dependable Kind .
We have in stock a k '* k 1 lino of STUDEBAKER and BAIN
WAtiONS that we are selling reasonable. If you want a watfon
you had better see us before placing your order it will pay you.
North Beach
is the pleasure haunt in this part
of the country this «unim.-r.
devotees rejoice to learn that they
can now go and come on a regular
schedule, independent of tide*.
The popular excursion steamer
leave» Portland, Ash St. dock,
We can fill your needs in anything: in the nlmve kind of fencing
for we carry a laryo stock for you to choose from, anil sell only the
reliable and satisfactory makes. I«et us fill your next order.
Daily, except Saturday and
Sunday, 8:30 a. m.
Saturdays Only. 1:00 p. m.
Come and See lIs When You Want Anything in Our Line.
Chapman* Redmond, Ore
Also the ateamer "H A SSA LO "
leaving Portland daily, except Sun­
day, at 8 p.m. (Saturday at lOp.m
from all points in the Northwest
via the
Ortffon-W ashington Railroad
and Navigation Co.
Ideal cottage ami ramp life, a mag­
nificent beach that is not surpass­
ed anywhere, genial and beneficial
climate, and all the comforts of
home without costing any more
than if you remained at home.
Call on or write any O-W. R. k . N.
agent for complete information:
also for copy of our aummer book,
"Outing* in Oregon” .
Gen. Pas». Agt. O-W. R. A N. Co.
Portland, Ore.