The Redmond spokesman. (Redmond, Crook County, Or.) 1910-current, August 03, 1911, Image 4

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    Mr. Farmer
Wo are now prepared to install Pumps and
Kitchen Sinks in your holm's.
This is
somethin# you need.
It is a labor-saver and does not cost much.
Hetter let us talk to you further about this
matter. Call up Phone 417 and we w ill
jrive you full details.
In Redmond
announce that they will upon their NKVN (iKNKKAL
STORK here in the Jackson block, ON OR HKKOKK
F r e e b e r jf U r o « ,
ie f
• eu
I’honc 117
Ml I
n y«
with a new and complete stock of STAI’LK AND K.VNCA OROCKR*
IKS. LA OIKS’, MKN’S and (TIILDRKN’S SHOKS, and a Fine Line
Tum=ALuni Lumber Co.
Wholesale and Retail l>ealers
and will sell you £<»ods in the above lines at prices you can afford to
pay for k < mk I goods.
We will pay highest market price for all kinds
of country produce.
Will pive prices delivered at yard
or Roberts Bros’, mill.
Office and Yard 2 blocks east of Redmond Hotel. Redmond
n I
and carry a pood supply of material for this kind
of service. For further particulars call on
Oficeon E St. helafea 5th and 6th. REDMOND.
Jackson Block, lith St.
The Redmond Spokesman
Additional Local.
Redmond. Ore., Aup. 3. 1911
Rev. Wilson is in Portland this
week on business.
Z. Taliaferro and Mr. Riden-
hour have pone up into the
mountains to shoot bear.
While playinp with his pony
Tuesday, Freddie McCafferry re­
ceived a bad kick in the face.
took some fine specimens of
prains and prasses from his
J . Collins of Arlinpton. Wn..
has been visitinp with G. G. Hun­
ter this week.
Ralph Sherwood was in Port­
land the fore part of the week
attendinp the funeral of his
wife’s mother.
State Forester Wants No­
tification of Fires
When Thev Start
Urges Use of Phone to Get
Quick Action on In­
cipient Fires
The State Forester is constant­
ly getting notice through the
daily press and from residents of
the state of fires having gotten
beyond control after several days
fighting, that have not been re-
I»orted to his office until after be­
coming a menace to the neigh­
borhood. He wishes to urge up­
on all state fire wardens the
necessity of reporting to him all
fires as soon after being discov­
ered as possible, instead of wait­
ing until they become dangerous
to life and property. One such
fire has ju st been brought to his
notice after having burned three
weeks, that might have been
controlled and proliably entirely
extinguished if reported earlier
so that proper assistance could
have been given.
Every state fire warden, or
other persons, in case they are
unable to get in touch with a
state warden, should telephone
or telegraph (collect) F. A. El­
liott, State Forester, Salem, Ore­
gon, informing him o f forest
tirres before they get beyond
J . P. Doherty of this city, and
Allen Wilcoxen of Powell Butte,
are out in the Crescent lake
country huntinp bip pame.
Building operations in the city
show a satisfactory activity, and
a number of new buildings are
under construction.
W. W. Aldredge returned this
week from a several weeks’ va­
cation at Oregon City. Portland
and the Gladstone Chautauqua.
B. H. McMickle has arrived
here from Tacoma and built a
house in the northern part of
town. He expects his family to
arrive this week.
Photographer Perry has re­
cently taken some excellent
views of the Crooked river rail­
road bridge that is under course
of construction.
Mr. and Mrs. J . C. Williams
and Mr. and Mrs. J . H. Menden­
hall went to Crooked river near
the Oregon Trunk railroad bridge
yesterday to spend the day fish­
ing and picnicing.
S. M. Collins who was danger­
ously ill last week with hemor­
rhage of the lungs in now out of
danger and convalescing. When
he was first taken ill his life was
despaired of for a day or two.
Howard Smead and Miss Lu-
cile Bell were married Saturday,
July 29th. by Rev. Wilson. They
have gone to housekeeping on
their ranch at Powell Buttes.
Charles McDowell and Miss
(dark, both of this city, were
married Sunday, July 30th.
Farmers and Ranchers
If you desire to have a
creamery established in this
district, sign up on the lists
at Ehret Bros, and Lynch &
Roberts stores the number
of cows you will furnish
cream from Sept. 1 st Three
hundred will have to be se­
cured before the creamery
can be started.
Two Bb Cornets for Sale
Two high grade Bb Comets,
best made, satin silver fin­
ish, gold (dated bell, high
ami low pitch.
These cor­
nets arc practically new and
will be sold at a bargain.
For further information in­
quire at Spokesman office.
Please Settle l ’p
Having sold my lumber yard
business in Redmond totheTum -
A-Lum Lumber Co., I respect­
fully ask all who are indebted to
me to call at my office and settle
their accounts.
Ben Cotter.
— #■» »
The choicest vacant corner 50x
100 on Sixth street, only one
block from Hotel Redmond, this
is a snap for a quick buy, $1H00
takes i t See Jones I.and Com­
pany for terms.
Dissolution of Partnership
Notice is hereby given that
the partnership heretofore exist­
ing between C. A. Adams and J.
C. Swayze in the Redmond
Transfer Co. has this day been
dissolved by mutual consent.
C. A. Adams will pay all bills
against the company, and collect
all accounts due the company.
E. W. Pratt will fill the pulpit
Dated July 25, 1911.
Sunday forenoon at the M. E.
Dan Catlow has returned
C. A. Adams,
from a trip to Portland where he 3*3
J . C. Swayze.
I thusiasm, "th is is the happiest mo-
incut 1 have known »mce papa took
On(Anc«i From Earth to Star« THat ' me to the la»n«l»n oculist”*
Mik* Cv«n Imagination Gcip
Ixui b-n • m 1 -t
On.- of the greatest sourer* of the
•’ Yes. dear, you never would havo
fascination of the »tarry heaven* known that my left eye te a glass
i* tho mi-a(urrU-(*iie«« of their one ”
•by Me* The •«••«•an of apace it »<»
Then the m«»>n went under a
pellucid that we worn to *ee it* cloud, and George sat down and
•puuglvd bottom, but trigonometry bnri««d his face in the sofa cushion
i* poarrrle«* to reach it. Here and
I^<n<l<-n Answers
there only *oine projecting reef
TK t Tasta Far Moraa.
throw» a *tar gemmed point witlun
Is oar d'-like of horseth-sh «Im­
touch of the astronomer’* »minding
ply prejudi
If we msv judge
Such n »(lire, »ittiatrd at a depth from tlie e»|H rirncr of the inmalvw
hitherto unfnthomed, ha* caught j ->f the 1« vations. which Misa Hooker
and arreeted the «pcctroa<-o|i« plum­ : recount* III '‘ Behind t h e Seen«-* In
met flung into the al>v*a hy the as­ I Peking," the Anglo S.n>u ran easily
tronomer Charle» Nordmann, who acquit* the t«*te, “ It i* queer.-' ah*
ha* invented a new method of ce­ ! -»ay*, “ to *«-e h«»w manv people ac-
lestial sounding».
Tho glittering | knowl«-«lge that they like it. having
•tar crag that he ha* hit i* chart««) I eaten it now for two week*. Of
by astronomer* under the name of course, a great deal depemla upon
IM ta Librae, and the length of the 1 the animal, but they agree that
mathematical lino which now hang* mule and |H>nv are tx-tlrr than
between it and tho earth makes tho | hors«-. Some |>.-,pl<- even, wh<» have
imagination itself gn«p.
among their »toraa plenty o f «aimed
It is two quadrillion* of mile*!
or tinned beef prefer the freah
It is only step by step that ono hors«- meat ”
can comprehend a number like that
I n f o r m a l . o n G.vsn .
Two quadrillions of twenty dollar
A verv pretty girl was standing
gold piece* wonld make 100,000
necklaces, each long enough to em­ in the hallnav of her home aevaral
brace the earth and tho moon in a evenings ago, and tho young mau
d"Ubla loop. An ex press train trav­ who had I mo - h calling on her v m
eling 1O0 milea per hour and nor- taking an affectionate farewell
Ju s t a« he kissed her for the last
er stopping would requiro more
than S.2S0.000.000 years to go two time the irate father stormed down
ouadrillion* of miles. * A projectile the hall ami demanded to know
flung 3,000 feet (»er second, or in what the young man “ w u trying to
round numliera 50,000 milea per
The vounp man said he waa “try­
day, would require about 110,000,-
(MMI years to reach Ibdtn Librae. ing to look unconcerned” and thru
Light, the swiftest thing known— Imlted. - Philadelphia Tifnie.
the swiftest thing that can po«aihly
Som olim o* T ru e
exist, if we may trnat recent calcu­
The bead master of a school re­
lation« liascd on the phenomenon
cently put up a notice that on an
of radio-activity, and that can maku
early date be would lecture on tlm
the round of the whole earth more
than seven timea in a second— take* following subject: "Our l-lv.-a, and
How \Vo Hop Through Them ”
35.'i yeara to come to ua from that
Shortly afterward be was aston­
ished to find an alternative title
Net Ih-ltn Librae lie* in shallow
written underneath:
water. It I* a gem east up on a alioal,
Gur Pupils, a lid How They So«.
and all around it tho mighty deeps
Through U*.”— L>n.lo»i Stray Sto-
••f ♦ lie ether descend to profundi­ nVn.
ties unthinkable. At ten tiinea, a
hundred tunes, |ierliapa a thousand
Old Not W ork Bath W a y « .
tune«, its depth glitter tho star
George .lone», It A . a paint-
*nn«|g of the Milky way. To our
telescopes they appear to lie on tho er of liattlo piece«, ole,, who died
very bottom, drifted into licapa and sonm yeara ago, »penally prided
curve* by mysterious currents, but himself .»n bis resemblance to the
it cannot l»o the real bottom even Dnkc of Wellington and u«e«l t„
Beyond yawn abyss«-« so dress up to the character
blaek with excess of depth that the
stars themselves, great suns that duke and added, “ It must be grrat.
•hey an-, fade to iimaibility. - Gar- for IN-.,pie m the »treet often »r»eak
rHt 1*. Hervist in New York Ameri- • «> him for votir grace.” “ Very
»trange, * muttered the great man.
•Vo one ever »poke to me for Mr
Jo n e s !”— Edmund Yu tea.
“ • util I met you, Matilda,” lie
T h s War H» W mltk It.
murmured in a voire husky with
" I would like to have my hair
«•motion, “ I believe.I that all women
were deceitful, hut when I look into rV1» P1'’»"'.” be said as he threw
vo,,r clear, lieautiful ey«-a I behold himself into the chair.
“ Any special way?” asked the
there the very soul of candor and
“ Yea,” waa the reply, “0 IT.”
“George,^ she exclaipiM with en-
Ml V
City Dray £
Transfer Uni:
All Orders (jivon Prou
Satisfactory Attcntiot
The Red monti Transfer
C. A. Adams. Prop r
15c H uy n
n a
North Beach
is thè plrasur.- haunt In Iti - |* ;
1- ]
. «n no*
tt„,i , onta .-e » 1
of tidwl
Tha |nj|»ular n cu raion «tran < r
trave» Portland. A»h 8L dock.
Daily, exrept Saturtiav «t'f‘
Sundwy, 8:30 a. ni
Snturdnyn Only, 1:00 p. m.
Al*«» thè steamer “ HASSAhOl
leavmg P»rtlai»i| ,u»lv. .
day, al H p.m. (Haltirday at l"P*|
front all pnlnta in thè Nnrtiiw»1
via thè
Orrgon Washington Railmad
and Navigation fo.
tdesl cottage and camplife. n mM
nlllceiit liearh »hat ia not *ur|U»v (
ed anywhrre, genlal and tN-iicdO*«
cimiate, ami all thè comfort* * !
home without «ostina sny atto
ttian if y«»u remainetl at hotm-
‘ «Il «m or wrlto any rt-W. K * * ;
agent for complete lnform»,i(w I
also for copy «,f >.ur sommi -r
“ Outings in Oreg.ui” ,