T, „ j _j (entrai Oregon Irrigation Com* 0 . The Redmond Spokesman |ianv vvhiohhaa 211.000 ai-r»**. Extracts from a Diary. h il every Thursday I'J .V O i PAI H M \T I N iH O M t, «IKM .OS ONE MAN’S SYSTEM sttHscKirnoN ‘ I talked with our foreman yesterday. I »poke of the cost of living. He says he startet! in on less wages than I am ^ttinjr. and managed to save money. It seem# almost im­ possible. but he began by making a schedule of his living ex­ penses those things absolutely neceaaary. What remameli ho called his profita, and used half for pleasure expenses, saving the other half. He said it was all due to the little system he used and knowing exactly what he spent” . ka tk s ; Strielly in Ailvsm-e (>ne year, - li ft»' i Ttirw month», .vv har*»*«>d. Also, the «ninpany Six imHitha, .16 Single mptea. 8* has sold m ore lands than it has a d v e r t is in g UJKHI appltcatam HACKS ms«ieknown w a te r to cover, but as not ull the purchasers have ask «si fo r w a te r Make all money» payable and a»Vjn>*» |h,«re is tialav «11 communie«tuxi« lo 11. 11. Jk L*. L l*almer, Ke»tm«>n«l. Oreg««n. E htrw l a» *e«t>n«t clsvi matter July ‘ mun«í. U. 1SIO al tK«- r«wt«>rtW al K«i!m ttrx-gun. under 111«- A«*t of Meli, t U*«V. Redmionl. Oregon. Aug. 3. UHI THE W A Y TO S A V E - HAVE A BANK ACCOUNT WITH Redmond Bank of Commerce j. \V. Brewer, Pres. R. A. Kendal!, Vice-Prea. G. M. Slocum. Cashier. Plumbing and Tinning We have recently installed in connection with Maher's Hard­ ware Store, a complete Plumb­ ing and Tinning outfit, and in­ vite your patronage in this line. All orders will receive prompt attention and the work done un­ der the direction of an experi­ enced man. Pipe and Fittings, Wholesale and Retail MAHER G WHEELER Shop at Maher’s Hardware Store, South 6th street. Phone 1709 Cafe Royal Sixth and F streets JAS DOUGHERTY. Prop’ r carries in stock the LEADING BRANDS OF GOODS that arc handled in all first-class cafes. BEN GÖTTER Contractor and Builder Plans, Specifications and Estimates furn­ ished ror all elases of buildings. Office one block east of Jackson’s Hardware Store, R edm ond This conqtany took over two old itunpsnies and appllo«l for more land of its own. Tins company has got wliter on some of ita land, but at present is financially cm- LAND _____ BOARI) . f.FTTINfi HI NY U L I l i m i IH J O 1 Continue«! from first pag«* slipshod manner, with«»ut the ‘ Deaert lomd Board paying |mr- ticular attention to what w as g«v ing on. Hazy ideas regarding the Carey act. absence of pro|>er water legislation ami inexperi­ ence of engineers nml projectors have grown a crop of troubles and litigation, dissatisfaction and disappointment until now, with a new Desert Ijind Hoard at Sa- Icm. a policy has been mapped out which aims to solve the |>rob- lems ami m«*et «'onditions «*xi*t- ing ami make things better for the future. This uctivity o f the buanl has only just starte«! und lie for«1 the l*»ard is through, rom- plete reorganization of these ir­ rigation enterprises is hoped for. Summe«! in a nutshell, irriga tion companies must make go«*! on their water promises, or the Desert Land Board will know the reason why. Tha board is betwaea two fir** plenty of w a te r for those on the ground and ua mg it. The iVsert l .and Hoard is consnlcring the question of preventing further sale of lands until provision is made f«ir an ml- equate water supply by con­ struction of an additional canal, known as the North Canal, or of IH'rmitting further sale, ami have the company de|»wit part ,,(■ th,> pro«*ee«ls with the state as a guarantee. The company in­ sists that it hits abundant assets to itmstruct the North Canal. While everything appears satis factory s«* far. the matter must I k * adjusted at an early «late. The board inspected the project personally an«! had an engineer on the jo b Insofar as the Desert I and Hoard is eoneemee. it merely act* as an agent tor the govern m«*nt and is reall> a gi^ between for »he government and the **t- tlera. No detsls are given to this segrogated lunds by the govern- ment until affidavits are submit- t**d un<) approve«! by the iVcsert l Jl"d Ihianl that there is suili- cient water f«ir the acreage in- volved. There is an instance where false* affiliavi!* were made that water was abundant, w herví­ as it was not. and th«* govern - went gave the deed*. It is diffi- cu't place the responsibility ^or this manipulation and false affidavit and as it happened sev- R. IMMELK/J Lumber Yard Carries a Complete Stoek o f Lumber and lluildinu Material Husiic and V Siding Flooring . Headed Ceiling All kinds of Kough and hnish Lumber (.et me figure lu m ber hill. free for nil wi th you oil >«Hir next E stim a te* classes o f fu rn is ln s i I buildin gs. Yards on Fifth Si. hetneen C and I) streets O h o n c f 'JO J RHDMOND , Jos. H. Jackson sells i * m * tko pr... ntbom I does not intend probing the transaction. What the tionrd is determine«! to do. however, is to try to straighten out the snarl in which these proj«.*cts have be­ come involved so that the rights of settlers will be protected, the companies will make good and as and is confronted by a delicate problem, which demands skillful treatment so as not to jeopardize interests and inflict needless and irreparable loss on capital and the settlers. On one hand the board, if it would enforce its rules to safeguard the settlers. would cause the forfeiture of man>’ M wiU much land, and the protection of the settlers would lie doubtful. On the other hand, irrigation projects have not been success­ ful investments for capitalists, as these projects re»juire more money to finance than at first appears. Companies, although Conaiderable Area Burned « * not living up to agreement, are Over Before Fire struggling along, trying to in­ In Controlled crease the water supply while being handicapped for lack of capital. If the Desert I,and Board calls a halt, the companies I.ast week and the fore part of will lose all they have invested, this a forest fire destroyed much and th«; dams and canal* w ill lie valuahle tirnher on the Metolius aliandonod and the settlers w ill river west *>f here. Campera and be no better off than at present, fishing jiarties along the river This is the nut which the mem- were driven out by the flames, hers of the ixiard are trying to and the male memliers in some crack. instances were impress«*! into One solution to the difficulty is fighting fire by the forest rang- for the Desert Land Board to act **r*. Considerable of an area w as as a sort of anchor to windward burned over I k ? fore the fire was for these projects. The plan is Rotten under control. A strong to have the companies manag- wind Saturday and Sunday drove ing the projects deponit with the the fire rapidly. Sunday night state a certain percentage of th«- porti«»ns of the lire could be s«*en receipt* from the sal«* o f lands, here, and all dav the air was fill- This money is to be returned to ed with smoke, the companies on the completion of their wfirk. hut if the compa S M IT H R O C K nies fail, then the Imard will lake (Formerly Hillman) the money deposited and carry the work to completion. The ... , pr,i|«»iti»n acema ram.rn.ble to V ¡* the lio.r.1 member. but not to all •>"r •“ < «. Mr>- *■ A. Cle- of the companies. One company, ^ Harmon of the Monarch however has deposited with th«* Luinlx-r (!«». was here last we«*k. •tate $20,000 in cash and $!•), Mrs. W. E. Thievoldt enter- 000 «if settlers n«ites, Isit this tain«*«l the Indies Pioneer Club $110,000 is insufficient to com­ last week Wednesday afternoon, plete that particular project i, I . , Rev. C. R. Scafe and family It ha« been rlem™,»(rated eon- have arrive.1 from Potlatch bla c'ua’ ve'y h, the « t i e r , on the«. „„ and lands that where water has near here ncn been obtained th*; crons have t> .1 » , . « navi Hegardt Bros, and Th evoldt ™ '".-"tly Hatiafaetory. «.,|,| lh,.ir . n„IM|a, la. One project which In l„,l w,„.k U) „.„J sharx- a y«*ar ago. managed toad- kt ii kiis #.»» . « a t-n- vanee its w«irk sufficiently to nut , , ' -j. ott i,w>- umler water a l . c e l am|hea returned 1 « T o e FOREST FIRES ON M ETO UIS »priop. with the re,,,It that the Lm’ ^ . '^ 1 " '" ' ,11" ' settlers are raising good crops The )ocal [>a|| u.am was de- this summer. Larpest of the project. I» the T P ? P *m ” the home grounds last Sunday Sewing Machine» Washing Machine» and all kinds o f First-elass HARDWARE 20 Farm Wagons A T COST. All First-class, New Stock. COM E A N D SEE M E Joseph H. Jackson, ^ m#i B.S.Q ook& 0 REAL E S T A T E Real hstote and Qity Property O ffic e n e a r H a n k o f G o m m c r c c W arren & W oodward ( ¡vil Engineers SUBDIVISION. LA E Í!im ÍÍT I¡.’ N ' .s1 ¡J5mVi,S,° N . LAND r.Htimaten rurnrnhe«! shed on Power I’«>w«*r Plant*. Plant IS A! surveys X "5 S «T;iUnV; Â î i f r* r’ ’ * " >*r.nchM of Rooms 5 & i, Rank of (ommerrr Rldt, P. 0. Roí 260 RKDMOM on*