Mr. Farmer We nr«* now pn*parcd to inHtall I'umpH and Kitchen Sink» in your home«. Thi« i* aomcthing you need. It ta a latmr-Mver und do«*« not r«mt much. Better let un tulk to you further »I m »ut thin matter. Cull up Rhone 117 and « c will give you full detuilN. • If You are Go: ing to P R U OV IK V I L ? WE IHI Al l. KINDS OF PLUMBING AND EUCRKAL WORK and carry 11 g«»o«l aupply of material for this kind o f aervice. For further purtiridur« cull on on yoi ur Homestead come and THE C. R. McLALLIN CO (micron K St. between T>th and tith. KKDMOM). see us about it. Phone 117 Tum ALum Lumber Co. P TT U r W e w ill m ake out your A pplication Papers FR E E OF CH ARGE Wholesale nnd Retail iVnler* The Spokesman LUMBER AND BUILDING MATERIAL Will irive prices deliverssl at yard or Roberts Bn»* mill M[)tht'«> and Yard 2 him ks euHt of Redmond Hotel, Redmond — The Redmond Spokesman Idaho, visited here a few days this w«*«*k with A I,. Fleming. Rad nond. Ore., July 27, 11*11 1« K. Smith has some first, class timothy and alfalfa hay foi sale. Rhone him, 81?. Two HI) Cornets for Siile Tw' I uk I» it ra«h* ilh Cometa, be. niude. Nutm silver tin- iah gold piateti l**llt hiirb aim low pitch. The««* cor­ na« an* practically new nnd wil l«e sold at u I «argani. FV further information in­ quire at S|»fikesman office. Please Settle I p Farmers and Ranchers If you desire to have a creamery established in this district, sited up on the lists at Khret Bn*«. and Lynch & Rolierta stores the numlier of cows you will furnish cream from S«*pt. 1st. Three hundred will huve to I k * ae- cur«*d lH*for«* the creamery can Is* start«*d. Having nold my lumlier vani businsM m Redmond to the Turn-] A-Lu. I. umi I mt C o . , I reapeet A d d itio n a l I-oca I. fully mk all w ho are indebted to ma Id call at my office and w'ttli their accounts. | J. K. Frcclierg o f Fre«*l*«*ri( Itros,, who intend to to o|M*n u 39tt Ren (hitter. Renerai store here in aliout ter • days, returned Tuesday niRht FOR SAI.K from Portland and the Sound Th *• choicest vacant corner .r«tx cities, where he IsiuRht a stock 100 on Sixth str«*et. only one of r . n m I s for the new store. block fn>m Hotel Redmond, this iaaaiuip for a quick buy, flsixi For Rent—* Thr«*** room cotta Re takas it. S«*e Jones latini Com­ n«*ar Fhret's store. Will sell pany for terms. furniture cheap. J. C. Swayze. MKLROSK PARK Jones laind Company OWN KRS (Not Attenta) for easy term on lots in Melmse Park. 8a* D iasi »lutimi o f P a r tn e r s h ip J. C. Robinson, claim »Rent of I the Oregon Trunk Railroad, was I here Tuesday adjusting some claims resulting from the recent wreck on the road. Notice is Iterehy (riven that I Mrs. Tom A. Vedder is expect ed to arrive here from Port Or­ ing between C. A. Adams unit J. chard early in August to join her C. Swayze in the Redmond ' husband and son. Transfer Co. has this day been dilani veil by inutuul consent. The Shirt Waist Dane«* given C. A Adams will pay all bills Inst night by the Commercial atrainst the company, and collect | Club drew a very satisfactory all accounts due the company. crowd. Dated July 2T>. 11*11. Money invested in Lota in Mel­ C. A. Adams. rose Park NOW. will double in J. C. Swayze. the next year. tha partnership heretofore exist 8tft PLEASANT RIIKiE M hi. Jarrolt left last week fur me inth'H visit in California. A. L. Fleming left Tuesday for Hoo. i River and Portland, intend- in* !o lx* gone n couple of weeks. E. L. Kimbcrlin and family A 1 »ft Tuesday for Decatur, III., thel f former home. They intend 1 7 tin permanently. M I Van Buskirk iturn hen* in the «prmg to hh o f Cline Falls visited the fore t»art o f the weak w’ith Mrs. A. L. Harader. H. Combs o f Twin Fulls, C* 1. D. Vedder who recently ar­ rived from Port Orchard, has a t m > sition ns ni. ht watchman at th«* railroad bridge being put in at Crooked river. i.i ■■imi .......... Th«* Redmond Commercial Club is duly grateful to H. F. Jones for his hall, to S. Anker for his piano, to Khret Bros, for chairs, to the Redmond orchestra for the excellent music and to all others who donated time and services to make the Shirt Waist Ball a success. officer panted, “ we are all out of A MOTHER’S MISTAKE. powder If only voti will lenil ns a A W a r m R acept.on F o r " t b i G u y T h a t litt'e of votir« we shill In* honored T h r o u g h P d c u lt S*«s L * s t th* C d s - Teo*< O R I h t B u m . " i . d . i i « o f H s r C h ild r o n to g’vo voti the s.ilute yon are en­ “ For r«*«l scenic variety give me titled to.” T n r was talking to my itic cattle tow n, the mining ramp I aunt .. e • «r day. 1 happene«! to Daisy Pi«. |*ui• -• Ix-fore it," Mini Scott t*oo|H-r, o'«*rii*ar wi«at they were saying. AND ilc* actor, wtio«c earlier th by night \ Ibning one «lay with a friend nnd I n’t help it. The mater was ><*nr« » icldril generous eX|»erienee i being pr«*s*e«l to take ftotne rhubarb iwcause Clifford and I "Tina town was in Montana. It was | pie. laitiib «ii*cline»*«l by Thomas Carlyle to would do when I was a general, and to Nancy. "In that hri«*f moment of waiting Ralph Waldo Kmeraon on Aug. 5, she sai«l: “ What a ridiculous child you are! I eoncentrail'd as much of my min«l 1844: **O m of the finest looking *« I could, trying to remember if nu n in the world. A great shock You’ll never make a soldier!” And she told the pater almut it, 15c Buys tinv of mv line* that night might of rough, dusty dark hair; bright, 'aughing, hazel eyes; massive aqui­ and he laughe«! too. You don’t have offended them. W hat? " Tome, get a move on yon!* said line far«*— m«*st massive, yet moat k n o w how that upset me. I know delicate, of sallow brown complex- | that I was a silly little child an«l the spokesman “ There was nothing to do hut ion. almost Imliau looking; clothes that I was talking aw ful rot, hut 1 fare it. ’ I am Mr. Cooper,’ I said. cynically loose, free ami eaay;l don’t think they n«*ed have ridi- I have spoken longer lines that were smokes infinite tnliacc«». Hi* voice culed me like that. Anyway, after is musically m«*tallic, fit for loud a little bit !*oth Clifford and I «•aster to get out. laughter and piercing wail and all «'ouhln’t help f«*cling that it wasn’t •‘One man took my right arm, an other mv left, and we inarch«*«! otT that inav lit* lietween; *p«*ech and good enough. We left off saying in step, the crowd with ns. Not a •■¡Hvulation free and plente«iua. I anything to the inater or pater word wa« spoken. I felt that the do not m«*«*t iu these late tl«*cadea about what we wanted to be. Then is the pleasure haunt in this part we tiegan to keep our own c«>unsel o f the country this summer. Its time had com« t<* cash mv life in- such company over a pipe.” devotees rejoice to learn that they about what we were actually doing. suran«'e. I*.«wn the length <>f the ran now go and come on a regular And now we’ve got into a regular rink we went »ml through a d«w*r- F rtfrtnM of ft. Sophia. schedule, independent o f tales. habit of minding our own business wav. In front of us was a counter The popular excursion steamer Visitors to the inos«iite of St. and only telling the mater things seventy or eighty f«*«’t long, atul Sophia in Constantinople notice “ T. J. POTTER” over it were l»eing passed thing* not immediately they enter a beautiful that are really necessary. I know it hurts her, but I «*an’t help it now. rail«*«! mild. leaves Portland, Ash St. dock. fragrance p«*rvaigg«*»t hearte«! fellows in anv specific act of cruelty on the from all points in the Northwest it rises slightly it may only bo a the world.” —Chicago Record-Her- ; part of your husband? via the trifle bad, but according to the aid. _______________ The t'omplninnnt I should «av e.■: ’ ’(* at which it inclines with the Oregon-Washington Railroad 1 ran! Whenever he had anything 1 «it in of the saucepan its atale- A «sluts on Borrowed Powdar. and Navigation Co. Once upon a time his Britannic to «av to me he’ll call me u*> on the • ( *n be told. If it rises to the Meal «Milage and camp life, a mag­ majesty’s ship Pearl swept impr«*s- tel«*phone and sav it, at*«! t1, -n d s- t >p. then ta';e it out to the dust bin. nificent beach that is not surpass- aively into the roads at IVlngoa bay eonnect before 1 hs * •« rVuee to ' l.e careful not to break it.— >*«t anywhere, genial and beneficial living the union jack. But never a talk hack to him.—( ’hi * * * News. l.oi i!on Tit-Bita. climate, and all the comforts of whisper of the usual gun salute home with«>ut costing any more H* C at His. T w o Kind*. than if you remained at home. greet«*«! the British warship's entry. Looking up from his magazine Litt!** Willie— Sav, pa, what >•* Just as tier commander was alw»nt Call on or write any O-W. R. A N. agent for complete information; to go ashore to learn the reason for •no night he remark«! to his wife, the difference between a eins«* also for copy of our summer book. this suppos«*«! insult a natty little •|*n «on know what I’d have don«' friend and a dear friend? Pa— A close friend, mv *on, is ! ’ ’Outing* in Oregon” . gig put out from the fortress land­ i I hn«l t»*en Napoleon?” “ Yes,” WM McMURRAY, ing plane. Its oarsmen presenteil h>* nn-wered. “ You'd have settle«! j one who will not lend yon any Gen. Paa*. Agt. O-W. R A N. Co. arms as the eomniaiidant of the fort down in Corsica and sp«*nt your life money, while a dear friend is one Portland, Ore. aseended the gangway to the cap­ crumbling aliout bad lock and hanl who borrows all you will stand for. , — Chicago News. tain's bridge. "Sir,” the Portuguese times.” CAUGHT THE COWBOYS. City Dray Transfer Line All Orders Given Prompt Satisfactory Attention The Redmond Transfer North Beach