The Red monti Spokesman 2 . Extracts fwin a Pian . l'iililisln-,1 1 'v n y Thursday By -Hew it is onlv the 25th of the month ami my earnings aw aiHMtt all gone. Of cours«1 1 was com|K*lled to mak«1 som«* necessary purehas«*s, and the doctor bill ot six dollars I hau not counted on”. onlv make up my mind . , to save a . little . . each , “If 1 could month. But I would have to forvgo some of my pleasure«. 1 iear “As it is. 1 am only working for my hoard and clothes. and I IX) work hard”. “If 1 could only save”. SURSCKIITION K \TKS Strictly in AJ vkih -* Onv \ n r , $1.50 Thm* month», ROr Six rtnuitha, .75 Sing lo ct>(4ra, .V \l> \ KKTISINi; RATES mail«'known vi|x»n applicK.HM) Mai,o all mono«» an.1 a.Ujrva» all ixminuinn ati.’iia I» II. Il Ji l*. I- Palmer. Kolmomt. Orogxwi. En tem i aa »eooml olsuut m attor Ju.v 14 , pilo at ilio !\iaturtle* al RoUmoral, Oregon. uml.-r lh.' Aet of Mch 3, ll*"^« I M U ST S A V E THE WAY TO SAVE - HAVE A BANK ACCOUNT WITH Redmond Bank of Commerce J. W. Brewer. Pres. B. A. Kendall. Vice-Pres. G. M. Slocum. Cashier. Plumbing and Tinning I We have recently installed in connection with Maher’s Hard­ ware Store, a complete Plumb­ ing and Tinning outfit, and in­ vite your patronage in this line. All orders will receive prompt attention and the work done un­ der the direction of an experi­ enced man. Pipe and Fittings, Wholesale and Retail MAHER & WHEELER • • •• ' 1 Shop at Maher’s Hardware Store, South 6th street. Phone 1709 Cafe Royal Sixth and F streets JAS DOUGHERTY. Prop’r carries in stock the LEADING BRANDS OF GOODS that are handled in all first-class cafes. BEN G Ö T T E R Contractor and Builder Plans, Specifications and Estimates furn­ ished ror all clases of buildings. Office one block east of Jackson’s Hardware Store, Redmond II M. « *T I.. Ml «U K OHKUO.N A PLAIN TALK It. C. I M M K L E ’S Lumber Yard ( arrioM ii <’«»mplft** SliH'k «*f Fads and Figures (liven Thai Should IV Consid­ ered by Fverv Farmer l sing Irrigation Meth­ Redmond. Oregon. July 27. 1911 ods on His Lind 9 9 How to Keep it Town From Improving In tin» first place, buy every­ The i*ajis«*nger department o f thing you need in nome other the Oregon Railroad and Naviga- place. If you have a flouring <>•*" to. and Southern Pacific ... "end , oil ,r , lor • all h . your Hour. Lines in . . Oregon has , issu«*d a book mill, . L contains on irrigation whieh It sounds bettor to have it come interesting information. Follow- Irom a distance, even should the ur,. some extracts taken from quality I k * inferior. If you have the Us>k; a brick yard, send olf for your The average rainfall in Oregon brick: it makes a man fe«.*l im- f‘>r six «ears. 1902 to 1907 in- , . in a , few car _ loads i i elusive, shows aggregate iHirtant to ship , 1 «•.. ._ aver- ,, hast . age.western Oregon. of brick, no difference if he <>rn ()re|fon j ^ Thi, l!t o ao should have to pay more for them „ion* for the eastern part of than he would at the home factor- the state than in the Willamette ies. If you have a good job of \alley. printing I k * sure and not give it I nder the head of Duty of Water in Irrigation” the follow­ to your home printer. Send it to ing are given: a city press if it d(K*s cost you An figur«*s acre of land contains 43.5G0 double w hat it would at home. square f«*et of surfae«* area. You might give your home print­ One inch of rain or of artificial ers the small jobs; it will save supply from irrigation is equiva- trouble. If you want a barrel of 'l‘nt to *k,hkl cubic feet of water tv a chest > . of r upon an acre; being the l-12th sugar, a sack , of e coffee, part of a foot in depth. As there tea. a barrel of molass«»s. a wagon are 1,728 inches in u cubic foot .Mud ot salt and other things, and 231 cubic inches in a gallon, send off for them by all means. 1 cubic foot contains 7.48 gallons; And then you can boast to your that 1 inch of rain, or of neighbors that you buy your irnxation. on an acre repres«*nts -ii cost , 27.150 gallons . or , 3.630 . . cubic groceries in the city. It ,, will , water. . foot feet of . . . of As 1 cubic you a little m freight and time. water weijcha & L367 ,HHjnds but then you will have the satis- i jnch uf water on the area of faction of knowing that your an acre reprcs«*nts 226.392 money will not be squandered in |K>unds. or 113.2 tons of 2,000 building up your own town. If P°unds- In India the duty of , send , . to the water of you want dry goods, . of . is one based . . on foot . the |K*r unit How cubic second «ty. U y«i want a suit of of timo; thi„ m ,.ubjc f„ .t clothes, don’t buy it at home; you per minute nnd 3,6000 cubic feet might help build up your town, per hour, or 30 cubic feet less your merchants would get hold than an acre 'n<-b of water. In of the money and the profits Stalt** ^ 'a m a tio n ,, , .. ... Service Department would go to enhancing the wealth ion • unit employed . . . is the . the irrigut- acre- of your town. Buy everything inch e,|Ua|M 3>Bao cubic inches. you can from other towns. and also the second-feet equals ' * one cubic foot p«*r second, for Be careful of burning rubbish gauging the flow of rivers and and other stuff near buildings, streams. A channel or ditch of The fire at Anker’s hall last Fri- the capacity of one second-foot day is an object lesson in this '*'*1 i enough water to . . . . . . . . turmsh 23.8 acre-inches, on«* regard. Had the above hre start- mch • . of , water . in depth , .. on or 23.8 t*d at night the flames would iU.rt,s, or 1>;w acrt>ll with 12 inch- have gained such headway that es in depth. This duty is an nothing could have saved the estimat«*d one. not an actual one. building. tiecause unless the water is con- --------------------- veyed in a pipe or wooden or The LaPine Inter-Mountain has concrete channel, losses arise been enlarged in size from a 5 throu^ 'M’rr',lalion and eva|s>r- . . to a c 6 column pa|«er. Ed- *‘rion column cbann<.| during the flow in the itor Hurd is giving the people in increase in yield due to his section a good news service. ikkioation Potatoes which yield«*d on the "Everything going out and average 240 bushels per acre nothing coming in.” Then isn’t without irrigation yielded on the it about time to reverse things overage 100 more bushels under raise hogs and stock and liegin to 'rr'Xa,'ori- * abbage under irri- ... , . . , „ nation yield from three to five - J tons more per acre than without you do this you will see a differ- Strawberries yield 5,000 to ence in your hank account that 5,500 more boxes per acre with will make you smile. irrigation. Barley under average --------------------- - rain yielded 25 bushels per acre; It was a good business propo- und<*r irrigation 50 bushels, sition to raise hay in this section Tconi) yielded from 1.6 to for sale when it was bringing $30 ^ U,n I* r *cre more under irri- ( to $40 a , U,n. as was .. the case.* two yielded gation. on|>. Hay. one without irrigation crop ave* ™ years ago. But now it is differ- one ton per acre; with irrigation ent Hay will not bring more 2‘*,ded th™? croP* amounting to , pres- nve tons sown of hay with off the same in land than $8 to $12 per ton at . the Barley clover the ent, and chances are it will con- spring yielded a crop cut for hay tinuc to drop in price in the fu- July; with two irrigations the ture. Put hogs and cattle on £ °ver y‘e*ded a second crop of your farm and save the hay to t ^ U> a feed U, them. That’s where you for a seconi year" The fon^CTng will get gixxi returns. results from the use of water --------------------- were obtained in Wisconsin. July and August are always Approximate increase in yield of dull months all over the country all kinds from the use nmolain at a. the .ho rtnii ''"ring _ dry summ.*r so don’t complain dull monts are found throughout the times in this part of the state. world. Lumber ami Huilding M aterial Rustic amt V Siding Flooring, Headed Ceiling All kinds of Rough and l inish Lumber Iwt me figure with >'< hi on > S « " « 8 « , ... branch*, of Rooms 5 & 6, Rank of (ommerre Rldn., P. 0. Box 260 REDMOND