The Redmond Spokesman Published at the “ Hub City ” of Central Oregon VOI,. 2. Nu. :i accredited agent o f the company ami entitled to receive the com­ missions for i he sale o f the road machinery, but that one D. D. France who lives in the Powell Untie district, step|s-d in and got the money, asserting he Intd wild the machinery to Commissioner Hay lev and Jt Ige Kllis for tin count. Mr. Judge objects to this part of the transaction tierause h<- transacted all the business per­ taining to this deal in the pa.“f year, or more, with County Judge Ellis o f Rend. And BO far as the transaction was concerned between Judge Ellis and Mr. Judge, the regular agent for the company, there was at no time any understanding between them that Mr. France was to purchase this machinery, or that any one, whatsoever was to receive any commissions out o f the deal. This Reach Manufacturing Co. is the same concern that got in­ to a mixup with the mayor of Vancouver a short time ago where it hail been printed in a Vancouver |«»| rt concerning a bribe that had lioen given for the purchase o f oil sprinklers, for that city. Mr. Judge intimates that be­ fore the matter is finally thresh­ ed out in court some interesting developments will be shown re­ garding who the commissions Suit I n Filed in Multnomah were cut up with. Consorting with lewd women und living off their earning*. lie said it was n disgrace for any city to let the parasite« pa- rude the streets and Haunt their vice in the face o f decent |>eoplc. That the offense could be stopped if the |ss)ple would demand of their elected official* that the nuisance I*- ulut'ed. During the course o f his ad dress Mr. Hazleton made a strong pleu to mothers and parents to look more closely after the mor­ als of their children, and bring them up in the way they should go. He cited a number of in­ stances that had come before the MAKES PLKA I O K attention o f the officials o f the Louise Home and the Portland Commons, und told his audience how to guard their children from getting into the primrose puth a Strong Tulk Tells of t ht* that would lead them downward. At the close o f his remarks u Pitfalls I .ml for Both collection was taken up for the Hoys and Girls fund for enlarging the (jirl’ s IsHiise Rescue Home, und a good­ ly sum was sutMM-ribed. SAYS SHOULD - CLEAN UP CIÏÏ Portland Man Tells How Pc*opIe Can eliminate the Parasites A BETTER CITY In T J. Haxleton. secretary o f the Cot. irnonn I’ risun la-ague o f the ■tat' and also representing the Pot u n i Cnmniimi Girl's Louise R » e Hum«', 'w as in Redmond i?ral days hist week. While s he observed condition* in the and m an address Sunday for- in s>n at the M. E. churrh ■ta*''1 i t hat he w as surprised and ■hO' ked to se«1 the moral condi­ tion» that obtained here in allow­ ing parasiti'H fn>m the restricted dint net t»i remain in the city. |le point«sl out to the people hov this evil could Is* remedied, and told them if they wanted to i H their town o f these undeair* abl. the right way was to go to the city council and make their 00(1 >plaint. If that 1**1 v did not tak e action then to take the mat- tar ip with the district attorney, and he would lie compelled to act in the matter, for there is a ■tn ngent law on the Oregon statute books in regard to males fl.CO FEU YEAR REDMOND. ( KOOK COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY, JULY 27. 1911 ( KOOK CO. MACHINERY IN A MIX UP i County by C. I*. Judge for W . C. T. U. Meeting Commissions Alleged to Tomorrow Afternoon Be Due Him for Road Ma­ chinery Sold to County A suit has been tiled in the cir­ cuit court o f Multnomah county by C. F. Judge ugainst the Reach Manufacturing Co. o f Portland, for commissions he alleges are due him for the sale of the road roller and other machinery to Crook county. Mr. Judge claims he was the The local W. C. T. U. will meet tomorrow, Friday afternoon at the residence o f Mrs. Herrick. The meeting will be under the direction o f the president and general topics for the good o f the order w ill be taken up and dis­ cussed. Members are earnestly invited to be present and bring some material for the meeting. * »■ » • The Spokesman's Job Printing please*. Hot Weather hoods IN THE GROCERY LINE we have many articles that are just what you want for these hot days— foods that you don't have to build up a hot fire to cook in order to serve on the table. Come in and let us tell you more about this. IN THE DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING LINE we have a stock that will meet your requirements. Why sufTer discomfort and inconvenience whey by a moderate expenditure at our store you can buy the comfortable kind of goods. Remember that your dollars go a long ways at our store and have an enlarged purchasing power. EHRET BROS. BIG DEPARTMENT STORE HIGHEST IN QUALITY, LOWEST IN PRICE HOGS. STOCK Capp’s Clothing Future of This Section De­ pends l pon Above Industries SHIP OUT PRODUCTS. BRINO IN MONEY Use Brains and Grasses to Put Stock in Condi­ tion for Market The future prosperity o f this section of Oregon depends upon the agricultural resources o f the country. Heretofore the princi­ pal industry has been the raising and selling o f hay, and a small amount of grain. But the farm­ ers and ranchers have come to see the hand writing on the wall, and are graduaily getting into the hog and stock raising busi­ ness. Hog raising, stock raising, poultry and dairying is the solu­ tion o f the future o f this section, and the sooner the movement become* general in this direction the sooner the people here will prosper. It is a far better proposition to feed hay and grains to hogs and cattle for fattening purposes than it is to grow the hay and grain alone for the market. It has l**en ably demonstrated that hogs fattened on the products o f the farm have brought in a big increase j«*r acreage over selling the products outright Quite a number o f farmers in the Redmond territory have be­ gun to lay plans for extensive hog ami cattle raising. On the John Alemeter place five miles north o f the city, 1(50 acres are Iteing fenced hog tight and the proprietor is going to put in a large lot o f hogs. l,ee Davenport at his ranch southeast o f Redmond now has altout 130 brood sows, and is in­ creasing his stock all the time. F. M. White o f this city, has a good size«! bunch o f hogs on his ranch near town, and expects to extend his operations in the hog and stock line. F. H. Swa.vne, recently from Washington, 'is going into the hog industry, and his father will soon arrive here and also engage in that business. These are a few o f the ranch­ ers around here who have found out that it is more profitable to feed their hay and grain to hogs and cattle than to sell the same direct. The Oregon-Washington Rail­ road & Navigation Co. has pub­ lished a book on hog raising that every hog owner in this section should have and read from “ kiv- er to kiver" and get thoroughly posted on this important subject The books are free for the ask­ ing. Send to the Traffic Depart­ ment o f the 0-W . R. A N. Co.. Portland, and ask for the book­ let on “ Swine Raising in the Pa­ cific Northwest” . Father Sheehan will celebrate mass Sunday morning at 11:30 at Anker's hall. I have just received a large shipment of these celebrated goods in Spring and Summer weights and styles. I want you to see this line of GUARANTEED CLOTHING, for I am certain you will be satisfied with the goods, fit and price. Better come in today. E. L. R A P P ‘The Head to Foot Clothier.” Redmond, Or. 1911 CROP OF IS Cutting of First Crop Will Show a Very Satis­ factory Yield ALFALFA AND CLOVER GOOD THIS SEASON Cold Spring Does Not Show Any Appreciable Ef­ fect On Crop The 1911 hay crop in this sec­ tion promises to turn out equally as well this season as in previous years. In a number o f cases the first cutting will go way ahead of any other year, and throughout the Redmond District the second crop will be large. Owing to the cold spring it was thought the haying season would be late this year, but the excellent growing weather that followed the cold weather early in June has brought the crop along in fine shape and only a few days later than in former years. Alfalfa and clover on the whole, will make an exceptionally fine crop this year, and the yield will be largely increased over that o f former seasons. Samples o f the crop are being shown in Redmond, and some o f the best specimens o f grains and grasses have been sent to the exhibition cars o f the Great Northern Railroad at Spokane to compete for the prizes to be o f­ fered by that road. All o f the practical farmers and ranchers in this section are well satisfied with the crop and increased yield. W. B. Chapman has some tim­ othy that it would be hard to beat any where. M. E. Landes’ crop is better , this year than last, and only five days later. B. A. Kendall's clover and al­ falfa will go two tons to the acre if not better, and is a better yield than last year. Farmers who have land plaster­ ed their land are getting a great­ ly increased yield. KEEP COOL AND COMFORTABLE We can help you do this if you will visit our place and let us serve you with some of the cooling drinks from our foun­ tain, or a dish of ice cream. You will like our goods and service. 0 W. H. ANDERSON The Postoftice Store