State Bank of Redmond Without the element o f chance, no progress could made in any calling. The farmer would not put in crvps for fear the elements and many other enemies of vegetation would destroy them. He would raise no stock because they might die. No one would travel by .-ail or water tor tear of death or maiming by accident, and no one would enter busi­ ness or manufacture, because loss often occurs; and vet all these* chances are taken daily. Yet in the face of these facts thousands of people hoard their money and keep it out of use for fear the hank might "bust” . Those who pursue this policy are enemies of progress, of their neighbors and their country. They are not good citi­ zens in the best sense o f the word. Therefore t** a gentle­ man. a good citizen, a progressive man and a public benefac­ tor by coming to the STATE BANK 01* REDMOND for all kinds of banking business and the best of treatment. Eat the best the market affords, which is your privilege, and which is al­ ways served at our place. Quick service and satisfactory prices at the Oregon Cafe G E O . L. W H E E L E R , P ro p . Hobb’s Bakery Now in complete running order and turning out High Grade Bread and all kinds of Bakery (¿oods, w hich are sold on a CASH basis. 12 Loaves of Bread for a Dollar Fresh Doughnuts every Saturday In connection w ith the bakery I carry a nice line of Staple and Fancy Grocer­ ies that I sell at moderate prices for CASH. Your patronage solicited. CASH GROCERY AND BAKERY WM. H. HOBBS. Proprietor Headquarters for (¿ood Things to Elat South 6th St. REDM OND Subscribe for The Spokesman $1.50 per year in advance HORSE SALE DRAWS WELL COSTS BENI) MAN TO KEEP DOCS To la* compelled l«» |»ay taxes on his hound» at the assessed valuation o f $f«0 each anti to I k * held up for an additional license fee by the city has aroused S. 1». Ik>rrisof Rend and he has writ­ ten the attorney general’* ofiice to see if he can not get w hat he believes to t*e a square deal. Second Assistant Attorney t Urn- oral JMines W. Crawford answer­ ed Mr. lH>rris by explaining that N l TMBKR OF HORSES if the license fee charged by ARE DISPOSED OF the city were for revenue |nir- poaes it would tie double taxation and illegal but that the city coun­ cil has a right to import* s license Very Satisfactory Prices Ob­ on dogs for regulative purposes. Ikirris’ hounds are blooded and tained for Majority •reusedin hunting big game, but of the Stock he declares they are costing him more in taxation than ordinary horses as he has to pay for both a personal property tax and a city The first horse and stock sale license on them. o f the Central Oregon livestock Association was held here this Round House week, beginning Monday and At Metolius continuing three days. According to the Metolius Ore­ The salt*s were held at Carl gonian work on the round house Woods big sales barn on east E at that place for the Oregon street and attracted a goodly Trunk Railroad was commenced sized crowd o f buyers and sellers last week. The house is to con­ as well as spectators. The first sist of two sections of eight day's sales were rather light and stalls each. The round house w ill very little stock changed hands. lie used, under a joint agreement, Sales the second day were very by l»th the Oregon Trunk Rail­ satisfactory ami the stock sold road and the Deschutes Railroad. under the auctioneer's hammer The bulk of the equipment now brought fair price*. installed in the North Bank round Yesterday afternoon concluded house at Cliffs, is being trans­ the business of the Association's ferred to Metolius as the build­ first sale. ing o f shops at the latter place makes the round house at Cliffs Steel Gang Buys unnecessary. * Hillman Lots A large tent is being erected N. H. Elliott was in town from on the corner o f 7th and I) Smithrock. formerly Hillman, streets in which a series of and stated that members o f the meetings will be held by the Oregon Trunk Railroad steel gang Seventh Day Adventists. had bought four blocks of lota in Mrs. Gibson who lives near his town recently, and that more Cline Kalis, had the misfortune lots had been partially contracted to break her leg yesterday after­ for by the same parties. noon. Hot Weather is reminding you again o f the cool Porch (hairs, Hammocks, (am p ( hairs. Folding Cots and Camp Supplies that add to the comfort o f home and camp these days. Tht* First Salt* Here Brings Number o f Buyers anil Sellers Fly-tight screened Cupboards will keep fruit and meat cool and clean. At the FURNITURE STORE Band dance Saturday night at Anker’ s hall. Well waxed floor and full band. 2tl Marshal Gives L’ p Keys Madras Pioneer: At the meet­ ing o f the city council held Tues­ day evening that i>ortk>n o f the ordinance relating to the closing of saloons 12 o'clock Saturday night which required the proprie- j tors to turn over their keys to the I marshal until the following Mon­ day morning, was rescined. The 1 effect o f the order was only to cause trouble and inconvenience for the marshal and the saloon men, and upon protest from the latter the council decided to let ! the proprietors be the custodians ¡of their own property. a good auto mad made that will connect Cn»>k and I jine counties. Crook county has built a go»*! road to the Ij»ne county line. Dr. J. BARR DENTIST S m it h r o c k lH illm a a > T ra n a frra C rook Co. In v . Co. to - J R G ra h a m lot 21. blk 39. $30. F N T a y lo r, lot* 1» 20. M l Vi. | M . R I, T a y lo r, lota 26-2R, blk 141, $'«». , Z H a rp e r to C ro o k Co. Inv. Co. lota I I to 14 inc, b lk 149, Sid. lie C om p leted Judge Ellis has received word that work on the McKenzie wag on road on the I,ane county side will be pushed this summer. In the agreement with Crook coun­ ty the work should have been done last year but factional strife in the west side county prevented it. This has been overcome and PH YSICIAN anti SIRUKON Office in Redmond & Phirnuj Building R edm ond, Ore. Johnson Building Redmond, - Oregon F.H.RODEMEYER Physician and Surgeon Eyra Tented. Glana** Prop, eri) FLOUR and FEED I)ray Une in Connection K illed Redmond, Oregon BUCKLEY EXP CO. Daily stages to and from all passenger trains on the Oregon Trunk Lin* anil I teachutes R. R. G. A. McFarlane LAWYER Madras. Metolius and Opal City Pssnrngrr and Ksprewi P ra ctice in all c o u rt* and II. S. L a n d Ollti-r Redmond, - Oregon L o rim e r, lot McKenzie Road to J.F.HOSGH.M.D. Office in K h re t llrua. block itrd m n nd T o w n ij l, Ca. to B e n G o ite r, Iota I « - i f., blk SO. |75o Florence (» w e . Iota 7-S, blk 24. and and Iota 3-4, blk $, ftiOU. K V B ohw t a let t,ik u. s i ti a McDowell, u»t 4. btk IS. SIT.', Cecil K e n y o n to S M C olim a Iota 1 to 1 It and 13 to 24 me. K e n y o n '« A c re a g e | in tec. 9-16-13. Redm ond, %UiU). K W R o b e rt * to W m G M e ye r, et al, : lot 6. blk 34. S I. H rn d T ra n a frra The House Furnisher Jobbers o f R e d m oa d Traa afera J S 1’a rm in te r to G W 10. blk I I , W m . C. H . I R V I N IcSherry’s Feed Store Roller skating Tuesday night Real Estate Transfers at 8 o ’clock. Fresh cool air and ,runMtnî by lh, (>ooh rmmty Ab. ice water. Music, ¿tl i «tract Company Ben Cotter and wife, C. W. Kem|>er and wife, J. P. I^tndis and family and Stanley Howard left yesterday for a fishing and camping trip to Blue Lake and other points. They may go to Hot Springs over the mountains during their two weeks’ absence. t j J. C. WILLIAMS Watchmaker and Jeweler Postoffice Building REDMOND. - OREGON N O T H K F O R P U B L IC A T IO N D e p a rtm e n t o f the In te rio r, I l S L a n d Office at T h e Dalle«, l i n f a i J u n e IO, 1911, N o tice la he re b y ifiv rn that Kredrtrt ; H Wllaoti, o f l.aidlaw , O re go n , w h o * i J a n u a ry 2*th. liai«», m ade IIu m e a letà , N o. UM»». f,,r N W | . Se c tio n 32, T-w e < •hip 14 Sou th , R a n g e 12 Faat, W illa * '•lie M e rid ian , haa Tiled notice o f lula» lio n to m a ke F in a l c o m m u ta tio n Proal ì 1 to ealahliah cla im to the lam i al*»vt described, before H C, Fili«, U. & I C om m iaaioner al hta office, a l Rend O re go n , on the 24th d a y o f July, 1 VIL C la im a n t nam e« aa w itn e sse s Jam ra llre e n o f Itemi, Oregon I C h a u n re y P. H e rk e r, G ro v e r ti. Gaf 1 'k i n g , D a v id M . S try , all o f l.aid la s I irrgon. C. W . M oore, K egia te r. F ira t p ub lica tion ju ne 16-july 13 ELLINGER’S ADDITION The most desirable residence section in Redmond. Water now in the streets for irrigation. Lots are being sold fast. Better pick out a lot or two now—you’ll never regret it. The soil is well adapted for gardens and lawns. PRICES AND TERMS WILL SLIT YOU IN THIS DESIRABLE SECTION. LET US SHOW YOU THIS PROPERTY See any of our Selling Agents for further narticuhir« ' '