The Redmond Spokesman Published at the “ Hub City ” of Central Oregon VOL 2. No. 2 11.60 PER YEAR REDMOND, ( HOOK COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY. JULY 20, 1011 and it carries for Linding the Hillman Commercial Club it wax city, they will buy the Lmdft. « decided to vote on changing the The council axked the company name of the town of Hillman. to outline their mode of proced­ All the inhabitants of the town ure in calling another election and vicinity voted and the name und expressed their willingness finally selected in place of Hill­ to comply with their instructions man wax Smithroek, which in the matter. received 28 votes. All other City Recorder Phoenix yester­ names received 2It votes combin- day received a letter from the «•«1, and no other name received company xtuting that the pn|ar«l to act on bids sub- ing for the Hide of $2ft,0U0 street that are now in. leveled mitted for enlarging the school of tiiunici|uil wster L»n«L voted to the established grade at once, building. Bevard ¿St (.¡ant, con­ for at the lust election for install- and also to order the building of tractors of this city, wax award­ ing u water works system for the walks on tioth sides of the street ed the contract on their bid of city, has informed the city eoun- in the alsive territory where n& and assisted in making the occa­ cil that they cannot buy the Linda there are no walks at present. There were three bids sub- Since last Friday Redmond and sion an enjoyable and interesting na their attorney has <|ur*ti«)n«-d The council wax of the opinion mitted & (¡ant, Ben (¡ot­ vicinity has been experiencing a event. the legality of the way in which that the sidewalk matter . had ter and Bevard Erickson. The hot wave that is unusual for this been delayed long enough and figures of Swan There were about twenty-five the election wax called. latter two bidders section of the state. Some of the Odd Fellow’s here who belonged Ti e L»nd coni|»any claims that now intend to have the work wax not the made public by the nights even have been very to the order in other places who the election should have been completed immediately. warm, and that is a strange con­ tmard. joined and a large class of can­ held under the initiative and rvf- The con tract calls for the re­ dition for Crook county for gener­ didates were initiated. The erei turn, and the petition railing modeling of the present school ally the nights here are cool lodge starts off with a good siz­ for the election ahould have come puilding and enlarging it to 72x enough to require blankets »or ed membership. ftroi the citizens to the council 7t> feet, making an 8-room school covering even after the hottest After the initiation ceremonies lwt< ad of originating in the days. If you desire to have a were concluded the lodge mem­ G0Ui.< il and licing referred to the creamery established in this house. Work on the building will be During the hot spell what little bers sat down to a sumptuous dU/<-na ax wax done. district, sign up on the lists commenced and must wind prevailed came from the Ehret Bros, and Lynch ¿it lie completed at by once banquet served by the ladies of The Lmd company hax written at Roliertx October first, in north and w as hot. The winds the number the M. E. church, in the Hotel the council that a new election of cows stores time for the fall school term. from the west, which come off Redmond dining room. %aill lie necoctary in order to com* cream from you Sept, will lat furnish the snow capped mountains aLiut The following officers were ply with what they construe is hundred will have to Three be se­ Name of Hillman 30 miles away, bring cool breezes elected: the legal intent of the law. and cured before the creamery an«l relief during the hot weather, LOIKÍE STARTS OFF Been ('hanged Noble Grand—W. L. Wilson. that if xuch an election is held, can lie starte«!. but this hot spell the w ind has WITH .31 MEMBERS Vice Grand—W. L. Gregory. in Conformity w ith their ideas. At a meeting last week of the been in the north and south. Sec.—J. A. Thompson. During the hottest part of the Treas. - J . F. Hosch. day the government thermometer Past Grand Alva Templeton. at the weather station here has After Ceremonies Are Over been up to 100 degrees. None H. R. Wolcott from near Cal­ a Banquet Is Served of the crops have been injured gary in the Alberta country, has but on the contrary have come by M. E. Ladies bought the Mitchell place of MM along at a satisfactory rate. acres at Powell Buttes. He says Haying is in full blast, and the that more people from Alberta hot weather has a tendency to are coming this country as make the hay crop bettor in some The Odd Fellow s of this city they have had to enough of the ex­ sections than was expected. treme cold winters in that sec­ organized a local lodge here last tion. Owing to the Redmond Districtl evening a large member­ being located in the center of the , ship. The with installation was Miss Ella Roberts, sister of J. largest irrigated section of Ore­ divided between the work Prineville gon there is no danger of any crop and Bend degree teams. Dele­ R. RoLierts of this city, is here failure no matter how hot the gates from other lodges in the visiting her brother during her vacation. She is a school teach­ weather gets. IN THE GROCERY LINE wt* have many articles county attended the installation er in the Rose City. WILL NOT BUY I CITY BONDS CONTRACT LET FOR SCHOOL Ben ver Bond (o. Questions Legality of Recent Flec­ tion Held Here Bevard & (¡ant Secure the Work on Their Bid of $5,758 Capp’s Clothing THE HOTWAVE IN REDMOND E. L. R A P P ‘The Head to Foot Clothier.” Redmond, Or. I.O.O.F. LODGE IS Farmers and Ranchers Bend and Prineville Teams Put on the Work Here Last Evening * Hot Weather Goods t that are just what you want for these hot days— foods that you don’t have to huild up a hot fire to rook in order to serve on the table. Come in and let us tell you more about this. IN THE DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING LINE we have a stock that will meet your requirements. Why suffer discomfort and inconvenience whey by a moderate expenditure at our store you can buy the comfortable kind of goods. Remember that your dollars go a long ways at our store and have an enlarged purchasing power. EHRET BROS. BIG DEPARTMENT STORE HIGHEST IN QUALITY, LOWEST IN PRICE A DIRECT MAIL FOR REDMOND It is learned from a reliable source that bids have again been called for by the postoffice de­ partment for carrying the mail «lirect from Culver Junction to this city. Bend, and other points south. The bills are to lie oj»en- ed August 1st It is understood that two parties from Madras have put in bids. When bids for this service were called for previously but one bid was received, and the department would not consider it. If a direct service is institute«! to this city it will mean that mail will be received here about ten hours earlier than it is now, and considerable time gained in the dispatching of mails. The Spokesman's Job Printing pleases. KEEP COOL AND COMFORTABLE We can help you do this if you will visit our place and let us serve you with some of the cooling drinks from our foun­ tain, or a dish of ice cream. You will like our goods and service. W. H. ANDERSON The Postoffice Store