The Redmond Spokesman Published at the “ Hub C ity ” VOI* 2. No. I of Central Oregon 11.50 PER YEAR RICHMOND, ( HOOK COUNTY. OREGON, THURSDAY. JULY 13, 1911 gine the eaca|M* valve o f the 1 Imiler wan rip|ied off and Mteam ami hot water *hot into the car tilled with panic ntricken pa-men- gem, who had been projected in­ to the front end o f the coach by the impact P. J. Gallinger, a conductor, wan riding with con­ ductor Can* at the rear end o f the car. Roth clung to a neat a* Train I a ' uvch Track on Sharp Curve and P» hm * the ear «hot down the emltank- enRer Cars Go Down Embankment— One m ent They escaped Herioua in­ jury. Man Instantly Killed and and 25 Injured, Thom a* Mile«, engineer, and I have just received a large Five of Which Die in the Hospital at The (.«•urge McKillip, fireman, Maid they knew nothing of the danger shipment of these celebrated Dalles— Escaping; Steam From locomotive until the locomotive wax rolling goods in Spring and Summer down the xteep incline. Roth laterally Cooks Imprisoned Passengers men xlayed with the engine un­ weights and styles. til it xtruck the Ixittom o f the I want you to see this line of ditch. McKillip was uncon- M A N Y B U Y ER S W ILL xcioux and wax caught under the GUARANTEED CLOTHING, , O ’ man wax kill«*«) instantly, the intense heat o f the after­ rah. hut extricate«! himxelf be- BE IN A TT EN D AN C E for I am certain you will be five morr have at nee «li«*«l in the noon. f«»re the safety valve wax rel«*aM- hot; tul at The Dalles, and a doz­ When the engine hit the sun- ed. satisfied with the goods, fit and en more were hurt w hen a south- kink in the rail it left the track j A special train wax made up at price. Better come in today. bound Oregon Trunk passenger and ml let I down a 10-foot em­ The I »all«** and physician* w ere Expected That Satisfactory I tm ri plunged over a fo o t em­ bankment. The luggage car re­ hurrie«l to the xcene o f the acci- Price* Will Be Ob­ bankment 2 ) mil«** north o f Sher- mained on the rail*, but the day «lent. The injured were taken bridge st o'clock Mon­ coach, following, left the track, to a hospital there. tained for Stock day afternoon. The train wan plunging 40 feet to the top o f S. I,. Arthur o f S«*attle. «me of ng 40 mile* an hour when it the locomotive in the ditch. Continued on last page ■Ini' i a spread rail, ramwd by When the car struck the en­ All indicationx now point that the horse sale to be held here next Monday will be a success­ ful event. The sale has been extensively advertised in this section and other jiarts o f the state, and the result has been that Secretary Phoenix o f the Central Livestock Association und^r w hose super­ vision the sale will be held, has For the next xix «lay*, beginning MONDAY. July 3, we will offer a special received word from many parties bargain in each department o f the store, that for «piality and price will be stating they would attend the the BIGGEST BARGAIN in that chum o f merchandise «»ffered in this county. In caxe dome o f the bargain l«»tx ar«’ Bold out l»efore you vixit the sale either to offer stock for sale At Monster Meeting Held Here Tuesday Night xt«»re. we will immediately supply their places with new Iota at cut prices. or to buy. This bargain event is to I k * the greatest month for busineaa in the history One firm oi stockmen from the Governor West and Members of the Board of the store. And no matter w hat the price quoted you'll find the qualities Willamette valley has brought in Listen to Grievances of Water Users in This dependable und worthy o f your (tatronage. a bo **•* o f 90 head o f Jersey District and Promise That a Thorough I n ­ c o « i and he..*'**8 which will be offered for sale on easy terms. vestigation Will Be Made of Existing Con­ Stockmen in this section o f the ditions Between Water Co. and Settlers state will have a number o f hor­ ses and i-attle to offer buyers at the sale. Men’s Work Shirts, 60c quality Secretary Phoenix has receiv­ All of our Men’ s $4.00 Oxfords Governor West. Attorney Gen­ association, presided, and a num­ ed word from a number o f buy­ eral Crawford. State Treasurer ber o f water users stated their ers from the outside. One man Kay. and J«>hn H. Lewis, state grievances against the company. wants to buy a solid trainload of engineer, all members o f the Ben Gotter stated what the 30 «‘ars o f stock, and several oth­ State Desert I.and Board, arriv- settlers considered their rights in ers want to buy from one carload «•d here Tuesday evening and at­ the excess acreage matter, an«! All of our Ladies’ $3.00 Oxfords up. for shipment to market. From these indications it is fig­ tended a monster meeting in Attorney General Craw ford said ure«! that the Monday sale, which Ehret's hall to meet members of he would bring a suit in the name is the first sale instituted by the the Central Oregon Irrigation o f the state against the irriga­ ass«>ciation. will lie a succes and I Co. Water Users' Association and tion company and have the case Knit Union Summer Suits, reg­ pave the way f«»r future sales to listen to grievances the water threshed out in court. ular 50c kind lie held here once a month dur­ users in this section have against Kirk Whited, J. J. Ellineer. J. the Central Oregon Irrigation ing the summer and fall. A. Thompstm and others explain­ Co. so as to get an intelligent ed to the land board the harmful idea o f existing conditions with conditions o f the present irriga- Store room for rent on a view to remedying the same. — All Linen Unbleached Toweling, fith between E and F P. H. Dencer. president o f the Continuetl on last page FATAL WRECK ON ORE. TRUNK THE HORSE SALE PROMISES BIG Capp’s Clothing Indications Favor Large Sale of Livestock at the Initial Sale to He Held in This Next Monday, July 17th I ar'a rum 3:115 E. L. R A P P “ The Head to Foot Clothier.” Redmond, Or. S u m m e r B a rg a in s DESERE LAND BOARD PROMISES RELIEF EO EHE WATER USERS SOMEWHAT SENSATIONAL I Shoe Dept. Men’s Furnishings at $3.15 at 45c at $2.15 Ladies Furnishing Dry Goods Dept. at 40c regular 12Vic yard at 9c yard GLASS and CROCKERY You will always find this department complete, and prices right. Here are a few sample prices: Good Coffee, lb ........................ 25c 3 can F ru it................................. 50c Tomatoes, 2 for ........................... 2.5c ~EH r ¥ t BROS. BIG DEPARTMENT STORE HIGHEST IN QUALITY, LOWEST IN PRICE A A To the Public: Come and see Grocery Department ’heese, per lb...........................20c Laundry Soap, 8 bars............25c bars Glycerine hand soap.. 25c street*. Reasonable rent. Inquire Spokes­ man office. - Farmers and Ranchers If you ilesire to have a creamery established in this district, sign up on the lists at Khret Bros, and Lynch A Roberts stores the number o f cows you will furnish cream from Sept. 1st. Three hundre«! will have to be se­ cured before the creamery can be started. I desire to announce to the citizens of Redmond and vicinity that I have bought J. A . Norwood's interest in the store in the postoffice building, and ask Has Valuable Invention Samuel Weihl o f Sisters has inj vented a varmint trap that works successfully in trapping all kinds o f animals that are pests and prey on the farmer and others. jThe invention is so simple that anyone can use it, and it is also inexpensive. He has applied i for a patent on the invention. for a share o f the public's patronage when they desire any thing in the Con­ fectionery, Stationery, leather Goods, Sporting Goods, Cigar or Tobacco line. J W. H. ANDERSON