The Redmond spokesman. (Redmond, Crook County, Or.) 1910-current, July 06, 1911, Image 5

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    Redmond and Vicinily
future home. Mr. Hanson hus
resided in Redmond for some
time and numls>rs a host of
Krolhrrhood uf Owls, Next .No. 122 friends here Mho wish him pr»m-
lierity in his new location.
M .r l»
a n n u l.
ry K ru U y
night in
K lirrl
V i»i t tog n ii'inb rn i Invllixl to
Good pure, fresh candies, as­
sorted flavors, 25 ets per pound.
o Cool • X
K K. Mlt.I.H. K x w u tiv »
Crook County Abstract Co.
|liu ’or|M>ratnD
M endenhall ' s .
t a t s ’ Furnishings
You are protected in every way
when you trade with us. We ask
you to ins|HH*t all merchandise
bought of us, and insist on your
returning anything not entirely
satisfactory Isffore it is soiled.
Compare our prices and quality
of goods with others and you w ill
see we have no competition.
Gregory’s Variety Store.
Up-to-date M 't of Alm trart Hook»
A ll work iruaraiitocd.
M V photograph
Uia record».
II. E. Wilde, »criclary,
I'rltievllle, Ore.
V. A
numltor of Indians from the
Warmsprings reservation were
here last week Fritluy. They
tlid considerable trading at
Hobbs' bakery, buying bake
stuff, etc., and fresh fruit.
Fresh green onions, 10 cents a
Farm for sale or rent. Enquire bunch, two hunches for 15 cents
of II. A. Shcnk, Redmond. Illtf at the Pioneer Meat Market. !19tf
A. Warren of the firm of War­ Try a suck the “ Best” flour.
ren St Woodward, civil engineers You M ill like it. Itedmond Feed
51 tf
of this city, returned last Thurs­ • a M C a
day from a business trip to Port­
There M ill lie Methodist ser­
vices ut the M. E. church next
Money invested in l/»ts in Mel­ •Sunday, July 9th morning and
rose Park NOW. will double in evening.
the next year.
Let us do your next order of •
Mayor Jones returned front commercial job printing. High
his trip to Portland last Thurs­ grude work und prices satisfac­
tory. The Redmond Spokosmun.
day night.
Home made mince meat at the , (let your tailor made clothing
at Gregory's Variety Store. Sat­
Pioneer Meat Market.
isfaction guaranteed.
Miss Paulina Weist ami Miss
We pay cash for fresh eggs.
Angie Young of Bend, and Miss
Nettie Cast of this city, are visit­ Pioneer Meat Market.
ing this week with Mrs. Fred <
J. C. Williams and M-ife and
Sherwood on the ranch near the
the Hutchins family Ment to
Tetherow bridge to fish and pass
Buy a "Motor Washer” for the the 4th.
home. There is nothing better.
If you are going to paint Bee
Jackson sells them.
Jackson. It will pay you. 46tf
S. H. Snider of Bend, w as here
In the center of Melrose Park
¡last Saturday attending the
to Itedmond is located
Water Users' meeting.
the only public Park M-ithin the
Two vacant corner* on E street city limits, it covers five acres.
Wtween Hotel and De|»>t lOOx
100, also two corners, 50x100 Allen Willcoxen and family of
ime location. Jones laind Corn- Powell Buttes, and J. P. Doherty
of this city, went fishing above
pun) for terms.
Bond the 4th. They had a gesid
and made a big catch.
A Y. Swain of Chehalis. Wn..
is expecting to come this section
Mendenhall's for ice cream.
in a short time to look after his
40 acres of ditch land he has in
See the Universal Ranges at
this section near the city.
Jacksons. The quality is high.
The price I om ’.
fcThe most satisfactory 5 cent
Cigar in the cit> the ' It B.” Z. T. McC’lay and M-ife enjoyed
You will like them ufter you a pleasant outing at the river the
have smoked one.
$ 4 9 tf
M endenhall ' s . 4th.
You can alM-ays get fresh bo­
Work on the Munin building logna and weiners at the Pioneer
OR the corner of 6th and F street M' at M arket.
M tf
that was suspended for several
days waiting for lumber, was re- The Tum-A-Lum Luml»er Co.
fttne l this Meek.
has lime, cement and brick at
H tf
If you wont satisfactory bread
I. L Osls>rne at "The Shop”
and |)astry use the “ Best” flour,
making a number of nice
■old by the Redmond Feed St
of furniture these days.
Fuel Co. Once you use It, you’ll
have no other.
51 tf
If you are going to build see
Johnson Bros, new store build­ the Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. for
ing on north Sixth street is near­ your building material. They
ly com pleted and ready for occu­ have a complete stock and you
will not be held up for lack of
Co. >lest and most attractive
Cascade Creamery Butter—the
plac e in the city our ice cream
made cun In* Insight at the
pari«' and ice cream always
Meat Market
right. 49tf M endenhall ’ s .
Steeson and Conqueror
$3.00 to $5.00
The well known Argonaut
brand, made full
Popular Priced Tail­
oring establishment
in the country. Their
good« have given uni­
versal satisfae t i o n
for a long time, and
the guarantee that
goes with all of these
clothes gives the pur­
chaser utmost confi-
decce, which is never
imposed on.
50c to $2.00
The Easy Slip brand
2 for 25c
The Kaiser Brand, new­
est and best
50 and 75c
Lisle and Silk Lisle,
fancy colors
let us take your
All Wool Garments
measure for a
Summer Suit Are Absolutely Guaranteed
12* to 50c
all the latest styles
$2.00 to $5.00
With the neM- mail schedule
A number of Redmond citizens
want; to Prineville to help that from Culver to Prineville and
< to with their 4th of July cele- from there to this point the peo­
ple in this section are not much
better served than they were by
pgory's Variety Store car- the old Shaniko route.
the I mk lies Home Journal
trns in stock. They are mod-
Peter Schuttler W’agons, the
jand have the only original light running kind.
jc chart, which makes them sells them.
blc and easy to use Prices
t han the inferior pat
The Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co.
t a t * on the market Why not has a large stock of dry lumber
boy [the liest? Monthly style of all kinds.
free at our store.
Swan Erickson of Minneaplois,
ten doors at the Tum-A father-in-law of Joe Buckley of
Lumber Co.
4!Hf this city, who recently arrived
here, has contracted with the
P. Hanson and family left Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. for
Week for Trout I,ake, Wn., material for a large house he in­
■e they will make their tends to build this season in the
Good style. Yes, the best there is.
A wearer of a Warner’s does not look
uncomfortable. Quite the reverse. She
looks as though she really enjoyed
wearing her corsets. Even poor dress­
ing cannot conceal the lines that a good
corset will give. Warner’s! Well, it’s
the best we know. You may be stout or
very slender, but we can fit you with a
Warner’s—fit you comfortably, too, with
a corset that cannot rust, break or tear.
Muslin Underwear
Corset Covers, Combination Suits, Underskirts
Bob White, white laundry, the bar... .05
1(H) bars $4.50
W’hite Borax Naphta .......... the bar .05
Golden Star Laundry
Ivory Soap................................
Fairy S o a p ...............................
Lava Soap..................................
Palm Olive, hand s o a p ..........
12V 2
DRY WHOLE MILK, a new article. One
can equals six cans of Condensed
milk, per can...................................... 30c
Fresh Ripe Pineapples, each.................40c
2V2 lb. tin s......... 25c
Dill Pickles, bulk, quart........................ 25c
Coal Oil, per gal ....................
Lynch & Roberts
We (Tose at 6:30 p. m.
Except Saturday, 10 p. m.
Redmond, Oregon
He expebts his
southern part of the city. Mr. near the city.
Erickson is a well known con­ to arrive the last of the week.
tractor of Minneapolis, having
been in the building business
If you love your wife buy her
there for the past 80 years.
a pound of that nicely assorted
candy at Mendenhall’s.
Indies' calling cards, the lat­
est style cards and type, printed
The Spokesman is a day late
to resemble copper plate print at this week owing to the absence
of the editor two days at Prine-
The Spokesman office.
ville and the 4th being a holiday.
New goods almost daily at
Mrs. J. H. Cook and daughter
Irma left this week for Portland
Several Redmond pnrties went where it is anticipated a change
to the Deschutes river to picnic of climate will benefit Miss Irma’s
and fish the 4th.
F. H. Swain arrived here from The “ Mothers' Meeting” of the
Chehalis, Wn., Sunday night and local W. C. T. U. last Friday after
will remain about three months noon at Mrs. Iambs' was well
on his forty acres of ditch land attended. The next meeting will
beheld at the home of Miss Jones
on July 14th, and will be in charge
of Mrs. Lilly. Subject for con­
sideration will be “Sunday Ob­
servance.” All ladies interested
in a clean tow-n are requested to
be present.
Butter and Eggs
dealer, and will put in a plumb­
ing and tinning establishment
in connection with the hardware
store. Mr. Wheeler is an exper­
ienced plumber and tinner.
The finest homes in Redmond
will be located in beautiful MEL­
For that tired, overheated feel­ ROSE PARK w ith its large lots
ing our soda fountain and ice and wide streets and avenues,
cream will revive you.
on the highest elevation within
M endenhall ’ s . the city limits, with irrigation
water on every lot.
A new sidewalk on the west
The Spokesman’s Job
side of 6th street between E and
Printing pleases.
F street has added much to the
appearance of the street.
The meeting of the water users
W. J. Wheeler, formerly of held here last Saturday was
Lewistow’n, Montana, has asso­ well attended, and a large
ciated himself with E. Maher, amount of business of importance
the south 6th street hardware transacted.