The Redmond spokesman. (Redmond, Crook County, Or.) 1910-current, July 06, 1911, Image 4

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    Mr. Farmer
'W are now prepared to install Pumps and
Kitchen Sinks in your homes.
something: you need.
This is
If You are Going to
on your land [ come and
see us at>out it.
It is a labor-saver and does not cost much.
Better let us talk to you further about this
matter. Call up Phone 417 and we will
give you full details.
and carry a good supply o f material for this kind
o f service. For further particulars call on
Officeon E St. between 5th and 6th. REDMOND.
Phone 417
T 1
W e w i l l m a k e o u t y o u r A p p lic a t io n
Freight Troubles
P a p ers
The Spokesman
The Orrgvjn Trunk Railway i* open for buainrsa to Opal City,
just north of Crooked River.
The Jones Warehouse Co.
GEO. A. JONES. Manager
will handle all freight at Opal City for the railroad. The old Shaniko
Moody Warehouse system will be employed. Merchants will get their
goods promptly and without in co n ven ien ce. Opal City will be the freight
terminus for 90 days more. Have your freight consigned in care of
The Redmond Spokesman VICT0R
Redmond. Ore.. July 6. 1911
kindness .
Sarah Barnhardt Witnaaaad It a* d
Mwggad Him In Apprac «l>«n
M A D R A S , ORE.
Wholesale Liquor Dealers and Jobbers in Wines, Liq­
uors and Cigars. Sole agents for Stonewall and Mc­
Coy Whiskies and The Napa Soda Springs Mineral
Water. Distributers for Edel Brau, Schlitz and Rai­
nier Beers.
W e also carry a strong line o f Glassware. Bar T ow ­
els. Playing cards and etc. Especially adapted to the
Saloon trade.
Orders by Phone or Mail will receive prompt attention
Ice for Sale
Round Trips East
From Madras, Metolius, Culver and Opal City
St. Paul — v
Minneapolis /
Kansas City ^
O m aha....... I
D uluth....... 1
Milwaukee »
Philadelphia t
N ew York
$ 7 0 00 Washington >
. t «jy-
Colo. Spgs |
Boston ..........
Many other points in proportion.
Dates o f Sale: June 16. 17, 21. 22. 28. 29. 30. July 1 to 6.
19, 20. 26. 27. 28. August 3. 4, 5, 14 to 17. 21 to 23. 28 to 30.
September 1, 2, 4 to 7.
A variety o f routes going and returning.
Return limit
October 31. Stopovers allowed in each direction.
O regon T ru n k
R a ilw a y
Team for Sale
Horses* for Sale
Two good mares and one young
horse. Call at Spokesman office.
Clatsop Beach on the Pacific, Round Trips
Spaniels, of whi»h there are
msnv breeds, are supposed to hs«e
I first come from Spain, from which
cir»'tnnstan-e is derurd their dit
tinctive name Charles I was an
anient admirer of a small «anetv
! of this animal, and from that srowe
the designation *>f hi* pet«, known
! the world over as King t'barlea
Blenheim or Marlhor- igh spaniels,
sill, h greatly resemble the lal'er in
form and general apfirarance. get
their English name from Blenheim
palace, in » »ifordshire, where the
Greed has hern preserved sinew the
beginning of the eighteenth cen­
On«* day when the rrhearsal wr«
over an hour earlier than usual I
aaa waiting, tuv forehead j-r« --•«!
•gainst the window pane. f-*r the
Two high grade Bb Comets,
arrival of Mine. Uuerard,
»> ••
best made, satin silver fin­
coming to fetch me 1 «• • gattn*
ish. gold plated bell, high
idly at the opposite footpath. »
is bounded hy the l.uxemltourg rui
and low pitch.
These cor­
mgs. Victor Hugo had ju*t i r -».-.I
nets are practically new and
the road and was shout to walk •>n
will be sold at a bargain.
An old woman attracted hi* itt.-n
For further information in­
tion. She had just put a heavy
quire at Spokesman office.
bundle of linen on the ground and
was wiping her forehead, on which
great beads of perspiration
Please Settle Up
In spite of the cold, her toothlrs«
*ai • Raven
Having sold my lumber yard j mouth ws* hslf open, a* she wo*
A on e legged Welsh orator nam­
business in Redmond totheTum- panting, and her ryes had an <-i ed Jones was pretty successful in
A-Lum Lumber Co., I respect­ pr>-«*i»n of distreaaing anxiety a* Imntrnng an Irishman, when thw
fully ask all who are indebted to she looked at the wide road «he had latter aske.1 him:
"H*>w did iou c**me to l**«w »our
me to call at my office and settle to croaa, with carriage« and omm
bitsea pa*»ing each other Votor le g '"
their accounts.
Hugo approached her, ami after *
‘ Well,” *«i.| Jones, “ on examin-
Ben Cotter.
short conversation he drew a pie«-, mg my pedigree and looking up my
of money from lua pocket, handl'd descent I found there was some
it to her; then, taking off In* hat, Irish blo*id in ms> and, becoming
ue confided it to her and, with * j '•>nvinced that it was settled in ft»#
We have some fine ice for sale quick movement and a laughing
left leg, | had it rut off at once ”
in any quanity at the Star ranch face, lifted the hun.lle to his «Iioul
■ n. K m : «*•!•«,' aa i i v . -it
der and rrnaaed the road, followe*l . Would have been a very good thing
at Tumalo, Oregon.
G. W. Wimer & Son. I»v the liewildered woman. I ru«he*| ! if it had only settled in your bead*
downstairs to embrace him f*»r it
but by the time I had reached th*
L • * » > " * D s s n s W ell
passage, jostled against I»e Chill»,,
I never draw a pad of water from
All around ranch and family who wanted to stop n»e, and d* the Well without an appreciation of
young team, harness and wagon. •rendcd the stairrsse Victor Hug*, its charm such as a country bred
had disappeared. I rould »ee onl\ man, | imagine, could never feel.
Inquire at this office.
the woman's hark, hut it seemed t*- He might gape st ..pen plumbing,
me that she hobbled along n<>» looking st it with his fresh country
more brisklv.
e»*, where I should Simply take It
The next day I told the poet that for granted, hut I am afraid he
The choicest vacant comer 50x
100 on Sixth street, only one I had witne«ae<i his delicate £(M m | never could fully experience what
deed. "Oh," said Paul Maurice, hi«
block from Hotel Redmond, this eyes wet with emotion, “ every da» might 1« called the sentiment of a
is a snap for a quick buy. $1800 that dawns is a day of kindne«s for * ' l|, that delightful, inverted tow
rr of Harknea« and dainpnraa and
takes i t See Jones Land Com­ him.” I embraced Victor Hugo, ami coolth If there isn't such a word
we went to the rehearsal.— From st coolth there ought to be— A t­
pany for terms.
Sarah Ib-rnhardt's Recollections
kinson Kimball in Atlantic.
Two Bb Comets for Sale
Address communications to BEND OREGON.
• s*s*.
For Sale or Trade
"M «S tiol.llieg» I sr tie," W
gsn the suitor in nicrlv »>r-!alsM
tonca SS hr extended les right tow
and hitched up hi* left trmiorvi^
preperstnry to tw im ng the »it
tude preecrihed bv 11« best aathof
titee as tii.wt suitable for vet» •
raemos, “ as I hunihlv sp|>>«eriltr
• brme of your tlaishng >i r sew
like a poor moth beai t ng
ug hat
ermg wings again«! I IS IS eisH t
brightneoe o f " —•
“ K«. vise me. Captain lathis«'
g-ntlv interrupted t • «wst.b
maiden, "hut perhs|* I >ugtl to
tell mu that I accepted o»v rets*
Fred last night “
F*nr s m o m e n t the snleat i w
was dumfounded Then he tonal
bitterly swav
"Theo all I r a n « o » he rswan
ad, "w this: Yon ve r .«ed oastf
ths moat eloquent and arrftlb a
h e a r se . I prop. « a ls you ever Iwtshat
Paul 1 >i«| « '
TX* WH v X m ' •«
r .m n try peapie i | » . t of ths wáv
“th e
use* mi
|.lo»t—l It »«sir farm twMiagv a t
dstrlee to hes*». oC vetlehee They *
say I hot the n » u abmjid never am
Dear a well, atilt lees gr>.e lato a *
the w ater will be a|»il<«l
I 'S S '
oplnloa was ateo eufav.esM e
m u
“ I do l>r o» aleona m e t a l
the neeut o f It. wbleb I« ter» an**m
lo the air
' * • learn fr.uti lliestas that I *
tain bovine In N e t »
nwvied • • • »
man» elder tree« dl«en«mt and 1*1
nearly nil tin Inhabitants « H H « «
at laal the» mere grni.1 —*t up hwne*
a Very health» and wb. lr—une
t attle arartvsty l.m. b the « h * •**
the n»*te la drive», away by the wv*<
I 'artera o ften pla.-e lean bea ea '* *
bornea* beada lo hee|. .-If IttsS h- *
lug will grow well In the roagwi' *
the rider and when II tas b»sa *
moved and all lln n s t i eaof*’
grublmd up II la anme few .eats *
f.*re Ihe ground t w - ii«« ihfbe»'
• went and gtewl for anylltlug **
borne a Xlsgasi >e
WA GONS The Dependable Kind.
Metolius, $12.45
Opal City, 12.75
Tickets sold daily; good returning all summer. Stop-overs
at Astoria.
First-class No. 3 Faultiest«
Stump Fuller with cable, for Hale
or trade for stock. Daniel Lid­
Ranch, Powell
Buttes, Oregon. Address, Prine-
ville, Oregon.
Astoria, Ore., Aug. 10-Sept. 9.
We can fill your n .-^sin anything in t l * above kind o f fencing
Low round trip fares to and from eastern points are in
effect on various dates. Details furnished on application.
See Jones I .and Company
OW NERS (N ot Agents) for easy
terms on lots in Melrose Park.
reliable'and *
*,Mck f,’r you t o « h‘»r» e from, ami sell only the
reliable and satisfactory makes. 1*, lM A|| yo(lr next (^ r
Madras. $12.15
Astoria Centennial
Train leaves Opal City daily 9:00 a. m.. Culver 9:15 a. m.,
Metolius 9:30 a.m., Madras 9:45 a.m. arrive Portland 7:45p.m.
B. R. Ness,
Agent Culver, Ore.
R. E. Michael,
Agent, Madras. Ore.
J. H. Corbett,
Agent, Opal City, Ore.
T. A. Graham,
Agent, Metolius Ore.
Those who have their dental
work done at Dr. Cline’s office in
Ehret’ s block, are always satis­
fied. for he uses all the improved
dental methods and all his work
is guaranteed.
W A fhn v l Tu *.tOCk * * ,,od lin‘* o f STUDF.BAKER and B A IN
- 2
7 r
Come and See Ls When You Want Anythin« in Our Line.
Kendall & Chapman» Redmond» Ore