I I Big Horse Sale THE CENTRAL OREGON IJVESTOCK ASSOCIA­ TION, OF REDMOND, announce their first monthly sale day, MONDAY, JULY 17th and continuing until all stock listed is sold. Have You Any Horses You Wish to Sell? We guarantee to have the buyers here. List your Stock AT ONCE with Wm. G. Phoenix Secretary , Redmond, Ore. SNAPPED A BURSTING BOMB. Lush of a P h«tayraph«r In O attina a W onderful Picturs. fine fit the roost rcrnsrkshle pho- tograph* ever obtained was that of til** actual exploding of the bomh which was thrown at the king and queen of Mpuni on the occasion of their wedding. It waa secured by an operator for one of the largest firms of press photographers am), according to the London Strum] Magazine, proved a veritable gold mine, appearing in dose on 3.00») publications. The photograph was secured more or lea* by a piece of good luck. The operator waa on a »tarn! with lua camera ill I he place allotted to him by the police, waiting for the procession to sp|M'sr. The camera ws* placed facing down the street up which the procession was to come. From the moment it came in sight until the royal carriage was within nhout thirty yards of him the operator secured three pictures. He then readjusted the camera so as to get « good picture of the king and queen in their csrnage, which was shout ten yurda from him. At the instant that the operator pressed the hall and exposed a plate a dark object waa hurled at the royal carriage from a balcony win­ dow, slid then followed instantly a blinding flash and a noise like a thunderclap. The operator was hurled half stunned to the ground, his camera following him. When he was able to stand he saw a ter­ rible scene I k - low him. The large crowd was stampeding in all direc­ tions. Anv one luckless enough to fall in that storm of rushing humanity waa instantly trampled to death, and several did fall. Some thirty people in all were killed on that oc­ casion, of whom at least half were simply crushed or trampled to death in the panic that followed the explosion. It is very remarkable that all the plates in the operator's camera were broken with the excep­ tion of the last one he had exposed, which depicted the actual scene at the moment of the explosion. C ouldn't F m I Raatua. I ncle ltastus always contributed to the coal fund of the A. M. E. church in a small town juat across the river from Cincinnati. Year i Cost of soiling will be nominal. For further particulars after year he dug down into his jean* for his little donation until address the Secretary. finally the edifice was remodeled and a new heating plant installed. At the usual time the parson ap- ' proached Raatua and again asked one, ami yet no one, not even the The widow of a trench deputy him to be a cheerful giver. REAL SOLID WEALTH. family itaclf, had ever laid eye or on your life!" retorted Rns- the ilav after the funeral to tua, “Not hand on tlua wealth. It eonaiatcd came with emphasis. “Yo* ain’t consult s great sculptor on the sub­ gwine ter large of an rnormoua fci which wn* lying ject git no s monument for her hus­ fo’ coal dia wintah." money out ob me In n Ialiti where ìimh I ami drink at the ) m it tom of the aca. Many band's of tomb. sculptor tug “What atn de mattah?” the sur­ •ini ready inaili' clothes unni on year* ago an ancestor of this fam­ gested s portrait The bust. “Only a prised doininie asked, “llain’t yo* tre«** and timi be Itati fur the galli ily secured this rcmiirkal.lv valu­ bust!'* sbe cried indignantly. “I always guv up fo’ de coal fund befo’ ring it la iit>t eaity In tre liow a able alone, which waa placed on a wish st least a statue with allegor­ mm can run ver* deeply in délit for Vuft to In* towed I iciiic . A violent ical figure*.*' widout de necessity ob usin’ j kit Imiiu rX|M«• testified that the fci waa of magnifi­ would decided yo’ had steam put be in lietter taste. For some ittlly of woman, from the equator cent proportions and lost through weeks the artist worked on the in dat dot church las’ week?”—Cin­ B d the polca demanda |H>raonal no fuult of the owner. It waa there­ bust. At length the young widow cinnati Commercial Tribune. . allumine ut. fore conceded that a few hundred on the arm of an attache alking atieka. [ I.ike all atlornmcnla, pollatici! feet of water over it ought not to arrived of legation. She opened her lor­ Probably W the •lidia, tortmac alidi, varo -gated affect it* market value. The pur­ gnette patriarch's staff was inspected the bust. “It the first adaptation of the walking bratta, ami ao forili, dcmaml labor chasing power of that stone there­ is very and like him," she said finally, j stick, and from its first inception to in tlie making Here, then, the na fore remain* valid._____ “but a bust is ao commonplace. A the present dav it has undergone al­ ti'ca of Vitp, one of the Caroline bronze medallion would be in far ! most endless changes. In 1701 foot­ ialanda, have ani veil the problem of look of petty jealousy is one of better ta*te." political ci tinoiiiv ami found that the distinguishing murk* of tho The monument actually bears s men attending gentlemen were for­ likhnr « the true alanthirtl of value. great. To la* entirely frank in the medallion in bronze under the niche bidden to carry swords, these be­ ing replaced by a porter’s staff. But tlua tticiliiini mutt lie enduring of a rival is better than intended for the full length statue Thirty years later gentlemen were •nd. na their i«lnml Jidda nil metal, appreciation win u liuttlc. I^*e ami Jackson, of the deputy._________ forbidden to carry swords, but al­ they have hail reconnu* to atone'— to the two great general* of the south lowed to carry large oak sticks. Be­ •tune on which lalmr in fetching Els* ta Consider. the civil war, were absolute­ A Something •ml faahinning haa heen expended during young cotton worker and his fore many years varnished and pol­ ly free from even a trace of rivalry. •nd aa truly repreaentalive of labor Theodore A. IVxlge quotes a re­ wife hnd been married only a few ished woods with ornamental heads •a the mincit and minted coma of mark from each in his article on months, hut it was quite apparent came into use and in one form or civilization. ; to the wife that her husband's af- another have held their own. , Tina medium of exchange they Chnncellorsville. ' fection for her was on the wane. | “He ia the only man I would fol­ Hi* F ath sr D idn't Know. Call fci. It conaiata of large, solid, developed a tendency to stay j A little blindfolded," said Jackson of John lad was found on the j thick atone wlieda, ranging in diam­ low out late at night, and now it was eter from a foot to twelve feet, Id*o.When Oeneral Ix*e heard of Jack- early morning when hia wife heard i street crying very bitterly because eart w as broken. haring in the renter a hole varying a violent knocking at the door. his The wound lie exclaimed: kindly disposed stranger en­ in aire with the diameter of the son'* "Who’s there?" asked she from the "lie has lost lus left arm, but I i bedroom window. deavored to cheer up the little fel­ atone, wherein a pole mav lie in- have lost my right!" low by saying, “Never mind, my | •« te,I sufficiently largo to lx*nr the “It's me," replied John mecklv. bov; your father can easily inend Weight and facilitate transporta- "I’ve just come from the meeting. it tk»n A church once gave a charity con­ We have I k ' cii considering the pres­ that.” “No, he can’t,” sobbed the boy. These stone "coma" arc not made where the Ix-at talent volun­ ent strike." “Mv father is a preacher and don’t oni the laland of Yap, but were cert “Oh, have you? Well, you can teered—the city's leading aingera, about anything.”—Ladies’ originally ipiarncd and shaped in elocutionists and actors. At the sit on the doorstep and consider the know one of the IVIao ialanda, UH» milea end of the concert the chairman present lockout!" was the retort.— Home Journal. to the southward, and brought to went up to the organ loft and said London Tit-Hits. A Dry Scat. Ynp by ventureaoma native naviga­ to the little bov in patched clothea Farmer—You had a fire at the Hot«l K sapar and Robbsr. tor* in canora ami on rafta over tho who had blown the organ: manse this morning. Any serious oc*an by no means na pacific Ha it* “Well, Freddie, what do wo owe A remarkable exhibition of pres­ loss? aatim implic*. you for your work this evening?” ence of mind stands to the credit of Minister—Ye*. Ten years’ ser­ A noteworthy feature of thin The little I hiv looked at the chair­ James Dennis, an Australian hotel mons were completely burned. keeper. One day he found himself Farmer •tone currency, which i* alao an man in genuine astonishment. (with the memory of lly noteworthy tribute to Yap "Why, sir,” he said, “didn’t the behind his own counter looking many a weary morning)— ____ *tv, ia that it ih not neccaaarv rest of the talent give their serv­ down the muzzle of a revolver held Weel, but they Sunday made a gran' blaze; by a villainous looking fellow who they were so dry, ye ken.—Dundee for ita owner to reduce it to poanea ices ?" _____________ wn* requesting him to put up his •ion. After concluding a bargain Tha Baautiful. hnnda. He raised them, hut protest­ Advertiser. which involvea the priri of a fri too I am of opinion that there ia ed. "Surely it doesn't take two of large to In* conveniently moved ita D egrading H is M uss. now owner ia quite content to ac­ nothing ao beautiful but tliat there you to hold me up.” The robber, “Mamma you to enter cept the Imre acknowledgment of ia something still mere beautiful, of who had come alone, turned his papa's factory, wishes darling. That would •Wíei hip, and without ao much aa I which this ia the mere image and head to see who the other man do away with all hia unwillingne a mark to indicate the exchange the expression u something which ran might he. In a flash Dennis’ own j "But, dearest. I’m a poet." coin reinmna nndiaturlied on the neither I k * perceived bv the eyes, revolver waa out and the rascal’s “All the better. You can write the ears nor any of the aensea; we opportunity was gone.—Westmin­ verses for our vinegar advertise­ forni, r owner'* premise*. Khere wn* one family whose comprehend it merely in tha imagi­ ster Gazette. ments."—Fliegende Blatter. ,W«tlth was acknowledged by every nation.—Cicero. — - ----- ----------- Th# M o n u m m t D w in d le d . C a rl W K ..I C u rra n « , S to n a of (K a I s la n d If you are going to prove up on your land come in and see ua. The Spokesman will make out your application and attend to other necessary details FREE. LAMB FEED CO. Redmond, Oregon Roller Mill and Feed Grinding Dealers in Chop Feed of all kinds. Baled Hay, Timothy, Alfalfa, Clover, Seeds and Seed Grain. TOLL CHOPPING DONE. Manufacturers of Graham Flour B .S.G ook& G o REAL ESTATE at M a n a ,. T w o G ra a t Sold.ara. 1 P art K If you have something to sell. If you want to buy something use the Want Columns of The Spokesman. The Price is reasonable and results are obtained. Try it. th a T a la n t. Rea / Estate and Gity Property Office near Bank of Commerce “The Palace” JAMES B. GREEN, Proprietor Corner of Seventh and E Sts., REDMOND, ORE. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars A Good Line of Lunch Goods Carried in Stock Everything of the Best Seed:Ç w ( SL ( I Feeds ) Poultry ^ and Ground Farm Field & Garden Redmond Feed & Fuel Co.