Published at the “ Huh City ” of Central Oregon REDMOND, CROOK COUNTY, OREGON, THU RSI JAY, JU L Y 6. 1911 ORGANIZATION OF CENTRA l ORE. DEVELOPMENT LEAGUE the Redmond delegation, at Bend. meeting will be held at Rums. Next made of the I ¿-ague EXHIBITS ARE The meeting, whieh was held Friday and Saturday, was at­ tended by delegations from the commercial clulrn of Madras, Cul­ ver. Metolius, Opal City, Hill­ Harmonious Two Day’s Session Held at Prine- man, Itedmond, Sisters, l.aidlaw, ville Attended by Members of Numerous Betid, Prineville, Crescent. Ijt Pine, Burns, Ijikeview, Paisley, Commercial (todies— Hend Is ('hosen Head­ Silver la k e and Klamath Falls. quarters for Coming Year— Next Meeting A numlter o f high railroad offi­ cials o f Istth the Hill and Ilarri- Will He Held at (turns— Great Enthusiasm man systems, Portland business Prevailed and Meeting Closes With a Big men ami mem Iters o f the state A PR O PER D IS P L A Y institutions were also present. TO HE G IV E N THEM Itanquet— Hailroad Oliieials Pleased. The Prineville Commercial Club acted as host to the visitors and certainly did itself proud. The Friday afternoon session was opened with prayer by Rev. Best E x h ib its Are to Ite The Central Oregon Develop­ o f Klamuth Falla. John Huggins o f Prineville, fol­ Sent to the Different ment I ¿»ague was organized at Honorary Vice Presidents lowed by an address o f w elcome 1-and S h ow s Prineville last week with the Carl Gray, Win. McMurray, J. by Mayor Edwards and VV. F. election o f the followihg officers N. Williamson and C. C. Chap­ King of the Prineville Commer­ for the ensuing year: man. cial Club. Win, Hanley o f Burns, President William Hanley of Secretary-Treas. J. E. Saw- presiding officer, made a talk on Burn«. hill o f Hend. The Redmond Commercial Club the needs o f Central Oregon, and Vice Preaiilenta .1. W. Brewer Headipiarters o f l,eagwe for through the newspapers desires o f Redmond, ami Judge Warden ensuing year was, on motion of ( Continued on page 2 to give notice to all farmers and ranchers in the Itedmond Dis­ trict that it is their desire to se­ cure good samples o f grains, grasses, root crops, fruits, etc. grown in this section. It is requested tfiat the sam­ ples be brought to the Commer­ cial Club rooms here, with the name o f the product, name of grower and locality grown in For the next six days, beginning M ONDAY. July .1. we will offer a special pro|>erly inscribed on a tag which bargain in each department o f the store, that for quality and price will be will be furnished for the pur­ the BIGGEST BARG AIN in that class o f merchandise» offered in this ls >se. county. In case some o f the bargain lots art» sold out Itefore you visit the The club will offer prizes for store, we will immediately supply their places w ith new lots at cut prices. the best samples o f different va­ This bargain event is to la* the greatest month for business in the history rieties o f all products o f the farm, o f the store. And no matter w hat the price quoted you’ ll find the qualities and comi»etition is open to every­ de|M»ndubk‘ and worthy o f your patronage. one. An exhibition room will be built at the depot, where all the samples will be shown,attrac­ tively arranged and classified, and each grower will be given credit for the samples he has on Men’s Work Shirts, 60c quality exhibition. All of our Men’s $4.00 Oxfords The prize exhibits o f the col­ lection will be sent to the differ­ ent land shows throughout the country to show the wonderful resources o f this section o f the All of our Indies’ $3.00 Oxfords state. It is urged by the Commercial Club that the farmers and ranch­ ers begin making their plans at for furnishing exhibits so Knit Union Summer Suits, reg­ once that a creditable showing can be ular 50c kind made from this section. Any in­ formation that is desired about the gathering and preparing of samples will cheerfully be furn­ ished by the secretary o f the All Linen Unbleached Toweling, Commercial Club. Commercial Club Requests That Farmers Bring (iood Samples S u m m e r B a rg a in s SOMEWHAT SENSATIONAL Shoe Dept. at $3.15 at $2.15 Dry Goods Dept. regular 121/2 c yard at 9c yard Men’s Furnishings at 45c Ladies Furnishing at 40c GLASS and CROCKERY Come and see Grocery Department Y ou will always find this department complete, and prices right. Here are a few sample prices: Cheese, per l b .................... 20c Good Coffee, lb...................... 25c laundry Soap, 8 b a rs ............25c 3 can Fru it............................50c 3 bars Glycerine hand soap 25c Tomatoes, 2 for .................... 25c EHRET BROS. BIG DEPARTMENT STORE HIGHEST IN QUALITY, LOWEST IN PRICE $1.50 PER Y E A R Capp’s Clothing I have just received a large shipment o f these celebrated goods in Spring and Summer weights and styles. I want you to see this line o f GU ARANTEED CLOTHING, for I am certain you will be satisfied with the goods, fit and price. Better come in today. E. L. R A P P ‘The Head to Foot Clothier.” Redmond, Or. TWO EXPERI- Executive Board of the Central Oregon Devel­ opment League to Lo­ cate Them in Irrigated and Dry Sections A t the meeting o f the Central Oregon Development League at Prineville last week it was decid­ ed by the executive board o f the League and the railroad officials present to establish two experi­ ment farm stations in the central part o f the state. One farm to be located in the best place in the irrigated district, and one in the dry section. It is the intention to have these experimental stations su- I>erintended by an expert from the state experimental station. The proposition is to raise a 110,- 000 fund to conduct the experi­ ment stations for two years, and then have the state take them over. The railroads have signi­ fied their willingness to contrib­ ute their share, and there is hardly any question but what the commercial associations in Port­ land and in the League will be there with their part o f the mon­ ey. As Redmond is situated in the center o f the irrigated district o f Central Oregon it has been sug­ gested that one o f the stations be located near this city. This suggestion is meeting with favor among those who are posted as to conditions in this irrigated dis­ trict. Farmers and Ranchers I f you desire to have a creamery established in this district, sign up on the lists at Ehret Bros, and Lynch & Roberts stores the number o f cows you will furnish cream from Sept. 1st. Three hundred will have to Lie se­ cured before the creamery- can be started. There was no celebration at Bend, that city having grace­ fully given up their plans for a big event and joined with Prine­ ville in twisting the lion’s tail. REDMOND MEN ! AT PRINEVILLE STATIONERY and OFFICE SUPPLIES The Redmond Commercial Club and business interests o f the city were well represented at the Central Oregon Development League meeting at Prineville last Friday and Saturday. The fol­ lowing went over to help bring the organization into existence: Mayor Jones. Councilmen F. M. White. J. F. Bosch. M. A. Lynch, G. W. Wells. City Re­ corder Phoenix, City Attorney Wilcox. J. W. Brewer. C. N. Ehret, Mr. Fry, H. Hanks, Rus­ sell Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Redmond, B. A. Kendall, W. C. Walker. H. J. Iiove, Geo. I,. Wheeler, Addison Bennett, H. Palmer. H. K. Warren, Mr. Woodward. John Moore, Lee Zumwalt. Spokesman for job printing. In the above line we can supply your wants. We are putting in a stock of Office Supplies, such as Typewriter Papers and Ribbons, Carbon Papers, etc. NORWOOD & ANDERSON