HILL SUSPECT THE GOVERNOR AT LAIDLAW IS ( OMINO HERE HAVING SECURED A NEW CUSTOMER It is the earnest ambition of this institution to make all relations with this Kink pleasant and profitable. In choosing th>sas your l»ank you have the assurance of a service capable of meeting your most exacting requirements, together with courteous consideration, per­ fect organization and efficient and able man­ agement. These are all factors in making this the log­ ical bank for you to do business with. The State Bank of Redmond EATING is half of vour existence • If you want to get meals that are satis­ fying to the inner man you will patron­ ize the Oregon Cafe where the tables are supplied with the best the market affords. Satisfactory service and prices. White help only. GEO. L. W H E E L E R , Prop. Hobb’s Bakery Now in complete running order and turning out High Grade Bread and all kinds of Bakery Goods, which are sold on a CASH'basis. 12 Llaves of Bread for a Dollar Fresh Doughnuts every Saturday In connection with the bakery I carry a nice line of Staple and Fancy Grocer­ ies that I sell at moderate prices for CASH. Your patronage solicited. CASH GROCERY AND BAKERY WM. H. HOBBS, Proprietor Headquarters for Good Things to Eat South 6th St. To Head Off the Dead Beats REDMOND The Spokesman is informed that steps are being taken here to form a business men’s protec­ tive association. The object of the association is to protect the business men of the city from the dead beat class of citizens who get credit for goods and material and then refuse to pay for same. It proposed to give the above class of people a certain time to pay up in and if they show no disposition to come through their names will be post­ ed with all members of the asso­ ciation, and they will be refused credit YOU Won! has been received from Deputy Sheriff Lucas of Bend. ; a reliable source that Governer was called to Laidlaw Monday to West, the attorney general. State arrest a crazy sheep herder who Treasurer Mckay, ami the rest was prowling around there and of the lVsert land board will terrifying the inhabitants. Hw leave Portland about July t»t h for demented man was armed and a trip through the central part resisted arrest by the laidlaw Are invited 1« call a t my Fur­ ot' the state. The party will pass constable. through Redmond and go on to The man was suspected by the niture Store and look over the Milligan’s. This will be the first laidlaw people of being the one time that Governer West htis vis- who killed the Hill family near ited this portion of the state, and Portland some time ago. complete stock. he has expressed himself as very | , ** anxious to see the development Additional laical, The days of high priced furni­ that has been made the past Steve Grcchalgh of The Dalles, year. ture in Redmond are gone, and is here visiting relatives and friends. He notes many changes Five Ball Teams in Redmond since his former For the Fourth you « ill he surprised how rca- visit. Five baseball clubs have signi­ fied their intention of taking If you wont satisfactory bread sonahle I can sell you anything part in the big 3-day 4th of July *nd pastry use the "Beat" fiour. tournament at Prineville, says *>13 by the Redmond Feed & in the Furniture Line. the Journal of that city. The pvU.| Qa Once you use it. you'll Mtf Meier & Frank team of Portland have no other. will be» here, besides Bend. Red­ mond. Madras and the Warm Any phone subscriber not hav­ Spring Indian team. Prinevill«* ing a directory is requested to never had a better team than call and get one at the local ex­ the present one and if outside change. and all |»atrona are re­ teams beat her they w ill have to quested call by number only. play professional ball. Coolest and most attractive place in the city our ice cream Carries Best Stock jiarlor and ice cream always in Central Oregon right. 49tf M endenhall ’ s . is contemplating a viatt to Spuk, HILLMAN C. H. Irvin, the housefumish- an« and Harnaun. Idaho, »her« er. carries the best stock of fur­ Attorney McFarlane went to Quite a large crowd attended her children are. niture in Central Oregon, as a Bend yesterday on profession! the sch*iol meeting Monday Mr. j Farmers are starting their Ant trip through his furniture rooms business. Swanson * as elected the new di­ cutting of alfalfa and rk>v«r, will convince any one. He has and the yield promises well. lately added a large line of goods, Mrs. Law-son of Prairie City, rector. and Mr. Perry clerk. and one particular article is the has returned to Redmond and will K. A. Cleland waaap the sick Mrs. Dan («Ihlow gave a birth day party for her daughter (‘»art, kitchen cabinet he is offering for remain here during the summer. list one day last wrekA the 24th Mary Thump, sale. It will surprise a person to Her husband will return here in Miss Viola Kent whren Saturday, attending school at Portland re­ son s birthday occurred on tw take a look at his stock. Mr. the fall. same date ami the children had Irvin is always ready to show Mayor Jones went to Portland turned from there Wednemlay an enjoyable time. goods and make callers w elcome. last Saturday on business con­ evening Mrs. Joe McClay of Redmond, Bida Wanted nected with the sale of the city is visiting friends and relatives FINEST W ELL IN bonds. Sealed bida will be received by near Hillman this week. the Clerk of Redmond school ds- J. H. Elliot and Henry Heganlt Guy E. Dobson went to Port- have moved their tents onto the trect No. 59. until ß P. M , July CENTRAL ORE. land last week on business. lot just west of Elliott Bros, 14. 1911, for the building or ta­ la rging the school house, plant It is reported that the Prickett lumber yard. and specifications can I« teen si Madras Pioneer: The Central ranch at Cline Falls was sold this the office of the clerk, W. R Oregon Well Drilling Company week. PLEASANT RIDGE Anderson at the lawtuffics, « has just completed a splendid well for the Deschutes Railway Benjamin Martin of Granville. A prety little party was recent and after June 2»i. 1911. company at Gateway, which J N. D., a brother of Mrs. B. A. ly given at the residence of A Right reserved to reject at; comes near answering all require- Kendall and Mrs. Kenyon of this Atchinaon, the occasion King and all bida. By order of Board ments of an artesian well. With a city, is here visiting and w ill the birthday of their daughter of Directors. hole down 210 feet, water stands probably locate in Redmond, J. II. Jackson. Clerk. Eveline. The children of the in the well to within 10 feet of 51t3 H A. Kendall. Chainnaa. •neighborhood enjoyed themselves the surface and the quality of the Mrs. Grover Sherwood is now immensely. Entra) Notice ; water is said to be second to none one of the phone operators at the Lyman Farman is seeding his for any purpose for which it is local exchange, ranch down to clover. He is Taken up on my place, four desires to use it. with this country. miles north of the lower bridj* Water was struck at a depth of Try a sack the "Best’’ flour, well E. pleased the Deschutes river, one teas C. Park and wife, and sister on between 20 and 30 feet and the You will like it Redmond Feed geldings, with raarhed man* supply was sufficient for the op- & Fuel Co. 5ltf were callers on Mr. and Mrs. J weight alsait 1100. Onesblsci A. Thompson Sunday. eration of the drill. The drill white atrip in white stock­ J. A. Thompson has his ranch ing right bark face, was sent on down to a depth of A Pair of TroUfters leg. indsÉ- leveled so that it is an easy nite brand on left and shoulder. 155 feet before another flow was or a Fancy Vest matter to Hood the ground with ¡One sorrel, small star, »pot of struck and the drilling was con­ FREE. Everything on the ranch white hairs on right hip, and tinued to 210 feet when the We are offering a short time water. is looking fine. Mr. Thompson branded l»ar four on same hip water raised in the well 180 feet. only, with every for or etiat and has some registered Jersey stock j 51t.T E. S. Fox Hillman. Or»- This of course gives an inex­ trousers ordered suit from the that he is very proud of. haustible supply and the easy Globe Tailoring Co., We are sorry to here that lies depth for bringing the water to Ohio, sie Harrader is quite Her the surface makes it the finest an extra Cincinnati. pair of trousers or fan­ many friends hope for her ill. s|M*edy LUMBER well in Central Oregon. cy vest. free. Measures taken at recovery. All kind* of Alex Brawn and family, Tete 49tf G regory ' s V ariety S tore Fruit grows abundantly on Rough I.umher Brown and family and S. R. Sni­ Kirk Whited's ranch 3 miles south ran hr had at the The 4th at Sinter* der and three children left Tues­ . . . . . , , ,,f h'‘r,‘ Mr*. Quack enbuah re- day for an outing in the mount­ I will run a hack line from Red- cently picked a ¿-gallon can of JO NES SAW HILL ains. They expect to be gones mond to Sisters for the celehra- goosek-rnes there in a short ON GRIZZLY BI TTE tion there on the 4th of July. time. about three weeks. Fare for round trip 12.00. Mrs. L. J. Green will sell her $10 per M at thf MB Spokesman for job printing. Matt Kulesch. driving horse reasonable. she - * C. The H. House IRVIN Furnisher ELLINGER’S ADDITION The most desirable residence section in Redmond. Water now in the streets for irrigation. Lots are being sold fast. Better pick out a lot or two now-you’ll never regret it. The soil is well adapted for gardens and lawns. PRICES AND TERMS WILL SUIT YOU IN THIS DESIRABLE SECTION. LET US SHOW YOU THIS PROPERTY See a n y o f o u r S e llin g A g e n ts fo r fu rth e r particulars «c »