The Redmond spokesman. (Redmond, Crook County, Or.) 1910-current, June 22, 1911, Image 4

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It is tho earnest ambition o f this institution
to make all relations with this bank pleasant
and profitable. In choosing this as your bank
you have the assurance o f a service capable
o f meeting your most exacting requirements,
together with courteous consideration, per­
fect organization and efficient and able man­
These are all factors in making this the log­
ical bank for you to do business with.
The State Bank
of Redmond
Monday evening ten Redmond
business men met and perfected
a temporary organization o f the
j Central Oregon Livestock Sales
Association. James Ihnigberty
was elected chairman, and W. t!
meeting w ill be held tonight to
perfect a permanent organiza­
The object o f the Association
is to bring the buyer and seller to
gether. and it has been decided
to hold five sales days a month
at Redmond for this purpose.
The first sales day will be July
17th. and it is expected that 500
horses will tv on sale that day.
There area large number of good
horses in Crook county, and the
Association will take measures to
properly advertise the sales dates
so that buyers can come and get
their bick o f good stock.
Redmond Team Enters
Ball Tournament
is half of m your existence
If you want to get meals that are satis­
fying to the inner man you will patron­
ize the
Oregon Cafe
where the tables are supplied with the
best the market affords.
service and prices. White help only.
G E O . L. W H E E L E R
. P rop .
Hobb’s Bakery
Now in complete running order and
turning out High Grade Bread and all
kinds of Bakery- Goods, w hich are sold
on a CASH basis.
12 Loaves of Bread for a Dollar
Fresh Doughnuts every Saturday
In connection with the bakery I carry a
nice line o f Staple and Fancy Grocer­
ies that I sell at moderate prices for
CASH. Your patronage solicited.
WM. H. HOBBS. Proprietor
Headquarters for Good Things to Eat
S ou th 6th S t.
Using “ Made in
Oregon” Goods
We notice that seme merchants
in other cities are using consider­
able space advertising “ Made in
Oregon” goods. That is as it
should be. The merchant must
know that his individual prosper­
ity is to a great extent depend­
ent upon the prosperity o f the
state at large, and if Oregon
manafacturers are patronized,
that it will mean greater pay­
rolls. and greater payrolls mean
a larger degree o f prosperity for
every man, woman and child in
Read The Spokesman.
Redmond's base l>all team has
entered the tiase ball tournament
to be held in Prineville July 3-4-5.
One thousand dollars in purses is
to tv hung up—$t5t>0 tirst money.
•250 second and $150 third. The
following teams will contest:
Redmond. Warmsprings Indians.
Bend. Prineville, and probaly Sis­
ters. Entries close the 30th of
this month, and a list o f players
o f each team will have to Iv
named at that time. This is the
only way Manager Phenix of the
Redmond team would go into the
tournament, for by having th
personnel o f the different teams
given out by the 30th it will pre­
vent the importation o f players
from outside cities, and keep the
purse money among the county-
clubs. Redmond has a good team
now. and the citizens should give
it loyal suport and encourage the
players in every possible way to
go in and win first money at the
Additional Officers
for W . C. T. U.
In publishing the list of officers
last week that had been elected
by the W. C. T. U. o f this city,
the following names should have
been added:
Mrs. E. A. Cast. SupL o f L T .
1 L. department
Mrs. Ida Woods. Supt of Med­
al Contest.
Mrs. Nellie Lilly. Supt. o f Sun­
day observance D ept
The June 16th meeting held at
the home o f Mrs. Cook was well
attended, and several new mem­
bers signed the pledge and join­
ed the order. The next meeting
will be held at the home o f Mrs.
Lamb on Friday. June 30th.
The meeting will be under the
direction of Mrs. Cook, superin­
tendent o f mothers’ meeting.
Will Have a
Fine Place
As soon as the new building ad-
u . i D j
. .
joining the Hotel Redmond is
completed it will be occupied by
A. E. Wyatt as a pool and b.l-
bard hall.
The building will be
25x80. and will allow room for
Mr. Wyatt to install more tables
to his present outfit, which is now
loeated next door to the new
Mr. Wyatt ha-« now
the largest and beat apiannted
billiard hall in the county, and
when he gets into hi* new loca­
tion he will have as fine a place
as there is in Oregon.
Cuff Knocked Out
the Beud Man
At the boxing contest held
here in Anher's hall last 1'hura-
day night between Kd Cuff ot
this city, ami J. P. Rice ol Rend,
the former put it all over the
Rend man. Cuff knocked Rice
down three time* in the first
round, and put him out in two
minutes and 34 seconds, font
Forhara of this city, challenged
Cuff at the ringside for a match
at a future date.
Sheriff Went On
Wild Goose Chase
Prineville Review. 15th: Sheriff
Balfour is an extremely sore man.
both mentally ami physically.
He returned this afternoon from u
bootless quest in the Camp creek
country, where he went in search
o f a bunch o f about sixty h-ad
o f horse* ami the |>arties who
were suspected o f running them
out o f the country. 1’he parties
were found, all right, but they
did not have the stock which
were luter found alsmt forty
miles distant browsing peace­
fully on the o|vn range. I he
sheriff during the trip was com­
pelled to ride horseback al*>ut
fifty miles, and he has not sat
astride a hors*» for five years.
He is now at home, resting up. j
Are invited to call at my Fur­
niture Store and look over the
complete stock.
The days of high priced furni­
ture in Redmond are gone, and
vou Mill lie surprised how rea-
sonable I can sell you anything
in the Furniture Une.
C. H. I R V I N
The House Furnisher
sage rata thia »ramm with 6 N*
2 steel trap« on his two ranch«.
No 33
Cold Storage Plant
At Madras
At an early hour Tuesday morn­
The construction of the build­
ing Williams’ Jewelry store in
ing for the Central Oregon Ice
the postoffice building was rob-
and Cold Storage company's
Ivd of twenty watches and some
plant is being rushed by a large
ring*, and two automatic revolv-
force of workmen, says the Mad-
I .'" ' i” *'” . T i T lent. belonging toNorwund & And-
ras Pieneer. It is located at the
. ..
- erson were taken Entrance waa
north end o f the Oregon Trunk
. . . . . .
. . .
made through the rear n«»tn tn
warehouse tracks, and is being
. ,
■ ,, #
the puatoince. by breaking a pane specially for e ld storage I of
#ni, rvlX n g
purpose*. The company plans to in arui turning the key in the
make a daily delivery by auto door. The theif or thrive* at
truck from Madras to all Crook fif'd attempted t«> take out the
in this way whoU* K1»** in ,hl'
b>' *+
county points. and
wdl be able to supply all kinds of vjnfw| th,. ^ e r n that the work
fruit and vegetables in fresh e n - WM ,jone by amateur*.
dition as well as to meet the de- burglary is suppusrd to lie the
mand for ice, which they w ill work o f local parties and the
manufacture as soon as the city °fi'*'',rs have a pretty good
to the perpetrator*.
Mr Will
water system can be put in oper- ^
at lietween
ation. The new enterprise prom­ $300 and $4U).
ises to supply just the kind of a
Notice to Pay l'p
service that the district has been
feeling the need of for several
All jiersons knowing them­
selves indebted to the Iaimb
Feed Co. must settle accounts by
Lafferty Will
July 1st:
l at mb Feed Co.
Distribute Seeds
Congressman A. VV. Lafferty
has been allotted 22000 packages
of flower and vegetable seeds.
All persons desirous of obtain-
ing assortments of these selected
seeds are requested to w rite to
Congressman Lafferty at once,
stating their wants. Orders will
be carefully listed and the seeds
sent out in ample time for the
planting season next spring.
The Indies Building Commit-
tee o f the Presbyterian church
will meet with Mrs. E. C. Park,
xhurwlay. June 2IHh. There will
be rig. at Kendall & Chapman's
* 1 °
• ■
The -----------------
Spokesman’s Job
Printing pleases.
Notice To Water User*
T. , r . . ..
Company Water I V r e s ’ Associa-
tion will meet in Redmond on
Saturday. July 1. 1911. at 1
p. m. All water user*
are requested to to present.
S. II. Snyder, S*c.
The State Rani of Rumori
in the State o f Oregon, at th*
cloae o f business June 7. 191L
I .«in j i n ] JlamufiU
. ____ _
amt warrant*
Kurnilur». and A « turn
t h » fm«n approvmi r r a i o
|-W k t and odwr cast) Uriti«
l u t i <m Kami
la. *18
*. sun
M .!*g
Capita! aturk pant In
110 «
Surpiu« fund
1 '*,**,,,*,, pe»Ata. w«a »»»»«
m sml * i -----
u n - —^
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Individual ctapnalla «ub^-r1 to
«.«a s
lim a m i rvrtiArat«« o f dvpnait
CortlAod rherka
Tim* o r l l l k i l M o f i k p o i l
V«B 2
gw tolti
•Stato o f O r a fi» , ('minty of t>otk, «
I. Hoy A lluah, aohior of the S m
nanw-d bank, ilo aolvmnly > m v Wat
tho al«.*e «ta tom m t ta true to tb* k *
o f m j know I d * * ami bollof
Roy A Hoah.
('s k i* .
Subornim i »ml • • o n to lofore s*
thu lath day o f Juno. t*ll.
0 . L. K hU i.
Notary PuMk
fo rro rt. A t toot W . R. Kolman, Je
*o|iK II. Jarkaren. throe tor*
Mrs. Lloyd Harrader visited at
the home of Mr. and Mr*. Kd-j
ward Hankie at Sisters last w eek. |
C.eo Hunterof Arlington. Wn.
who bought the Garlinrhous*
ranch, has returned. He brought
hi* family and a car load o f goods.
J ^ J ^ k e r o f Iaidlaw. visited
the Ihompson ranch last week.
■"«* Stella Wilson and
I.'uc" 1“ RH-,Pond visited last Sun-
dav at th«* Fr«*«i Sherwood ranch.
Walter Perry has killed 600
All kind* of
Rough Lumhrr
ran hr had at the
$10 per M at the Mill
The most desirable residence section in Redmond.
Water now in the streets for
irrigation. Lots are being sold fast.
Better pick out a lot or two now—you’ll
never regret it. The soil is well adapted for gardens and lawns.
See any o f our Selling Agents for further particulars