Redmond Md Vicinity Brotherhood of (Mu, Next No. 122 R ED M O N D , OREGON M i'x ta » v a ry K rtilay n ig h t In K h ro l hullillng. V ialtliiK inomlMTB Invit.-.l to atloml. K. K M ii . i . m , Kaorullva J. O. Cool ►.*, tUe. Crook County Abstract Co. tlm'or|Miratol»gra|>h tho iwcoraa. II. K Wiki«-, w m - t a r y , 1’im ovillo. Ur«*. hraaka. Mr. Itodman will live this summer on the Myers plucc near town that he Ixxight. and Mr. Bush will occupy the Ben Mel atfery house on the corner o f 6th and F streets. ^ oung man. you can get plenty of comfort in hot weather by let- tilin’ us iiiuk«* you one o f our dan- dy made-to-measure suits, in light, cool, fuxhionahly correct fabrics. IH-tf Gregory’s Variety Store. Quit« n number o f base hull Potatoes for sale by H. A form from her« wont to H«nd Sat­ Schenk, Itedmoml. 48-12 urday afternoon to a««* the Red- mond and Bend teams play. The swimming hole in the east­ ern part o f the city has great at­ Farm for aide or rent Enquire tractions for the kids th«*se hot of H. A. Shook, Redmond. 31tf kesman. Mon«*y invented in I>»tx in Mel- The Johnson Bros. ’ store build­ nme Park NOW, will double in ing on north 0th street is being the next year. advanced along rapidly by the Home made mince meut at the contractors, Bcvard & Gant. Pioneer M«*at Market. 39tf We pay cash for fresh eggs. Pioneer M«*at Market. 89tf Wonder what han become of the ice man. He sure could do If you are going to paint see tiuaineaa a whole lot these hot Jackson, it will pay you. 40tf day a. Gentlemen. why not come at once and let ua take your mesa- ure for that new tailor made auit so we can have it here for you by the 4th of July. We guaran- tee you aatiafaetion. 48-tf Gregory’ ! Variety Store. Lynch & Roberts THE STORE OF LOWER PRIEES Fred Wallace was over from Ijiidlaw last week to meet the Northern Pacific railroad officials Gents’ Furnishings HATS Steeson and Conqueror Brands ROYAL TAILORS ARE THE BEST $3.00 to $5.00 SHIRTS The well known Argonaut brand, made full Popular Priced Tail­ oring: establishment in the country. Their good»« have given uni- vernal natinfac t i o n for a long time, and the guarantee that goen with all o f these clothes gives the pur­ chaser utmost conli- decce, which is never imposed on. 50c to $2.00 COLLARS The Easy Slip brand 2 for 25c NECKTIES The Kaiser Brand, new­ est and best 50 and 75c SOCKS Lisle and Silk Lisle, fancy colors Come in NOW and ROYAL TAILORS’ let us take your All Wool Garments measure for a Are Absolutely Guaranteed Summer Suit 49tf M M $2.00 to $5.00 Corset Covers, Combination Suits, Underskirts GROCERY SOAPS! DEPARTM ENT SOAPS! A FEW SPECIALTIES Bob White, white laundry, the bar .. .05 “ “ “ 100 bars $4.50 White Borax Naphta ............ the bar .05 Golden Star Laundry............... 44 .05 Ivory Soap.................................. “ .05 Fairy Soap.................................. “ .05 Lava S o a p ................................... “ .10 Palm Olive, hand soap........... 44 12V2 DRY W HOLE M ILK, a new article. One can equals six cans of Condensed milk, per can........................................ 30c Fresh Ripe Pineapples, each ............... 40c Canned “ 21/2 lb. t in s ........25c Dill Pickles, bulk, q u a rt.........................25c Coal Oil, per g a l .........................................30c Lynch & Roberts THE STORE OF LOWER PRICES AN D BETTER VALUES We Close at 6:30 p. m. Except Saturday, 10 p. m. Redmond, Oregon of Sheridan, this state, arrived night and have gone to house here last week and are looking keeping on their ranch a mile around with a veiw to buying from this city. land and locating. They are very much pleased with this sec­ tion of the state. For that tired, overheated feel­ ing our soda fountain and ice cream will revive you. 49tf M endenhall ’ s . WE BUY Butter and Fggs his family who was expected to arrive from N«»braska. but the\ did not arrive, and will not get here until some time this wees S. B. and Ed Driver, and W. E. W«x>deox, all o f VVamic, were here last week on their way to A Pair o f Trousers Klamath Falls. They are old or a Fancy Vest At the annual school meeting friends o f the Zumwalt brothers FREE. held here the 19th B. A. Kendall and Dave Miller. We are offering for a short time was re-elected director, and W. Mrs. Palmeteer, mother of only, with every suit, or coat and H. Anderson elected clerk for Dave Miller of this city, returned trousers ordered from the one year. last Saturday to her home in Globe Tailoring Co., Wamic after aseveral days’ visit Cincinnati, Ohio, If you love your wife buy her here with her son and friends. an extra pair of trousers or fan­ a pound o f that nicely assorted cy vest, free. Measures taken at candy at Mendenhall’s. Mr. and Mrs. Norval and Mrs. 49tf regory s ariety tore Laura Zumwalt o f Wamic, who Roy A. Bush, cashier o f the had been visiting relatives here, W. S. Riximan and family ar­ State Bank o f Redmond, went left for their homes last Satur­ G. W. Moore and C. H. Baker rived here from Omaha Sunday to Fall bridge last week to meet day. attractive the city— ice cream ice cream always right. 49tf M ’ . M the same institutmn, received handle the Prineville business their household goods from Ne- when the mail reaches that placv. Hamilton-Browns, all the latest styles Muslin Underwear . ALL’S. ’ . SHOES Good style. Yes, the best there is. A wearer of a Warner’s does not look uncomfortable. Quite the reverse. She looks as though she really enjoyed wearing her corsets. Even poor dress­ ing cannot conceal the lines that a good corset will give. Warner’s ! Well, it’s the best we know. You may be stout or very slender, but we can fit you with a Warner’s— fit you comfortably, too, with a corset that cannot rust, break or tear. The J. C. Williams residence See the Universal Rnng«*s at on the corner o f 10th and A Jacks«>ns. The quality is high. streets in Elling«»r'8 Addition, The price low. 46tf will lie finished this week. Freight received one «lay in Red­ mond should land in Prineville — Screen d«iors at the Tnm-A- Ladies' calling cards, the lat­ the next. Nothing to it. Sept­ Lum Lumber Co. 49tf est style cards and type, printed ember 1 will see the rails laid to to resemble copi>er plate print at the Hub City. Mr. Slocum says. Ranchers and farmers are very- The Spokesman office. much pleased with the w«*ather Coolest and most these days. It is just hot enough Large bundles old newspapers place in our to make the mips grow gotxi. for sale, 10 cents. Empty candy parlor and buckets. 16 cents. endenhall s You can always get fresh bo­ endenhall s logna and weiners at the Pioneer Editor Turner o f the Madras Meat Market, 39tf New goods almost daily at Pioneer, was in Redmond Sunday Jackson's. 46tf The Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. on his way to the Powell Buttes has linn», cement and brick at Prineville Journal: G. M. Slo­ «wintry. their yard. 49tf cum. cashier o f the Redmond Good pure, fresh candies, as­ Ijist w«M»k President W. S. Bank of Commerce, was a busi­ sorted flavors, 26 cts per pound. Rodman «>f the State Rank o f ness visitor Tuesday. He says 49tf endenhall s Redmond, an«! Cashier Bush of that Redmond is gettine ready to 49tf 12* to 50c WARNER’S RUST PROOF CORSETS in the center o f Melrose Park addition to Itedmond is locat«*d the only public Park within the city limits, it covers five acres. Buy a "Motor Waaher” for the home. There is nothing better. If you are going to build see Jackson sells them. 4tJtf the Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. for your building material. They Mr. Smith. representing the have a complete stock and you pa[ier house o f Blake. McFall & will not hi* held up for lack of Co., Portland, was here last material. 49tf week selling gixxls to the merch­ This section o f the county look­ ants. ed pretty gissl to the visiting We give the ln*at of service. the railroad officials nnd newspaper l>est the market affortla. and em­ men last week. ploy white help only at the Oreg­ Cascade Creamery Butter—the on Cafe. George 1.. Wheeler, liest mude can he bought at the proprietor. 89tf Pioneer Meat Market. 39tf Two vacant corner» on E street between Hotel and Depot l(M)x The contractor expects to have 100, also two comers. 60x100 the new annex to the Hotel Red­ same location. Jones (.and Com­ mond complete«! by July 1st pany for terms. Peter Schüttler Wagons, the Many Redmond |x*ople are light running kind. Jackson 4t'.tf raising large numbers of chick­ sells them. ens this year. \S~/ & Yiie strawberry shortcake fes­ tival given by the ladies of the The Oregon Cafe is now o|ien Presbyterian church in Ehret’s «lay and night. Fr«‘sh oysters hall last Wednesday evening in any style at all times. You drew a g«*>d crow«! and a satis­ will like our service. factory sum «if money was secur- 1 Julies, come in and see our ed for the building fund. new line of dress goods in mo­ The Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. hairs, Danish and Poplar cloths, cashmere, voiles, serges, linens, has a large stock of dry lumber of all kinds. 49tf etc., just receive«!. 48-tf Gregory’s Variety Store. The most satisfactory 5 cent cigar in the city the "R. B.” Next Sumiay, the 26th. is You will like them after you Children's Day at the M. E. have smoked one. church. An interesting program kndf nh has been prepare«!. THE STORE OF BETTER VALLES ’ . 49tf G ' V S