Redmond Spokesman Published at the “ Hub City ” of Central Oregon A SUCCESSFUL EFT WAS HELD ee Days’ Racing and a Base Ball (iame List Week Drew Urge At­ tendance— (¡ood Races Are Pulled O f J Tin* 3-day race meet held here laat week Wednesday. Thursday, •Rd Friday. June 14-10, wasasuc- •tasful alTair and much enjoyed by the IjVcra of hurse racing. The banks and must of the busi- Bean houses of the city cloned up la the afternoon during the three p y » o f the races. The at tend­ inee was verv satisfactory. the |Bces good, and the promoters ire well pleased with the success KGDMONI). ( KOOK C O U N TY , OREGON, THURSDAY. JUNK 22. 1011 of the meet. Follow ¡ng is u schedule of the ruces: The entries for the first day for one-fourth mile dash, free for all, were: Psyche, Little Tim and Kessic Green. Psyche was first and Lit- j tie Tim, second. Purse, $100. Second Race, three-eighth mile dash, free for all saddle horses. Entries Sockeye, Ruck and Kill Mailey. Kill Kailey first, Buck second. Purse, $60. Second day, first race, three- eighth mile dash. Entries Kessie Green, Kill Kailey and Kuck Vandervert. Bessie Green first, Kill Kailey second. Purse, $76. Second race, one-half mile. Entries Psyche. John H. and Killiken. Hilliken first, Psyche second. Purse, $75. Third day, first race, one-fourth mile dush. Entries Kill Kailey, Kessie Green and Kuck Vander- vert. Kill Kailey first. Kuck Van­ dervert second. Second race, three eighth mile dash. Entries Killiken, John II. Kill Kailey and Little Tim. Kill Kailey first, John H second. Spokesman for job printing. Reliable HERE IN 5 YEARS C. S. Jackson of the Ore­ gon Journal, on Recent Visit Predicted a Pros­ perous Future for the City of Redmond While here last week Wednes­ day with the Northern Pacific railroad officials who were tour­ ing the central part o f the stiite, C. J. Jackson, publisher o f the Oregon Journal at Portland, was much impressed with Redmond und the agricultural land sur­ rounding the c i t » He said that any man between the age o f 20 and 40 who wanted to (letter his condition should locate on some of the irrigated land in this dis­ trict that there was a fortune in it for him. He compared this section with the Yakima country and said what happened there would lie rejieated here. "Ten years ago,” said Mr. Jackson, "a lot o f us fellows gave the locators on Yakima land the laugh and predicted they would starve to death. Those fellows stuck to the land and to­ day are on Easy street, and are giving us fellows the laugh. "You have the same conditions here that obtain in the Yakima Valley, and with your irrigation and isissibilities for fruit grow­ ing UMTS is BO pOMlhlo chance to lose out. but every op|s>rtunity to win out. For that reason I say that the Redmond District pre­ sents the chance of a lifetime.” When asked what he thought alsiut the future prospects of Redmond Mr. Jackson predicted we would have a city o f 20,000 inside of ten years. "You have the land surrounding you to make a prosperous city, and Redmond is bound to grow into an impor­ tant commercial center." he said. Other members of the railroad party were equally as enthusias­ tic as Mr. Jackson regarding the future of Redmond and this sec­ tion. Merchandise It's very p<*>r economy to buy merchandise so inferior in quality that it does not give you complete satisfaction. It is extravagance to pay more than reliability is worth. There are three classes o f merchandise: The Extravagantly Cheap, the Reliable Standard, and the Extravagantly High Priced. This store specializes on the merchandise that l>elongs to this middle class. And we are sure that in doing your purchasing you will serve your own best interests, and secure complete satisfaction in choosing from these reliable goods. In fact, we guarantee complete satisfaction in every purchase made here. This week we offer a number o f specially priced lots as an added incentive to June business. Itead the list they are Money Savers. SHOES DRY GOODS We have the most COMPLETE STOCK OF SHOES in Central Oregon, and car­ ry such famouK brands as the Gotzian, Packard and John Strootman’s. You will find our Dry Hoods Depart­ ment always Complete. Indian Linens, popular for White Dresses and Waists, in 15-20-25c grades. Ribbons in all widths and shades. You will find our Ladies Muslin and Knit Underwear complete in every detail. A good House Lining at 5V4C per yd. We are selling these Shoes at Very Reasonable Prices You’ll be sorry if you do not get a pair GROCERIES $1.50 PER YEAR Capp’s Clothing I have just received a large shipment o f these celebrated goods in Spring and Summer weights and styles. 1 want you to see this line o f GUARANTEED CLOTHING, for I am certain you will be satisfied with the goods, fit and price. Better come in today. E. L. R A P P “The Head to Foot Clothier." Redmond, Or. HEART DISEASE FINISH GAME Cather Foote of the Lo­ cal Ball Team “ Brings Home the Bacon’’ in the Ninth Inning With a Three Bagger The Bend team are some players themselves, as the score shows. Following is the score by in­ nings: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Red’ md 1 2 2 1 1 0 0 0 1 8 Bend 1 0 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 - - 7 Struck out, by Rodman, 7: by Rheinsdorf, 9. Hits—Redmond 16, Bend 11. Bend Team Beats Redmond Boys The ball game at Bend last Sat­ urday afemoon between the Bend team and the Redmond team was wpn by the former club by a score o f 8 to 5. It was a good game throughout. Prinevelle 12, At the ball game played here Sisters 3 last Thursday afternoon at the driving park between the locals and the Bend team, the score stood 7 to 7 when the Redmond team went to bat in the last half of the 9th. McCauley singled and Catcher Foote, who was next up, picked out a good one and swatted it on the nose for a three bagger, sending Mac in with the winning run. Then the balloon went up and if there had been any cushions in the grand stand they would be sailing in the air yet. Rodman was in the box for the locals and pitched a good game. The Sisters team played ball Sunday afternoon at Prineville with the result that the county seat nine came out winner by a score o f 12 to 3. The Sisters team, it is said, did not play their usual fast game o f ball. New Plats Filed at Prineville The Oregon Trunk Develop­ ment Co. has filed the following plats with the county court: Pi­ oneer Addition to Opal City, Grandview Addition to Bend. Terminal Addition to Culver, Warehouse Addition to Madras. Waterway Addition to Redmond. Our Stock is always complete PANTS Men’s Corduroy Pants. They are good ones. Regular $3.50 and $4.00 kind we are selling at money saving prices. Bear in mind that your dollars have a large purchasing power at our store Gal. can Solid Packed Peaches ...... $ .50 Coal Oil per gal .30 Sugar, 15 lhs. for .................... 1.00 Rice, 16 lhs. for ............................. 1.00 Dry Raspberries, l h ................................. 30 We have just received a shipment of CofFee, a fine grade, that we sell for STATIONERY and BOX WRITING PAPER 2 5 c. per pound i s WHY PAY MORE WHEN YOU CAN BUY FOR LESS AT EHRET BROTHERS DEPARTMENT STORE BRING US YOUR BUTTER AND EGGS We wish to call your attention to the large and complete stock we carry in the above lines. We have an assortment from the two bit kind to the higher priced goods. We can suit your ideas in this stock. NORWOOD & ANDERSON , l